The Justice League was unaware of the outside media frenzy.

Dane hid the yellow light in the crystal. After confirming that the Parallax monster would not come out again, he flew out of the ring world.

As soon as he appeared in the real world, he signaled to Zatanna and Constantine to stop casting spells.

Hal has also recovered at this moment and is looking here with worry.

Dane knew what he was worried about and threw the green light ring in his hand directly to Hal.

After he took the ring, he couldn't wait to put it on. The familiar energy returned to his body again, and he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"This is the right feeling~"

The energy of will quickly dispelled the remaining yellow energy on his body, and also dispelled the faint fear that was aroused in his heart.

Dane reminded him:"The Parallax monster is now sealed in your ring. Recently, Do not use the power of the green light on a large scale during this time"

"It's best to go back to Oa Star first and recharge the ring with some energy to suppress it better."

When he said this, he saw Hal's expression was a little strange, so he asked politely,"What's wrong?""Zero One Three" Hal thought for a while and decided to tell the story about Sinestro.

Although it was a bit disgraceful, he did not hide what he saw and heard.

He told about his time on the planet Koruga. However, several people present knew that he was being used after only hearing a few words from him.

Batman said bluntly:"You should be used by the Koruga Resistance!" Hal was a little unhappy when he heard this. He was full of pure sympathy for the Koruga people in his heart. He couldn't help but retort:

"I saw everything there with my own eyes. Sinestro's high-pressure rule has almost made it impossible for them to survive! How can you say they are taking advantage of me?"

"If telling the truth counts, then I would rather be used by them!"

Batman just shook his head when he heard these words.

Seeing that the two of them seemed to be quarreling, Dane first held Hal down and then said:

"Calm down, Hal. Batman didn't admit that what Sinestro did was right, he just reminded you that you were being used."

"Mr. Davis, do you think so?"Hal felt unbelievable.

It can be seen from this that the status of the alliance members in his heart is ranked

"Did you go to Koruga on your own, or did Sinestro invite you?"

"Of course he invited it."

They had just met each other not long ago, and Hal wanted to go to her home planet after he had eaten enough.

But after blurting out a sentence at this time, Hal was stunned for a moment.

Yes, it was Sinestro who invited me. Yes!

Then he deliberately put the blame for his crime into his own hands?

No matter how you think about it, you know that he can never be so mentally retarded!

Seeing Hal start to think, Dane continued:

"I think that when Sinestro invited you to visit his home planet, he must have been very confident that you would be amazed by it, otherwise he would not have exposed himself."

"No normal world can be absolutely dark, and of course there is no absolutely bright and flawless country."

"If Sinestro dares to invite you to see it, then he must be very confident that under his governance, the order of Koruga is better than that of other planets."

"But why is it that all you see is Koruga's suffering and embarrassment?"

This kind of processing method must be familiar to people on earth. It uses the filter of the underworld, a generalized narrative method, and the cooperation of some local people who live extremely miserable lives.

A hell on earth in the civilized world is born.

But in fact , this is definitely not what Sinestro wants to show Hal.

You can say that Sinestro is authoritarian, tyrannical, and even ruthless.

But you can never say that he is a useless tyrant in power.

At this time, Hal thought After a while, he discovered that when he first arrived at Koruga, it was actually a beautiful place.

The buildings were very high-tech in the style he imagined, and the planning was very reasonable, taking into account both practicality and humanism.

Then he thought that most of the pedestrians on the street were gentle and polite, and the transportation was in order, and no one broke the rules and affected others.

At the time, he only felt that this kind of life was very depressing, but after Dane's story, he realized that It is actually difficult to make the entire city become so polite and disciplined.

And it is undeniable that under Sinestro's high-pressure rule, the crime rate on Koruga is really low, which is enough to prove that he spent a lot of money. A lot of thought.

And it is impossible for a tyrant who just wants to enslave the people to go to such lengths to reduce the crime rate to this level. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Therefore, he was obviously Hostile forces that did not agree with Sinestro's way of ruling were used by him in order to let him drive Sinestro away or capture him back to Oa.

As long as Sinestro was deprived of his Green Lantern identity by Oa, He also lost the greatest legitimacy to rule Koruga.

The most important thing is that after losing the green light ring, he will become a mortal.

A mortal Sinestro is nothing to be afraid of. He has no ability to maintain his high pressure. Policy.

Hal was stunned. He thought he was involved in a royal story in which justice defeated evil.

Unexpectedly, the world of adults was so dirty, and this turned out to be a political conspiracy!

And he, a Green Lantern, became A pawn of a group of interstellar politicians.

He vaguely recalled the situation when he served in the Air Force. At that time, he also suffered similar persecution before resolutely choosing to retire.

In the universe, he actually had to face the same situation. Is there a problem?

Hal felt a little numb.

He couldn't help but said:"I, did I do something wrong?"

"No, you're right, but you should think more about the way you do things."

When Dane heard what he said about Sinestro suddenly disappearing in front of him, he was thinking, how did he escape?

Similar events also happened in the comics, but in the comics Sinestro was hacked. Er teamed up with the rest of the Green Lantern Corps to capture him...........

Then I don’t know what happened to the little blue people, and they actually chose to exile Sinestro to the planet Corvad, thus allowing him to come into contact with the Yellow Lantern Ring.....Um?

Thinking of this, Dane had a guess. Could it be that Sinestro escaped into the antimatter universe?

The planet Kovad is located in the antimatter universe. If he had had other intentions early on, he might have secretly colluded with the weapons master.

The fact is as Dane guessed, Sinestro was indeed rescued by the Kovads, and he is now in the antimatter universe.

At this time, he was standing with the weapons master, observing the heated scene in front of him:

"How long will it take to complete? The weapons master turned back to look at him, his eyes meaningful:"You seem to be in a hurry?""

Sinestro grabbed his arm tightly and gritted his teeth:

"Of course, I want to go back and kill those damn betrayers, and the Green Lantern!"

"I heard you lost to a Green Lantern Corps recruit? Sinestro glanced at him sideways:"But I still have enough reputation, and I still have a large number of followers in the Green Lantern Corps.""

The weapons master lowered his head:"This is natural."

"The title"The Greatest Green Lantern" is sometimes very useful. Otherwise, the Weapon Master would not make people go to great lengths to save him. Moreover, he looked in the direction of the golden obelisk. The Fear Lantern Ring was not what ordinary people thought. A ring that can be controlled.

Whenever most people wear it, their souls will be gnawed by fear energy and become a monster that hunts fear everywhere.

If you want to form 4.5 and build a real legion like the Guardians of the Universe, Huang The Lantern Corps must have its own spiritual leader.

This leader must be able to control fear and become the master above it, and Sinestro is the yellow lantern leader that the weapons master is looking for.

Moreover, a Green Lantern, in the end Becoming the leader of the Yellow Lantern Corps is quite darkly humorous, isn't it?

The weapons master couldn't help but imagine the surprised and horrified looks of the guardians on Oa.

But he didn't notice that beside him, Sinestro gave him a sardonic smile, exactly the same as when he laughed at the Guardians.

He was also an old conspirator, how could he not know what the weapons master was planning?

But he didn't care, Sinestro firmly believed in himself Able to control yellow light energy.

Just like Hal's sudden burst of willpower at the end, Sinestro is the chosen one in adapting to yellow light energy.

"What a bullshit Yellow Lantern Corps. From now on, I will only control one Corps."

"It's called the Sinestro Corps!".

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