【"I didn't expect something like this to be unearthed in the Adirondack Mountains."

Looking at the still shiny skin of the male corpse through the night vision goggles, Professor Jimmy was shocked by the strangeness of the corpse, but also felt a burst of joy.

Because he knew very well that excavating such a corpse with research value would cause a sensation in the archaeological community, and would also bring him countless fame and fortune.

"Professor, this is completely different from the burial method of the Indians. It seems that we have excavated relics from an even more ancient period!"

At this time, after some observation, a staff member couldn't help but excitedly tell about his discovery.

But another staff member next to him seemed very uneasy. For some reason, he always felt a sense of fear when looking at the corpse in the sarcophagus.

"Professor, this......There shouldn't be anything written on the lid of this coffin saying that anyone who touches it without permission will be cursed, right?"

"Monty, we have already touched and opened the sarcophagus, and no curse has been triggered, so stop saying these foolish words.

Professor Jimmy replied unhappily, then clapped his hands and ordered

"Okay, don't just stand there in a daze. Next, we will split into two groups. One group will be responsible for photographing the mysterious runes in the ruins, and then organize the data and send it back to the laboratory so that Dr. Stacy can translate these runes as soon as possible."

"As for the other group, they are now starting to sort out the remains and burial objects in the sarcophagus, and will try to sort the items tonight."

"Yes, Professor!"

As the conversation ended, everyone in the ruins started working again.

However, none of them noticed that the corpse in the sarcophagus moved its fingers a few times when they returned to work.】

"Well, I have guessed what the subsequent plot will be like."

In the cliff villa, Tony stopped optimizing the Iron Man suit and watched this episode of the future video with Pepper on the open-air balcony.

When he saw the light screen playing this part, he subconsciously made a joke. He was often invited to participate in movie premieres and could fully imagine how tragic the end of this archaeological team would be.

However, despite the jokes, Tony did not forget the purpose of watching the light screen this time.

Therefore, he quickly turned to look at Jarvis, who was recording and analyzing the content of the light screen, and asked if it had analyzed any information.

"Jarvis, any catch?"

"Sir, based on the analysis of the equipment used by the archaeological team in the video, it is currently determined that the timeline of the future video played by the light screen this time is approximately between 2016 and 2017."

"If I remember correctly, the Chitauri invasion happened in 2012......."

Pepper raised her eyebrows in surprise and said uncertainly,"The timeline of this future video is between 2016 and 2017. Doesn't that indirectly mean that we won the final victory in the battle against the Chitauri army?"

"If this is true, then this will be the best news I have heard in a while."

Tony drank the wine in the glass and muttered in an impatient tone:"I hope the light screen is not playing a future clip from a parallel universe this time."

The light screen is like this. It only needs to play these future clips from different parallel universes as usual, and Tony Stark needs to consider more things.

After all, long before this, the light screen had played several future clips that were confirmed to be happening in parallel universes.

In this case, Tony dared not immediately assert that the video played this time was happening in their universe.

"Tony, don't put too much pressure on yourself."

Pepper knew how much pressure Tony had been under during this period, and quickly comforted him:"It is still three years before the Chitauri invasion. Maybe we can find other solutions during this period."

"I hope so."

Tony didn't want Pepper to worry about his situation any more, so he replied in a relaxed manner, and then stopped talking about this topic and turned his attention back to the light curtain in the air.

【John F. Kennedy International Airport

"Last June, when I was traveling in Annapurna Mountain in Nepal, I was trapped in a small cave due to a mountain accident. I was really scared at the time because I had very little water and food left, and I had no idea whether I could survive until the rescue came."

In the empty parking lot, an Asian man in a brown coat squatted on the ground, looking at the crying little boy in front of him who was separated from his parents, and gesticulating and talking about some things in the past, trying to comfort the child in this way.

"However, the child of the local guide who was trapped in the cave with me at that time stood up to encourage me. He smiled and told me that the hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage, and as a human being, we must not be defeated by difficulties."

"With his encouragement, we survived countless dark nights in the cave with the little food left and successfully waited for the arrival of the rescue team."

"So, even though you may feel scared when you get separated from your parents, you should not lose your courage and cry all the time, because your parents and the police officers must be looking for you anxiously too!"


Obviously, the words said by the Asian youth did not work.

On the contrary, in the face of his comfort, the little boy cried even louder.

Seeing this, the Asian youth could not help scratching his cheek, and then patted his head as if he remembered something, took out a few small balls from his backpack and performed the juggling he had learned in college.

Suddenly, the little boy's attention was attracted by the performance in front of him, and even the original sobbing stopped unconsciously, and then slowly smiled.】

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