American Entertainment 1982

Written at the end of volume three

Volume 3 is finally done, and it's... quite different from the volume 3 I conceived in the original outline.

The biggest difference is that in the outline, there are actually a lot of stupid campus and fraternity plots. In fact, this volume should also be an absurd school comedy. There are many stories about shit and shit, but the big problem is that I wrote them out It seems that it is not funny, it is very imaginary, and it is in a state of vanity, which may be related to the fact that I have not studied in college and cannot really understand those behaviors.

So in order to avoid a sharp drop in subscriptions, it finally became what it is now, increasing commercial confrontation, reducing campus plots, and even reducing all plots that may cause unnecessary troubles. Many readers may have noticed that more often it is described with dialogue lines, Instead of detailing behavior.

The style of this volume is probably influenced by Quentin Tarantino and Martin Scorsese. These two film directors are also my favorites. Of course, Quentin has been filming "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood". I don't like it that much anymore. I liked the previous "Django" and "The Hateful Eight".

Martin Scorsese's "The Wolf of Wall Street" has more influence on this volume, because I basically watched this movie about ten times after this volume was written, not all because of Margot Robbie , many of Tommy's behaviors are derived from this movie.

Regarding the fourth volume, the editor’s suggestion when opening the book is to be on the safe side, and try to control the story’s direction in the business, and the entertainment industry is a relatively safe direction, and the chance of being 404 is very low.

So in the fourth volume, I will try to describe Meiyu. I have never written about Meiyu. I checked the information on Hollywood before, and it seems that there is nothing worthy of my awe. A male celebrity is a pimp, and a female celebrity is called to Vanity Fair part-time. That's all.

No matter how Oscar or other lofty artistic words are used to describe Hollywood, it cannot conceal its dirty essence.

The protagonist will not become an actor or director by himself, and go to Hollywood to make movies, so there is a high probability that my Meiyu will wear the skin of the entertainment industry and continue to be a story of a capitalist who convinces people with virtue.

And the starting point is not movies, but TV. Of course, there will be some plots in the film industry, but they will not be filming or receiving awards. The protagonist is more willing to focus on business wars and saving female stars.

As we all know, Tommy is not greedy for vanity. He really loves film and television art to join this industry. Since he loves art, his opponent must be capitalists who exploit movie stars for profit.

In fact, normally speaking, it should not be delayed until now to end this volume. When the verdict comes out, a new volume could have been opened. The main reason why it has been delayed until now, or even fast-forwarded to graduation, is... The next volume was originally not entertainment, and the editor suggested that I write about Meiyu. After all, the first book cannot be 404 anyway.

So I need to adjust the direction of the story. For example, let Tony and Dennis live the life that the protagonist imagined before, and the protagonist will focus on being a capitalist, rooting in California, and helping California realize the four modernizations as soon as possible.

That's all, thank you for watching, this book is currently 15,000 subscriptions, it is my best book, of course, I only have this book.

This achievement is inseparable from your support, thank you again for your support.

Welcome to the new volume of White Ghost, it's a good story, and Tommy can't wait to teach them a lesson.

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