American fame and fortune

Chapter 135 The future is ruined

In the hospital, in the ward.

Vogel woke up, the right leg bitten by the rattlesnake was swollen and swollen, the skin near the wound was festered, and it turned light brown below the knee.

This leg seemed to no longer belong to him, and it was difficult to move it.

His whole body felt unspeakably uncomfortable, life would be worse than death.

"Uh...huh..." Vogel's heavy panting alarmed the people next to him.

Pinto, the agent who came overnight, took a look at him and called the doctor.

The doctor came in, examined him carefully, and said, "He's not in danger."

Vogel on the hospital bed was relieved. He was bitten and suspected that he would die.

"Fortunately, I didn't think about killing Martin Davis." He was temporarily speechless, and could only murmur in his heart: "Fortunately, someone cleared the poison sac of the rattlesnake in advance."

The doctor signaled Pinto to come out with him, and some things were not suitable to be said in front of the patient.

Pinto came out of the ward and asked: "How long will it take him to recover? I mean healed and able to work normally."

"Two months at the earliest? Maybe three to four months. These are not necessarily the same. Everyone's physique is different." The doctor adjusted his glasses and said seriously: "It was a tiger rattlesnake that is common in the United States and western Mexico, and it is also a rattlesnake in North America. The most venomous rattlesnake, he is lucky, that snake has very little venom in its venom sac, otherwise..."

The doctor pointed to the sky.

Pinto pays attention to efficiency: "Doctor, please tell me the specific situation."

The doctor picked up the medical record and took a look: "When the patient was sent to the hospital, a small piece of skin and muscle near the wound was festered, but the nerve fibers were destroyed. After the injury recovered, a large scar would be left. He walks normally."

Pinto got the point: "Is he going to be a cripple?"

"Almost." The doctor didn't finish his sentence: "The toxin can also damage the kidney function of a person. According to our examination, the patient is very likely to have renal dysfunction in the future."

Pinto asked, "Can't be a man?"

"If you're unlucky..." The doctor made a gesture: "It will probably be like what you said."

Pinto nodded: "I understand, when can I return to the United States for treatment?"

The doctor said: "It's best to observe for two days, in case the wound festers and causes sepsis, it will be troublesome."

"Thank you, doctor." Pinto took out his mobile phone, looked for the number of Vogel's family, and informed his family of the situation.

He didn't enter the ward, but sat on the bench by the door, thinking about the follow-up with the thinking of a broker.

Negotiate with the crew on how to deal with the aftermath. If the negotiation fails, notify the actors' union, and the actors' union will start the investigation process.

These are the jobs of brokers,

As for the back...

Once the legs and feet are inconvenient, it is too difficult to become popular, so I can only be a special actor.

Footsteps came from the corridor, Pinto saw Brad, the producer of the crew, and went to shake hands: "How did this happen?"

Brad gestured to a bench by the wall and asked him to sit down and talk: "We're sorry this happened."

"It's not about regret," Pinto said.

Brad said: "Vogel's injuries are complicated and he will not be able to recover in the short term. I have asked the crew to start the withdrawal process and will pay him the full $80,000 in salary."

"That's it?" Pinto was very dissatisfied, but he would not tear himself apart with a well-known producer in the industry for a potential actor, and his tone was calm: "The doctor said that his recovery from the injury is not optimistic, and the sequelae may be accompanied by lifelong."

Brad was business-like: "This is his personal behavior when he was drunk. Two young men were drunk and insisted on a duel with a poisonous snake. One was a little brainy and timid, and he retreated and ran away. Where is Vogel? You have to challenge the poisonous snake and get bitten."

He emphatically emphasized: "One more thing, everyone present can prove that it was Vogel's proposal to challenge the poisonous snake, and it was also the crew vehicle he called, which forced people to go."

Pinto said: "The crew brought people to Mexico, and now they are accidentally injured..."

Brad raised his hand to interrupt him: "The crew paid full insurance for Vogel. We have notified the insurance company, and the insurance company will initiate an insurance investigation. Let's wait for the insurance company's investigation results."

"Yes." No agent is willing to offend the producer. Pinto explained in advance: "If an actor has an accident, I will routinely notify the union. The actors union may send someone over."

Brad is no longer as strong as before: "I understand."

The Screen Actors Guild hadn't left yet, but investigators from the Fireman's Fund Insurance Company had arrived in Cabo San Lucas.

After Pohl took his assistant to investigate and inquire in many ways, he had a separate chat with Brad and Pinto.

His report was submitted, and the matter of compensation was decided by the superior.

According to the rules, Ball needs to routinely notify related parties, especially actors.

"The incident is very clear, and all origins come from Mr. Vogel." Pohl said directly to Pinto: "The Fireman Fund will refuse to provide insurance for Mr. Vogel on any set from now on."

"Is your decision too hasty?" Pinto asked.

"I'm just routinely notifying the company of the decision based on the investigation," Ball said.

Pinto realized that Vogel had no future.

The Fireman Fund occupies more than 80% of the market share in various Hollywood studios, and refuses to provide insurance for an actor, and the crew will never use an actor without insurance.

Although there is still room for other operations, which crew is willing to spend more for actors who do not have strong market appeal, there are too many substitutes.

Helping Vogel pick up his family, Pinto had business to do in Los Angeles and left Cabo San Lucas directly.


For the crew of "The Mountain Has Eyes", Martin gave a routine explanation to the crew about the incident itself.

There were many witnesses that day, and Blake Lively took the initiative to testify. From asking Martin to fight for a drink, to proposing a duel with the poisonous snake, Vogel proposed it all on his own initiative.

Thomas came over from Los Angeles to visit the class and asked about Martin's condition.

At this stage, he has the same interests as Martin.

In the hotel bar, Thomas ordered two cups of paper airplanes and said to Martin, "This is Louise Meyer's masterpiece. I didn't expect her to be a master bartender."

Martin picked it up and took a sip slowly. The taste of the wine mixed by each bartender is different.

Bruce glanced at Martin. He and Kelly Gray were the first to see paper airplanes. In order to win the opportunity, Martin traded all these things that could not be patented for money.

Martin put down his glass and opened P appropriately: "You came too late, everything is over."

Thomas had a hint of guilt. He was absent at the critical moment and almost made a big mistake. He said, "I have other clients and I have too much work."

Martin said directly: "Anyone else has my prospects?"

Thomas put it another way: "You need free space, and you definitely don't like me following around all day." He then swore and swore: "My other clients are definitely not of the same type as you, and I will never sign with you again. type of customers."

Martin clinked glasses with him lightly: "Don't forget, we are golden partners."

Thomas took a sip of his wine: "Fortunately, you are fine."

But Martin said: "The two crews, everyone knows that I am a softie, and there are many people talking about it in private."

"You're a smart man, and smart people don't care about these things." Thinking of Martin's age, Thomas still reminded: "Don't do unnecessary things for the existence of those around you who can only be used as stepping stones, because no matter what you do, they will always be there." Hope you're fucked."

He said directly: "This time it was not an accident. It turned out that Vogel had a higher priority. As soon as you surpassed him, he invited you to a duel with the poisonous snake. There is obviously a problem."

Martin revealed something appropriately: "So, I didn't have an accident."

Thomas realized what he meant: "I said, if there's any trash in our way, we're going to fuck him down!"

Martin laughed, but said no more.

Thomas took a red-eye flight back to Los Angeles that night.

On the way back to the room, Bruce handed Martin a newspaper: "Take a look, it's very interesting."

Martin found that the prominent position of the newspaper published pictures of Paris and Kardashian.

Bruce reminded: "Recently, Kim has frequently appeared in media interviews as Paris's agent, and gossip magazines have started to compare her with Paris."

Martin asked, "Is she going to mess up again?"

"I just got in touch with her," Bruce said.

Martin said, "You're the one doing it."

"It has nothing to do with me." Bruce said, "It's Jin who really wants to make trouble. I just use her to practice."


Paris and Kardashian had a heated argument at a Santa Monica home in Los Angeles.

A few months ago, Paris's driver's license was revoked for dangerous driving. Because of her ability to pay money, the accompanying 45-day prison sentence was only residential surveillance.

Seeing the little girl carrying the bag in the past frequently appearing in the media under her banner, Paris finally broke out.

It didn't take much for Kim to piss Paris off again.

The latter picked up the car keys, angrily drove into the newly purchased luxury car, left the residential surveillance area, and rushed onto the road.

Kim didn't even call the police when Paris' car was stopped by two LAPD patrol cars.

Paris crashed directly into one of the patrol cars.

Four LAPD surrounded her car.

The paparazzi and freelance journalists who had been waiting for a long time swarmed up and frantically filmed outside.

They finally got the big news.

The princess of the Hilton family went out without authorization during the residential surveillance period and drove a vehicle without a license. This time she should go to jail for a while, right?

The car of the famous girl carrying bags was parked not far behind, she took out her mobile phone, and called an editor-in-chief of "Vanity Fair" magazine: "Paris had an accident again, this time it was a big mess, you want to know more about Is it about her? I can be interviewed."

In the past few months, Jin has gained considerable popularity by virtue of the effect of eating Paris: "I have exclusive material, don't you plan to offer a good price? I also contacted the American rumors..."

Paris' reputation became even bigger, and at the same time, the reputation of a person named Kardashian gradually spread throughout the United States.

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