American fame and fortune

Chapter 205 Honorary Citizen and Medal of Freedom

Burbank Middle School, front entrance.

LAPD's alert has been lifted, and since dawn in the morning, people from Los Angeles have come to lay flowers to mourn the victims.

A very ordinary Volkswagen car was parked on the side of the road. Martin got out of the car with a bunch of flowers in his hands. He walked to the gate of the campus with a heavy face, took off his sunglasses, and placed the flowers in the mourning area.

Like other people who presented flowers at the same time, I mourned for a moment in the direction of the campus.

Many people around looked at him one after another, and many recognized Martin.

An old woman with white hair walked towards Martin with open arms, and Martin embraced her gently.

"My child, don't be too sad, you have done a good job." The old woman comforted Martin: "May God bless each of us."

Martin was separated from the old woman, his face was grave, his eyes were red, and he seemed still immersed in grief.

Others came over one after another, or shook hands with Martin, or hugged Martin, and sent words of comfort.

"You did your best."

"Son, you are a hero."

"Nobody can do it better than you."

Martin remained silent, as if he was about to be overwhelmed by heavy pain.

This kind of flower mourning place is of course indispensable for media reporters, who recorded everything that happened with their cameras.

A reporter came to interview, but Martin politely declined.

Martin walks to the car, leaving a back view for the camera.

This figure is slightly stooped, and seems to be carrying the weight of the entire Los Angeles.

The Volkswagen drove away, and many Yu Ji and paparazzi followed.

Soon, the car stopped in front of a well-known psychological clinic, and Martin, accompanied by his agent Thomas, entered the clinic.

"No matter how strong a man is, there are times when he is weak." A female reporter said to her assistant, "I hope there will be no problems with his psychology."

After taking the photo, the slightly obscene assistant guessed maliciously: "He couldn't have faked this, did he? In fact, he has nothing to do, because he is very happy because of his fame."

The female reporter said: "He saved 16 people! No matter what you say, it can't change this fact."

Of course, there was nothing wrong with Martin's psychology. Thomas was worried and asked him to see a psychiatrist. Considering his actual needs, he just chatted with the psychiatrist casually.

Thomas received a call, waited for Martin to get in the car, and said, "The company just received a call from Coca-Cola headquarters. Coca-Cola wants to invite you to be the spokesperson for North America."

Bruce, who was driving, couldn't help laughing: "The God of Coke!"

"It's okay to talk about it, but don't make it public immediately." Making the news public now will give the public the illusion of eating human blood. Martin warned: "What I do is high-profile enough, and I should be a little more low-key."

Thomas understood Martin's meaning: "The negotiation is not so fast. It is only a preliminary contact now. It will take some time to negotiate. I will accompany you to Atlanta to shoot a movie in a few days. I just went to negotiate with Coca-Cola."

Of course, Martin would not refuse Coca-Cola. With the current posture of the Coca-Cola God, no matter what, it would cost a seven-figure endorsement fee.

It is said that he is the hero of Los Angeles, and the hero of Los Angeles does not even have a house in Los Angeles.

Bruce checked the time, turned on the car radio,

The Xiaobu classmate from the White House will give a televised speech on the Burbank Middle School incident at 10:30 in the morning.


Washington, White House Press Room.

Facing the camera, Xiaobu expressed his grief, saying that many families had experienced the worst nightmare yesterday, and the national flag was flown at half-mast in mourning, promising that the authorities would take more effective measures to protect the safety of the campus, teachers and students, and so on.

When a reporter asked about the issue of gun control, Xiaobu said directly: "Actually, what I can do is not as much as Martin Davis can do. He can knock down the gunman and save 16 people. Prayers and mourning, nothing can be done."

Another reporter said: "Sorrows and prayers don't stop a bullet."

Xiaobu found the best shield: "Martin Davis prevented the tragedy from expanding." He forcibly changed the subject: "I am very pleased to see that a hero like Martin Davis has stood up. He is a young man. Man, who represents the hope of America, I recommend awarding him the Presidential Medal of Freedom!"

This is the highest civilian honor in the United States and is awarded annually by the President.

The reporters' attention immediately turned to Martin Davis, and they stopped asking difficult and meaningless questions about gun control.

After the press conference, the White House forwarded Martin's information to the Distinguished Civilian Service Committee, who nominated a list of candidates, and finally Xiaobu made a decision.


In a villa in Los Angeles, Julie fell into thought after watching the live TV news.

The Presidential Medal of Freedom is almost the highest federal honor that civilians can get. Xiao Bu dared to say it at the press conference, not just to catch Martin's enthusiasm, but to really intend to do so.

After all, it is a medal approved by the President.

Julie was a little greedy, how good she could get this thing, and how well it fit the route she was going to take, to create style outside of the movie.

How many actors in Hollywood have received this honor?

Looking back carefully, Julie can only remember two people, one is Audrey Hepburn, and the other is the black actor Sidney Poitier.

The phone next to him rang, and Brad Pitt called.

"Hi, tonight? Is your wife not here?" Julie still stared at the TV, and the TV news once again showed the scene of Martin's heroic rescue yesterday. An excuse: "I have a very important script discussion tonight, and I don't have time to go on a date, so let's talk about it another day."

Pete on the other side was very disappointed, but not reluctant.

Julie put down her cell phone, picked up the remote control and switched channels. Martin's name and image could be seen on almost every news channel.

As long as there is no particularly big event, Martin and Burbank Middle School will still occupy a prominent position in the hot news in the next few days.

Julie watched the scene of Martin smashing the gangster with a Coke bottle in the news video, picked up the phone unconsciously, dialed Martin's number, waited for the connection there, and said with a smile: "Mr. Martin, I am you Angie, my student, do you have time today? I have a lot of questions to ask you."

Martin's itinerary is full today, and he declined politely: "I'm sorry, Angie, I'm very busy today. Once yesterday's incident happened, there are a lot of troubles to deal with."

"It's okay." Julie said with a smile: "Wait until you have time."

Someone was talking over there, so I hung up the phone first.

Julie glanced at the phone and put it on the sofa, Martin's heat will not be able to catch it for a while.

Originally, she wanted to take advantage of Martin's enthusiasm to ignite herself by the way.

Julie stood up, went to the window, took the newspaper, and saw Martin.

Martin everywhere.

Julie calmed down and told herself not to worry, "Wanted Warrant" was about to start filming, and as a student, she had plenty of time to ask Mr. Martin for advice.


Two days later, Los Angeles City Hall.

The Presidential Medal of Freedom has not yet been determined, and even if it is finalized, it will have to wait until Independence Day to be awarded.

But the honor bestowed by the city of Los Angeles was quickly determined.

In order to control the direction of public opinion, the Los Angeles City Hall and the City Council awarded Martin himself as quickly as possible.

Martin, accompanied by Thomas, attended the memorial service in Town Hall Square.

McLean, the LAPD's public relations specialist, has been by Martin's side.

Before the official start of the event, Martin and McLean were on the side of the rostrum and accepted interviews from TV stations including the Los Angeles Times, Warner TV, CNN and NBC.

After being silent for three consecutive days, Martin finally spoke a few words and gave an assist to LAPD.

His voice is very soft and hoarse, and when he hears it, it is reminiscent of excessive sadness: "I have always wanted to express my gratitude to LAPD, but in the past few days I have had some mental problems and cannot speak and communicate with people."

Many reporters present had seen Martin go to a psychiatrist.

Martin said: "With the help of the doctor, I gradually recovered, and I was finally able to say thank you to the LAPD. My companion and I were once trapped at the corner of the corridor by the gunman. At the most critical moment, it was the LAPD who rescued us."

McClain, who was following him, answered immediately: "No, it was Martin who saved 16 people, subdued two gunmen, and cooperated with LAPD to kill the last gunman. LAPD should thank Martin!"

As for the tragedy or something, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that Martin and LAPD all have credit.

The memorial service began soon. After the audience mourned in silence, Los Angeles Mayor Villaraigosa spoke on stage: "For the past three days, the entire Los Angeles has been immersed in grief..."

He, blah blah, said something, and then wiped his tears as he spoke later.

The top movie stars are all in the political world.

Grief was not the theme of the event, as Villaraigosa added: "We must not forget every victim, every injured person, every person and family who have been traumatized, or those who have helped Los Angeles. Martin- Davis, an ordinary actor, an ordinary young man, stood up bravely at the gunpoint of gangsters and saved 16 people, he is a hero, a hero of Los Angeles."

The mayor looked up, facing the sun, as if seeing hope: "In that dark time, Martin Davis was like the sun! Los Angeles will always remember Martin Davis, and I honor him on behalf of Los Angeles Citizen title!"

Villaraigosa: "Please Martin Davis!"

McLean gave Martin a push, and Martin stepped onto the rostrum to receive the golden key from Antonio, a symbol of honorary citizenship.

There was warm applause from the whole square.

The public saw the video and knew what Martin had done, and they trusted their eyes.

Holding the golden key, Martin came to the microphone given by Villaraigosa, and what he said was: "Sorry, I tried my best..."

Before finishing a sentence, the person was already in tears: "I... sorry, I can't continue..."

At this point, Martin turned around and walked off the stage.

There was silence in the square at first, and then someone shouted: "Martin, you are doing well!"

"You should be proud!"

The sound was instantly drowned out by the applause, and the warm applause lasted for several minutes.

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