American fame and fortune

Chapter 255 Winner Takes All

On Friday, just after get off work time, Ted cleaned up his desk casually, put on his bag and ran out.

The colleague who likes to rub his Coke caught up with him: "In such a hurry?"

Ted said: "I worked overtime last night and didn't go to see the early show. If I don't go to see the arrest warrant today, I can explode on the spot."

The colleague took out a bottle of Coke with Martin's image on it and handed it to Ted: "Let's go together."

The elevator room was full of people. Ted looked at the time and said, "It's only the sixth floor. Let's take the stairs."

The two turned into the safe passage, and there was no need to go far after going downstairs. This is the business district of Manhattan, and there is a theater a few hundred meters away.

As soon as Ted entered the front hall, he found that there were a lot of people today, and dozens of people lined up at the ticket office.

Colleagues hurriedly dragged him to join them.

There was another long line next to it, and several girls came at the same time, and the brown-black hair among them asked, "What are we looking at?"

The blond girl said: "Look at the handsome guy!" She pointed to the wanted poster: "Handsome guy plus beautiful woman, I'll choose this one!"

The shortest girl answered, "Wanted warrant? I remember reading the reviews, and it was very good. The online newspapers said that this movie is very good."

A boy nearby spoke up: "That's right! This film is super beautiful and has a very good reputation."

Although the girls didn't talk to each other, they decided to buy tickets for this movie.

What's more, there are promotions.

For each video, a small bottle of Coca-Cola will be presented.

This also affects the choices of some people.

A large poster hung in the theater: "Look at the wanted poster, Martin Davis invites you to drink Coca-Cola!"

After buying the tickets, Ted took the free Coke and raised his hand at Martin's poster.

Colleagues around said: "May the world have Coca-Cola."

Meanwhile, Atlanta, at an AMC theater in the Northville neighborhood.

Elena, Lily, and Hall entered the theater together.

They were a little late because they had to wait for Hall to finish his homework.

The attendance rate of the movie hall is relatively high, so I can only choose a relatively rear seat.

Hall opened the Coke, poured it into his stomach in one gulp, and focused his eyes on the Coke in the hands of his sisters.

Elena threw him a bottle: "If you don't want to become fat, drink less."

Lily didn't speak, but concentrated on counting heads.

Listening to the young lady muttering, Hall asked, "What are you doing?"

"You idiot, don't bother me!" Lily was almost interrupted, playing on the fine tradition of the Carter family, raised her fist to threaten Hall, and continued to count heads.

A dozen more heads were counted, and when the film was about to be screened, dozens of people came roaring in from outside.

These people wore uniform red T-shirts, obviously members of the Coke God.

Lily's rhythm was disrupted, she simply stopped counting, flattened her mouth, and said in her heart that I want to be a saint!

Hall gloated: "I can't count it!"

Lily raised her fist, just like her sister did to her, and thumped on Hall's head: "Idiot, shut your stinky mouth!"

Hall had a sad face, but he had been suppressed since he was a child, and could do nothing but shut up obediently.

Elena said at this time: "No need to count, judging by the attendance rate of this theater, the box office will definitely not be bad."

"Big sale!" Lily clasped her hands together: "It must be a big sell!"

Elena took Lily's bottle of Coke, opened it and took a sip. Compared with Lily, she was much calmer. This movie will definitely sell well.

On Friday, as a large number of viewers entered the theater to watch the movie, the number of people who rated it reached the required number, and the IMDB score of the arrest warrant was officially unblocked, with the average user score reaching 8.2 points.

As for how much of it belongs to operation, even the outsourced navy company can't tell.

CS cinema audiences facing the first-tier market scored the top, and the overall evaluation of the most wanted warrant was A!

This means that the film has a good commercial index.


Los Angeles, Sherman Oaks.

The sun had just risen on Saturday, and Blake, wearing shorts and a T-shirt and flip-flops, went to the door to open the mailbox, took a pile of newspapers and walked back.

She flipped through the newspaper while walking, and found the statistics page of "Hollywood Report". Seeing the North American box office figures on it, she threw off her long legs, walked quickly along the sidewalk by the pool, and walked towards the villa.

As soon as he entered the door, before he saw Martin, Black yelled excitedly: "The wanted warrant is on sale! My dear, the wanted warrant is on sale!"

Martin walked into the dining room from the kitchen with a porcelain plate, and it was Bruce who was cooking behind him.

Lao Bu fried the eggs, turned around and asked, "Did the box office exceed 20 million on the first day?"

Martin looked at Black expectantly.

The latter nodded again and again, and smiled, his face seemed to be a real eighteen-year-old: "21.67 million US dollars! Yesterday's box office champion!"

"What good news!" Martin put down his plate and walked towards the wine cabinet: "We must have a drink to celebrate!"

Blake has long wanted to drink: "We must have a drink to celebrate!"

Martin poured three glasses of champagne, and when Bruce took off his apron, he said, "Guys, here's to our success!"

Blake leaned over and kissed Martin before clinking glasses with Martin: "Honey, congratulations!"

She clinked glasses with Lao Bu again, and the three drank together.

After drinking, Blake was a little excited, put down the glass and newspaper, jumped directly on Martin, and asked for a kiss.

Bruce was dissatisfied: "Hey, hey, talk about civilization and principles, don't feed people dog food when you have breakfast."

Martin hugged Blake to the seat and said, "Dinner, let's go out and hang out together after eating."

This weekend, his publicity task is to take Blake to all kinds of waves in crowded places in Los Angeles.

Black's new film has also been officially approved and needs a lot of exposure.

After breakfast, the two got into the Escalade driven by Bruce and went straight to Rodeo Drive to go shopping.

Without Bruce making a special call, a group of paparazzi followed automatically.

Martin was so used to it that he didn't care.

Blake seems to be born to live under the spotlight. The more paparazzi there are, the more excited she is, frequently showing the love between female fans and male gods.

At the corner of the street, the paparazzi Jody couldn't help spitting after taking a picture of Blake feeding Martin ice cream mouth to mouth.

"A man and a woman who don't know how to restrain themselves, they will definitely die once the love period is over!" She was fed so much today that she wanted to vomit: "Which of the stars who hype love and marriage can end safely?"

Another paparazzi nearby couldn't take it anymore, and said: "How sweet it is now, and how hateful it will be when they fall out in the future. I wish them to change from lovers to enemies!"

Several paparazzi echoed: "I also wish!"

"Bless them together!"

On the other side of the road, Martin seemed to have noticed something, turned his head, waved warmly and friendlyly at the paparazzi, then turned his head and kissed Blake, and there was another burst of passionate entanglement.

The arrest warrant was sold out, and he was hugging a young and beautiful girl, how could he be worthy of the jobs of the paparazzi entertainment reporters if he didn't show it off?

It's a winner takes all fame game!

The paparazzi scolded the dogs and men secretly, but they faithfully raised their cameras to take pictures of the handsome couple.

Martin's cell phone rang at this moment, and it was Sofia who connected.

The female King Kong's words are very direct: "Did we succeed again?"

Martin said: "North America can't be less than $50 million in the first week!"

Sophia laughed: "I have set a new record! Now, I want to celebrate."

Martin asked, "How are you going to celebrate?"

Sophia said: "That old man Nicholson is nice, do me a favor, ask him out, and I'll buy him a drink."

Martin could roughly guess what she wanted to do. Considering the safety of people's lives, he reminded: "The old man is almost seventy years old, and he will die!"

He didn't give Sophia a chance to ask again: "I have something to do here temporarily, let's talk about it another day."

In the hotel, Sophia was not angry when she heard the busy tone from the receiver.

She is in a good mood today, because the arrest warrant for investment is a big sell!

After all these years of hard work, Sophia can see very clearly that nothing is more real than money.

Scott walked over with his legs crossed and asked, "Isn't that old man coming?"

"For Martin's sake, let him go." Sophia stopped thinking about these things, and dialed the number in Atlanta: "Vincent, it's me, have you seen the latest box office statistics? Martin's movie is big again Sell, what do you think?"

Vincent didn't think about it at all, and said directly: "Of course we must continue to invest. Does he have any new film projects?"

Sophia said: "It should be. I asked him the day before yesterday. It seems to be the type of thriller, suspense and action. It is similar to this wanted warrant."

Vincent added: "Facts have proved that Martin is trustworthy and worth investing in. You can make the decision over there."

"Well, continue to invest in the new movie project starring Martin." Sophia hung up the phone, feeling better and better, especially wanting to exercise.

She walked towards the fitness room attached to the suite, and looked back at Scott: "Come here."

Scott obediently followed, he was used to what happened next.

Except for the need to endure, Sofia covered everything for food, clothing, housing and transportation, and there was no less than five figures of pocket money every month. For a person of his age and no skills, where could he find such a job?

As early as more than a year ago, Scott chose to lie flat, and it was very comfortable to lie down, and occasionally he could buy some gifts for his children.

Compared to his wife Emma who ran away with someone who disappeared, Scott considered himself a qualified father.

Soon, the man's cry came from the fitness room. There was no pain, but joy.

On Friday, the R-rated rating of "Wanted" could not stop the enthusiasm of North American audiences. The film beat "Jarhead" directed by Sam Mendes and won the North American box office championship of the day with 21.67 million US dollars.

On the Saturday rest day, the attendance rate of the film increased slightly, and it received another US$24.21 million in North America!

"Jarhead" and "Chicken Story", which were released at the same time, were all firmly pressed and rubbed by wanted warrants, and it was impossible to turn over and overtake.

Although the box office of all released movies will decline on Sunday, Wanted still leads the way, and finally won the first North American box office champion in November with a box office of 68.55 million US dollars!

This also created a new high for Martin and Jolie's acting career.

Send it at the third watch, ask for a monthly ticket!

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