American fame and fortune

Chapter 291 The Oscar Presenter

Behind the long bar in the living room of the villa, Louise made a glass of expansion screw for Martin and placed it in front of him.

Martin picked it up, took a sip, and said, "The skill has improved a lot."

"It's not as good as the wine you made." Louise raised her long eyebrows: "I still remember the penicillin you mixed for me in Atlanta. It tasted so wonderful that it cured the soul of an alcoholic."

Martin understood what was being said, and turned behind the bar, picked up a brand new shaker, and mixed a glass of penicillin.

Louise picked it up, took a sip, the wine swam through every taste bud, arousing people's nerves, as if something exploded in her mouth.

She slowly closed her eyes, felt it carefully, and said, "The expansion and spicyness are like a giant stuffed in suddenly, but the next moment it becomes round, mellow and sweet, and the expansion and impact are as exciting as before!"

Martin picked up his glass and clinked glasses with Louise: "As long as you like it."

Louise leaned on the bar and said, "Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor, with your current fame and influence, the quality of the role and the film is guaranteed, and you are willing to invest resources in it. There is still a chance."

She asked, "I asked you to bring the address books of those people, have you taken them?"

Martin opened his bag, took out his address book, and handed it to Louise.

The records here are all the contact information left by the parents of the people he rescued during the Burbank Middle School incident.

Louise looked through it carefully, circled two people, and pointed to Martin one by one: "This person was promoted to the deputy editor-in-chief of the "Hollywood Report" at the end of last year. This newspaper has the most influence in the industry. You ask Thomas to contact him. .”

Then said the next one: "This is the senior executive of the Screen Actors Guild, the main member of the Screen Actors Guild Awards Nomination Committee, he has the power to recommend actor nominations, that is, he can put your name on the big list, and then the nomination committee will vote to determine the nomination or not."

Burbank Middle School is the top private middle school in California. The families of the students are not ordinary, and its location also determines that it is closely related to the media and entertainment industry.

Following Louise's words, Martin asked: "Is it directly related to the Oscar nomination?"

"Closely related." Louise said: "The core members of the union are basically members of the Film Academy, that is, the Oscar judges. If you get nominated by the Screen Actors Guild, the chances of getting an Oscar nomination are much higher."

Louise circled a few more people: "These are also people in the industry, so don't use them for now. It's your first time to win an award, and the crew doesn't focus on your role. The chance of winning is very low. This kind of favor is useless once. It’s time to wait until the critical moment.”

Louise was more experienced in this matter, and Martin took her advice.

On the Pacific Films side, they will also mobilize their connections appropriately, and will nominate Martin for that time.

Martin toasted to Louise again: "With your guidance, the fog on the road ahead has cleared up, and suddenly the light is clear."

Feeling the impact of penicillin in her mouth, Louise said after a while, "Then stay with me tonight."

Martin glanced at his watch: "There are still two and a half hours before dinner time, you can play to your heart's content, and I will accompany you to the end."

Louise tilted her head and looked at Martin: "Girlfriend?"

"Blake is very cheerful and doesn't ask too much from me." Martin raised his glass again: "When she is in Los Angeles, just don't stay out at night."

Louise jumped onto the bar.

The penicillin that can cure alcoholism is gone, and the penicillin that can cure the soul must be tasted.

Her body temperature suddenly rose, and she needed antipyretic injections.

At about five o'clock, Martin drove out of the gate of Louise's house and saw Elizabeth Olsen again.

She was leading the dog down from the park on the hill.

Martin is very stubborn now, not very interested in sweet girls and beautiful girls, and there is a long distance between the two sides, so he drove away directly.

"Potatoes, it seems to be Martin's car." Elizabeth said to the golden retriever, "Didn't he see us?"

The golden retriever barked a few times.

Elizabeth led the dog, crossed the road and entered the house.

The two sisters have returned.

Mary Olsen beckoned her over and asked, "Liz, do you really want to enter the entertainment industry?"

Elizabeth thought of that Blake Lively, and replied, "I want to be a star too."

"It's not an easy road," said Mary.

Ashley Olsen, on the contrary: "It's much less difficult than entering an unfamiliar industry."

The descendants of Hollywood practitioners are still working in Hollywood or surrounding industries, because the previous generation has laid a certain foundation.

Mary was not very old, but she also understood this truth, and said, "That's fine."

Elizabeth immediately asked: "Have you found a suitable role?"

"You are a rookie with no experience." Mary reminded, "It's not so easy."

Elizabeth said: "I have starred in two films in the 1990s. I have been the most important member of the school theater troupe these years, and I participate in the performances of the Coty Community Theater Troupe at least twice a year..."

Mary shattered her fantasy: "Things are not as simple as you think, your sisters are not capable of taking you to the sky."

Ashley came over with a few job postings and put them in front of Mary.

Mary said, "These are advertising contracts, jobs I can get you."

"Okay, I will work hard." Elizabeth has the fantasy of a girl at this age, but she has also seen the reality and cruelty of the world. She took those job advertisements and looked carefully.

It's all advertising contracts.

The first was an ad for a makeup brand, then Green Arrow gum...

When it came to the third copy, Elizabeth picked it up and read every word carefully.

Coca-Cola's advertising recruitment, recruiting a model or actress under the age of 20, who will play the role of the saint next to the leader of the Coca-Cola God, requires a beautiful appearance and a contagious smile...

Elizabeth asked: "Mary, the saint of this ad, is she starring with the leader?"

"That's right, Coca-Cola's annual advertisement this year." Ashley knew more, and took over the words: "The role of the saint in this advertisement is to star with Martin Davis."

Elizabeth thought about last year. Without Martin, she would have died in Burbank Middle School 99% like those victims.

At that time, she seemed to be in hell, and Martin was the only light.

If someone asked Elizabeth if she believed in light, she would definitely say I believe in light.

Although it has faded a bit now, the scene at that time is still engraved in my mind.

Elizabeth picked out the Coca-Cola job ad and said, "Sister, help me get this job, will you?"

Mary took it over, glanced at it and said, "It should be fine."

Elizabeth smiled very sweetly, and kissed each of the two sisters' faces: "I love you!"

Ashley laughed: "If I can't get it, will I hate you?"

"Let's go, Tudou, help me rehearse the play." Elizabeth called the golden retriever upstairs, and waved to her sisters: "I will love you forever."


On the way back to the Coty community, Martin called Thomas and sent him the contact information of the two people, and he had to deal with the details.

Brokers are good at making relationships.

The 78th Academy Awards has not yet started, and Martin is already preparing for the next Oscar.

The crew of "The Departed" also kicked off the prelude to the awards ahead of schedule, securing the chance for Leonardo, Nicholson and Martin to be on the red carpet of this year's Oscars.

Among them, Jack Nicholson will serve as the best picture presenter.

With the operation of WMA and the award ceremony advertising sponsor Coca-Cola, Martin will not only be able to walk on the red carpet, but will also serve as the award presenter for the best documentary.

As for Leonardo, there is no need at all, as long as he stands on the red carpet, he will be the focus of the audience.

Martin went to the Oscars red carpet and was able to bring a female companion.

Must be public girlfriend Blake Lively.

With a week until the awards ceremony, Blake has a strict diet plan.

Martin took a rough look, measured Blake's body inch by inch, and said, "It's good enough, there's no need to torture yourself like this."

Blake came to the full-length mirror and carefully looked at the blonde beauty inside. Her figure was so good that it exploded, but she was still not satisfied: "It's not perfect yet."

Martin pointed to the schedule: "You will have a hard time in the coming week."

Black said: "I consulted a professional nutritionist and fitness division. She is a consultant for many big-name stars. After Charlize Theron won the best actress, she lost weight strictly according to her menu and exercise plan. Moreover, I am young and have a fast metabolism, and the amount of menu is double that of women who are nearly 30 years old."

Martin knew that actresses were all lunatics in pursuit of their figure.

With this menu, Blake only eats two meals a day, two hard-boiled eggs for each meal, a few almonds for breakfast, and some vitamin supplements for dinner.

Do not drink water on the day of the award ceremony to avoid water swelling and protruding belly.

Martin used to walk on the red carpet, so he would pay a little attention to his diet that day.

Black reassured: "I'm still young, it's fine, don't worry, I won't take too extreme measures."

She paused for a while, and then said: "There are also some people who use a more exaggerated method for the award ceremony, called intravenous injection. They take in the necessary vitamins through intravenous injection, and do not eat at all during this preparation period..."

"Redness is temporary, but health is forever." Martin specifically said: "Honey, promise me, no matter what happens in the future, don't use those overly extreme methods."

Blake nodded: "I will remember."

Martin glanced at his watch: "Let's go, let's go see the dress."

Black said: "I don't have a sponsor brand for the time being, just rent a dress."

"The rental effect is not good, and it can't show your beauty." Martin led her out: "The top-level ladies' dresses are disposable items, and you can't take them off once you put them on."

Jewelry can be rented, but if the dress is not sponsored, it is better to buy it.

Don't worry about Martin himself, Armani has contacted WMA and will provide him with men's dresses.

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