American fame and fortune

Chapter 416 If you are poor, you will think about changes.

"It's a beautiful house, Martin, and you have a really good eye for it."

Standing on the highest terrace of the villa, Nicholson took off his sunglasses and looked around: "Whenever we move, we must hold a grand party and invite less than 50 supermodels. You can jump right out of here."

Martin pretended not to hear the last sentence and said: "The interior needs to be renovated. The plan has just been finalized. The move will not be until summer anyway."

Instead, he remembered the first sentence: "Jack, you have good taste, you can tell that I have extraordinary taste."

Leonardo next to him couldn't stand listening anymore: "I remember this house was newly built by Pete, right? I'm very curious, why is Pete willing to sell you the house at a low price?"

"Because Pete and I are good friends," Martin said.

Leonardo felt that something was not right and asked, "Does Peter know that this house fell into your hands?"

Martin waved his hand: "Don't worry about these trivial details."

"I understand." Leonardo began to think of bad ideas: "Aren't you going to tell Peter? He doesn't know. If I don't thank you properly, don't you feel that something is missing? This matter is incomplete!"

Nicholson patted Martin on the shoulder: "How can you do good deeds without leaving your name?" He took out his mobile phone and dialed his daughter's number: "Lorraine, bring your camera and come to the North District of Sunset Boulevard. You are not short of pocket money. Money? Shoot some videos and sell them to TMZ for money."

Martin looked at these two scammers and said, "You are really my good brothers!"

He didn't mean to stop, and he didn't care.

"Who is the neighbor? Let's say hello." Nicholson pointed to the left and right and said, "I have a rocket launcher and special fireworks in my car. If you say hello, the neighbor will definitely remember you deeply."

Martin quickly said: "I haven't found out who the neighbor is yet, so don't mess around. Not everyone can mess around like you and Warren Beatty."

But Nicholson said: "Man, if it's a beautiful neighbor, you've hit the jackpot."

Leonardo answered: "Martin's grand prize is not a beautiful neighbor, but a beautiful neighbor who is married and has a husband."

Not long after, Lorraine drove into the courtyard, listened to her father's words, took a DV and filmed everywhere, called the TMZ reporter, and rushed over to sell the video.

Martin Davis' new home is somewhat newsworthy.

Nicholson greeted: "Let's go to the nightclub. It's time to wash up. I made an appointment with Warren Beatty and Scorsese."

Martin got into Leonardo's car and rushed to the night club together.

After waiting for a while, Scorsese and Warren Beatty also arrived.

A few people went backstage to select people and entered the VIP private room to enjoy the facial cleanser service.

As the facial cleanser rolled over his old face, Scorsese felt hale and hearty. He suddenly looked more than ten years younger and felt like he was good again. He said, "I have been resting for more than a year. I am really bored. I am ready to make a new movie."

Martin joked, "Are you going to earn money for milk powder?"

But Nicholson told a cruel fact: "Alimony."

Martin knew about this, and the first four marriages gave Scorsese a huge impetus for artistic creation.

Warren Beatty, who was in the academy, said, "They're not going to give you another Oscar for Best Director."

"It doesn't matter, one is enough." Scorsese solved his Oscar complex and stopped dwelling on it. He looked at Leonardo and said, "Give me the schedule from the second half of this year to the first half of next year."

Leonardo responded without thinking: "I'll be there when you call."

Nicholson asked Martin: "What about you, what are you going to do?"

Martin's answer was simple and direct: "Of course it's about making money, a shootout action movie."

Leonardo said: “Only when you have enough money can you have enough capital to pursue art.”

Warren Beatty agrees: “It’s hard to get artistic recognition without money.”

Although he didn't say it clearly, several people knew that he was talking about the Oscar statuette.

Martin asked: "Do I have a good chance of getting nominated this time?"

"You are among the five nominees announced by the Screen Actors Guild for Best Actor." Warren Beatty said directly: "If you don't get the nomination, you can throw all the fireworks in Jack's house at my house. .”

Martin and the others laughed.

Warren Beatty reminded: "You don't have to think about winning the award. Ninety percent of this Best Actor award is Daniel Day-Lewis."

Afterwards, five people came to the second round of facial cleanser.

When walking, one is more energetic than the other.

Martin also learned about Scorsese's next project, called "Shutter Island."

Leonardo found a new investor from Asia who could easily solve the production financing problem.

Martin kept his boundaries and had no thoughts of mixing in from beginning to end.


In New York, Lily got out of the elevator, took out the key, and opened the door to the luxury apartment.

She has never lived in such a house.

When the Carter family was in poverty, they also had an independent dilapidated wooden house in the Clayton community.

Lily put on her shoes and walked through the entrance hall into the living room. The house had never been lived in before and everything was brand new.

She came to the huge floor-to-ceiling window in the living room, overlooking the entire Central Park.

"Pete's vision for buying a house is really good." Lily admired him very much: "Much better than Martin."

But then I thought about it, Martin didn't have to have good eyesight, he just had to keep an eye on Peter, and he would gain something.

In the final analysis, Martin is still great.

Lily decided to live here tonight, in a large luxury apartment more than 300 meters away, and she would be the first one to move in.

Two streets away, in an apartment that was nearly half the size, Peter lay alone in bed, unable to sleep all night.

Lacking enough cash to pay compensation and legal fees, he had to sell fixed assets at low prices one after another to raise funds.

Peter felt a financial crisis, and it was difficult for him to enjoy life with only one house.

It is almost impossible for Hollywood to go back to the past. He has been kicked out of the board of directors of Plan B. It is not known when the corresponding dividends will be withheld by Jennifer Aniston, and it may be delayed until he resorts to law.

When he was receiving a salary of US$20 million, Pitt felt that money was just a number to him.

Encountering these bad things, the economic crisis caused almost all the liquid funds he invested in Fannie Mae to be wiped out, and he was constantly attacked by public opinion led by women led by Mi Tu.

Pete really felt how difficult it was to make money.

He stayed up all night, analyzing what other capital he could use to make money.

Naturally, Pete thought about his fame.

Even if he stinks, he is still a celebrity.

Even a so-called socialite like Kim Kardashian can sell tens of millions of dollars for a video. If it were him, he would definitely earn more.

Pete just had an idea for now.


Beverly Hills, press room at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

The Oscar Nominees Luncheon is underway.

Academy President Sidney Ganis and the famous Hollywood sweetheart Jessica Alba hosted this luncheon.

Martin sat at the same table as Kate and Sam Mendes.

Jessica Alba announced the nominations one by one, and soon came to Best Actor and Actor.

Both Martin and Kate are relatively calm about the nominations, because in most cases the Screen Actors Guild nominations are a replica of the Oscar acting nominations.

Sure enough, along with Jessica Alba's introduction voice, the names of Martin and Kate appeared on the big screen in the press hall.

"The nominees for Best Actor include George Clooney, Daniel Day-Lewis, Martin Davis... The nominees for Best Actress include Kate Winslet, Marion Cotillard, and Ellen Page …”

Cheers continued to come from the surroundings, especially the table next door where the "Juno" crew was sitting, celebrating the loudest.

It is indeed worth celebrating that small-budget films can achieve both artistic and commercial success.

Martin stood up and opened his arms: "Congratulations, Kate."

"Congratulations to you too, Martin." Kate hugged Martin.

It's just a nomination after all.

Sam Mendes then received a nomination for Best Director.

"The Reader" received six Oscar nominations for best picture, best director, best actor or actress, best adapted screenplay and best cinematography.

The nominees took a group photo, with Ellen Page standing in front of Martin.

The latter turned around to see him and said hello quickly: "Hello, Martin, congratulations on your nomination for Best Actor."

Martin responded with a smile: "Congratulations to you too, you played a very good role."

Ellen Page looked surprised: "Really? Have you seen it?"

Martin had never seen the film she acted in, so he changed the topic slightly: "What I like the most is your performance in Phantom Cat and Fruit Candy, especially Fruit Candy, which is so impressive."

Ellen Page added: "I like your performance very much and hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with you."

When the photo session began, Martin said no more and took photos with hundreds of people.

In addition to being nominated for an Oscar, he will continue to present awards.

Stimulated by the good news from the Oscars, "The Reader", which had been experiencing a rapid decline in North American screenings, has returned to its glory days and enjoyed a box office boom.

On the weekend after the nomination luncheon, the film expanded its screening scale to 1,457 theaters in North America and maintained it for two weekends. It collected another US$8.74 million in North America, and the North American box office total reached US$68.11 million.

The final North American box office will definitely exceed 70 million US dollars, but that's it. The type of the film determines that the North American box office cannot exceed 100 million US dollars.

It is also a subject related to the Nazis and the Holocaust. In terms of entertainment, "The Reader" is far worse than "Schindler's List", and it does not even have the happy ending that North American audiences like.

In addition, the film has been released in Germany and the United Kingdom. Thanks to the story background and the appeal of the actors, the combined box office of the two countries has exceeded 10 million US dollars.

Other overseas markets will also be released gradually.

After the Oscars, it’s a carnival moment in the DVD market.

Martin was preparing for the Oscars, and Louise, who had gone to New York to work on "John Wick", rushed back to Los Angeles and brought back new sponsors.

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