American fame and fortune

Chapter 440 Interpretation with life

As soon as the helicopter entered Los Angeles, Bruce poked Martin with his finger and pointed outside the window.

Martin held the sound-isolating headset with one hand and turned to look over there. In the distance, a helicopter marked with TV followed him, flying with him at a safe distance. People and cameras could still be faintly seen.

This is exactly the kind of media treatment only a superstar can get!

Of course, it may be that Nolan prepared it in advance, after all, now he wants to build a big enough momentum.

Martin's helicopter flew to Beverly Hills and landed on the tarmac of his newly purchased estate.

Thomas, who was waiting here, immediately asked Martin to get in the car, and Bruce drove straight to the psychology clinic on Sunset Boulevard, with the helicopter in the sky following him.

In front of the psychological clinic, more than 20 entertainment paparazzi who had already received the news were waiting here.

Ivan broke the news before the helicopter took off from San Diego.

Several male staff members at the clinic maintained a channel. When Bruce's Cadillac arrived, they immediately blocked the crowd of reporters and allowed Martin to enter the clinic immediately.

The doorway was flooded with camera flashes.

In the office on the third floor facing the street, the largest partner of the clinic was laughing so hard that he could not open his mouth from ear to ear. Is there any better way to promote it than this?

Hollywood stars are under too much pressure, and they are all high-quality customers!

The partner picked up the phone, dialed the number of Martin's exclusive doctor, waited for the call, and said: "Laura, no matter what Martin asks, you have to accept it, understand? Even if he asks you to do a striptease to relax, You have to cooperate too!”

"But..." He hesitated.

"That's it!" The partner hung up the phone directly.

In the consultation room downstairs, Laura saw Martin coming in and said, "Sit down wherever you want. How can I help you?"

Martin pointed to the cabinet behind her: "Where's my blanket?"

Laura opened the cabinet and took out a blanket for Martin: “You don’t need psychological counseling?”

Martin came to Changfa and lay down, and said: "Unless you are willing to help me form an army of beauties to march into Washington, capture the White House, and dissolve the American Federation."

Seeing that Martin didn't do anything excessive, Laura felt relieved and said with a smile: "Aren't you the leader of the Coke Cult? Call on your followers to accompany you."

Martin said nonsense: "We need a saint who can brainwash people."

Laura was very curious: "In addition to brainwashing, does the saint do anything else?"

Martin said casually: "I don't mind if you want to do something else."

"What about the salary of the saint?" Laura was very curious. In fact, if the salary was high enough, it would not be impossible to consider changing careers.

After all, it's just a career, just making money.

Martin laughed: "Of course it's free. You have to understand one thing. The Saint is engaged in the great cause of disbanding the United States. It should not be measured by money. Many people are even willing to give up all their family property to join in this great cause.”

Laura shrugged: "Your brainwashing level is very poor and you lack allure."

"That's why I need a professional like you." Martin stopped talking nonsense and covered himself with a blanket to sleep.

Laura sat back on the diagnosis and treatment table, took out a book, and started reading slowly.

Forty minutes later, Martin woke up from a light sleep, folded a blanket and handed it to Laura, then went to the attached bathroom, washed briefly, and prepared to leave.

Laura suddenly said: “Remember to come on time every week.”

Martin responded: "No problem."

The phone on the table rang, and the partner asked Laura to go to the reception room.

Martin has already coordinated with the crew of The Dark Knight to have Thomas hold a press conference about him, and Laura will attend as his psychiatrist.

Because Martin was generous and paid enough, Laura accepted the offer without much thought.

The next morning, Thomas held a press conference on behalf of Martin in the Warner Building Press Room.

Laura, who was wearing a black suit, was somewhat lacking in confidence when facing many media cameras, but she still had the basic psychological qualities, and she only needed to introduce Martin's "condition."

According to Laura's introduction, Martin's situation is not particularly serious, but it cannot be ignored and must be resolved as soon as possible.

Thomas announced on behalf of Martin that Martin would not accept new roles or make new movies for the remainder of 2008.

In the second half of the year, Martin will participate in the post-production of "Benjamin" and "John Wick" and discuss new projects and new roles with Nolan. There is also a lot of work to do.

The North American premiere of The Dark Knight is getting closer and closer, and Warner Bros. and the crew are trying every means to create momentum and attract the attention of passers-by.

In order to promote The Dark Knight, Warner Bros. designed nearly 30 websites related to the plot of the movie, covering all aspects of the police station, railway companies, taxi companies, banks, churches, newspapers, TV stations, etc. in Gotham City where the movie takes place.

Even on the Gotham City TV website set up by Warner, netizens can also see a series of programs produced around major movie characters such as Batman and the Joker, which are as realistic as running a real TV channel.

Martin talks to Nolan on the phone at least once a day to communicate marketing hype issues in a timely manner.

The quality of The Dark Knight is guaranteed, but there are too many examples of good movies failing and sinking into the dust. Only good movies with good publicity can become big hits.

In order to create a topic, Nolan even tried his best to suck milk.

He even claimed that he did not want to make a sequel to the Batman movie at the earliest, but wanted to make an original police movie, but the plot of the script fascinated him.


Over the weekend, Jack Nicholson sat on time for Warner TV's "The Helen Show."

Helen first became famous for her brave news shooting behind Martin. Later, she used the popularity to create this program, and now its momentum is no worse than that of The Ellen Show.

The two chatted for a while about Nicholson's glorious past, and the topic quickly turned to the trio of bastards, especially Martin.

Helen came with a mission and asked very directly: "Last year, you publicly declared that Martin should not accept the role of the Joker. You had a quarrel in the media, and many people said that you had a falling out?"

"It's normal to have a few quarrels, and it won't lead to a breakdown." Nicholson looked like he was thinking about Martin: "When I said that, I also thought about Martin, because I know Martin, and he takes every role extremely seriously. It’s a lot of work, it’s very deep, and the Joker is dark and crazy, and once you’re in it, it’s hard to get out.”

Play for fun, make trouble for trouble, the boss of the trio can't go wrong.

Nicholson first had to confirm his correctness: "What I said is correct. Martin has a problem now. The hostility between him and Bell has even extended from fantasy to reality... Hey, this fool didn't listen to my advice. ah!"

Helen asked: "Do you think there is something wrong with Martin's role?"

"No, there's nothing wrong with the character. It's even better than I expected!" Nicholson set up a banner of self-correctness and then got to the point: "I specifically went to see the internal preview held by Warner Bros. for "The Dark Knight." , Martin’s clown scared me and made me unforgettable. This clown is real but shocking!”

He didn't need Helen to ask questions and continued: "Martin's performance is absolutely top-notch. I couldn't ask for anything better. Every look, every movement, and even the breathing of the clown he portrays is perfect for the character. There is no trace of it." burden."

Helen appropriately asked: "Is it really that good?"

"Better than I can describe it, because I can't find any better words right now," Nicholson said.

He gestured wildly with his hands, but his expression was extremely serious: "The clown created by Martin will subvert all previous villain images in Hollywood. It will be difficult to surpass, because Martin interprets this character with his life and soul!"

Helen added very cooperatively: "His agent announced that Martin will not take any more roles this year."

"I went to see Martin yesterday." Nicholson sighed: "He really needs a good rest, especially getting out of the role completely. He is in too deep."

He asked, "Have you seen the trailer for The Dark Knight?"

Helen nodded repeatedly: "Yes, it's very special."

Nicholson added: "Do you have a feeling that although Martin's clown makes people shudder, they can't help but fall in love with him. The charm exuded by this character cannot be ignored!"

Helen thought about it carefully: "That's true."

Nicholson mentioned another thing: "I watched the San Diego Comic-Con Martin and Bale, or the fight between the Joker and Batman that continues into reality. Although I am completely on Martin's side, Bale said something that I think is very important. reason."

Helen asked again: "Which sentence?"

Nicholson finally said: "Martin traded his soul to the devil." He only used the first half of Bell's sentence and changed the second half: "In exchange for such a stunning performance!"

After a few routine small interactions, this episode of Helen's show ended.

The show will be broadcast on TV stations and will then be put on several large websites as agreed with the Dark Knight crew so that it can be seen by a wider audience.

Nicholson hadn't even left Warner TV when the calls started coming one after another.

"Hey, old man, is that little guy's role really as good as you say?"

"Better than I said." Nicholson had enjoyed himself in the past two years and didn't mind helping his younger brother: "The Dark Knight will be released soon. Then you can go to the theater and see if I am bragging." .”

As soon as he put down his phone, an old friend called again and asked similar questions.

"I vouch for my forty years as an actor that you're going to see one of the most charismatic movie villains of all time," Nicholson said.

On the way from the TV station to the parking lot, Nicholson answered six phone calls, all from old friends who had seen Helen's show.

Because few people had roles that Nicholson was so touted for, they were all very curious.

Nicholson got into the extended Lincoln, received a call from Martin, and said directly: "Have you seen it? I'm right, right? Boy, you owe me a good show!"

"Watch a small show first." Martin said on the phone: "I have lost something."

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