American fame and fortune

Chapter 453 The Iron Fist of Strike

Warner Studios, Martin and Taylor entered the "John Wick" studio together.

The latter's agent was waiting in the front room.

Martin saw the dog Chad was holding and shouted, "Daisy!"

The dog immediately dragged Chad towards this side. Martin took out a bag of biscuits from his pocket, took out a piece and threw it to Daisy, and introduced to Taylor: "Chad, you know, the director of the show. This is Daisy." West, our animal star."

Daisy finished eating the biscuits and looked at Martin longingly. Martin took out the remaining biscuits and put them all on the ground: "They're all here for you."

Taylor came over and asked, "You like dogs?"

"I only like other people's dogs." Martin felt that some problems would be contagious. He rubbed Daisy's head: "You can use other people's dogs for petting and playing with at any time. It's too troublesome to raise one yourself."

Taylor always felt that there was something wrong with what he said, but he couldn't say it. He followed Martin's words and said: "I have a fold-eared cat named Menedith. I will bring it to you when I have time next time."

After Daisy finished eating the cookies, Chad handed Daisy to his assistant and said, "Let's start working."

The group left the front hall and entered the conference room. Louise, who was the producer, and the crew's scorer also came over.

The crew of "John Wick" signed a contract of intent with Taylor when they were in New York. The latter would compose and sing the theme song specifically for the film, and the remuneration was so low that it was negligible.

Unlike Martin's song, which was inspired by a chicken last night, Taylor has been busy working on movie songs in recent months.

Both she and Big Machine Records knew that this was a good opportunity for self-promotion.

Taylor's new album will also be released next year after the movie is released.

For newly emerging stars, it is a basic lesson to focus on hot topics.

Louise was more in control of the overall situation and did not participate in the specific post-production. She asked Taylor: "Is the song the country style that you are good at?"

Taylor tells the truth: “It’s more of an alternative country style.”

Chad continued: "This song was prepared for the end of the film, and I carefully considered the country style."

He explained in detail: "The male protagonist Jonathan is scarred and exhausted at the end of the film. The video he shot with the heroine inspired his desire for survival, and then the film ends. After the audience has been bombarded with high-density action scenes, they need to relax at the end of the film. , the song I requested is from the heroine’s point of view, with expectations and blessings for the hero.”

Louise nodded slightly.

Martin looked at Taylor: "Is the song ready?"

Taylor nodded: "I finished writing it last month. After coming to Los Angeles, I completed the final arrangement. The song is titled "Safe and Sound."

Martin said directly: "Play the demo tape."

Taylor's manager stood up and handed the recorded demo tape to an assistant, who immediately put it into the music player.

Still the most common acoustic guitar accompaniment in country music, Taylor's vocals were noticeably different from last night.

"I remember the tears flowing down your face. I remember you saying don't leave me alone. But tonight, everything and the threat of death have passed. Open your eyes. The sun is about to rise. , you will be safe and sound, no one can hurt you at this moment, dawn has come, you will be safe and sound..."

When the song ended and the conference room was silent for a moment, Chad looked at Martin and said, "I think it's very suitable for Jonathan to survive after the war."

Martin thought for a moment and said, "Would it be better to have a DV video of Jonathan and the heroine at the end of the film?"

Chad asked: "The warm sunshine after the cold and bloody fight?"

"In your setting, this is the driving force that supports Jonathan's survival." Martin said: "How to use it depends on you."

Chad said: "Your proposal is very good, I will seriously consider it."

Taylor will have no say in the specific use of the song.

Louise didn’t say much, and Chad was responsible for more of the post-production.

After this meeting, it was decided that "Safe and Sound" would be the ending theme of the film.

Martin and Louise enter the producer's office.

He asked: "Has Warner Bros. confirmed the schedule?"

"Two choices." Louise pulled up a chair and sat down: "Either after the Oscars, or in the autumn season in the second half of the year."

Martin thought for a while and said: "Let's choose it after the Oscars. The post-production progress of "Benjamin" is average, and it will definitely be scheduled in the second half of next year. The film must also cooperate with David Fincher to compete for awards."

Louise nodded: "One for each half of the year, which is more beneficial to you."

"It is beneficial to us all." Martin emphasized: "As long as John Wick works well, even if the box office does not explode, offline markets such as DVD can also explode."

Louise said: "The world view of the first part has just unfolded, and the plot and ending have been left open. Are you planning a trilogy?"

Martin had no need to hide it from her: "As long as the first part can stir up buzz, at least the trilogy should be released in two to three years. It can't be too frequent."

But Louise smiled and pushed up her black-rimmed glasses: "To be honest, Martin, I really didn't expect that one day I would have to take the lead in a movie."

Martin went straight to the core: "Dear, because I can help you make money."

He made no secret of it: "When I was in the most difficult time, it was you and Kelly who supported me and saved me from many detours..."

Louise laughed: "You took the shortest road, but the road is rugged and wrinkled."


In the college studio, Lily was sitting on a chair, staring blankly at a piece of white marble.

Martin had called her before. Leonardo wanted a large work carved by her hand, and the price would definitely satisfy her.

Lily immediately found her mentor and applied to purchase a piece of stone.

She hasn't decided yet what to carve specifically.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. After Lily said please come in, one of her followers at the academy ran in.

"Sister, watch the TV news."

"What's the matter?" Lily pointed at the remote control.

The attendant quickly picked it up and opened it, adjusted it to the corresponding TV station, and pointed at it: "Look, is that the person who often buys your sculptures? His name seems to be Casey Affleck, and he is a Hollywood star."

The news had reached the end, and a man dressed as a lawyer accompanied Cassie out of the police station, got into a car, and left.

Lily asked: "What happened to him?"

"He hit a man who was selling him a clown statue. It is said that the victim was seriously injured..." the attendant said quickly.

There was a computer in the studio. Lily opened the browser, entered the TMZ website skillfully, found the relevant news, and read the whole story.

The latest news is that Casey Affleck paid a high bail and temporarily left the police station.

The victim has reported the crime and filed a compensation lawsuit, and Cassie will face a huge compensation claim.

It might not seem like much to others, but Lily always felt something familiar.

That Cassie had evil intentions towards her, and she took the opportunity to sell some worthless hand-training goods to him. She thought that was the end of it.

But Cassie soon ran into trouble.

Lily closed the web page and said, "Let's go for a walk."

The attendant quickly followed Lily out of the studio.

Lily sent the people away, found a deserted place, and called Martin: "Hello, this is Lily."

"I'm very busy and I have something to talk about." Martin's tone over there was as bad as ever.

Lily had long been used to it and said, "I just watched the entertainment news, thank you."

But just as her excitement brewed, an iron fist came from the other side: "Verbal thanks have no real effect. The grass in the front lawn of the new home is growing too fast. Come over tomorrow or the day after tomorrow and mow the lawn." .”

Lily was stunned on the spot, such a big lawn...

Martin asked: "Did you hear that?"

Lily came to her senses. She couldn't just say thank you and throw it away. She said bravely, "I'll go back tomorrow and mow the lawn for you."

Although Martin can sometimes be a pain in the ass, Lily feels that he, like Elena, is a person who truly cares for her.

What happened to Casey Affleck proves this.


In Santa Monica, Cassie entered the lawyer's office accompanied by her lawyer.

Ben Affleck was waiting in the lawyer's office. When he saw Cassie, he asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Cassie spread his hands and said, "He provoked me!"

Big Ben has watched the video: "That person is just selling you a clown statue. If you don't like that bastard Martin, you don't have to buy it. Why do you want to hit someone? And beat him so seriously?"

His voice became louder as he spoke: "More than one person took the video at the scene. The video of you beating someone was posted on TMZ, and the video of you riding the horse was filmed from different angles."

Cassie sat down, rubbed his face, and said, "They deliberately provoked me and framed me!"

"Yes, this is very possible. The problem is that you can't prove it." Daben said angrily: "I asked you to calm down, why don't you listen?"

Cassie lowered her head and didn't want to speak.

Big Ben asked the lawyer: "Evan, what's your opinion?"

"As of now, all the evidence is extremely unfavorable to us." Lawyer Evan said directly: "Once a criminal prosecution is filed, Cassie will be very, very troublesome. I suggest that the victim be dealt with as soon as possible and an out-of-court understanding agreement be signed."

Cassie looked up: "No way!"

Ben pointed at him and said: "Okay, when you go to jail, remember to bring soap. The Latin guys and black guys inside will let you know how to use soap!"

"That bastard wants $3 million in compensation!" Cassie said, "Where can I get $3 million?"

He shook his head repeatedly: "The man said that I broke his nose and left wounds on his face, which would cause severe mental trauma to him in his future life. These are all excuses to ask for more money!"

Ben ignored Cassie and looked at the lawyer instead.

Evan said: "The injury assessment is also very unfavorable to us. There are videos, injuries and witnesses. The suspect is a Hollywood star. With Brad Pitt as a precedent, the victim does not even need to pay anything in the early stage. For the attorney fees, a large number of lawyers will help him fight this lawsuit."

It was impossible for Ben to let his brother go to prison to experience the ten thousand uses of soap, so he said: "Evan, you first contact the other party's lawyer and reach a settlement at the lowest price possible."

"I don't have any money," Cassie said.

Daben takes good care of his younger brother: "I will find a way to raise money."

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