American fame and fortune

Chapter 523 The legendary butter hand

The three bastards drank more and more, and the two bottles of whiskey soon ran out.

Martin hadn't drank so much in a long time, and it was inevitable that he would get drunk: "Come on, keep drinking, you are drinking too slowly."

Nicholson shouted: "Only brothers today, no women, until you get drunk!"

Leonardo went to get the third bottle of wine, opened it and poured it next to each other.

The three of them had another drink. Nicholson burped, patted the table and said, "I originally planned that Gisele would invite us to her pre-wedding party, and Martin and I would do some work in the middle. Let Leo give her a child.”

Martin clapped his hands and laughed: "Perfect plan."

Nicholson said: "But Leo, the idiot, didn't get an invitation to Gisele's bachelorette party!"

Leonardo picked up the glass and clinked it with Martin and Nicholson: "Today we won't mention women, we will just drink to brotherhood!"

Martin took a big sip and said, "Knowing you two bastards, this boring life will be much more interesting."

"For our brotherhood!" Nicholson also drank heavily.

Soon, the two bottles of wine were empty, and the three of them were a little drunk.

Leonardo, who had sworn not to talk about women tonight, suddenly burst into tears and burst into tears: "My Gisele is engaged! She is engaged!"

He was devastated: "I originally thought that when I had enough fun and calmed down, I would go back to find her, but she completely abandoned me and fell into the arms of someone else."

Nicholson hugged Leonardo and comforted him drunkenly: "I know this feeling, and I also understand how you feel. Back then, I specially ordered the same butter used by Marlon Brando from France to prepare for him. I tried it on myself, but as soon as the butter was delivered, Malone went to see God!"

He also started crying, crying as sadly as Leonardo: "I haven't used any butter! Malone, why didn't you wait until I used it..."

Martin suddenly stood up and shouted: "Shut up, you two. What do you look like crying? We are a trio of bastards, the leaders of the Hollywood Face Gang, and the most outstanding troublemakers!"

Needless to say, this shout calmed Nicholson and Leonardo.

Martin picked up the bottle, took two big sips, and said: "The mission of our threesome is destined to break into Washington, capture the White House, and dissolve the American Federation!"

Leonardo cheered loudly: "It's decided, we, the Face Gang trio, will lead the United States to disband!"

Nicholson was drunk and in a daze: "I originally thought about taking butter and going to heaven to find Marlon Brando in a few years. It seems that I will live for a few more years."

Three stupid drunkards started a heated discussion on this topic.

The next morning, after Martin woke up, he came out of the bedroom and found two bastards, Nicholson and Leonardo, still sleeping soundly on the carpet in the living room, without waking them up.

He washed up and originally wanted to leave directly, but suddenly an idea occurred to him. He quickly entered the kitchen of the suite and found a box of butter.

A good brother, of course, let your brother feel the fiery love.

Martin found a stainless steel spoon, pried open the butter box, scooped out some butter with the spoon, spread some butter near Nicholson's crotch, and spread the other part on Leonardo's butt, and put the butter box next to Nicholson's hand.


Martin threw away the spoon and went out alone.

After having breakfast in the restaurant below, Martin and Bruce drove away from the hotel.

Just as Martin walked into Alexandra's small apartment, two shocking howls came from Leonardo's suite upstairs.

The confused Nicholson saw the butter on his crotch and shouted loudly: "Leo, I treat you like a brother, but you secretly fucked me!"

Leonardo was not fully awake yet, so he pulled his pants forward and pointed at the butter on his butt: "Don't slander me, it's obviously you who fucked me! Jack, you've been wanting to use butter for a long time, right? You How dare this bastard covet my beauty!"

"Bah!" Nicholson pointed at Leonardo's butt: "If you don't lose weight, you will become Kim Kardashian!"

The two stared at each other, and suddenly discovered a key problem, Martin was not there!

It was not difficult for Leonardo to figure it out: "It must have been the bastard Martin who did it."

"Nobody else would be that perverted," Nicholson said.

The two looked at each other and reached a tacit understanding: "Look for an opportunity and fuck him!"


Because of the trouble caused by the heavy chest, Alexandra has been practicing yoga and wants to lose some weight.

For its size, a slight reduction will not affect the quality and feel of the facial cleanser at all.

Yesterday I bought the art film Sacred Valley. After returning to the apartment, Alexandra studied it carefully overnight and found that yoga can be applied to the field of art.

But the man cannot be an ordinary person either.

Fortunately, Martin is indeed not an ordinary person, and he can perform many difficult moves effortlessly.

When the apartment became quiet, Alexandra didn't know how long it took before she woke up and said, "Martin, those male artists in the Sacred Valley are far behind you."

Martin was not modest at all: "When we were filming "Zombie Gigolo," Jenna Jameson, who was the supporting actress, wanted to drag me to film with her."

Alexandra had read the gossip about this and had just experienced it firsthand. She sincerely praised: "A person as outstanding as you can become the top even if you go to the Sacred Valley to work hard."

Martin boasted: "Someone once said that I could become the next Locke Silver Emperor."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, a knock-dong-dong sound.

Alexandra was helpless and could only wrap herself up in a blanket. She went over to look through the peephole and saw that it was her sister Catherine. She immediately held her breath and did not want to open the door.

When filming "John Wick", this slut even tried to seduce Martin!

Catherine couldn't wait for a response, so she simply opened her satchel and said, "I know you are inside. If you don't open the door, I will take the key and open the door myself."

Alexandra felt so angry that her chest hurt. After opening the door, she asked, "What are you doing here?"

Seeing her like this, Catherine stretched out her hand to pull the blanket: "Is it vacuum inside?"

Alexandra quickly moved out of the way.

Catherine took the opportunity to get into the door, turned around and closed the door, asking: "Who are you messing with? Is it Martin?"

"Shut up!" Alexandra grabbed her.

Catherine said: "I didn't even open my mouth, why should I close it?" She stared at her sister and sneered: "It's obvious that your mouth is not closed!"

Martin had already dressed, came out of the bedroom, and said hello: "Hello, Catherine."

Seeing that the person inside was indeed Martin, Catherine wanted to jump over, but Alexandra held her tightly.

She could only endure it to avoid scaring people away and said, "Long time no see."

Alexandra said to Catherine: "Sit down."

Catherine sat down helplessly.

Martin went to the bathroom.

Catherine lowered her voice: "You would rather take advantage of those sexy bitches than consider your own sister."

"Are you saying what a normal person should say?" Alexandra's voice was also very low, and she said directly: "You are only 17 years old, he will not look at you seriously."

Catherine grew up in an unusual family, and he understood the meaning of her words as soon as he heard it: "Then I will wait until I am 18."

Martin came out of the bathroom at this time and said, "It's almost noon, let's go have lunch together?"

Catherine responded immediately: "Okay."

Alexandra went to get dressed and put on makeup, and dragged Catherine away forcefully.

Martin roughly understood what she was thinking, and thought that she underestimated his character. He was not Bruce's kind of person.

The three of them went out and found a restaurant nearby.

When the food was served, Alexandra thought about how the heroine in "A Nightmare on Elm Street" should speak to Martin.

Martin has learned a lot of advanced experience from Leonardo and has some understanding of Alexandra's recent developments.

Before she could speak, she said, "You have worked with Wes Craven once. How did it feel?"

Alexandra nodded quickly: "Very good, Wes takes good care of me on the set and said that I am also a member of the Face Gang and cannot allow me to be wronged on the set."

Martin smiled and said: "He is the first leader of our Face Gang. He also founded the Face Gang tradition of facial cleanser. With your excellent conditions, you are very suitable to be the heroine of a horror film."

In traditional American horror movies, the heroine must have a certain appearance, preferably with big breasts, buttocks and long legs.

Alexandra pursed her lips, feeling a little excited inside, thinking that Martin was really a good person.

She has been in the acting circle for a long time. Although she has not experienced it, she has heard many people talk about it. Many big stars, directors and producers often put their pants up and don't recognize people.

Martin said: "Wes Craven is preparing for 'A Nightmare on Elm Street'. I remember that the first protagonist is a woman, and I will contact him later."

After all, there is a basis for cooperation in "Magic House".

Alexandra thought for a while and said, "If it's too difficult, forget it."

Martin smiled and shook his head: "I will ask about the project led by the old gang leader now."

He checked the time, took out his cell phone, and called Wes Craven on the spot. After a brief exchange of pleasantries, he started talking about "A Nightmare on Elm Street" and Alexandra.

Wes Craven thought about it for a moment and then agreed.

Alexandra kept looking at Martin, her ice blue eyes were particularly bright, like a husky who was extremely attached to its master and wanted to play various games with him.

She thought for a moment and realized that she was only 23 years old now and still had a lot of time to use. She could be bound to Martin before she was thirty.

And Martin is not that mean bastard. She can leave at any time if she wants to.

After dinner, Alexandra drove Catherine away and took Martin back to the apartment.

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