American fame and fortune

Chapter 561 The younger brother passing the knife

Early in the morning, Aniston was at her villa in Beverly Hills.

Since the distance was not far, Martin came over quietly and had breakfast together.

Julie came too, earlier and faster than him,

When Martin walked into the restaurant, the table was piled with newspapers, and a laptop was open next to it, playing Harvey Weinstein-related news.

Aniston looked up at Martin and said, "You can sit down wherever you want and wait for us for a while."

Julie said: “Let’s read today’s major newspapers first.

"Don't worry, just take your time and read." Martin took out a few newspapers that they had read and started browsing them quickly.

Mainstream newspapers, including the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post and the New York Times, the three major newspapers in North America, all published the news of Harvey's invasion in important front-page positions.

Warner's "Variety" and "Entertainment Weekly" also published special issues.

"This matter is also widely reported in Europe." Aniston has obviously understood it: "European media will not give Harvey face."

Julie said: "No matter how influential Harvey is, there will be dozens or hundreds of reports in so many media outlets across the United States, not to mention that he himself has lost contact."

She looked at Martin and asked, "You're not going to throw him into the Pacific Ocean, are you?"

"How is that possible?" Martin is an upright person and obeys the law: "He was violently assaulted yesterday and beat his wife, Georgina Chapman, who called the police. The LAPD temporarily detained him on the grounds of violent injury."

Aniston asked: "Coming out today?"

Martin shook his head: "No. In the early hours of yesterday morning, the three victims, accompanied by female rights lawyer Camille, entered the police station to call the police. Currently, the LAPD has legitimate reasons to deny Harvey bail."

"To be honest!" Jolie and Aniston have completely different concerns: "Did you have sex with Harvey's wife Georgina? It can't be such a coincidence."

Martin spread his hands helplessly, but in the end he did not say anything to refute.

Julie covered her forehead: "Oh God, I actually saw a backstab of love!"

Martin could easily find reasons and excuses, and gently tapped Julie's chest: "What a sacrifice I have made to help you!"

Aniston exclaimed: "Excuse me, is your face made of steel?"

Who knew that Julie, who was more interested in teasing Martin, did not laugh at all. Instead, she leaned in front of Martin and kissed him hard.

If it weren't for the wrong time and place, and there were more important things to do, Julie would even be willing to squat down and let Martin feel her technical progress.

Martin patted Julie's shoulder reassuringly.

Julie hugged him again and said, "I know you didn't do this entirely for me, but I still want to thank you. You helped me breathe out the most bad breath!"

Martin asked: "When do you plan to debut? It's safer to wait."

Aniston and Jolie have already discussed it: "No need to wait any longer. As the defenders of women's rights in Hollywood, it's time for us to stand up. I have contacted the media reporters and will be with Jolie at the Hilton Hotel today." Be interviewed."

Martin told them: "The number of victims this time may reach a terrifying level. If you work well, the influence of the Mitu organization can spread beyond North America to Europe and even the entire Western world."

The phone rang at this time, and Martin took out his cell phone to answer the call.

The caller was Helen from Warner TV. She said directly: "Do you have the phone number of the victim? Help me communicate as soon as possible. I want them to be on this episode of Helen's show. The time is too urgent and there is no time to record. This episode will be broadcast live directly. ! By the way, there’s also the whistleblower, it’s best for her to come together.”

Martin asked: "The TV station has no objection?"

Helen properly revealed some information: "The senior management will fully report the Harvey Weinstein incident."

"You talk to Old Boo." Martin came out of the restaurant and gave Bruce his cell phone.

As soon as the call was over, Daniel called again. Barry Meyer invited Martin to the Warner Building to talk about the next film cooperation.

Martin had breakfast with Aniston, chatted about a few things, and then went to Burbank.

As expected, outside of the movie collaboration, Barry Meyer and Daniel chatted with Martin about Harvey, a guy they both hated.

Daniel mentioned that in his career of more than thirty years, Harvey has deceived too many people in business, all over Europe and Asia in addition to North America.

Martin knew a lot. He forced foreign producers and directors to sell movies, imprisoned people, and even tricked his classmates on the other side of the Pacific.

The Jewish style is most vividly reflected in the Weinstein brothers.

Such as backstab.


In New York, Bob Weinstein received another call from Los Angeles.

After being connected, he said first: "Lawyer, your first priority now is to release Harvey on bail. I will handle other aspects. When you see Harvey, tell me that I am working hard with Washington to fight for his release." Suppress this incident."

"Okay, leave it to me." The lawyer understood the relationship between the Weinstein brothers. Bob was Harvey's shadow and the most reliable person behind Harvey.

When Bob came to the company, he first went to Harvey's office and found the bank safe key in the place Harvey said.

He was Harvey's most trusted brother, and it only took one look to recognize which bank it belonged to.

Bob returned to his office on the other side, and people called one after another to inquire about Harvey's situation. All he gave were carefully prepared words: "We have already prepared countermeasures. Please be patient and wait. This matter will definitely be resolved." be taken care of.”

He then left the company, drove to the bank and opened Harvey's bank safe.

There aren't many things inside, just some video tapes for cameras, storage disks, etc.

Bob took them to the apartment and looked through them side by side. They were all photos taken by Harvey, from the late 1980s to last year, a total of more than a dozen copies.

It was obvious that the targets were carefully chosen by Harvey.

Bob has done similar things, but they are all consensual. If you understand this kind of psychology and appreciate it from time to time, you will feel an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

There are too many people in the circle who take selfies and such videos, and the Weinstein brothers also have the same preference in this regard.

Bob had some equipment sent over to transfer the video on the tape to the computer. While waiting for the transfer, he lit a cigarette, went to the balcony, looked at Central Park not far away, and carefully thought about the pros and cons. Gains and losses.

From yesterday to now, Bob has been paying attention to the progress of the incident.

You may never encounter such a good opportunity again.

Others say he is Harvey's shadow, and it's only the devil who wants to be someone's shadow!

Bob had been holding back for many years, and the opportunity he had been waiting for finally appeared. He knew very well that if he could not get rid of Harvey, he would be in danger.

He thought of TMZ, which was the first to expose Harvey. The whistleblower's name, Jody, was on the news.

With Bob's ability, it was not difficult to get Jody's email and phone number.

He compiled some videos, summarized the parts of Harvey that were forced but did not involve sensitive people, and sent them out.

Later, on his way back to the company, Bob found a public phone and contacted Jody.

A good brother is afraid that his dear brother will die slowly.

Jodi was about to go to interview Helen, but he didn't expect to receive such a big gift suddenly. He called Bruce to his home and watched the newly received video together.

These are all irrefutable evidence to correct Harvey.

Jody asked, "You did that?"

Bruce heard something from Martin: "I can probably guess who did it, but it doesn't matter. Now we have a greater advantage." He reminded Jody: "You want to win the Pulitzer Prize, the identity of the whistleblower It’s very important, I suggest you go to Warner’s Helen Show and become a whistleblower through Helen Show!”

Jodi is a journalist: "That's what I thought."

The three victims had long since agreed to come forward to accuse Harvey.

The interview between Jodi and Helen was more like discussing the program process and how to bring about a sensational effect.

Before Helen's show, CNN played a video of an interview between Jolie and Aniston.

Aniston had relatively little contact with Harvey and focused more on the incident itself. She faced the camera and said loudly: "I am shocked by this disgraceful behavior of Harvey Weinstein. I can't imagine what Hollywood is doing." How could such a heavyweight investor and producer do such a terrible thing! I will do my best to support the women who exposed this, they are our heroes!"

She also appealed: "If there are others who have been persecuted by Harvey Weinstein, please bravely stand up and declare war on these despicable and shameless behaviors! I promise to do my best to help you!"

Later, Julie, another major opinion leader of Mi Rabbit, also appeared in the interview. She recounted that when she was starring in "As You Like It" in 1990, she was lured to a hotel room by Harvey on the pretext of discussing work and was almost raped. A forced thing.

"No matter how strong a person is, there are weaknesses. Even I am no exception. This incident happened more than ten years ago. If I hadn't alerted the hotel attendant by shouting loudly, the consequences would have been disastrous!"

Standing in front of the camera, Julie has the aura of a virgin: "I have never dared to speak out for fear that Harvey would destroy my acting career, but the bravery of Anne, Emma and Angela inspired me. In response to Harvey's extremely shameful and appalling behavior, I decided to stand up and bravely say ME TOO. I am also one of the victims!"

That night, "The Helen Show" was broadcast on time. Due to the advance publicity, the interest in Harvey's incident has been explosive. This talk show set a record of more than 30 million people watching!

Whistleblower Jody appears with three victims and tells their stories.

Additionally, Jody provided new video evidence proving they were not the only victims.

Although the victims were all coded, Harvey's appearance was clearly visible.

Public opinion has completely exploded, and the rolling trend can no longer be stopped, and we can only follow the trend.


In Washington, Hilary is greeting Erica and Kelly Gray at the door.

“We have an opportunity,” Erica said. “There’s a massive movement for women’s rights brewing in California, and we have to be a part of it.”

Hilarie is a qualified politician and has a detailed understanding of the situation in Los Angeles. The incident has become public knowledge, and public opinion has placed Harvey Weinstein on the opposite side of the United States and even the entire civilized society!

What choice to make at this time is too easy.

When it was time to give up, Hilarie would never hesitate and said: "Women's rights must be protected, and Harvey Weinstein's behavior must be punished as it deserves!"

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