American fame and fortune

Chapter 701 The awakening of dog licking

At TMZ headquarters, Jody, who had gone out for lunch, hurried back and almost ran into the office lobby.

She shouted to her most trusted editorial team: "Meeting in conference room three!"

Then, he looked at the assistant who rushed over and said, "Go to the Finance Department to issue another $10,000 check. Tell them this is part of the informant fee. If you have any questions, please contact me."

The five people followed Jodi into the conference room No. 3 and saw a series of amazing pictures on the projection screen that Jodi had turned on.

There is only one protagonist in all the pictures - Emma Watson!

Their eyes were all focused on Emma Watson's butt. The off-white trousers were stained brown, and liquid of the same color was dripping down the trousers.

Even if it was just a photo, the five people could smell an extremely foul smell in their noses.

The three guys who had just finished lunch covered their mouths and noses.

One of the ladies couldn't bear it anymore and opened her mouth: "Ugh..."

Luckily it was just retching.

The most adaptable person said: "The background looks like Disney Studios."

Jodi said: "Disney Studios, what happened more than half an hour ago, we got the exclusive news!"

The man muttered: "Why is it Disney Studios again? I remember Amber Heard is also in Disney Studios. This studio is toxic!"

The person next to me echoed: "This time the explosion is even bigger, this is Emma Watson!"

The five people were in high spirits, and this news would definitely cause a sensation.

Jody clicked on the photo to play automatically and said, "You have half an hour. In half an hour, I want to see the relevant news appear on the TMZ page."

After handing over his work, Jody opened his laptop and got busy.

In less than half an hour, relevant news was released.

Jody dragged it to the home page and put it on the front page.

TMZ, which first reported the scandals involving Brad Pitt, Ben Affleck and Harvey Weinstein, has become the number one entertainment gossip media in North America.

Its business editor, Jody, even won the Pulitzer Prize for journalism as an entertainment reporter.

Every day, countless people around the world are paying attention to TMZ.

Any country with a relatively stable social environment pays far more attention to entertainment gossip than current political news.

Unless the latter breaks out into a shocking scandal.

The news about Emma Watson exploded immediately.

Especially in a few of them, Emma Watson touched something on her pants, put it in front of her nose, smelled it, and seemed to stick out her tongue to lick it.

Within an hour after TMZ posted the news, there were easily over 10,000 comments.

"God, is this my Hermione?"

"It's so amazing, the image of Hermione Granger in my heart is completely shattered!"

"Emma Watson's taste is too strong!"

"What happened? Why did Emma Watson become like this?"

"I can no longer look directly at Emma Watson. When I see her in the future, the first thing that comes to mind will not be Hermione Granger, but these special images."

"After seeing these pictures, I went to watch an Emma Watson movie. Why do I always feel that Emma in the movie is contaminated with something?"


In a hotel in Burbank, Emma Watson had just come out of the shower when her agent called.

"Emma, ​​where are you?" The agent was very anxious: "What happened?"

Emma Watson, who had not read the relevant news, realized later: "I just took a shower in the hotel."

The agent asked, "What happened to you at Disney Studios?"

Emma remembered what happened before and said it roughly.

"Chocolate sauce?" the agent said, "I don't know who took the photo and sold it to TMZ. Take a look at it first and I'll go find you right away."

Emma didn't care about drying her hair and asked Alana to turn on the computer and log on to the TMZ website.

On the front page, a photo of her stood out.

The off-white suit pants were stained with a large amount of brown.

Emma's heart tightened, she moved the mouse with trembling hands, clicked on the relevant news column, and one photo after another appeared.

This news does not have any text description, only simple pictures.

In all the pictures, she is the protagonist... no, it should be the tan color on her butt that is the protagonist.

Emma asked Alanna next to her: "What was your first reaction when you saw it?"

"I..." Alanna couldn't say it.

Emma was angry: "Which bastard framed me!"

A few minutes later, the calls came in one after another, all asking about this matter.

Emma Watson tried to defend herself, saying it was a misunderstanding and that there was chocolate sauce all over her pants.

Although the people who called said they believed it, the meaning behind their words was clearly thinking in a bad direction.

The agent and public relations manager rushed over at this time and proposed to contact the media as soon as possible and hold a press conference.

The police were also called.

The crew and stars coming and going in the studio area pay special attention to privacy. There is no surveillance here at all, and I don’t know where the burst cushion went.

Of course, the studio will not take responsibility, saying it had no knowledge of it, and speculated that Emma Watson wanted to use this method to clean up her own embarrassing situation.

This incident attracted countless paparazzi reporters, and the momentum of the reports became stronger and stronger.

In gossip tabloids such as "American Rumor", Emma Watson has surpassed Amber Heard to become the new queen of television.

In the afternoon of that day, news related to Emma Watson shot to the top of the Google hot search list, successfully grabbing the headlines!


The crew of "The Martian" are in post-production on the top floor of the studio, near the gates of Disney Studios.

Martin, Leonardo and Nicholson moved three chairs and sat on the top floor, drinking beer, eating peanuts and admiring the excitement at the door.

Nicholson also kept scrolling on Twitter and YouTube, saying: "With this kind of popularity, other celebrities can't even break their heads to grab it, but Emma Watson got it easily! Now her photos are the first to be retweeted on Twitter. , No. 1 in YouTube views, No. 1 in TMZ hot news, and No. 1 in Google hot searches.”

"What does this mean?" Martin exclaimed: "We are good people who are willing to help others without asking for anything in return!"

Leonardo looked at the crowd of reporters at the door and said: "After playing Hermione Granger, Emma Watson has been looking for a transformation, and we helped her successfully transform."

Bruce came up from below, followed by Saoirse Ronan.

Martin asked: "Has it been dealt with?"

"It's all taken care of," Bruce said.

"Teacher, am I doing well?" Saoirse came over and looked like you were about to praise me.

When it was time to encourage, Martin still wanted to encourage him and said, "Well done."

Saoirse Ronan smiled very happily, picked up her phone and shook it: "I took a video, and I can take it out and enjoy it secretly later when I have nothing to do. It's so exciting!"

"We went to Martin's house to set off fireworks in the evening to celebrate," Nicholson said.

Martin pointed at his head: "Have you forgotten? You took away all my fireworks last time."

Nicholson was unequivocal: "Go to my place and set off fireworks."

Leonardo said: "If Lorraine treats her, she will make tens of thousands of dollars today."

Saoirse asked tentatively: "Teachers, can I go too?"

"Okay." Nicholson responded.

Saoirse looked at Martin, who nodded slightly.

Leonardo saw a piece of news: "Emma Watson is going to hold a press conference to clarify today's matter."

Martin said: "It's useless, I can't explain this kind of thing clearly."


As darkness fell, a press conference was held urgently at the Burbank Hotel.

Emma Watson familiarized herself with the process and manuscript over and over again with her agent and public relations manager.

Before going on stage, Emma went to the lounge next to her.

Two lickers, Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint, were mobilized by their agency and are waiting here.

As soon as Emma entered the door, her face was immediately filled with grievances, and tears automatically rolled in her eyes. She came to the two of them and said: "Daniel, Rupert..."

Before she finished speaking, she burst into tears.

Rupert stretched out his hand to grab Emma's arm. He stretched out his hand halfway, and suddenly thought of the news photo he had seen in the afternoon. This hand was the hand that Emma had brought to her nose after it was stained.

He quickly took back his hand and stammered: "I...I will you!"

Daniel couldn't control his eyes, glanced between Emma's waist and legs, and said, "We will support you."

Emma noticed the change in the demeanor of the two people, but now was not the time to say more. She wiped away her tears and said, "Thank you, you will always be my best friend and my biggest supporter."

The press conference began. Although Emma Watson's public relations manager showed her beige pants stained with chocolate sauce, the reporters present did not believe it at all, and all kinds of pointed questions came one after another.

The reason is simple. If there is only chocolate sauce on the pants, what is the value of this news that has detonated the United States? What can they gain from it?

So, there is definitely no chocolate sauce on the pants!

In the next few days, this news will provide them with countless materials to continue to attract the attention of people in the United States and even the world.

The press conference lasted a bit long, and Emma Watson was exhausted.

But she couldn't immediately go back to her room upstairs to rest.

Because the two fish kept in the fish pond were ready to jump out of the pond.

Emma became famous at a young age and was supported by the entire crew and even Warner Bros. She was used to being surrounded by licking dogs.

She found Daniel and Rupert in the lounge and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you today. The agency asked you to make this trip and stay so late. Can I treat you to a midnight snack?"

Daniel had seen the photos in the afternoon and the situation at the press conference. He didn't believe there was chocolate sauce on his pants at all, so he made an excuse early: "I have an audition tomorrow morning and need to go back early to rest."

Emma's face showed uncontrollable disappointment, and she stretched out a hand towards Rupert, as if to grasp the only hope.

Rupert originally wanted to agree, but when he saw Emma's hand and thought about what this hand had touched today, he lost all interest: "Mom told me to go back before nine o'clock."

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