American fame and fortune

Chapter 743 Domestic Violence

In the spacious living room, Depp was lying on his back on the sofa, with several small transparent plastic bags randomly thrown at his feet, and some powder scattered nearby.

Amber Heard brought over a bottle of particularly powerful wine and placed it in front of Depp. Even the cup that Depp usually used to drink was replaced by one that was two sizes larger.

Agent Whigham came in from the outside, glanced at Amber, and said to Depp: "Johnny, there is a buyer for the yacht now who can pay cash immediately, but he is only willing to pay up to US$10 million."

Depp opened his eyes, sat up slowly, opened the bottle of wine, poured half a glass of wine, drank a third of it in one gulp, and said, "How long is the deadline for repaying the first tax debt?"

He may be confused about other things. The famous IRS, Depp did not dare to forget: "Will it be troublesome if it is overdue again?"

"It's very troublesome and will trigger new IRS penalties," Whigham said.

Depp drank the rest of the wine in one gulp and said, "Sell it."

Whigham nodded: "I'll go find an agent to handle the relevant procedures."

After the agent left, Depp poured another glass of wine, picked up the glass again and started drinking.

"My dear, you have been under too much pressure recently." Amber acted like a good wife: "I have thought of a good way to relieve your stress."

Depp's novelty towards Amber has long passed and he asked: "What can I do?"

Amber opened the cabinet next to her and pulled it over to face Depp: "Look, what I have prepared."

The cabinet is filled with various props.

Then, Amber took off her coat, revealing the strange Qingqu outfit underneath.

After drinking wine and taking drugs, Depp was visually stimulated and couldn't hold it back any longer, so he immediately transformed into a wolf.

Amber practiced role-playing with Musk for a long time, and continued to stimulate Depp with words, causing Depp to become more and more aggressive.

Finally, everything was over, and Depp, who was overly excited, lay on the sofa and fell asleep.

Amber quickly tidied up the scene, quickly disposed of what needed to be disposed of, put it in a garbage bag and threw it downstairs through the garbage channel.

The people sent by Musk immediately packed up and took them away.

As for the domestic violence weapons bearing Depp’s fingerprints, Amber has kept them all.

Then, Amber came to the bedroom, looked into the full-length mirror, and took photos of injuries caused by "domestic violence". As before, she stored them in Apple's cloud drive.

She will keep all the evidence of domestic violence, find the right media to release it, and make another fortune.

Amber calmed down a bit, found the garlic that Depp had just used, squeezed out the juice and applied it to her eyes. Tears welled up and her eyelids became red and swollen, as if she had been crying for a long time.

She threw the garlic into the toilet and flushed it, took out her mobile phone and dialed 911. When the operator answered, she cried and shouted: "Help, help me! I suffered domestic violence and was almost beaten to death by Depp! Please You guys, come and save me!"

After calling the police, Amber locked herself in the bedroom and collapsed on the floor.

Not long after, the LAPD knocked on the door. Amber shouted into the door intercom: "Come and help me. I'm in the bedroom. I'm in the bedroom. Come quickly."

She unlocked the door and two officers entered the house.

Facing these celebrities will be very troublesome if they are not handled well. One of the police officers immediately called for support from his superiors.

Everything in the room was extremely unfavorable to Depp. Amber's body was covered with fresh wounds, including stick wounds, slap wounds, binding wounds, etc.

Depp himself was not only drunk, but also clearly on drugs.

Amber provided the police with the murder weapon used by Depp, saying that she was violently beaten and forced to have sex by Depp, and requested that her injuries be examined as soon as possible.

Depp was completely dumbfounded. Even under the control of the LAPD, he still yelled: "Are you crazy? Are you crazy about riding a horse? I am your husband and you are my wife. Do I need to force you?"

Amber seemed to be severely frightened, hiding behind a female police officer, her whole body in panic: "Don't hurt me, don't hurt me, don't hurt me..."

The female police officer quickly took Amber out of the room.

More LAPD officers rushed over, and with the consent of the hostess Amber Heard, they searched the crime scene and nearby rooms, and then found a number of items in a metal box marked with Depp's name. Expensive illegal drugs.

According to procedure, Depp and Amber Heard were taken downstairs respectively and prepared to go to the police station.


In a commercial vehicle in front of the main entrance of the building, Bruce in the driver's seat picked up his mobile phone, dialed Ivan's number, and said, "People are coming down soon."

Ivan drove over in a hurry. After parking the car, he picked up the camera and rushed towards the main entrance.

He chose a good location and just turned on the camera when two police officers escorted Depp down from upstairs.

Depp looked haggard and struggled constantly. Alcohol and drugs were still taking effect, and he kept swearing.

Ivan raised the camera and captured all of this, until Depp was put into the police car by the police.

Soon, a female police officer accompanied Amber out of the building. Amber exposed the outside of her clothes and could see very obvious injuries.

While Ivan was filming, he asked loudly: "Miss Hilde, what happened?"

Amber's eyes were red and swollen, and she kept crying. She sobbed and said, "I...I was domestically abused by Depp, and he beat me like this!"

Ivan took a close-up of Amber and photographed her getting into the police car and taking out her mobile phone to make a call: "Jody, hot news, Depp is suspected of domestic violence against Amber Heard! I photographed the police taking Depp away In the video of Amber and Amber being taken away separately, the scars on Amber’s body and face are obvious.”

After a few words, he responded: "I'll send the video over now, and you have the money ready!"

Ivan ran back and got into the car. Before the LAPD vehicle left, he ran away and disappeared.

In the commercial car, Bruce put away his cell phone.

"It's a pity that we can't enter Depp's house." Nicholson regretted: "We can't see the most exciting part."

Martin watched the police cars driving away one after another and said, "It's okay. Soon you will see the most exciting gossip show from the media this year."

It was very exciting in the previous life, and now with the three of them behind it, it will definitely be even more interesting.

Leonardo said: "Domestic violence alone is definitely not exciting enough."

Martin said: "Do you think Depp will have inventory at home based on his daily needs? Will Amber Heard take advantage of this since she wants to completely break up with Depp?"

"Definitely." Leonardo suddenly felt that he and Martin were too smart and did some things too right: "So, you can't get married. If you get married, you will have countless troubles. Johnny Depp is typical."

Nicholson was very sorry: "It's a pity that Depp has such a high-quality mineral deposit."

Leonardo didn't understand for a moment.

Martin prompted: "Lorraine's long-term meal ticket."

Leonardo said: "Aren't you afraid that Lorraine will be abused at home?"

Nicholson patted Martin on the shoulder: "My brother is the most capable person in Hollywood!"

Martin motioned to Bruce to drive and said, "Let's see how things progress."

"Depp's situation will further lower the box office of "The Lone Ranger."" Leonardo asked: "How will the box office performance of this film enter the working day?"

Bruce had been paying attention and continued: "In the past two days, US$1.98 million and US$1.65 million were received respectively. The market response was worse than predicted by professional institutions."

Martin pointed to the police car driving away and said, "It will only get worse next time."

Leonardo said: "Who would dare to use Depp as the leading actor in medium and large-scale productions in the future?"

Not far after the commercial vehicle drove out, Martin received a call from Musk.

"Man, the wonderful show has just ended, did you see it?" Musk laughed and said, "Don't tell me, you didn't come out to watch the show."

Martin said: "How could we miss such a good show?"

Musk feels very good about himself: "I am the director of this big show and you, the audience, should say thank you to me."

Martin paused and said, "Mr. Director, if there is any latest news, please remember to inform the audience in time."

Musk said boldly and simply: "No problem!"

Martin hung up the phone and suddenly realized that Leonardo and Nicholson's eyes were not right. He couldn't help rubbing his face: "What's wrong?"

Leonardo said: "Are you going to be a cheating scumbag?"

Martin understood this as soon as he heard this. He shuddered and said, "You two, please don't be so disgusting!"


Ten minutes later, a video of Johnny Depp suspected of domestic violence against Amber Heard appeared on the homepage of TMZ.

Although there is no real domestic violence video, the scene of the two being taken away by the LAPD is clear.

Many media immediately sought confirmation from the LAPD. The LAPD gave information feedback based on the current situation, saying that it had indeed received a call from Amber Heard about Depp’s domestic violence. When the police arrived to deal with it, Amber Heard was There are injuries on Ed's body and the injuries are currently being examined.

More and more media outlets are following this incident.

Johnny Depp has not yet fallen, and the news and scandals about him are attractive enough.

The development of the matter was very unfavorable to Depp, and Amber Heard presented a series of evidence to the police.

The so-called "domestic violence" was not only involved this time, but also many other times, including on the wedding day of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard.

The scarred selfies of Amber Heard also passed through the hands of her agent, leaked to the media, and were then released to the public.

Public opinion can not only influence the judiciary, but can even kill people.

With the help of caring people, photos of Amber's so-called "domestic violence" were immediately circulated in the media and the Internet, attracting the attention of people across the United States.

Before women's rights entered the scene, public opinion was already one-sided, because Depp's public image has been so bad in the past year.

There were a lot of voices on the Internet beating up Depp.

"Why am I not surprised at all about Depp's domestic violence?"

"Domestic violence is normal for a man who is a drug addict and an alcoholic."

"How was that woman beaten by Depp? How perverted must he be to attack such a beautiful woman."

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