American fame and fortune

Chapter 760 Good guy Martin helps Depp get out of trouble

Early in the morning, Martin left the room alone. The door of the suite diagonally opposite opened, and Catherine Daddario showed her head and greeted her warmly.

"Good morning, Martin, are you going to go to the set?"

"I have a scene to shoot when work starts, so I have to go there early." Martin smiled and nodded: "You can do whatever you want, I'm leaving."

Catherine asked, "Where is my sister?"

Martin pointed back at the room: "She didn't have any scenes in the morning, she's still sleeping."

Catherine asked tentatively: "Can I go in and see her?"

Martin pondered for a moment, swiped the card and opened the door: "Go ahead."

"Thank you." Catherine slipped into the room.

Martin glanced at her back, closed the door, and went to the restaurant to have breakfast.

The room was messy, and women's clothes were scattered on the living room floor. Catherine was familiar with her sister's size, and she knew it belonged to Alexandra at a glance.

In some places, traces of the war still remain.

Catherine stared at these places in a daze, as if paying tribute to the places where Martin fought.

In the bedroom, Alexandra had just finished washing when she heard movement outside. She thought it was Martin, so she walked out in her nightgown. Seeing her sister in a daze, she simply leaned against the door and stared at her.

Catherine turned her head and found that the collar of her sister's nightgown was open, and she couldn't help but admired: "Martin is right, you are indeed more talented than me."

Alexandra didn't mind showing her superiority in every aspect in front of her younger sister who wanted to compete with her at this moment. She wandered to the sofa, sat down and said, "Why did you get in?"

"Martin asked me to come in." Catherine looked at Alexandra carefully. Her sister's skin was smooth, white to shiny, her face was rosy, and she was in high spirits. Her overall condition looked almost the same as that of her 20-year-old self.

Alexandra, the fire-proof, theft-proof sister: "If you see me, go back early and sign up for an acting class. I will let you know if there is a suitable role."

Catherine was instantly furious, why should she drive people away? Just because you have big breasts?

She stepped on the bra on the floor, grinding the heels of her high heels several times before sitting on the single sofa next to her: "I came to visit your class, but you drove me away? Is there a sister like you?" "

Alexandra crossed her arms and said, "Did you come here to see me? When I was filming on the previous crews, did you ever want to see me? You didn't even call me! Don't think I don't know you. You are willing to come to Boston to visit the cast, because the leading actor is named Martin Davis."

Catherine kicked off her high heels and crossed her legs on the sofa, saying, "Even if it is, do you need to do this? As far as I know, there are no less than five female stars in Hollywood who have maintained long-term relationships with Martin."

She stuck out her tongue and licked her lips deliberately: "You would rather share the food with other women than let your own sister taste it? Oh, there are still such sisters in the world. .”

Alexandra was so angry that her breasts grew bigger: "Can I share this with my sister?"

Catherine was well prepared, stood up, jumped over, hugged Alexandra's arm, and said: "We are sisters, we should unite! Lexi, think about it, Martin has all the resources in his hands within a certain period of time. It’s limited, and those female stars will definitely share resources from Martin, regardless of their reputation or roles.”

Alexandra fell silent.

Catherine added: "Instead of having these taken away by others, it is better for us to take more! You and I are biological sisters. If we go out together, the bonus effect will be multiplied several times. Sisters, how many men can bear it? "

Alexandra muttered: "You're crazy!"

But Catherine saw it very clearly: "It's not that I'm crazy, but that this society is crazy. Isn't it the same from the entertainment circle to the business circle to the political circle?"

Alexandra was speechless for a moment, because according to her knowledge, her sister was right, this society is such a mess.

She even thinks that Martin's nonsense sometimes is correct, for example, the world has entered a worse era.

It doesn't matter if you don't do well, as long as others are worse, they can easily win.

Catherine stared at Alexandra for a while and said: "It is the most shameful waste for us to ignore the advantages of sisters!"

She emphasized: "I am your biological sister!"

Alexandra thought carefully for a while and nodded slightly: "I can try, but if Martin objects, stop immediately."

Of course she would not give up her promising future in Hollywood for her sister: "Also, you must listen to me on these matters."

"Of course, you are the sister." Catherine laughed happily.

Alexandra stood up, went to the cloakroom to change clothes, and said at the same time: "I want to find a suitable opportunity. In fact, it would be good to have you help me share the burden. It is a bit difficult for me to deal with Martin alone. His needs in that area are not as strong as usual." .”

Catherine's eyes lit up: "Like Tiger Woods and NBA or NFL stars?"

Alexandra nodded, somewhat troubled: "It's a pity that I'm not Madonna."


On the streets of Boston, the crew is still filming location scenes today.

Martin and Jeremy Renner followed the set routine and staged a scene of brothers turning against each other.

After a fight, Martin put Jeremy Renner to the ground, and Jeremy Renner pulled out a gun and threatened him. The two exchanged blows for half a minute, and director Villeneuve on the sidelines shouted "pass".

This long shot scene is over.

Martin came out of the set, took off his dirty costume jacket, and handed it to the crew assistant on the side, and found Thomas coming.

The two went to the makeup trailer to talk.

Thomas brought good news: "Lawyer Hamlin and Warner Pictures' attorneys reached an out-of-court settlement. Warner Pictures is willing to pay you according to the contract for the personal share owed to you last year. The total amount is US$17.58 million, which has been paid. The brokerage company estimates that it will be credited to your account in the next two days."

"Warner Pictures is really efficient this time," Martin said.

Thomas smiled: "Jon Berg was fired. The newly appointed Daniel wants to reverse the decline of Warner Pictures. If he wants to continue to cooperate with first-line stars and directors, as well as other companies and investment funds, he must rebuild Warner." The credibility of the film industry.”

"Daniel has called me several times recently and has repeatedly stated that Warner Bros. wants to work with you again," Martin said.

Thomas reminded: "We have a deal with Disney Studios."

"The one who signed the agreement with Disney is Davis Studio." Martin said simply: "The film projects produced by Davis Studio must of course abide by the contract and be distributed by Disney Pictures, but I am still an actor. As long as the project and the salary are If it's a good fit, I wouldn't say no to other companies including Warner Bros."

Thomas fully agrees: "Not being tied to one company is a wise decision."

Martin added: "If Warner Bros. was the dominant company in Hollywood, would Daniel choose to settle out of court?"

The current situation in Hollywood is that unless a top star is like Mel Gibson or Pitt and Ben, there won't be much of a problem even if a front-line star gets into trouble with a company.

As long as there is enough commercial value, other Hollywood companies will also offer contracts.

With the departure of Jon Berg, the dispute between Martin and Warner Pictures has temporarily come to an end.

Thomas continued: "The single-day box office of 'Jack the Giant Catcher' fell below US$300,000, which violated the corresponding terms of the distribution contract and has been forced to be canceled by major theaters in North America."

Martin asked: "How big is the North American box office?"

"27.41 million U.S. dollars." Only then did Thomas realize that the film industry was really risky, with hundreds of millions lost on one project.

The next moment, he suddenly had a question, what made him think that movies were not high-risk investments?

Thomas's eyes immediately fell on Martin. He had become accustomed to success with Martin over the years...

He calmed down and said: "Overseas, the sub-market response to this film is also very average. Basically, movie fans all over the world are criticizing the film's content and the protagonist's schizophrenia. Currently, it has been released in more than 60 countries and regions, and the cumulative overseas box office is only 3,000. It’s around 10,000 US dollars, and the film’s global box office is unlikely to exceed 100 million.”

This film is not a sequel to a successful movie. The response in the North American market was not good, and it was completely predictable overseas.

Martin nodded slightly and asked another matter: "What's going on with Depp?"

"The two sides are still bickering in the media, but public opinion is almost unanimously on Amber Heard's side." Thomas said succinctly: "Amber Heard's lawyer raised the issue during the divorce proceedings. Domestic violence settlement and property division claims totaling up to $65 million."

He shook his head unconsciously: "Depp still has to pay the arrears of taxes and fines on time, plus Amber Heard's life will be miserable in the future."

"He'd be better off declaring bankruptcy and taking to the streets," Martin said.

Thomas understood the meaning of Martin's words. Once Depp, an alcoholic and drug addict, declares bankruptcy, he will no longer receive offline profits from the starring movies. The drug alone will make Depp's life worse than death.

He said: "If Depp had any sense, he would not declare bankruptcy, but would persevere."

Martin also believes that Depp will survive. He still remembers seeing the news that a certain Hollywood actress declared bankruptcy and had to live in a sewer.

Thomas said: "But one thing can be confirmed, Depp's career in Hollywood is over, his existing properties will basically be sold out, and he will still owe huge debts. The shares he will receive in the future will also be used to repay the debts."

Martin suddenly had an idea: "Depp has fallen to this point, which makes people sigh. Shouldn't we good people help him?"

Bruce, who had always been silent, said, "What do you want to do again?"

"Wait until Amber Heard divorces Depp and help Depp find a job with a stable income." Martin sincerely considers his enemies and helps without asking for anything in return: "If Depp and Pitt go to St. Will it cause a sensation if Gu shoots a movie about men and women, and the sales will explode?"

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