American fame and fortune

Chapter 796: Adhere to the authenticity of news

Davis Estate, Beverly Hills.

After finishing the extremely intense exercise and taking a shower, Martin, Lily and Elizabeth went to the large balcony of the bedroom to have a drink.

Elizabeth was scrolling through her mobile phone and looking at the news about "Pi". She felt a particularly familiar feeling and asked, "I remember that "Pi" is a competitor of "Escape from Tehran". Are these?"

Martin had no need to deny, saying: "I also want to be calm, but the other crew members are not willing. If they insist on competition, I can only face it openly."

Lily leaned next to Elizabeth, looked at the news on her phone, and said, "Kill them!"

Elizabeth thought about it and said: "When I was studying, I also thought about becoming an actor. At that time, I thought Oscar was a big deal. But in the past few years, I have discovered that in every Oscar competition, some messy things always happen."

Lily continued: "The general election is more prestigious than the Oscars, and there is always a lot of bloodshed."

She looked at Martin and asked: "I discovered that starting from Harvey Weinstein, everyone likes to belittle their competitors."

Elizabeth nodded: "While you are praising yourself, you must also suppress your opponents."

"Actually, there is essentially no difference between this time and last year. The core is still worse." Martin said simply: "A movie, such as last year's "The Martian" and this year's "Escape from Tehran," are of good quality. But it is absolutely impossible to crush other competitors. It is too difficult for a film to improve itself to this extent."

Lily agreed: "Just like my sculpture, it's not difficult to go from 1 to 90, but every step above 90 requires not only talent and a lot of time to practice, but also a huge investment in funds. It's so rare."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes at Lily deliberately: "Are you bragging?"

Martin continued the topic just now: "If you want to improve yourself, your efforts are not proportional to your gains. You may pay 10 and get less than 1. But it is too easy to belittle your competitors, especially in the Oscar competition, where the investment is low and the results are quick."

Elizabeth grasped the key point: "As long as our opponents are worse than us, we can defeat them with our rich experience!"

Martin snapped his fingers: "So, while we are refuting the rumors, we are making our opponents worse than us."

It is also interesting to use lies to refute the facts presented by your opponent.


The Film Academy is a very old, conservative and slow non-governmental organization. The average age of its main members is over 60 years old. They work step by step and are very efficient. They pay attention to staying the same in response to changes.

Just like the Oscars, the Academy's face, the ratings and influence are declining every year. The Academy claims to reform and innovate before each session, but when the Oscars are held, everyone will find that it is still the same old thing.

The email scandal broke out on the Internet and in the media, becoming a hot topic on the Internet, and the college was slow to react.

Academy President Tom Sherak accepted an interview with the media and stated that the academy will investigate the matter thoroughly.

Later, someone from the academy's executive committee contacted Ralph and others who received the email, as well as the "Life of Pi" cast.

If the incident had not been exposed, even if the academy heard about it, they would have turned a blind eye.

But now it has become a hot topic in the United States and involves dozens of academy members. The academy must consider its own face.

At the same time, countless people turned their attention to the cast of "Life of Pi."

The film immediately became a target of public criticism.

The media and public opinion have struggled to wait for fresh and interesting news, so how can they easily let it go?

North America has a mature media market, and the media is automatically divided into two groups without prior negotiation.

One group defended the "Pi" crew.

"Forwarding the email anonymously may not be the work of the "Pi" crew."

The media on the other side automatically rebutted.

"The Oscar ballots have just been mailed out, and many judges suddenly received emails soliciting votes. It is definitely not an accident or coincidence. In recent years, Oscar public relations have become more and more intensive, and it is almost equated with winning. In the face of huge honors and interests, sending such a message Is the email weird?”

Supporters called: "The crew of "Pi" declares that they are innocent!"

The opposition loudly shouted: "For the sake of fairness and justice in the Oscars, the Academy must severely punish "Pi"!"

In terms of public opinion, the opposition has the absolute upper hand, especially on Twitter, INS and YouTube, which are increasingly influential.

People on the Internet don't care whether the email is anonymous or not. They only know that once the email is not disclosed, the "Pi" crew will be the biggest beneficiaries.

“‘Pi’ must be kicked out of this Oscar!”

"Ang Lee and this crew are disqualified from the awards!"

"The judges should stop voting for this film, they have crossed the line!"

"If "Pi" becomes the winner of this Oscar, I will boycott the Oscars forever and be a black man for the rest of my life!"

"Yes, boycott!"

"Boycott +1!"

In the era when the Oscars were at their peak, the old men of the Academy could simply ignore these.

No matter how loud the media and audience clamor, when the awards ceremony is held, they still have to watch it. Even if the award-winning movie causes huge criticism, the subsequent sales of video tapes and DVDs, as well as TV broadcasts, are still very popular.

But today's Oscars are no longer among the top three programs in North America in ratings.

The academy cannot ignore public opinion.

The same goes for the crew of "Pi".

Fox Tower in Century City.

In the producer's office, Ang Lee looked at the newspaper reports with a sad face.

Gil-Nate put down her phone and said, "Public opinion on the Internet is much more intense than in traditional media."

Li An raised his head and asked, "Can you find out who is behind us?"

"It's impossible to find out who exactly it is." Gil Nate has already asked someone to investigate: "It's nothing more than our competitors during the awards season."

This was obvious. Li An asked again: "Did our people send the email and be exposed, or was it done by someone else?"

Gil-Nette couldn't be sure of this: "Since the film was released in North America, I have asked the production and publicity department and public relations team to send information to many judges' mailboxes, send various invitations, and also send many hot reviews. I have contacted Hollywood Like most of the crew, they basically send it anonymously.”

He had a headache: "Something happened now. I asked the people below carefully, and they all said that they have never sent any direct solicitation for votes. But in the past few years of Oscar public relations, you should know that the lower limit is getting lower and lower, and I don't dare to Ensure that the publicity department and public relations team have not done such a thing in private."

Ang Lee was a little angry: "Many crews have done this in the past..."

Gil-Nate said: "The problem is that they were not exposed. Regardless of whether this email was sent by our people or not, the beneficiary is us and we are the ones who are most affected."

"I originally thought that when our competitors attacked us, they would also start with the movie itself." Ang Lee also did not expect that someone would use such a despicable and shameless method: "None of the preventive measures we prepared were used."

Gil-Nette said: "The crew of "Escape from Tehran" is the most likely, continue to engage them! Also, pay close attention to crisis public relations!"

Ang Lee said: "I contacted Fox's senior management, and Fox's media will speak for us, but the most important thing is TMZ, which is constantly breaking the news."

Gil Nate said: "You will communicate with Fox, and I will talk to TMZ. If TMZ calms down, the pressure on our side will be less."

Li An nodded: "Let's act quickly."

This is not the first time these two are competing for Oscars, and they know very well that if public opinion continues, many judges will give up voting for "Pi."

Gil-Nette contacted TMZ's business editor Jodi through friends and asked her to come out to discuss the "email scandal" caused by TMZ.

Out of friendship, Jody and Gil-Nate made an appointment to meet at a coffee shop adjacent to TMZ.

The two of them ordered coffee in the booth and exchanged a few pleasantries. Gil-Nette's face straightened and he got to the point: "Editor-in-Chief Jodi, "Pi" has been greatly criticized by the media recently. The origins are all False reports from TMZ..."

"False reports?" Jody was no longer the female paparazzi she was before, and directly interrupted the other party: "I'm sorry I cannot agree with Mr. Nate's point of view. TMZ is a principled and rule-based media. Since its establishment, it has always adhered to news reporting. The authenticity of any news will be reviewed and verified by us before being published."

Gil-Nette understands that entertainment media are like stray dogs. If you are a little weak, they dare to ride on you and urinate on you. He immediately showed a tough attitude: "Regarding the series of news about the "Pi" email incident, has TMZ conducted a thorough investigation? I As a producer of the "Pi" project, I can tell you responsibly that the crew, producers and distributors have never sent those emails, but you have reported and spread them vigorously!"

He couldn't help but ridicule: "Is this what you call pursuing the authenticity of news? The crew reserves the right to hold you legally responsible..."

Jody interrupted him again: "In any of TMZ's reports involving this email scandal, there is no accusation, hint, or any guiding content, saying that this matter was your fault."

She is a principled person, and true reporting is her consistent principle: “All the emails we have published and all the people we have interviewed are first-hand and true information without any falsehoods. If you have any questions, you can sue. "

These words reminded Gil Nate, and he carefully recalled the TMZ reports he had read. It seemed that there was no point in the TMZ news.

For all content related to the email scandal, TMZ is like a news porter, only putting the email content and interview videos of those who have received the email and are willing to be interviewed on the website.

As for the rest, there is no need at all. The real email contents and screenshots published in the news clearly have "Pi" written on them.

The incident is real, the emails are real, and even the interviews are real...

The two parties broke up on bad terms, and Gil-Nate said harsh words before leaving: "Just wait to receive the lawyer's letter!"

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