American fame and fortune

Chapter 813: Operation against Huang Mao

After coming out of the restaurant, Ryan Reynolds got into his car, drove a short distance and stopped on the side of the road.

Although he established a good relationship with Jon Berg during the filming of "Green Lantern", Ryan Reynolds did not believe everything Jon Berg said.

It is not difficult to verify the authenticity.

Ryan Reynolds took out his cell phone, looked up Scarlett Johnson's private number in his address book, and dialed it directly.

The call picked up quickly and it was Scarlett Johansson's voice: "I told you we don't need to contact you anymore."

Anyone who has been divorced knows that there are very few people who break up amicably without any resentment. Ryan Reynolds tried his best to ask in a calm tone: "Have you slept with Martin Davis?"

Scarlett Johansson immediately replied: "Yes, I have been. It is an experience I will never forget."

Just the first sentence made Ryan Reynolds endure it, and with the latter sentence, he almost went crazy.

Men are always particular about this.

Ryan Reynolds asked angrily: "When I asked you, you said never, why did you lie to me!"

This tone made Scarlett Johansson very unhappy, and she blurted out hurtful words: "He is a hundred times stronger than you, and I'm afraid of hurting you."

Ryan Reynolds didn't believe it: "Just because of this?"

"Are you sick?" Scarlett Johansson cut off the phone directly.

Ryan Reynolds listened to the busy tone on the phone and sat in silence for a while.

Judging from Scarlett Johansson's attitude and Martin Davis' habit of having sex with other people's wives, he can basically be sure that someone else had his wife while he was married to Scarlett Johansson.

Even though Ryan Reynolds has divorced Scarlett Johansson, he still feels extremely annoyed.

It was none of his business how Scarlett messed around before marriage or after divorce, but if she had to do this while they were married, no man could bear it.

In particular, Ryan Reynolds still has the idea that his marriage may be a task assigned by Martin to Scarlett Johansson.

Did this couple of bitches mess around in his wedding photos?

Ryan Reynolds' head felt heavy, and he felt like a fire was burning inside, threatening to burn away all his sanity.

At this moment, he wanted to find a gun, or pick up two knives, go to the Brooklyn studio and kill Martin Davis.

Ryan Reynolds suddenly woke up when he thought of this. Coming to the door like this is no different from sending someone to his death.

what can we do about it? Ryan Reynolds thought about it for a long time, but he didn't think of a good way. After all, he was a super giant.

And he, who can barely be considered a second-tier star, still screwed up a super big-budget second-tier star.

It's too difficult to blatantly mess with Martin Davis.

Ryan Reynolds' cell phone rang at this time, and he quickly picked it up.

The agent called: "I have contacted 20th Century Fox about the new project and role you have been thinking about, and they have agreed to meet with you. When will you return to Los Angeles?"

Ryan Reynolds hesitated and said, "I'm going to fly back today."

The agent said: "Okay, I will arrange a meeting, but I will tell you some things in advance so that you can be prepared. Those people have some special hobbies."

Ryan Reynolds asked: "You like the back? Or the man?"

The agent's words were very cryptic: "Small."

Ryan Reynolds understood: "We'll talk about it when I get back."

The two hung up the phone, and Ryan Reynolds temporarily put aside his thoughts about Martin, because he knew very well that if he wanted to deal with someone like Martin Davis, he not only had to have a certain level of strength, but also found a suitable opportunity.


Brooklyn Studios, New York.

In the studio where the crew of "John Wick 3" was located, the sound of gunshots continued to ring out.

As the Glock in Martin's hand bursts into flames, stuntmen are always shot and fall to the ground.

The combination of slamming the gun butt and rapid reloading made Martin's hands smooth and smooth, just like the top military operations expert.

Jonathan is surrounded by enemies, and killers throughout New York are eyeing him.

The killers who come one after another are like flies, unable to kill them all.

The nearly one-minute-long gunfight was shot to the end. Martin seemed to be unable to control himself. He killed several killers in succession and strode towards the camera with his gun in hand.

According to the script and scene plan, the shots have been shot.

But director Chad never stopped.

He looked at the picture on the monitor and found that Martin had a very special aura and never spoke. It was not until Martin was almost in front of the camera slide that he shouted: "Stop! This one has passed!"

Martin stood there without moving. After a while, he emerged from the scene with the Glock in his hand inserted into the holster on his waist.

Chad said: "Well done, Martin, this shot was great, especially the last one, your improvisation was great!"

Martin moved his hands and feet and was very show-off: "When the feeling comes, I can't stop it."

The words reached the rest area, and Leonardo, who was watching the filming, said to Nicholson, who had just arrived in New York: "Did you see it, Jack? Martin, this bastard, is getting thicker and thicker."

Nicholson adjusted his sunglasses and said, "This is the play he is best at."

Leonardo was dissatisfied: "Hey, who are you with? Just now you vowed to help me!"

"I'm just helping you get rid of that bastard who wants to conquer the sky." Nicholson didn't accept his trick: "Other times, I don't stand with the 100-meter runners. It's too embarrassing."

Leonardo gave him a middle finger.

Nicholson didn't finish speaking: "No wonder Gisele broke up with you."

Leonardo was shocked: "You and Martin, these two bastards, must kill me to be happy?"

Nicholson smiled and said, "No, you are a very capable person."

Leonardo was very skeptical and calling Nicholson over was a wrong decision: "I asked you to help, Jack."

"Help, of course!" Nicholson turned to the topic: "Have you learned about the situation of that Canadian bastard?"

Leonardo said: "Martin and I sent people to investigate. Justin Bieber has done a lot of bad things in the past few years, and his words and deeds are very high-profile. I believe he will bring me something that can be used."

"Only when we know enough can we take targeted measures," Nicholson said.

Leonardo thought about what he said last night, about a lot of water and a good taste, and the veins on his forehead jumped: "We may not be able to kill him, but we must teach him a profound lesson no matter what!"

Nicholson took a sip from the water glass and said, "I really hope that bastard gets a gun to fuck you."

Leonardo was helpless: "You have been targeting me today."

"This is not targeted." Nicholson sneered: "If he uses a gun to kill you, Martin will have a reason to kill him."

Over on the set, Martin was already in place and filming was about to begin.

Leonardo said: "After Martin finishes work, we will go back to the hotel room to discuss it in detail."

Nicholson said no more.

After the script was recorded, no more gunshots were fired on the set.

A strong man with a height of 2 meters began to fight with Martin with his bare hands.

The shooting was intermittent, and Chen Hu kept entering the set to explain the essentials of the action and adjust the action routines of the two actors.

The strong man with his height and long arms mainly attacks with his hands, while Martin's attacks focus on the lower three.

It was quite troublesome to shoot the scene, especially for Martin, who had to have a real sense of impact and also be able to hold back his kick to avoid kicking people in the vital parts.

After nearly two hours of work, the last scene was finally shot.

After filming the scene, the crew called it a day. Martin went to take off his makeup and change clothes, then joined Leonardo and Nicholson and returned to the hotel together.

The three of them had dinner and talked in detail about what happened last night. Bruce called and collected a lot of information about Justin Bieber.

Martin asked him to take him back to the room and prepare to discuss it together and come up with a good solution.

Since we are going to cause trouble, of course we have to make some noise.

Entering the room, Nicholson said: "Actually, I understand Leo's mentality very well, just like I do with Lorraine. If Lorraine can marry Martin or Leo, I won't have any objections, but she has an addiction. If a gentleman-like street bastard comes over, I can break that bastard’s legs.”

Martin quickly said: "Lorraine deserves a better future, not me or Leo."

Leonardo strongly agreed: "She will find a man who loves her wholeheartedly."

Bruce came out of the study and handed the copied materials to Martin, Leonardo and Nicholson respectively. He also kept a copy for himself to read carefully.

Martin read quickly and flipped through the pages.

Justin Bieber's explosive popularity in the past few years has made people witness an ordinary boy who suddenly became famous overnight and then got lost in wealth and feasting, repeatedly breaking the law and doing whatever he wanted.

His driver's license was revoked for driving under the influence of drugs in Miami. He was under the influence of drugs and acted recklessly in front of many fans and media reporters. He was under the influence of drugs while recording in a recording studio in Los Angeles. As a result, the work process turned into a chaotic party. He was under the influence of drugs at home. He got so excited that he threw dozens of eggs at the neighbor next door and asked the neighbor's aunt to mess around with him...

As for jealousy and conflicts with other singers or celebrities, this is only a daily activity.

But this bastard has money, and money in America means being able to do a lot of things, and lawyers and bail money aren't a problem.

And the record company is also supporting him.

Martin closed the material and said: "Have you noticed that all the illegal things happened after Justin Bieber took drugs? This guy must have a serious drug addiction."

"It's obvious," Nicholson said, looking at the newspaper clippings on the profile.

Leonardo said: "This is not a problem at all for singers. Basically everyone who plays electronic music, rap and rock is like this."

"Fallen America." Nicholson praised: "How can we save these lost lambs?"

Martin got to the point: "All of Justin Bieber's illegal behaviors were basically after taking drugs, and after taking drugs, he almost always found a woman."

Leonardo said: "That thing can evoke people's thoughts in that way."

Nicholson nodded: "You are very observant. I now have a preliminary plan to take advantage of women."

Martin said: "Yellow hair attracts women easily, so we target women. This plan is called Operation Against Yellow Hair!"

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