American fame and fortune

Chapter 816 Never allow society to regress

Brooklyn, Hilton Hotel.

Martin opened a bottle of wine and poured it slowly into three glasses. The golden wine reflected Leonardo's figure pacing back and forth. The round glass made the shadow look like a working donkey. Stopped and turned in circles.

Nicholson picked up a glass of wine. Before he drank it, he saw the shadow spinning on the glass and said, "Leo, can you stop? It's making me dizzy."

Leonardo looked at Bruce sitting in front of the laptop and asked, "Bruce, is there no news yet?"

Bruce refreshed the TMZ website again and shook his head: "Not yet."

Martin handed Leonardo a glass of wine: "Jack and Jodi have received feedback. The plan is going very smoothly. You have to be patient."

"I know I have to be patient." Leonardo drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, choked and coughed twice, and said with a bit of sadness: "But when I think of Giselle...he just did it. , and even rode up to me to show off, how can I endure it!"

Martin repeated his old saying: "The one who got cheated was Tom Brady!"

Nicholson nodded: "Martin is right."

Leonardo murmured to himself: "My Giselle."

Martin said: "You're done, Leo. You used to only say this when you were drunk. Now it starts before you are drunk. You should see a psychiatrist."

Nicholson continued: "NewYork-Presbyterian Psychiatric Center, haven't you experienced life? I can help you contact the ward."

"That's enough, you two bastards!" Leonardo pointed at Martin and Nicholson: "I have no mental problems, but if I stay with you two bastards for a long time, I will be infected with the problem."

Bruce coughed slightly and said, "Everyone, the news about Justin Bieber is out!"

Leonardo was the first to rush behind Bruce.

Martin and Nicholson also walked over.

Bruce dragged the mouse and clicked on the video in the top news on the TMZ homepage.

The video is not long, and it quickly ends with Lana trapping Justin's eyes with her tie.

When Lana put the gun into Justin's mouth, Leonardo's anxious face finally showed a smile, and he smiled inexplicably.

Nicholson shook his head, as if he had seen the most exciting Sacred Valley art blockbuster: "It's interesting, it's so interesting to ride on the horse. This good show in New York is not in vain this time, it's worth the ticket price!"

"These are not the important points." Martin said softly: "As long as he can't bear to say anything, it will only make him sick for a few days."

Leonardo thought of the news headline: “The best is yet to come.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of Lana and Justin's quarrel came out.

In the latter's discourse, various discriminatory remarks emerge in endlessly.

About black people, about homosexuals, about shape-shifters, direct and crude insults.

Maybe when a bunch of people are chatting, these are nothing.

But if a public figure in the entertainment industry says this and is exposed by the media, it will inevitably cause a storm.

After listening to what Justin said, Nicholson said, "Actually, I think what this bastard said makes sense."

Martin nodded slightly in agreement.

Leonardo reminded: "Hey, guys, pay attention to your position!"

Martin smiled and said: "We will always stand with you, but this does not prevent other things."

Nicholson specifically said: "We can say this in private, don't talk about it outside."

He shook his head and sighed: "Some things have changed so strangely that I can't understand Hollywood anymore."

Martin said: "It is nothing more than commercial interests and political needs. Many big forces behind these events are tacitly promoting it, which can not only please certain groups, increase business income, but also divert conflicts."

"Don't think about these things for now." Leonardo was in a good mood at the moment: "As long as it is beneficial to us."

"This is going to put him in huge trouble for a long time to come," Nicholson said.

Martin pointed at Justin in the video: "I still like his unruly look."

Leonardo laughed: "I hope he can continue to look like this."

Martin said: "New York and Los Angeles are the vanguard of these movements and have the largest and most combative organizations in the United States. Next, it's up to you, Leo."

Leonardo responded: "My sword is thirsty."

Martin and Nicholson both laughed.

Leonardo took out his mobile phone and made several calls in succession.

As a top star with a net worth of hundreds of millions of dollars, an independent production company, and a Hollywood face, the people and power Leonardo can mobilize should not be underestimated.

Many media and special organizations quickly received relevant news.


A very unassuming bar in Manhattan.

Few men and women come and go, and those who don't understand the situation will be stopped at the door. The merchants would rather not do business than let them in.

There are occasional visitors, all of whom are strange people.

For example, women with some masculine characteristics, or simply cross-dressing men.

In the bar, a group of cross-dressing men who looked like transvestites were having a party.

Because it is the home of New York's largest group of shape-shifters, the "Drag Queens," the scene is not too unsightly.

Several women's clothing bosses were gathering in front of the bar to discuss matters.

Bria, who wears an afro, blue eyeshadow, and prosthetic breasts, said: "Through supporting our charity organization 'Torah,' I contacted New York City Hall and expressed my willingness to contribute to New York's elementary schools and schools. The willingness of middle schools to perform benefit performances.”

Allen, who was wearing a purple wig next to him, asked: "They agreed?"

Bria said: "New York City Hall said it would consider asking some public schools to invite us to perform."

Susan, who has really grown her hair, said: "If it can be achieved, this will be a major victory. It is not enough for the media and public opinion to support us. We must expand our influence to all aspects of society and let everyone see us. The first thing they think of is It’s about respecting us!”

She raised her voice: "Now that we have stood up and become an important part of society, even those public figures who mention us must show respect for us...

The cell phone rang suddenly, interrupting Susan's words.

Bria smiled sheepishly and stood up to answer the phone. Because she had been sitting for too long, the fake breasts fell so hard that they almost fell to her belly. This guy seemed to be walking with two rubber balls on his belly.

"What?" After hearing a few words from the person on the phone, Bria's eyes widened: "A celebrity actually discriminates against us? And even made the headlines of TMZ? This is a very serious matter, I'm going to Report to Susan.”

After hanging up the phone, he turned around and walked back. As he walked, he adjusted his clothes and pulled the prostheses that had fallen on his stomach back to where they should be.

After coming to the bar and sitting down, Bria said: "Susan, let me interrupt, something serious happened. I suggest you read the news on the TMZ website first."

Susan tilted her head, and a female bartender whose chin and mouth were not particularly cleanly shaved opened the computer on the side of the bar.

The bartender connected the projector and projected it on the big screen in the bar.

The top headline on the TMZ website instantly attracted the attention of these women's clothing tycoons.

"Turn on the video," Susan said.

The bartender clicked on the video and started playing it.

More than halfway through, the bar was filled with curses and all the bosses were furious.

"Justin Bieber discriminates against us!"

"Fake, this is actually a hidden terrorist!"

"He is using the most unpleasant words to insult our group!"

One of the black men wearing a blond wig was so angry that he jumped on the table and shouted: "Justin Bieber not only discriminates against my gender, he discriminates against me as a gay and also discriminates against me as a black man! He is committing a crime!"

Many people nearby were echoing: "Yes, this is a crime!"

The crowd in the bar was so excited that it was like a hornet's nest being stabbed.

"Quiet! Quiet!" Susan shouted: "Drag queens will never be silent, and we will fight to the end against any discriminatory elements!"

Immediately someone shouted: “For the drag queens!”

Others followed suit and shouted, "For the drag queen!"

Susan made a downward gesture: "Give us some time to discuss an effective countermeasure."

The bar became quiet.

The news video had long since finished, and Allen said, "We have to speak up!"

Bria looked at Susan: "Everyone who discriminates against us should get the punishment they deserve!"

Susan thought for a while and then said: "Put other things aside for now. From now on, we will prioritize handling this emergency."

Drag queens can become the largest group of shapeshifters in New York. The leadership has certain abilities and is relatively united overall. Everyone else is waiting for Susan to give orders.

Susan said: "Ellen, please contact the media that supports us and arrange an interview as soon as possible. We must speak out publicly in the media to let Justin Bieber or people like him understand that this is a very serious protest. Social event!”

She waved to Michelle, a black man with a lot of buff, and after waiting for others to come over, she said: "Find out where Justin Bieber is as soon as possible. You can gather people early tomorrow morning and go to protest in front of his house. You can use some methods." .”

The black boss promised: "I won't make it easy for this bastard!"

Susan looked at Bria again: "Justin Bieber's remarks not only discriminate against us, but also involve other groups. You are responsible for contacting those well-known groups. It is best to launch a massive protest together tomorrow."

Bria nodded and took out her cell phone to make a call.

The drag queen side quickly became busy.

It didn't take long for more women's clothing bosses to enter the bar one after another. Some of them opened the bar's storage room and took out various materials to prepare for tomorrow's protest.

Bria contacted several special groups and came back and said to Susan: "They have all received the news and will take similar actions to us. I also asked about Justin Bieber's current residence."

Susan said righteously: "We will never allow society to regress!"

"Yes, never allowed!"

Meanwhile, several gay bars on the same street, and Manhattan's black community, were making similar preparations.

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