American Manga God

Chapter 102: war on berlin

Chapter 102 The War on the Edge of Berlin

Chapter 102 The War on the Edge of Berlin


"Su! Su! Su! Su!" Not only in the square, but even the Hydra machine gunners on the sentry tower began to slam the trigger and shoot at their former colleagues.

The screeching sound of the mp40 submachine gun, and the bursting sound of the mg42 machine gun, resounded throughout the camp.

The SS were the most numerous, but they were caught off guard.

who I am?

where am I?

What am I going to do?

Before they could figure out the three questions in life, they were stunned by their colleagues.

Hydra has its own medallions, tactical moves, and even minor differences in gun stance. They quickly tied a white cloth with the Hydra emblem on the back of their hands to identify friend and foe.

Originally, the members of Hydra never thought of turning against their mother at all.

As soon as he came, his leader and the special envoy sent from above were immediately stunned.

Second, the Hydra itself has a heart of disobedience.

Naturally killing people is particularly fierce.

Originally, the exchange of fire with light weapons was not enough to affect the situation of the entire concentration camp. Natalia and the others outside were also a little hesitant. If there is no one of your own coming out, there is no way to talk about receiving it.

As far as the intelligence bureau's dozen or so people and some light weapons are concerned, it is a fool's dream to attack a position with high reinforced concrete walls, dozens of sentry towers, and permanent fortifications.

As the 88mm anti-aircraft guns on the position turned their muzzles, the situation changed dramatically.

On the position, more than 20 SS soldiers had their eyes blurred, and their spirits were controlled by the hypnotic totems secretly engraved on the gates of the two bunkers.

In their eyes, it was a mad Brit who sneaked into Berlin and drove the latest Tiger tank to attack the concentration camp.

"Defend the concentration camp!"


They were completely unaware of their cognitive contradictions, and quickly executed tactical maneuvers, turning the muzzle of the 88mm cannon toward the reinforced concrete wall.



The concrete wall with a thickness of 30 cm was completely unable to withstand the power of the 88 gun, and a large hole was blown out on the spot. Not to mention concrete, even the steel bars were blown apart.

The fryer level of the entire concentration camp, another level.

The reason why the 88mm anti-aircraft gun is so powerful and famous is that it can not only be used for air defense, but also has magical power when dealing with armored troops.

The 88mm anti-aircraft gun is a barrel with a length of 45 times the caliber. The armor-piercing projectile it uses can explode the turret of a Kv1 heavy tank with a 110mm steel plate within one kilometer.

Against a concrete wall only 30 cm thick, it is not a problem at all.

Of course, one gun was in charge of the wall, and the other was desperately firing at the gate of the concentration camp.

Originally, the protective wall of the concentration camp was to prevent people inside from escaping, and the defense outside was handed over to the positions. Who would have known that the position would betrayed first.

What about the guards at the concentration camps?

There are Hydra rebels inside, and there are rebels outside, and they are also very desperate!

Outside Natalia and the others suddenly became excited.

"It's fighting! The Germans actually beat their own people?"

"Drausky did it?"


"What shall we do? Shall we follow along?"

"No!" Natalia was rarely calm: "Let's continue to wait! In this situation, as long as Major brings people out, it will be a victory for the Soviets."

The concentration camp is a mess!

Driven by the desire to survive, the treatment was better. Relatively speaking, the felons who still have strength will certainly not miss this opportunity. On the spot, some people rushed to the jailer, or went to pick up the mp40 of the dead jailer and saw the German soldiers. just fire.

At this moment of chaos, more than 30 people suddenly heard an incomparably clear voice in their ears, and people of different nationalities heard shouts in different languages.

The shout only had the same content: "I will save you in the name of Stalin. If you don't want to die, just follow the three-point fluorescent light."

Three-point fluorescence?

What the **** is that?

In the next moment, they all saw a cat with a waist running fast, and there were three green fluorescent spots behind him.

Is there a response?

A strong desire to survive drove them, and some of them got weapons and followed them.

Just when they were about to reach the wall, there was a sudden loud noise. The high wall, which used to be a moat to them, was blasted with a cannonade close to the ground with a one-meter-square hole.

Hope is at hand.

Everyone took a breath and rushed there.

After many people got through the first wall, they were stunned. Someone looked up and saw that the German guard who was supposed to be on the sentry tower was lying on the machine gun, and the red blood was flowing in the searchlight.

Then the second wall and the third wall were wildly opened by 88 guns.

The innermost hole is one meter in diameter, the second layer is more than three meters, and the third layer is more than five meters.

After completing the task of attacking the wall, the arrogant 88 artillery turned its muzzle and sent an armored personnel carrier that should be patrolling nearby to the west.

What's even more awesome is that the position was actually firing mortars at the guard quarters in the concentration camp!

Nima, this is simply fighting a small war!

There was such a big noise here, and the garrison in Berlin was not deaf. The shrill alarm sounded on the spot, and the whole of Berlin was boiling.

Maozi's intelligence officers were finally pleasantly surprised to see that a group of people were crawling out of the hole.

"Damn, why are there so many people!?" The intelligence officers were unequivocal. The three groups of people drove the trucks and SS cars that had been prepared and continued to rush past.

It turned out that doing so would be very dangerous, because there were positions outside the concentration camps. The machine guns on the bunker are not vegetarian.

Now the position is desperately firing on the concentration camp, should it be his own? should……

The sharp-eyed Natalia suddenly saw Meimumu, who was dragging a young man with a cat and running towards her quickly. It's more like pulling under the arm, but Mei Mumu is the fastest runner of all.

A beautiful tail-flick stopped, and Natalia in the co-pilot said, "Have you been rescued?"

"He is Comrade Yakov." Mei Mumu threw a frightened, thin young man onto the car like a garbage.

Natalia and the intelligence officer driving in the front row already remembered Yakov's face by heart. Looking at the pale face with a stubble beard, they were overjoyed on the spot.

"Who are those people?"

"The big fish that was rescued easily." Mei Mumu replied casually.

Yakov's safety is the top priority. The intelligence officer stepped on the accelerator and rushed to the predetermined location.

Mei Mumu turned back and threw the staggering prisoners into the big truck one by one.


"Any plans for the next step?"

A group of prisoners, from all over the world, with any language or accent.


Chapter 102 The War on the Edge of Berlin

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