American Manga God

Chapter 155: future

"Master, you shouldn't be here..."

Yelena asked carefully in English, and Mei Chuncao replied in Russian: "Am I busy with winter?"

Double entendre.

[Winter thing] refers to the Winter Soldier, and in Russian, it means that it is absolutely safe here.

Yelena understood in an instant, and let go of her vigilance. A smile suddenly appeared on her face: "Alas! If I knew that the master was here, I would not have to waste that effort."

"Humph! Are you not from the Intelligence Department now?" Mei Jiexao pretended to be indifferent.

"Where, from the moment I got the inheritance, I have always been the most loyal servant of the master!" Yelena came over and hugged her thighs. A pair of Roshan Demon Kings rubbed directly on someone's thighs. It was really easy to get on. Fire!

The upright gentleman, Meijie, had a serious face.

In the next instant, the graceful female body was directly hit with a [Bigby's King Kong Palm]. The air condensed into something harder than a concrete wall like lightning, pushing Yelena away with a gentle but undeniable momentum.

Yelena always had a natural reverence for Mei Mumu. She realized that she had overstepped, and immediately fell to her knees and kowtowed to beg for mercy: "I'm sorry, master, I shouldn't have made such a joke."

Mei Mumu raised two fingers: "First, you are still young! Second, you can't perfectly control the toxins in your body. Where you thought there was no venom to reach, maybe it is already poisonous. Want to get close, then It’s just hurting others and hurting yourself.”

"I understand."

Don't look at Mei's seriousness, in fact, this guy is also crying in his heart.

I drop God!

I really shot myself in the foot!

A girl who can be easily knocked down has to bring poison to others. One bad thing is to poison herself!

And a loli within the shelf life, how do you tell me to push it! ?

However, what makes Mei Mumu more careful is that he must not touch himself. Only ghosts know what will happen if one plum tree meets another plum tree.

It would be fun if the clones of the two Time Stones interfered with each other.

Of course, he is playing time back recklessly, what if he wears himself to death?

Some things are better to be careful with.

Mei Mumu swept Yelena, and he found that this girl is also a bit strange. Before he made a move, she was a feisty master. Who knew that as soon as he shocked her, she would obey like a well-behaved little daughter-in-law.

Perhaps, this is the common problem of orphans.

Behind her self-improvement and arrogance is a deep sense of inferiority and unease. Once she encounters an absolute powerhouse who can subdue her, she will be resolutely attached to the powerhouse's wings.

At this point, she is typical fear. She knew very well that she would never be ranked ahead of Natalia in Mei Mumu's heart, and she was even more afraid of being ruthlessly abandoned like those left behind in the red house or the small black house.

Those are a pair of eyes that are eager to show their worth, and eager to be recognized and cared for.

"Huh!" Mei Mumu sighed, he was a little out of temper: "The task I gave you, you must do it well."

"Definitely! It's just that the time hasn't come yet!" Yelena hurriedly agreed.

"I know. Then, take this back!" Magician Mei, playing a little trick, suddenly had a blue serum in his hand.

"This is..." Yelena's face suddenly showed a look of surprise.

"The serum that the intelligence department wants. The original version that even Lao Mei doesn't have. It's just that I added some seasonings in it. You've got it!" After that, Mei Mumu gently threw the glass bottle of serum out.

After Yelena received it steadily, as if she did not give up, she made a superfluous move. She pushed the serum... into the deep valley between the Ural Mountains and supported the mountains.

Mei Mumu's eyes were straight.

Hold the grass!

What a foul you are!

Are you forcing me to be your fan?

No no no!

I want cold stems! calm!

Mmmm, this is poisonous!

I haven't seen each other for a while. As the giver of inheritance, Mei Mumu asked the system to scan Yelena's body. Of course, she knew that she was not completely poisonous at all. become half and half.

In theory, it seems that that is not impossible.

Mei Mumu just wants to hypnotize himself like this, otherwise he is really afraid that he will die and challenge the limit...

"Okay! Finally, bring me a letter to Natalia..."

After sending Yelena away, Mei Mumu entered the pseudo*sage mode.

Because of the time he spent in the Marvel world, he found that he had made a big mistake.

[Captain America 1] The time span here is actually quite long. Leaving aside the end of the movie, Captain America woke up from more than 60 years of freezing and came to 2011.

In fact, from 1942 when Red Skull obtained the [Cosmic Rubik's Cube], also known as [Space Gem], to the ultimate battle between Captain America and Red Skull in 1945, the time span was more than three years.

Here comes the problem.

He stayed in the United States, and it was actually useless. Because from 1943 to 1945, most of the time was Captain America dancing awkwardly and acting as a mascot.

Mei Mumu has picked up quite a few offsets and reversals. The next step to trigger the historical plot, at least more than a year later. He is not too sure that the energy of the [Eye of Agamotto] clone can last until that time.

He had to make a decision-

In the end is to continue grinding time.

Let's go back first and see if we can go back to the end of 1944 or 1945.

"Forget it, let's strengthen it first, and then try again to see if I can come back here. After all, I fooled Captain America into believing in the Holy Light and earned so many points, I'm no longer at a loss here."

Presented in the spiritual sea, there are 5 reversal points and 25 offset points.

After a little thought, Mei Mumu called out Miss Tian Ping.

"I want to draw a lottery and go back. Do you have any suggestions?"

"you can……" Meimumu found Howard the next morning: "I'm leaving! There is a more important thing that I need to do in person."

"Go? Where are you going? Do you want to go to the front? When will you come back?" Howard really couldn't bear his good partner: "Could it be that the legendary technology of Hydra attracted you? No! Dude, you can't do this, I can do it come up with something better."

"No! Hydra has some good ideas, and it's quite attractive to me. Unfortunately, I have more important things to do."

"What could be more important than this **** war?" Howard was stunned.

Mei Mumu pointed behind Howard.

Howard knew that this might be a pit, but he couldn't help but look back.

When he turned around again, he found that his partner had disappeared from the world, leaving only a noun that seemed to be dreaming——


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