American Manga God

Chapter 161: rioting soldier

The insurrection of the captives of American soldiers began. As professionally trained soldiers, they fared far better than weak civilians. And after being captured, they saw that their compatriots were forced to perform high-intensity labor and died one after another. Since it is a death to stay, why don't they fight for their lives?

Starting with the rifle in the prison guardroom, thousands of prisoners kicked off the prison riot.

It is also a black technology-level laser gun, and it will die if it is shot.

Generally speaking, the side with the better marksmanship and more people wins.

Originally, this prison camp was a flesh and blood factory where Hydra, the Hydra, squeezed the labor of prisoners. Compared to the number of prisoners, Hydra's guards, despite being elite, number only a few hundred.

It was found that the guards who came to suppress the riots were forming a pair with the armed prisoners, but were overwhelmed by the influx of prisoners.

Laser rifles are powerful, but their bursts are poor.

The guards repeatedly called the machine gunners on the sentry tower to work, but what they waited for was a moment of silence. Their companions, whose dead bodies are beginning to cool, are destined to be impossible to give them any response.

After a brief confrontation, the guards began to rout.

Especially after the US soldiers grabbed Hydra's tank, the battle situation became even more one-sided. The large-caliber laser cannon on the tank can punch a one-meter-diameter hole through a one-meter-thick reinforced concrete wall with just one shot.

Ordinary brick walls, even more, one shot into the soul, one shot down, hundreds of bricks and rubble suddenly scattered like fireworks in the festival.

These days, the prisoners have been tortured, and seeing the brothers being brutally tortured and murdered one by one, has long held back their anger.

Captain America Steve's original intention was to let the prisoners escape, as much as they could.

History has quietly turned a corner here. With the help of two mysterious collaborators, the heavy firepower in this flesh and blood factory has basically been taken away. When Hydra's guards tried to get into the tank, they were shot dead by poison darts that were secretly shot.

On the contrary, the American soldiers had the absolute upper hand.

"What are you running! Kill those bastards, let's go!" an old American officer yelled.

Over there, Steve didn't care too much and continued to 'sneak' to the factory quarantine area.

He didn't know that someone had already come to the quarantine area one step ahead of him. In a laboratory where people went to the empty building, a beautiful female figure appeared from the air, from a very light and translucent state, it became solid in half a second, and the delicate curve of the body seemed to give The sketches are generally colored, and they become living people.

The ice-carved jade face was covered by black gauze below the nose. If someone Mei was here, even if they covered half of their face, they would definitely recognize that she was Natalia Romanova - Black Widow Miss.

Taking out a photo from her hand, Natalia smiled faintly at the US soldier who was anesthetized and unconscious on the operating table: "James Barnes. Nicknamed 'Bucky', it's you Exactly."

After all, Natalia found Bucky's military card, and then found a small tracker embedded in a groove in the military card at an inconspicuous position.

This is not the black technology of World War II in the Marvel world, it is purely 21st century spy equipment exchanged by a traveler with the fragments of destiny. The tracker, which is the size of a grain of rice, emits a specific wavelength, and when paired with a special display, its signal can be received within 20 kilometers.

After doing all this, Natalia bent over and entered the stealth mode of the thief, and the whole person disappeared as if melted into the air.

Military badges, also known as dog badges. Bucky has to wear this as long as he's a soldier.

Captain America is a bit idiot. It took a long time to find the cage, but it was a straight line to find a friend. Natalia disappeared in less than half a minute, and he came.

"Bucky?" Quickly opening the restraint button on the operating table, and sniffing his good friend's breath, Captain America shook his good friend hard: "Hey! Bucky! If you don't die, take a breath!"

Bucky has been abandoned here for a long time. In fact, the anesthetic that was originally injected into his body is failing, and his stronger-than-average physique is working.

"Steve?" Opening his sleepy eyes, Bucky thought he was dreaming.

"Thank God, I thought you were dead."

Slowly standing up, Bucky looked at his childhood friend while eating poop.

"I thought you weren't that tall! Am I still dreaming?"

In less than a year, his best friend grew thirty centimeters tall. This kind of crazy thing made Bucky doubt his eyes.

"No, you're starting to wake up. We'll talk about it later, let's get out of this ghost place first."

On the other side, two vague female figures reunite, they are Natalia and Yelena. The focus of their eyes was on a researcher who was moving with his big **** and running around in large bags.

His fat, dwarf face, which feels a little retarded, is recognizable. He is the first right-hand man under the Red Skull - Dr. Zola, who is in charge of scientific It is he who developed the energy weapon that diverts high-purity energy from the [Universal Cube], making Hydra's The miscellaneous soldiers can hold powerful laser guns, as well as various heavy weapons such as tanks loaded with high-power energy weapons.

"I really want to do it now!" Natalia stared at Dr. Zola and gritted her teeth.

"Master said..."

"I know what my brother ordered." Natalia spat.

Then the figures of the two women disappeared into the air again.

Outside, the battle is still fierce.

A laser gun or something, it looks very cool. As long as the human body is hit, the whole person will instantly turn into energy particles, completely decompose and dissipate in the air.

Of course, in actual combat, the power of this thing is not so exaggerated. It is true that laser guns can blow up armored vehicles and even the front armor of Sherman tanks with one shot.

Prisoners are infantry!

Whether it is an infantry or a tank, one shot is death, which is obviously a bit more 'cheaper' for infantry.

U.S. prisoners in the riot also found rifles they had previously confiscated.

In fact, the human body is quite fragile. As long as it hits the key point, whether it is a laser gun or a [Gardland Rifle] bullet, it will die or die.

The scene started to turn one-sided.

After discovering that nothing could be done, the Red Skull, who happened to be at this base, started the self-destruction program of the base in the main control room of the base.

"Boom! Boom—"

The continuous huge explosion finally woke everyone up. This time, whether it was a Hydra soldier or an American soldier, they all ran away in a hurry.

However, Captain America and Bucky, who were forced to evacuate from the heights of the factory building, were forced to go nowhere by the fire, and finally met their fateful enemies - the Red Skull and Dr. Zola!

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