American Manga God

Chapter 166: Mei Fudge

Bucky was in pain. He recalled the situation after he was rescued by his good friend. He and Steve were completely different people. In the past, he had no advantage in picking girls, but now every girl will only cast their eyes on [Captain America].

Even the gorgeous Peggy would only focus her obsessive gaze on Steve's face, and could no longer tolerate a second man.

Steve is more handsome and manly now. The gap between Bucky and Steve is the same as the gap between the weak and short Steve and him.

This psychological gap made Bucky even more uncomfortable.

Most of Mei's face was hidden in the fog of arcane magic, and all he could see was his arcanist robe. He spoke again: "Answer me, boy, are you... thirsty for power?"

Bucky recalled the past six months, and his mind was full of painful images.

He used to be like the younger brother Ben, and the buddy who had to take care of him in everything became an uncompromising boss.

What can he do for Steve?

Nothing can help.

Most of what Steve can do, he can't do.

What he did, Steve could do.

Even the last time a Hans sniper shot Steve, just when he was shocked, he found that Steve actually used a sacred power called [Holy Light] to transform it by his own will. For substantial energy, it blocked the bullets of the Kar98K sniper rifle.

Not only traditional rifles, if you really want to fight, even the new type of laser guns like Hydra soldiers, Steve can use the Holy Light to carry a shot on the front.

That kind of inhuman extraordinary power makes Bucky very envious. If it weren't for this, he wouldn't take the initiative to go to Dr. Abraham for an immature [Super Soldier] serum injection and radiation test.

The process of the experiment should be successful, but of course, because the serum formula was not completely correct, he did not feel any increase in his physical fitness.

Out of loyalty to his best friend, even if he did not become stronger, he still guarded Steve as a mortal. Even in the face of Hydra's heavy armored soldiers, he can summon the courage to rush over.

It's a pity that the gap in strength is sometimes so cruel.

He was knocked off a cliff, fell into the glacier, and became a prisoner...

He is unwilling!

He doesn't want to!

He hasn't given up yet!

If there is a chance for him to rise up and stand by his brother's side, he will definitely say it without hesitation...

"Power? Desire? Of course I desire!" Even though the body in the material world was still like a salted fish, bound by limbs and firmly fixed on the operating table, Bucky in the spiritual world exploded.

His arms, shoulders and neck were bulging.

He was furious, like a furious lion.

On his masculine face with Chinese characters, his facial muscles twitched more and more, his thick eyebrows and big eyes bulged, and the whites of his eyes were full of bloodshots.

This is a man who will never bow to fate.

Even if at this moment he is showing such an imposing manner in a state of soul, Mei Mumu has a feeling of being taken aback.

Of course, the consequence of being seriously injured and extremely weak is naturally a weakness on the soul level. Otherwise, if you trespass into a soul with a strong self-will, even Mei Jiexiao will be in danger.

Bucky roared, his neck bulging, as if someone had inserted a detonator into his arteries and veins: "I don't care who you are! It doesn't matter who you are! It doesn't matter if it's an angel! It doesn't matter if it's a demon! As long as you can give me strength, as long as you don't let me deal with it. Steve, you can take whatever I have-"

What is courage!

This is courage!

Bucky is more like a very depressed spring, which starts to rebound after being extremely compressed. Anyone who underestimates him will probably lose a few teeth.

Mei Da Huyou smiled: "Haha! I'm sorry to disappoint you, I am neither an angel nor a demon. If you have to say what my role is. Well, I should be the messenger of fate!"

"The... messenger of fate?"

Mei Huyou sternly said: "Yes! I have seen your fate. If you are a mortal, then it is not bad for you to be like this. Since you have chosen the path of the strong, then... you are too weak!"

"Too weak." This is Bucky's shame and his own muttering.

"Even if you are strengthened by the Soviets, you are still a poor **** who can't reach the top, and you can't become a peak combat power. In the face of a real powerful enemy, you will only despair and step into the fate of ashes." Mei Huyou said with great certainty .

This is not Mei Huyou's bragging. In the final battle, Bucky the Winter Soldier really didn't have any outstanding performances and was finished, and directly chemical fertilizers, oh, ashes.

Bucky shuddered: "Is it **?"

Mei Huyou dismissed it: "What is **, ** will usher in its end in 1945. When you meet a real powerful enemy, you will naturally know."

After a while of silence, Bucky finally said: "Okay, I understand. So what do you want from me?"

Mei Huyou thought for a while, embarrassed, he really didn't want Bucky.

Can I say that I drew **** in the last lottery, and then prepared it for recycling?

Mei flickered: "What I want is only the future of the earth, the continuation of destiny. You just need to be yourself and use your strength. I am very satisfied."

Bucky was extremely stunned. He didn't expect that he was ready to sell his soul to the devil, but the other party didn't like it. Is the other party really wanting nothing? Or is the other party's thinking level too high, you can't understand it yourself, and your brain can't keep up?

Bucky didn't know what Mei Huyou was going to give him, but obviously it wouldn't be anything mortal. His soul bowed his head deeply to Mei Huyou: "Then you at least give me some tasks, admonitions, or something."

"Mission? No." Mei Huyou thought for a while, and said, "However, when you see the person with this thing around your neck, keep silent and cooperate with him. What he has to do must be to save the world. important task.”

After all, Mei Huyou showed the [Eye of Agamotto].

"I see." Bucky bowed his head again.

"Okay! This is the inheritance of the [Warrior] I want to bestow on you."

Mei Yun, his heart is tingling.

In any card game, the most famous [one of the three major illusions in life] is that the next one can be shipped.

That's right, he got a lot of offset points from Captain America. In addition to creating a set of arcanist suits, he used the offset points to kill him. As a result, it was the inheritance of Anduin Lothar, a famous warrior in World of Warcraft.

Mei Mumu is a good mage, and he has to think that maybe this is good luck, but his brain is hot, and he runs to free pumping.

The result, of course, was the sinking of the ship.

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