American Manga God

Chapter 182: Have you asked me?

In fact, when the guards outside the banquet hall were killed by silenced pistols, Mei Jiecao had already discovered it.

But he didn't understand a little, who gave these guys the courage to send a group of people to attack the party attended by the mayor of New York.

Of course, he was also a little unable to understand the brain circuits of those underworld bosses.

After secretly putting a magic shield on himself, he saw Ambassador Naches' face instantly turn blue.

Oh? Is it actually Mr. Ambassador's pot?

"Be careful!"

It was Erica who reacted the fastest. She immediately pulled up her long skirt and tore off a corner to cover her mouth and nose. Just as she was about to protect her father, there was a sound of breaking glass all around the large villa on the first floor, and a group of men in black with gas masks rushed in.

A miniature submachine gun equipped with a muffler shot the few bodyguards in the arena.

There were a few weak exclamations from the scene, which were the last exclamations of the female guests who had not yet been completely unconscious.

Erica moved when the man in black brought down the last resister. She ripped open her long Greek dress at once, and ripped it to the size of a miniskirt, revealing two extremely toned long legs.

The next second, she arched her body almost to the ground, under the cover of the party table, and pounced on an intruder.

It was a lightning-fast attack in the eyes of mortals.

The attacker didn't expect that someone still had the ability to resist, and was directly interrupted by Erica's sneak attack from the back, and the whole fell softly.

But when he fell, he hit the dining table and made a loud noise.


The next second, it was three or four shots of Uzi.

"Pfft! Pfft! Pfft!" The sound of the gunshot, which was deliberately suppressed by the silencer, sounded like cracked silk.

Erica nimbly did a backflip to hide behind a solid wood dining table, and with a gorgeous whip, she kicked the entire table, which weighed at least one hundred pounds, out.

The other party obviously did not want to kill too much, or did not want to use the assault rifle to alarm the people around, so they used a miniature submachine gun with a muffler. While the muffler reduces the noise, it also further weakens the inherently weak penetration of submachine gun bullets. They couldn't beat Erika's solid wood table.

As a result, three attackers were pinned down.

"Let's go Erica! Their target is me!" This time, Ambassador Naches yelled.

Erica was stunned on the spot.

Just as Erica was about to do something, a cold and cruel male voice came from the small square outside the banquet hall.

"Go? No one wants to go!"

Those were four table knives that looked like cruise missiles.

It flew in from the gate of the banquet hall, crossed the sky above a dozen fallen guests and four dining tables, and drew a clear arc in mid-air, and finally pinned on Ambassador Naches who was trying to escape with great accuracy.

"Ah—" the ambassador screamed.

When Erica saw it, her eyes were split on the spot, and she screamed in surprise, which made her accidentally inhale a large mouthful of hypnotic gas.

His father actually looked like a frog waiting to be dissected, his two palms and the position of his collarbone were all penetrated and nailed to the white wall. It's just that there are four pools of blood stains on the walls now.

The big picture is set!

Erica strove to attack the attacker, but unfortunately the hypnotic gas made her feel her body getting heavier and heavier.

"Live! I want that traitor to see how his daughter is being abused in front of him."

A burly man wearing a blue tights and nearly 1.90 meters tall walked into the messy banquet hall. It can be clearly seen that this man has a physique that is not inferior to Captain America, as well as a similar dress, and half of his face is also covered by a mask.

It's just that on the forehead of his mask, there is a bullseye-like pattern composed of several concentric circles.

Because the attackers broke a lot of glass when they broke in, and the air conditioning system was working, the hypnotic gas dissipated a lot.

Under the stimulation of severe pain, Ambassador Naches forcibly raised his heavy eyelids and struggled to shout: "Bullseye! Don't deal with my daughter, she is innocent!"

Here, Erica has been defeated. None of the attackers could bring down the limp Erica empty-handed, but their sedative gun, Erica, couldn't dodge.

Rao has an extraordinary physique, and she still can't escape the anesthesia gun when she has already inhaled a little anesthetic gas. It was held down by the attackers three times.

"Don't... hurt my dad!" Erica cried, struggling desperately and in vain.

Her beauty, the tears on her face, her disheveled dress, her skirt torn into miniskirts, and her twisted thighs made her look more like a weak woman about to be abused.

Everything seemed to portend that evil was about to triumph.

The burly man known as Bullseye grinned. Then an attacker in a gas mask injected something into the semi-conscious mayor, who soon woke up groggy.

"Yo! Dear Mr. Mayor, I don't think you'd be interested in getting involved in an underground organization's campaign to clear out traitors? Now the lives of all the guests in the hall are in your hands. If you can get it right and cover up the death of the bodyguard, then it's over. Otherwise..."

That would kill the whole family.

Little Phillips was about to urinate, and the guests present were rich or expensive. Although they were not the top class, more than 100 dignitaries died in New York, and he definitely did not end well.

Lord Mayor immediately nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

At this time, the attackers had already captured the Naches and his daughter, tied them up, and prepared to take them away.

Bullseye's smile became more and more cruel: "Ah! Yes, I heard that you have a very rich gold owner here. His surname is Strange, right? Where is he? I want to ask his family for more than one billion yuan. U.S. pocket money."

Little Phillips didn't speak. He glanced at a young man on the ground intentionally or unintentionally, and betrayed the young man with whom he originally wanted to befriend.

"Haha! Very good, thank you for your cooperation! Dear Lord Mayor." Bullseye patted the mayor's fat face, then turned around.

This is the moment of brutal slaughter and brilliance, and the moment of darkness and sin that envelopes the audience.

No one thought that they could turn the tables, even Erica, who was half awake, turned into a little woman who could only cry. Ambassador Naches was full of sullen anger on his face. He knew that if he was taken away, both he and his daughter would be dead. It's okay to die, my daughter...

Ambassador Naches could hardly imagine it.

Just at this moment of despair, a leisurely voice sounded: "Aiya! You decide everything on your own, have you asked me if the client is willing or not?"

Just under the astonished gazes of all those who were awake, Mei Mumu stood up and patted the dust on her body. 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit our school

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