American Manga God

Chapter 222: Say it! what would you like?

With Mei Mumu's strength, it would be a matter of moving your fingers to get rid of Obadi.

In this way, the festival of Mei has surpassed.

The grievances and grievances between Obadi and the Stark father and son for 30 years have to be resolved by themselves.

On the other hand, according to the law, if you are being chased, you should fight back, and whatever you say is just self-defense.

But when the opponent loses the ability to resist, it becomes murder.

This is the hole someone dug for him. The future in 2008 will be the time point of [Captain America 3]. At that time, Tony, who is bound by the old American legal consciousness in his bones, will become a supporter of the legislature, believing that superheroes should be bound by the laws of the United Nations.

There is no doubt that May's integrity is tempting Tony to make mistakes.

Tony didn't think much of it before, but when he got down safely, he suddenly woke up.

"No, we should follow the law..." Before Tony could finish speaking, he realized that this 'my own person' on the opposite side had definitely come over after drinking a bitch.

Mei Jiecao actually cast a spell to attract a lot of earth elements, and made a pair of feet for Tiebawang again.

This guy, Obadi, has already had a fever, and he didn't even realize that Iron Overlord's ability to recover was given to him by his opponent.

The power of May Day has long been deeply embedded in Obadi's soul, and he has been insane to think about taking care of Tony and the obstructing May at one breath.

He just wants to kill Tony!

This is his grievance with the Starks and his son, and it is also the total outbreak of his 30 years of resentment.

"Bang bang bang!" The heavy mecha ran on the roof again, and the shocking footsteps made Tony's scalp tingle.

Although the scene in front of him made Tony want to laugh, after all, the Iron Overlord, who lost his calf and only had two upper arms, looked like a turtle, but the turtle could also crush him Tony Stark!

Next to him, someone with no morals stood with his hands behind his back, standing calmly and watching the play.

don't you start?

OK, then the other party is going to kill you!

"Tony - go to **** with me!" Obadi yelled, breaking the jar.

At this moment, Tony, feeling the approach of death, had no choice but to shout bitterly: "oK! oK! I will do it!"

The moment the voice fell, the clay legs that Tie Bawang had just had melted away again. Watching the Iron Overlord become an Iron Tortoise again moving around in front of him, Tony was speechless.

That's why Pepper was so helpless when he called him, using the communicator powered by an independent power source around Iron Man's neck.

"Uh, let's not die for now." Tony rolled his eyes at Mei Jiecao as he spoke.

Even if the life is in someone's hands, the other party is theoretically his ally, but no one likes being forced to do things by others.

It's as if every wage earner would say to the boss, "My dream? My dream is not to work!"

It's one thing to accept reality, it's another to be happy.

Of course, Tony wouldn't resent May's integrity, he knew that he was still too naive. New York State retains the death penalty, but sentenced Obadi to death is more difficult than not cheating to get him the lottery jackpot.

Besides, isn't sentencing Obadiah a slap in the face of the old US government?

After thinking about this, Tony shouted to Pepper in a nervous and hasty words: "Obadi still has fighting power, you go to overload the reactor now! Success or failure is a matter of one stroke!"

The next scene seems to follow the original.

It was just that Obadi controlled the Iron Overlord, who had hands and feet again, and was clumsily and randomly led right above the Ark reactor, and then Tony flashed a random blow from Obadi who was insane.

Immediately afterwards, a blue radiance rose into the sky, running through the entire Manhattan, and even the entire sky and earth of New York City.

This is a scene that many people are amazed by.

It also made more people curious. Later that night, when the scene of Iron Man saving people from the Iron Overlord on the road was filmed by a mobile phone, and the video was posted on the Internet, the entire American society and even the whole world were boiling.

At this time, on the high-rise building, Tony watched the last journey of the elder's life.

Tie Bawang took the super-power blow from the overload of the Ark reactor, and it was not completely over yet. A powerful turbulent flow of energy similar to electric current lingered on Iron Overlord's huge expelling shell, dancing like a silver snake. Obadi, who was completely stunned by the electric shock, finally stopped his cursing. Together with Iron Overlord, he fell into the reactor. In the middle, a secondary explosion was triggered.

A huge fireball shot up into the sky. Whether it was Erica, Pepper, or Tony dodging early, they didn't even notice that someone standing with his hands behind his back was actually drawing circles on his back, causing golden magic ripples.

It was over, and everything seemed perfect.

Obadi's death, which was not made public, will be 'killed in a small plane crash while on vacation' in about a month.

This is the old US government's defense of its own 'Bi Lian', its own arms supplier, should never become a traitor supplying arms to terrorist organizations. Once this incident comes out, even Tony will be implicated, and the government's reputation will plummet.

Originally, the government didn't want Tony to reveal that he was Iron Man, but in the end, Tony was the one who didn't play cards according to the routine.

"Uh, the reality is... I'm Iron Man!"

When he finished speaking, the entire American society was in a frenzy!

The reporters in the audience swarmed and raised their hands and asked various questions. Colonel James Rhodes, who had made an appointment with Tony about 'we're going to be low-key', was desperate.

Hold the grass! here we go again!

But for Tony...the skin is so happy!

Originally, the story of Iron Man 1 should have ended here.

Tony, who finally sent the reporter to get out of the, went back to the backstage and saw the man who made him feel so nervous again——Mei Jiexiao.

"Clap clap!" Mei Chuncao, who knew everything would happen, smiled and applauded: "Very wonderful speech. Then, should I call you Tony? Or should I call you Mr. Iron Man?"

Rolling his eyes, Tony sat down angrily. He broke his right arm (last time it was his left arm) last night, and he was holding a splint. If the guy in front of him would come out sooner, he wouldn't have to suffer.

"Don't blame me, Tony, I received a request from S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Peggy Carter last night, so I can only intervene in this battle with special permission." What Mei Jiexao said was not a lie. received a call from Peggy.

S.H.I.E.L.D. owes him a big favor. Although he originally planned to save Tony...

"Tony!" Pepper was already reminding Tony. Regardless of the purpose of the mysterious man in front of him, it is an indisputable fact that he saves the lives of Stark Industries and Tony again and again.

Tony directly showed up: "Speak! What do you want?"

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