American Manga God

Chapter 496: I want you 1 answer

? What a good brother!

In addition to occasionally pitting the eldest brother against the father and the whole family, he also sets fire to kill people, raises a flag of treason or something.

Well, the May Day operation can't go on.

Looking at Thor, who was in tears, and Sif, who was standing in the same place, Mei Jiexao was really afraid that she would make a pig laugh and make Loki's big play of pretending to be dead.

May Day doesn't want to be Loki's accomplice at all.

Helpless, Loki's suspended animation is the key.

He can only use the magic trick - poker face to fool the past.

Over there, Sif regained her anger, put on the clothes given by Mei, and gently placed her shoulders on Thor's shoulders: "My condolences. Thor."

"I...I..." Brother Hammer really loved Loki deeply.

Thousands of years of brotherhood is not a blow.

Although he hated Loki again and said he didn't trust Loki, Thor still believed that Loki was the innocent little brother who only liked to make jokes.

Especially at this moment when "people die like lights out", no fault should be pursued, anyone who says Loki is wrong will probably be beaten by Thor.

The only one present who knew the truth, Mei Jiexao, couldn't break the news.

Finally, when Thor was almost crying.

"Thor, we have to rush to save His Majesty Frigg. This is the common wish of you and Loki." Sif persuaded Thor.

Thor came back to his senses, and his blank eyes returned to clear again: "Yes, mother. Sif, how to save?"

Sif grimaced: "May told me, as long as I think about restoring the soul of His Majesty sleeping in Asgard, I will reply to the standard of ordinary Asgardians. In theory, we can save His Majesty at the lowest price. But the price...I still can't afford it."


Borrowing the guidance of Mei Jiedao, Sif still made a small wish this time, so that the price to be paid for the wish was realized in the virtual image of the balance.

In fact, pre-judgments are all deceptive, and the real gem is not so kind. You just imagine it, and it will be executed directly. The truth of the matter is that Mei Jiexiao invoked the power of the time gem, combined with the reality gem, to produce the so-called 'pre-judgment'.

To put it bluntly, it is to set the time back a little bit.

The operation of Meijie found that it was still possible for the Infinity Stones to be linked by such a small amount. But in order to exert all their linkage power, they still need a treasure of the level of [Infinite Gloves].

At this time, Thor discovered that even if Frigg was relegated to an ordinary Asgardian and resurrected, the cost would still be staggering.

After all, Frigga has crossed the line between life and death, and belongs to the realm of the dead.

Mei Mumu knew that it was actually the category of the [Soul Gem] among the Infinity Stones. In order for the real gem to cross the boundary between life and death, and the matter of the soul gem, this kind of cross-border operation absolutely needs to pay a higher price.

Saving Frigga is a matter of the Asa Gods.

It is Thor's greatest wish.

If he could, he even wanted to 'reanimate' Loki too.

The problem is that Sif only relied on the power of the ether, and after imagining the resurrection of Loki, her whole body twitched and was rejected by the ether.

Nonsense, Loki is not dead, how can he be resurrected?

Loki, who has been observing secretly around, was really scared to death this time, and almost wanted to come out by himself and "surrender himself", saying that he was actually joking.

Fortunately, Thor and Sif thought that it might be that Loki was more difficult to resurrect for some reason. They thought about it, and it was better to resurrect Frigga first.

OK, here comes the problem.

"As long as my mother can be resurrected, I am willing to offer all my divine power." Thor swore.

The balance shook a little, obviously not enough.

"I am willing to offer my armor and my [Miao Ernir]."

This time, the balance's preset finally moved a little, at least not one-sided.

While Thor was embarrassed, he was stunned to discover that he really was the **** of hammers. Most of his power comes from Thor's Hammer.

However, the chips are not enough, which is also an important fact.

Thor and Sif went crazy.

Beside, Mei, who was watching with cold eyes, had a little insight.

It stands to reason that resurrecting an old Asgard woman should not require such a huge price. In his view, the point of things is not the value of life, but the value of destiny.

The goddess Frigga, even if she is just a cripple, can affect the fate of Odin, the core powerhouse of the universe.

Super powers such as Odin, Ancient One, Dormammu, and Thanos will undoubtedly affect the situation of the entire universe.

This should be the reason why the Reality Gem demanded such a high price for the resurrection of Frigga.

Thinking of this, May said, "Sif, imagine that without the immediate resurrection of His Majesty Frigg, you can give her ten years to restore her soul."

Sif closed her eyes and imagined it.


There was a sudden change in the balance, and it can be seen that the price Friedga asked for for resurrection was actually a 95% price reduction.

"This..." Thor and Sif were a little dumbfounded.

It turned out to be out of reach, and now it seems that there is finally hope.

Sif was a little stunned: "Sure enough, His Majesty's soul was severely injured. Does it need more time to recover?"

"Ten years is nothing!" Thor also looked relieved.

For the Asgardians with extremely long lifespans, ten years is nothing. Not to mention the longer-lived Aesir members.

It was originally like this, and only Mei Jiedao knew that ten years of sleep meant that Frigga could only be Thor's spiritual sustenance and mascot, sleeping in the instrument of Odin's Sleep, and could not affect the entire universe at all. situation. This is the reason why the Reality Gem greatly reduces the cost.

"But, it's still not enough..." Sif was extremely bitter.

"Didn't Amora succeed once? How did she get it?" Thor seemed to have an idea.



I do not know what to say!

Could it be that Mei Jiexiao told Thor, UU reading www. uukanshu. com Is he the one who gave Amora a billion sons of demigods before he rescued Amora back?

Can't say wow!

At this time, Mei Jiexiao realized that she underestimated Sif.

She told Thor the truth without hesitation, and Thor was stunned.

"Dude, you still have such ability? Can you use that to offset the price of ether?"

Meijie was speechless as if constipated: "Maybe, maybe, there is a chance... It's like that."

He doesn't even know what the **** it is. He only knew that the price must have been paid, and the key was in what form.

Over there, Sif lowered her head and was speechless for a long time, as if she had made thousands of difficult decisions in her mind. She suddenly raised her head: "Thor. Her Majesty Frigg treats me like a biological daughter. She has taken care of me for countless years. In order to save me She, of course I am willing to sacrifice myself. Just, I want an answer from you."

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