American Manga God

Chapter 715: Destroy the army with one punch

The power of a single [Mind Gem] is not sky-high.

Especially when used by scumbags, the limitations of the Mind Stone are too great.

For example, in the New York battle of the First Women's Federation, Loki needed to poke a scepter inlaid with a mind gem into someone's chest in order to control the other's mind.

[Reality Gem] is similar, when used alone, it is very limited.

But when these Infinity Stones with special abilities are used with Infinity Stones with power-up effects, it's not the same thing at all.

Of the six basic Infinity Stones, the Power and Space Stones have near-infinite power-ups. Especially the power gem, the most accurate way to say it, Mei felt that it should be called the energy gem.

How strong is the full release of the power gem? In fact, it was introduced as early as in the movie "Guardians of the Galaxy 1". If you can control the power gem, destroying a planet is as easy as "harvesting wheat".

Power gems not only increase physical attack, but also give the user absolute immunity to physical attacks, but also increase the power of other gems.

That's why Thanos was able to span a large distance and directly control Irani, the field commander of Nova Corps, one of the strongest centurions.

The mystery of the two Infinity Stones is that they are proud of the rules above ordinary energy laws and mechanics. The defense of conventional concepts is useless to it, because it wants to control the mind of the other party, so it controls it.

Even if the opponent's will is firm, there will be more than one second of mental trance.

This period of time is too short for ordinary people.

But for a powerhouse at the level of Hei Yao Si Jiang, it would be so easy to make up for a fatal blow.

It seems that this is more like an inevitable process that needs to be supplemented by the result of the great victory of the Dark Order.

General Deadblade's spear blade ripped apart a centurion's body.

Holding a long spear, he stepped forward, and the long spear stabbed forward. At that moment, the centurion seemed to take the initiative to send him to the blade of his spear.

A sub-heavenly father-level powerhouse fell like this.

The dead blade general's expression remained unchanged, he threw the corpse from the spear, and slashed backwards, and another ten commander not far from him raised his arm and blocked it. The super-alloy arm armor infused with the power of highly concentrated nova, even if it is violently hit by a near-earth spaceship at full speed, it will not necessarily dent.

However, in this block, the refined gauntlet was broken under the gun of General Dead Blade, like cutting tofu, and then the gun blade cut open his chest, blood splashed, and everything seemed to be taken for granted.

The four generals of Hei Yao have their own achievements.

Proxima Midnight attacked from behind, backstab killing another Nova Legion centurion.

Black Dwarf killed more than ten ten commanders in one breath with the retractable sledgehammer.

The most exaggerated is the ebony throat. With a flick of the finger, the invisible mind power has turned the heads of more than twenty ten captains into rotten watermelons.

More Nova Corps powerhouses, under the **** of Thanos' mind, suddenly turned to kill their companions.

But in an instant, the situation on the battlefield was divided.

Richard Ryder and the only remaining centurion, Terry Owens, backed away with pale faces - until this moment, they really realized why the Infinity Stones can occupy the infinite number of exaggerated legends in this universe. on the position.

Therefore, these are indeed the six most powerful elements in the universe, and even the existence of such bugs should not exist in this world.

Even if the ordinary powerhouse owns one of them, it is enough to turn the universe upside down, rewrite the entire pattern of the universe, and bring a brand new page.

What's more... three!

In just one face-to-face, only two gems were used, and the invincible Nova Corps in the galaxy collapsed.

This is the holy relic beyond the world - the Infinity Stones.

At the same time, the fleets of the Dark Religion and Nova Corps were still engaged in a fierce exchange of fire. The beams of the high-energy laser cannons came and went, shooting into the opponent's array. The shields of the spaceships burst into dazzling arcs one after another. There was an explosion of flames that instantly annihilated in the void.

That is the fall of massive lives!

The battle situation in the Thanos Throne Hall is not clear from the outside, but every fleet under the Nova Corps is fighting desperately before receiving new news, sieging and suppressing the crazy counterattacks of the Dark Order.

The number of Nova Corps fleets is more than ten times that of the Order. Even though the Temple II repeatedly bombarded with its huge turrets and fortress cannons, sweeping away the ships in the void with arcs of red laser energy, there were still more. Numerous Nova Corps fleets frantically joined the attack on the Order.

In the distance, there are constantly flickering lights that represent the end of the warship's folded flight in space. Almost as soon as they arrive on this battlefield, they are thrown into the battle.

This is the essence of Nova Corps - a fleet with more than 2,000 civilizations as subordinates.

Compared with the tactics of the sea of ​​people and the sea of ​​ships, the Nova Corps is more sick.

The Nova Corps fleet bombarded the crimson energy barrier repeatedly sent from the Temple II, and a salvo of naval guns of this scale was enough to destroy the surface of dozens of planets like Earth in each round.

Just relying on the Qitarui people, I really can't stand it.

At this moment, the voice of Thanos was suddenly heard in the entire space of the universe.

"poor guy."

Is this a lament? pity? contempt?

No one knows.

Only one thing is confirmed, Thanos has appeared!

Wearing a peculiar space suit, he proudly appeared on the outer deck of Space Fortress Temple Two.

Under normal circumstances, on this huge battlefield where more than 10,000 spaceships and hundreds of thousands of small aircraft are fighting each other, even if a person is 100 meters tall, he will not be found casually.

However, with the appearance of Thanos, it was the countless inflated high-energy explosive light groups that exploded at the opening of Temple No. 2.

In that over a thousand Nova Corps spaceships near the breach turned into the scum of the universe in the explosion!

The battlefield was silent for a while!

That scene was so scary! So weird!

I don't know what's going on at all. It's as if a marble was shot out of the fortress, and then like a chain of dominoes toppling, each hit ship automatically hits the nearest ship in the explosion. On the spaceship, a series of explosions were triggered.

It looks like the entire airspace is undergoing a grand atomic splitting experiment.

Or, more like setting off firecrackers!

It's just that every firecracker represents the annihilation of hundreds of thousands of lives!

In the next instant, a full-channel pan-airspace broadcast spread to the entire Nova Corps and even the surrounding star fields.

The picture is shocking. Ilani, the former top leader of the Nova Corps, together with the four generals of Hei Yao, knelt down at the feet of Thanos.

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