When the St. Mary's College football players entered the stadium, there was an exclamation of exclamation.

In terms of overall body shape, the players from St. Mary's College are generally much stronger than those from Melford Middle School.

Among them, their No. 74 player, Michael Oher, has the most exaggerated size.

He was nearly two meters tall and definitely weighed over two hundred and twenty pounds. With this height and weight, he looks like a heavy armored vehicle on the field.

It can be said that outstanding physical talents like Michael Oher are very rare in professional football teams.

Let alone appearing in the high school league, it is simply a dimensionality reduction blow.

In the preparation area of ​​Melford Middle School, Coach George looked at the opponent's No. 74 and sighed: "I have heard of St. Mary's College. They recently recruited a talented (defensive) tackle. I didn't expect him to be such a great player." Partner."

"However, as far as I know, the big man on the other side has only been exposed to football for a short time, so we still have a chance." Coach George helped everyone build confidence: "Believe me, not everyone is like our Mike, who has grown up like this. quick……"

When they thought of Mike's growth rate and strong fighting power, the expressions on the team members' faces softened.

"Yes, we have Mike, we are invincible!" At this time, little George shouted loudly at the most appropriate time.

When the other team members saw this, they looked at each other with a little smile on their faces. Most of the timid mood before has also disappeared.

In rugby games, team cohesion and fighting spirit are often competed.

The former allows players to trust each other and achieve exquisite coordination. The latter can activate the players' desire to win and allow them to perform at a super level on the court.

Seeing that the players had re-established their confidence, Coach George smiled happily, and then arranged the tactics: "Since the opponent dares to send newbies on the field, we will win with tactics this time.

In this game, we still use Aaron and Mike as the core and adopt interleaved tactics..."

Interspersed tactics, also known as penetration tactics, are a multi-point attack style that often makes the opponent confused about one's own offensive route.

It embodies flexibility.

Coach George, who explained the key points of the interleaving tactic again, asked loudly: "Do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand~" the team members responded loudly.

As the game whistle sounded, Coach George encouraged: "Very good, boys, go ahead~"

When the players entered the field, George quietly pulled Mike and reminded him in a low voice: "Mike, as one of the core of the team's offense, you must learn to protect yourself. Play smarter..."

Although Coach George believed in Mike's strength, he took into account the strong physique of the opponent No. 74.

He hoped that Mike would not get injured due to impulsiveness. Only those who stay on the court can perform better.

"Don't worry, coach." Mike said with full fighting spirit: "I will get the victory back!"

As the game began, Melford Middle School guessed first and won the right to attack in the first round.


When the offensive whistle sounded, Aaron received the football from the center and rushed forward. When he was blocked by the opponent's quarterback, he took the initiative to pass the ball to Mike.

As the team's running back, Mike has already analyzed the situation on the field.

In a very short period of time, he made a smart choice. He first avoided the opponent's tightly defended left half and broke out from the right with the ball in his hand.

Dodge, pass, accelerate...

During Mike's skillful personal performance, bursts of cheers erupted outside the venue.

"That's it, kid~"

"Come on Mike!!!"

"Charge! Charge! Charge! Kill those ****"

Texas rednecks show their enthusiasm with their unique way of cheering.

Amidst the shouts, Mike rushed to the opponent's end zone at high speed, looked back behind him, and found that he had successfully gotten rid of all his opponents.

So, he slowed down, walked across the end zone line easily and scored a touchdown.

With a sound of "Boom~", the enthusiasm outside the court was ignited, and the audience danced and celebrated Mike's good shot.

"I knew it, I knew he would be able to do it..." Jack, a reporter from the local station in the best viewing area, looked at the footage he had taken and his neck turned red with excitement.

Mike's solo touchdown performance this time is enough to be included in the top ten this week.

After getting excited, Jack shouted to the intern reporter beside him: "What are you waiting for? Take out the banner quickly."

Not long after, a huge banner with Mike's portrait slowly unfolded in the audience area.

Then, the banner was passed from person to person, moving in waves over the crowd.

"That's it, another touchdown, let the opponent see our power!" Coach George clenched his hand into a fist, waved it hard in the air a few times, and shouted to the players on the field.

This is also a tactic, to defeat the opponent's belief with a smooth score.

Melford Middle School, which got a second opportunity to add offense, retreated to the five-yard line of the opponent's end zone.

Captain Aaron received the coach's instructions. At this time, he squatted down holding the ball and glanced vaguely at Mike behind him.

After understanding, Mike nodded.


With the whistle of the second offense, Captain Aaron handed the ball to Mike again with his hand, and he pounced on the opponent's quarterback.

Mike didn't play any feints after catching the ball. He relied on his flexible movement and once again rushed from the opponent's right half all the way into the opponent's end zone.

Mike, who scored two touchdowns, also added two more points for Melford High School.

They scored eight points in a row at the start, which gave the Melford football team a huge advantage both mentally and in terms of points.

"Don't be anxious, don't be discouraged, forget about those damn scores. You just need to play steadily, and victory will belong to you~" On the sidelines, St. Mary's College head coach Cotton was loudly encouraging the players.

Before the game, the head coach also specifically studied the strength of the Melford Middle School football team.

In his opinion, Melford Middle School is definitely no match for St. Mary's College in terms of hard power.

As long as your team members don't lose confidence, they can show their strength. The final victory must still belong to St. Mary's College.

As Coach Cotton shouted, the impetuous hearts of the Saint Mary's College players calmed down.

After exchanging the ball, the players from both sides once again formed their formations in the midfield.

The offensive formation used by St. Martin's College is the most common four, three and four formations.

What this formation emphasizes is balance, giving up part of the possibility of offense, giving this lineup a strong fault tolerance rate.

To put it bluntly, this lineup is more suitable for strong teams to crush their opponents.

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