American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 128 Bridget’s Family

As the distance got closer, Bridget could already hear the music inside, and her irritability became even worse.

Although Danny is older than her, he is more rebellious than her.

I bought a set of music equipment in my room, saying I wanted to make music, but in reality I was using it to satisfy my enjoyment.

Thinking of how her mother reluctantly agreed and then provided the money, Bridget felt a surge of anger in her heart. She had already had an opinion about Danny.

Striding to the door, Bridget looked at the closed door and kicked it open.

The door banged loudly and exploded inside.

Kathy just got up from the sofa and was about to take a curious look, but she was shaken all over by fright. She looked at Bridget who rushed in with blank eyes, wondering what happened to Bridget today.


It was just what she thought. Danny was wearing a headset, swaying with his right hand while playing on the disc player.

Listening to the blaring music, Bridget frowned. She scanned around and didn't see the antique book, then strode to the wall socket and pulled out all the plugs on it.

In an instant, the loud music stopped, and the whole space was rarely peaceful.

Confused, Danny took off the headset and turned around, frowning when he saw his second sister still holding all the plugs in her hands.

"What are you doing? Bridget!"

Bridget scanned the room again and found no antique books, and said coldly.

"Where are the antique books you found in the basement on the first floor?"

"Antique book?" Danny stared at his second sister, and he could tell that she seemed to have really reached her limit.

"I threw it away a long time ago. Didn't you say that book was evil and asked me to throw it away? Why, do you still want to get it back?"

As he spoke, Danny glanced at the plug in Bridget's hand.

"Hurry up and put it back in, don't want me to say it a second time!"

Bridget was unmoved. This guy had an extremely bad character, and he came at him as soon as he opened his mouth. She didn't trust him, so she frowned and said,

"Danny, are you sure you didn't lie to me?"

"I tricked you into making money?"

Listening to the tone of interrogating the prisoner, Danny became a little impatient. He stared at the plug in Bridget's hand and said coldly.

"Bridget, I don't want to say it a third time! Put it back in!"

However, Bridget did not listen to his elder brother's words. Instead, her face became more and more disgusting, and her eyes kept searching.

Danny slowly put down the headset in his hand and continued in a cold voice. He grabbed his left hand with his right hand and flicked his wrist to loosen his muscles.

"Now! Now! now!"

Bridget glanced at it, without any fear in her heart, she threw away the plug and walked towards Danny's table on the right.

She had to search to feel reassured, but when she opened the cabinet door underneath, she found no trace of the antique book.

"You've gone too far! Bridget!"

Danny looked at Bridget who was still searching for things, and took a few steps forward to grab her hand.

"This is my territory."

"Territory? I'm going to get out of here in despair. Give it back?" Bridget smiled jokingly, shook off Danny's hand, and continued to search other places, such as the closet.

"Bridget!" Danny shouted,

"Don't make me do it!"

Bridget continued searching regardless.

"Damn it! Bridget, you asked for it!"

With the cry, Danny kicked him directly, and Bridget flew half a meter away. She raised her head and her eyes were red. She stood up and rushed towards Danny, knocking him down with a flying dive.

There began to be a flurry of excitement in the room, with soldiers ponging...

In the living room, Casey stood in the hallway and watched the two of them falling on the floor, fighting each other and pulling their hair. The boss sighed like an adult and continued to sit on the sofa, playing the game of dismembering the Barbie doll.

She had seen Danny and Bridget fighting each other many times as long as she could remember.

"Let go!"

"You let go first!"

"you put!"

Listening to the noise coming from inside, Casey stopped what he was doing and subconsciously looked at the other closed door, considering whether to call Auntie Bell, who had just arrived a few days ago, to break up the fight.

But when she thought that this aunt seemed to be pregnant, Cathy chose to give up...

until evening.

On the dinner table.

"What's wrong with you?"

She has red hair, has tattoos on both arms as a tattoo artist, and is Lisa, a single mother who was abandoned by her husband.

She sighed as she looked at her eldest son Danny, who had a bruised nose and face on the right, and her second daughter Bridget, who also had a bruised face and nose on the left.

"Can you please stop making trouble at this time? I've had enough trouble, and I don't want to have to deal with things between you, okay?"

"It's none of your business."

Compared to Danny who remained silent, Bridget choked and took a sip of soup with a spoon. She accidentally touched the wound and her face twitched in pain, but she continued to speak.

"Just keep busy with your business."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere fell into a dead calm. Lisa stroked her forehead, feeling a little headache.

She found that as the children she thought were cute when she was young grew up, they became more and more difficult to discipline. She was busy looking for a house, and she had to take care of three children plus a younger sister who had gone to her, which made her feel exhausted mentally and physically.

Bell, who seemed to know what his sister was thinking, glanced at the bruised and swollen brother and sister, who were still secretly competing with each other. He shook his head and looked at the youngest Casey, looking at the doll in her hand, trying to liven up the atmosphere.

"Kathy, who is this friend of yours?"

Hearing this, Cathy looked at the words and said something.

"Her name is Staffani."

Bell also scanned the circle, and sure enough, there was a topic for chatting. The other three people also looked over subconsciously.

"Hello, Staffani," Bell called casually, continuing to look at the doll that was disassembled and assembled into another appearance.

"Oh my god, what have you done to it..."

Casey stole a glance at Danny.

"Danny told me that a bank teller died in this building, and if you walked around the building with coins in your pocket, his ghost would hear the jingle, and he would scare you to death. Take all your money."

As she said that, Casey paused, her pupils turned around, and she realized that everyone was looking at her. She raised the doll in her hand that she had transformed into a baby or a ghost.

"And my transformed Staffani will scare him to death first."

Seeing the cute look of her little daughter, who was only about four years old, the corners of Lisa, a single mother, curled up.

Sure enough, children at this age are the cutest.

The atmosphere began to change somehow, and Danny looked at Casey and added.

"It's true, there really is a ghost here."

Bell twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at Danny.

"Dan, there are no ghosts in this world."


Danny shrugged without retorting and started to pick up the utensils and eat.

Kathy tilted her head, "Aunt Bell, have you ever seen ghosts? Then how do you know they don't exist?"

As soon as these words came out, Bridget pulled out the chair with an expressionless face and faced the looks from everyone. She didn't want to stay here and listen to these useless conversations.

"I'm done eating."

With that said, Bridget turned and walked towards her room.

Bell watched Bridget enter the room and continued to answer Kathy's question.

"Baby, because I only believe what I can see."

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