Unfortunately, it didn't fly to the end, and was tightly held by the chain of the handle. The recoil generated pulled it back and hit the door on the left, causing a loud noise.

In order to make sure that nothing was missing, Yorks glanced around the aisle again, took out a Bluetooth speaker that was still ringing from the small bag, threw it on the ground, and then walked into the fire staircase.

Compared to the outside, this fire stairway is darker. It is not equipped with fire emergency lights at all.

When ordinary people enter, it's so dark that they can't even see.

The deep darkness that can swallow everything and the coldness that exudes from time to time make most people dare not stay.


Coupled with the thunder outside and the sound of rain coming from time to time, the atmosphere on the entire fire staircase was even more terrifying.

Yorks glanced up and down, his eyes filled with red magic taking in everything at a glance.

When the spirit points exceeded the limit of 100, Yorks felt that he had unlocked a particularly useful ability.

He can instantly generate a real-time moving three-dimensional image in his mind through all the movements that occur. He had this ability vaguely before when the Grizzly Gang invaded Pluto Church, but now it has become so clear.

As long as he thinks about it, he can detect everything. This ability can be called a 360-degree clairvoyant eye. Of course, it is not the kind of perverted clairvoyance that can see everything in the body, but can see through all obstacles and see everything in the mind. Show your essence.

"It's like a God's perspective? You won't evolve into that kind of super brain in the end, right?"

Yorks stepped onto the steps to the fourth floor with a loaded grenade gun.

One step, two steps, three steps, go up.

With a magic power of more than 100, he can be transformed into any form through the system, and can even give people a special function without deducting the upper limit.

A spirit value of more than 100 allows him to possess this ability plus the telekinesis ability that he has not yet figured out.

In addition to these two major categories, the life that has already exceeded one hundred has long been reflected, so that he is no longer tired and full of vitality.

At the same time, the body seems to have evolved to another level, with the skin becoming smoother, the flesh becoming firmer, etc.

So when his all-round physique exceeds 100, his basic attributes such as strength and agility should be able to evolve to another level.

Thinking of this, just as he walked to the middle platform between the fourth-floor stairs, Yorks squinted his eyes and stared at the closed fire door on the fourth-floor platform.


The sound of footsteps appeared, and Yorks saw a blurry shadow flashing through the glass window of the fire door, and his mind instantly generated two extremely three-dimensional, grotesque devils preparing to rush towards the fire door.

"This ability is really good..."

Feeling that it would be useful in the future, Yorks murmured, picked up the revolving grenade gun and fired twice at the left and right doors of the fire door.

Within one second.

The 40×51mm holy grenade ejected from the muzzle, shattering the fire door and also shattering the devils behind it, turning them into lava rubble all over the ground.


Hearing the roar from the corridor again, the real-time dynamic stereogram in York's mind showed demons assimilated by demons one after another.

There are everything on the ceiling, walls on both sides, and walkways. It is not difficult to imagine that the residents on the entire fourth floor have been assimilated.

Yorks glanced at the ammunition belt on his chest and the revolver Line Bauer in the holster at his waist, and after thinking about it, he walked up with the revolver grenade gun.

For a moment, along with the sound of thunder and rain outside, the grenade gun in the corridor on the fourth floor roared repeatedly.

Under the howl of the demon man, stones rained all over the sky.

[I sincerely praise]

[It is appropriate for the son of God to be close to the people]

[His name is Tianyou]


In this angelic prayer that sounded from the Bluetooth speaker, a majestic priest was walking down the aisle step by step, continuing to the fifth floor.

What was left behind him was smoking lava rubble all over the ground.

"There are still two rounds of holy grenades left. How many demons have been released..."

Following the muttering, a steady footstep reappeared between the fire stairs leading to the fifth floor. There was a Bluetooth speaker at his feet, still chanting related prayers. This time it became a prayer for the soul to rest in peace. word.

[O God, grant him/her eternal rest and let eternal light shine on him/her]

[May his/her soul and all the departed souls rest in eternal peace with your mercy]


At the same time, the tenth floor fell into darkness.

Fire lights flashed.

Demonic carnivals are everywhere.

There was a scene of massacre in the hallway.

The secret space behind the cabinet could fit two children into it.

One is fourteen or fifteen years old, and the other is three or four years old.

"I want my father back!" The little girl, squeezed into the arms of a girl who was only fourteen or fifteen years old, shivered and whispered while listening to the howling outside and the neighing that sounded like a beast.

Her voice was filled with fear.

"He will come back."

boom! ! boom! ! boom! !

Hearing whether it was an explosion or thunder, tears flowed out of Bridget's eyes as she hugged her sister tightly.

But her voice remained steady, trying her best not to let her sister notice, because now she was the only one left.

Thinking of everything before, Bridget held back the sadness that was all in her tears, pressed herself against Kathy's ear, and continued to murmur in a voice that was difficult for ordinary people to hear.

"As long as this gets back to normal, no! When Father York comes to pick us up, we can see Dad."

Casey, who was hiding in his arms, didn't see it, "So when will the priest you mentioned come to pick us up? How do you know he will come? You said before that mom and Aunt Al would come back..."

These words reminded Bridget of her previous experience. In this small space, she couldn't help but hugged Casey in her arms, gritting her teeth and tears in her eyes kept flowing.

She would never forget it, and maybe everything that happened tonight would help her remember it until the day she died.

All this stemmed from Danny's changes. From the moment there was thunder outside, it started pouring rain, and there was a sudden power outage, everything changed.

Because of the power outage, she walked out of the room and chatted in the living room with her mother who was packing her luggage, Kathy and Aunt Al after taking a shower.

Just as they were talking about the power outage, Danny suddenly walked out of the room and stood in the aisle as if he had become another person, staring at them like he was prey, making them feel chilled.

"Harmonious family, harmonious relationship, delicious soul food, good! Pretty perfect!"

Danny tilted his head, his feet were spread wide, and his knees were brought together. His posture was extremely weird. He looked at them and said:

"You guys know, all I can think about right now is how much I want to cut you open, crawl into your bodies, and form a perfect and happy family, so that now I want to scream with excitement. !”

The nightmare begins...

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