American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 155 Do whatever you want

There was a man accompanying the excavator with a shovel. He glanced at the priest standing in front of the pit in surprise, and then looked at Liz Murray who was still lying on the coffin underneath.

"Hey, come out."

Liz didn't answer, just stared at the coffin expressionlessly, still recalling the past events in her mind.

Her mother is a drug addict and a heavy drinker, but this does not affect her love for her mother. She still misses her mother at that time and her warm embrace. She has wanted to go back to that time countless times, but unfortunately... …

Liz stroked the coffin.

None of this is important. What is important is that as long as her mother is here, she is not a child without a home.

And now, when her mother lies here, she is homeless and is called a wild child by others.

This felt bad. She didn't know what to do in the future. Should she bow her head to life or continue to think about the meaning of life?

"Hey! Come out!"

The man secretly glanced at the unmoved priest and reminded him again.

"We are going to prepare a pit!"

Liz pursed her lips and looked up at the man, "Where are you going to place the tombstone?"

The man shook his head and stuck the shovel into the ground. His words were chilling.

"There's no tombstone here, and there's no place to put it!"

Liz's face was expressionless, but her eyes showed a hint of helplessness. If there were no tombstone, the exact location would never be found after a week here.

"Hey, it's really time for you to come out!"

The man continued to shout and waved to the excavator. The driver above also glanced at the priest who had not moved and just watched quietly, and began to drive the excavator forward.

Yorks glanced at the advancing excavator from the corner of his eye, which was obviously forcing the child to come out.

Looking at Liz sitting up silently in the grave with a silent look on her face, Yorks reached into his arms and rummaged around to find a few banknotes, and finally spoke.

"You go find a tombstone and insert it here."

As soon as he finished speaking, he attracted the attention of the three people present.

Liz was stunned for a moment, staring at the strange priest, her eyes fluctuating for the first time.

The man holding the shovel became even more surprised. He glanced at the girl sitting on the coffin in the pit, and then looked at the priest who suddenly spoke and handed him the banknotes.

"What? Not enough money?" York said calmly.


The man and the driver of the excavator looked at each other, took the banknotes from the priest's hand, put them in his back pocket, and said to the girl in the pit.

"Someone can help me. I'll find a place to put it this time. Wait, I'll find a tombstone."

Speaking unceremoniously, the man waved to the excavator driver and walked together to the cemetery management office.

Only a priest and a girl were left.

Liz sat on the coffin and looked down at her dirty shoes. She was silent for a moment, then looked up at the priest and said.

"Why are you helping me?"

Yorks said calmly, "Because I am a priest."

This was a very good reason. Liz was silent on the spot and finally said this.

"You are a good priest."

"Of course, I think so too." Yorks smiled, "Child, come up here, let us pray for your relatives together?"

Liz didn't know why, but she just felt that the priest's voice had a convincing charm. She got up obediently and climbed up.

Yorks looked at Liz, who was several steps away, and gestured to stand next to him.

"come here."

Liz's face was calm. She looked at the gentle-faced priest and walked over obediently.

"Who's inside?" Yorkshire asked.

"My mother." Liz put her hands in her pockets and stared at the coffin in the grave. She didn't know where she knew the process from at such a young age, and then said.

"The name is Kelly Lynch."

This surprised York, but he calmly said, "Let us pray for your mother, Ms. Kelly."

As he spoke, Yorks opened the Bible in his hand and recited the prayer he just recited for the deceased in Reed's apartment building.


This time the target is the mother of a child.

In the middle of the recitation, the two administrators of the Nas cemetery walked over together carrying a tombstone. They saw the priest and the girl who were praying intently and did not come forward to disturb them. Instead, they looked at each other. Then he stood behind the priest as a participant.

At the end of the reading, Yorks closed the Bible and made the sign of the cross on his chest to end the ceremony.


Yorks looked at Liz next to him, only to find that she was looking at the grave pit quietly, with tears already shed in her eyes and sliding down her calm face.

Seeing this, Yorks looked at the cemetery administrator behind him and nodded.

The two came to the tombstone again, worked together to lift the tombstone and inserted it into the position where York had given in.

Liz finally reacted. She wiped her tears silently and stared at the tombstone in front of her.

It happened to have her mother's name, birthday, etc. written on it. It was simple, but it would allow her to find a place in the future.

"Is this okay?" The man who had been holding the shovel looked at the silent Liz. Liz did not answer, and he looked at the priest again.

Yorks nodded.

"Okay," the man clapped his hands and asked the driver next to him to get on the excavator, grab the shovel that had been stuck in the ground and start filling the hole.


The excavator also began to advance, and one of the two combined, the coffin in the grave pit had slowly disappeared, and was buried under a pile of wet and cold soil.

Liz still had the same calm demeanor, staring at the grave that was gradually being buried with soil, with her hands in her pockets, and finally looked at the priest.


Although there was no expression on his face, his eyes finally changed a little.

Yorkshire just smiled,


This in itself is something that can be done casually and does not consume much energy.

After saying that, looking at the filled grave, Yorks was about to leave, but after thinking about it, he looked at Liz, who was thin and dirty, and said.

"Child, if you still need help, you can come to Pluto Church and see me."

Seeing Liz's eyes widen and her expression fluctuating due to these words, Yorks smiled and strode away with the Bible in her arms.

Leaving Liz alone to watch, she thought of something, a desire suddenly appeared in her eyes, and she bit her lip...

Yorks, who had already sat in the driver's seat of the Ford Raptor, didn't know this. Even if he knew, he didn't mind, because to him, it was just a good deed.

Of course, this is leisure with strength. Without strength, he would not have the leisure to mind his own business.

Starting the car, Yorks stepped on the accelerator and drove the car in the direction of Pluto Church, leaving the area of ​​Nass Cemetery.

At this moment.

Something happened in a luxurious manor that made Ms. Camille, who had just returned home, look distressed and cherished.

Her daughter Bellamy suddenly became incontinent and looked blank.

"Madam, Miss, she..." The nanny next to her was a little flustered, and she was caught off guard and shouted.

"It's okay, I'll do it." Ms. Camille walked over and didn't mind being dirty at all. She directly picked up her daughter and decided to take her daughter to a psychiatrist tomorrow...

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