
A dark beast was moving nimbly through the road.

Hearing the abuse from the drivers of the surrounding vehicles, Yorks remained expressionless and continued to press the accelerator. He performed a drift at the intersection that was difficult for others but very simple for him. He quickly drifted without slowing down. Turn into the right lane.


This huge impact and illusion caused a car at the intersection to stop in fear, watching helplessly as the monster-like car slid smoothly past.

"Fk! Who is this madman who is stepping on the horse!"

The startled black driver suddenly spat out dirty words. He wanted to drive over to make a comment and let the other party know what a black man's fist was, but in the blink of an eye, he found that there was only a tail light that quickly disappeared in his field of vision.


The black driver was so angry that he slapped the steering wheel and rapped on the spot...

It's a pity that Yorks didn't hear it. He was just thinking about whether this supernatural case was qualified to trigger a random mission.

With his current strength, it is much harder to trigger random tasks than before.

In addition, he was still thinking about some preparations for the battle and possible battle scenes.

Now only the weapons left in the car were used to deal with the disc incident.

"If it's a monster or something else, ten holy grenades and a rocket launcher with two armor-piercing warheads should be enough..."

The city turns into a suburb with fewer cars and fewer people.

The car is going faster.

As he galloped all the way, he entered a community. As if in the blink of an eye, Yorks saw Jeffrey and others waiting in front of a low building through his extraordinary vision.

It's in the city, so it's not that far away at such a high speed.


What Yorks didn't know was that Jeffrey and others who were waiting on the opposite side looked at the fiercely approaching car and slowly took a step back with nervous expressions on their faces.

"What's this?"

Some police officers even had their right hands touching the holsters on their waists.


Jeffrey said solemnly, staring at the extremely impactful car, feeling a little uncertain.

After all, the car rushing in front of me was somewhat different from the Ford Raptor that the priest had before.

But as the distance got closer, he saw a familiar figure in the driver's seat.

"Don't be nervous! We're on our own!" Jeffrey said.

The police officers behind him looked at each other, looking at the muscle car speeding over, and reluctantly let go of their right hands on the holster of their guns.

At this moment, the extremely fierce muscle car stopped in front of us with a burst of sudden braking and friction.

Many police officers were forced back half a step by the strong wind and fierce momentum.

Only Jeffrey stood still. He could see the majestic figure of the priest through the car window. For some reason, he suddenly felt that his tense body relaxed instantly.

"Father Yorks!"

No matter where he was, Father Yorkes had a natural reassuring presence.

After releasing the brake pedal, Yorks glanced at Jeffrey and others, then picked up the equipment backpack that he never left when doing missions, and got out of the car.

"So what exactly is going on? Are the materials ready?"

Yorks carried his backpack, looked at the building in front of him, and let Jeffrey lead the people over and said calmly.

"Take a look."

Since the priest was asked to come over, Jeffrey had naturally prepared everything and handed over all the information that classified and summarized the Brullo family and the current events.

With a calm look on his face, Yorks took it and looked at the photos of the scene, briefly browsing them a few times.

Jeffrey's suspicions were not wrong.

There are indeed too many doubts in these two cases, and they are both quite strange. The most correct choice is to focus on the supernatural.

Looking at the photos of the scene above, Yorks roughly determined the ingredients.

If it is truly a supernatural case, then these people must have been hallucinating or controlled by evil spirits.

Only hallucinations and control can explain this incredible suicide and inexplicable struggle. If it is a monster, there must be traces left by the monster, but these photos do not. They are all caused by the deceased himself.

"It seems that it's not a demon, it's a devil. Supernatural power must be manifested..."

But while flipping through it, Yorkes saw some suspicious photos.

Some of the corpses were distorted and bent, as if they had been twisted into twists by some unknown force.

The most important thing is that the living creatures at the scene are not only humans, but also some cute little animals who died strangely on the spot.

Finally seeing the photo of the unknown female corpse, Yorks narrowed his eyes: "If the source is this corpse, then there are only a few..."

Just thinking of this, Yorks had a look of understanding in his eyes.

Seeing the source, a random mission was triggered.


[Conditions met: trigger random tasks]

[Task requirement: Free the unknown female corpse]

[Task reward: +15 attribute points]


"There are actually fifteen points. I'm afraid that the relief of the mission is not simply humane destruction. It probably has other meanings."

Yorks stared at the unknown female body on the document, confused.

Because with his current strength, as long as the devil himself is not present, and since he now has the means of critical strikes and real damage, he does not feel that simple supernatural events can stop his current power.

So simple humane destruction or extermination would not be too difficult for him. However, the reward for such a task could actually rise to fifteen points, which made him have to think more.


Yorks thought deeply. In his opinion, if the relief of the mission did not mean to destroy him, then relief had another meaning, to relieve someone's troubles and let her get rid of the bondage, thereby gaining physical and mental freedom.

"Is it possible that there is something else behind this unknown female corpse?"

Thinking of this, Yorks stared at the naked body of the unknown woman and silently accepted the task.

[Accept successfully]

The beginning has been done, all that's left is to start contacting the event.

Yorks put away the documents, looked at the building in front of him and spoke calmly.

"Have everyone inside been evacuated?"

"All have been evacuated." Jeffrey nodded. He knew some of the regulations in supernatural events.

"That's fine."

Yorks continued: "No one can come in without my notice."

"Yes! Father."

After hearing the answer, Yorkist took the information and was about to walk into the main entrance of the building alone under the gaze of Jeffrey and others, but something suddenly occurred to him.

"Oh, by the way, help me deal with the traffic police who are chasing me. I was speeding."

Jeffrey was stunned.

"give it to you."

Seeing Jeffrey's confused response, Yorks smiled calmly and began to walk into the building.

As soon as we entered, there was no sound in the whole building, as if we had entered a silent zone. It was so quiet that it made people feel uncomfortable.

“It’s a great location for shooting ghost movies.”

Yorks disapproved, and followed the clatter of his footsteps, and based on the map he saw in the document, he walked to the right and continued to the underground autopsy department.

As you walk, unzip your backpack.

Abandoning the dangerous method of taking the elevator and walking to the stairs, Yorks looked at the bottomless steps, stopped and took out the weapons in his backpack and equipped them one by one.

The exploration of the path at the beginning is indispensable. Before the technological weapons are exhausted, magic and spirit must be the last resort.

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