But because his spiritual attributes are too high, the place where he is naturally exceeds the level of the illusion itself.

In other words, York's feeling is like seeing an illusory picture that is quickly generated and quickly disappears frame after frame.

Until he walked to the door, Yorks was still not affected by the hallucination. He went straight to the essence and pushed open the door of the anatomy room in front of him.

Compared to the real-time stereoscopic image where nothing has changed, the five senses that come to you first are:

The smell of disinfectant and resentment was stronger than outside, including the female corpse lying quietly on the autopsy bed in front of me.

The most important thing is that here, the power of the curse overwhelms the soaring resentment.

Yorks frowned slightly, staring at the naked female corpse on the autopsy bed with dark red pupils, and for a moment he was a little unsure of what to do.

At this moment, the main door that was originally open at the back suddenly slammed shut.


It was so powerful that there was no hiding it at all.

Like full of anger.

Yorks ignored it, just walked forward, picked up the forensic coat from the stool next to him, walked to the female body, and covered her body to block her exposed nakedness.

"Hello, you seemed very angry after seeing me?"

After completing this step, Yorks stared down at the face of the female corpse.

This is a relatively immature face, probably in his twenties, and the eyes that are always open are gray-white.

clang! clang! clang! The bell suddenly rang again, and at the same time, the surrounding dissection tools automatically slid down and fell, making a crisp sound, adding a bit of sound to the silent atmosphere.

Generally speaking, ordinary people would feel frightened in this silent atmosphere, but York just looked at the young face of the female corpse, feeling a little worried.

Until now, he finally figured out the elements of the mission.

The moment he saw the female corpse, he knew that his mission was not to destroy him, to destroy the female corpse.

Yorks secretly felt that if he forcibly expelled and destroyed the female corpse, the supernatural incident would be solved, but the mission would definitely fail.

Because by now, he has determined that the level of this supernatural event is roughly the same as that of supernatural events such as evil spirits, which are the lowest level I. Depending on the intensity of the hallucination, it may reach level II.

For him, this can be easily eliminated.

According to the tasks released in the past, it is impossible for the Level I event itself to have such a high reward.

Especially with his current strength, if he encounters a level I event that used to get five points, he can only get one or two points as a reward now.

Therefore, this mission is probably most likely to require him to understand the truth behind the female corpse, and then to resolve this overwhelming resentment in a targeted manner.

"Just like in some ghost movies, to resolve the grievances of ghosts?"

After confirming this, Yorks used his telekinesis to lock the front door out of thin air, and while the bell was still ringing, he began to observe his surroundings.

It's a pity that the surroundings are full of disillusionment.

Real and illusory images are constantly mixed, just like watching one after another transparent virtual windows that do not affect the field of vision keep appearing.

This means that he is already in the hallucination space, but this situation is caused by his high mental attributes and the fact that his magic eyes can penetrate the hallucination.

Although there was nothing, Yorks could still clearly distinguish the mixed atmosphere of resentment, curses, anger, etc.


As he looked at it, Yorks suddenly thought of the deceased outside. Combined with the systemic diabetes, he suddenly had a sense of enlightenment and thought of a way.

"It's so contradictory, then there's only one possibility."

Yorks looked at the female corpse again, stared into her gray-white pupils, and spoke calmly.

"I know you may be alive or still have a will left, you may want to kill me or want to do something. Unfortunately, these methods are of no use to me."

The words were smooth and soothing. He needed the female corpse to understand all the circumstances and her current situation.

"Although I am just an ordinary priest, I am much stronger than you or the power you have."

As he spoke, Yorks noticed that there was obviously a little more restlessness and movement in the surrounding void, and there were more strange noises in his ears. Despite this, he continued to speak in a soothing tone.

"If your will is the main one, that would be fine. Because of the dead outside, if I destroy your origin, it will be over.

But just now I suddenly thought of something. Are you forced? Maybe the curse on you is like being passive. In that case, I will resolve the curse on you first and then confirm whether it is forced or active... "

As soon as the words fell, the holy power linked to spiritual power surged violently in the body. A sacred light appeared on York's body, and the powerful holy power surged out of his body and enveloped the female corpse.

In an instant, a sacred light also appeared on the female corpse, so that the transparent forms surrounding the corpse were instantly dispelled.

York's face was expressionless, and he continued to output until obvious changes appeared on the female corpse. The pale skin gradually returned to normal skin color, the gray-white pupils began to darken, and the original color of human beings appeared. Even the facial features began to bleed, and lines followed one after another. Skin appears, this unusual movement...

The lines were a bit special, like a magic circle or some kind of ritual pattern. Yorks didn't bother to investigate. He only had one purpose, which was to use divine power to forcibly eliminate the unknown curse on the female corpse.

It wasn't until a foul-smelling smoke was exhaled from the female corpse's mouth, the lines disappeared, the breath of the curse dissipated in an instant, and Yorks stopped his continuous output when he heard a prompt ringing in his ears.

[50 points of holy power have been used]

Yorks glanced around to confirm.

Under his perception, the power of the curse was gone, but the resentment was still there, but the bell that had been ringing stopped ringing, and all the small movements also disappeared.

But there is still this illusion that has been stuck.

Yorks looked at the female corpse in front of him again and said slowly: "If you want to do something or get something, and don't want to be destroyed by me, then you can dispel this useless illusion and you should understand your current situation. .”

The next second, the corner of York's mouth curled up, and his eyes were finally clear. Although it did not affect anything, it did not prevent him from confirming.

Through this, he confirmed that the female corpse was indeed alive in a sense, and even had residual consciousness.

Based on this, he understood.

The murder was probably not the will of the female corpse itself, but was caused by some unknown force on her body.

No wonder the system's jealous and hateful person could issue such a mission.

If it hadn't been for a reason, the system would have changed the mission reward to one or two points, allowing him to destroy the unknown female corpse.

It's better to be cautious, otherwise the supernatural incident would have been solved and the mission would have failed...

Thinking of this, Yorks looked at the slightly opened mouth of the female corpse just now, reached in and took out a ball of rags wrapped with something.

After opening, the thing inside is a molar tooth.

Yorks frowned, grabbed both sides of the rag, placed his molars on a corner of the bed, and began to examine the rag.

When he opened it, he saw the lines printed on it.

"Roman numerals and characters..."

Yorks frowned more and more, looking at the characters on the lines. The combination of the characters was a bit confusing, but as a priest, this did not stop him. Even if some were missing, Yorks could still understand the meaning contained in them.

"In 1963, coupled with chapter 20 and verse 27 of the Old Testament [Leviticus] of the Bible, is this the truth you want to tell me?"

York's eyes left the rag and stopped at the lifelike face of the female corpse.

He is a priest, and he has a photographic memory, so he naturally knows what this chapter and this section is about.

[Leviticus] is a book in the Old Testament of the Bible that records the laws observed by the Levitical priests of Israel.

Letting the ocean of memory turn into pages filled with words, Yorks finally found a sentence in the corresponding position and muttered to himself.

"Whether a man or a woman is a sorcerer or a sorcerer, they must be put to death."

As soon as these words were spoken, resentment surged in the void, and the entire anatomy room began to shake violently as if it had experienced an earthquake.

In addition to the anatomy table, everything around him, including dissection tools, plates on the table, rolling chairs, clothes hanging on the chairs, etc. all fell one by one, causing a huge noise.

Yorkist stood still, just staring at the female corpse with his lips pursed. He finally understood how to complete this somewhat unusual task.

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