American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 244 The Sun (Two in One)

It's a pity that reality is not so satisfactory, and it will not change according to York's will.

Malum even stopped the subsequent sacrifices and said calmly.


Someone just walked out from behind him. After saying these words, he stopped the suicidal sacrifice and put the knife back obediently, with a look of indifference on his face.

Several non-human corpses were already lying at his feet, and the last screams seemed to still linger in the void.

"keep going."

Malum had no expression on his face, holding the umbilical cord in his hand, and kept using psychic methods to sense the child's location.

Testing the waters had no effect.

The child still stayed in the original position.

According to the wishes of the sacrificer, those living dead had already killed the child's family and captured him.

But now, as if nothing had happened, they had lost ten people.

The power and living dead obtained by the sacrifice of ten people were enough to stop a military squad of a hundred people and kill them all, but now they died so quickly.

"This shows that the people over there are very strong."

Thinking of this, Malum pinched his right hand, which had been burning, and a hint of ferocity appeared in his cold expression.

"So who is that person over there!"

Malum suddenly realized that he seemed to have made some mistakes in judgment.

At the same time, there was a sudden uneasiness in my heart.

But he was suppressed in the next second.

"I don't want to hide around anymore!" Malum walked, the expression on his face became more and more ferocious, and he even ran in a violent direction.

He wants to live in the world, and even wants to control it.

"As long long as I summon the demon recorded in the book, as long as I provide it with a perfect container, I can get a wish!"

The dark air flowing all over Malum's body became increasingly chaotic.

"No matter who stands in the way, no matter what it is, nothing can stop me."

Malum's speed became faster and faster, and the distance he saw was getting closer and closer. When the distance was only 500 meters away, he suddenly stopped and stared at the house that seemed to be right in front of him, emitting gray light and said coldly.

"We're going to destroy this house, everything! Let's move on to the next phase."

As soon as he finished speaking, five people walked out from behind. They were wearing hooded black robes and could not see their faces, but they walked towards the house step by step, passed Malum's side, and stepped on the withered feet under his cold eyes. The branches and leaves move forward.

"Sure enough, it's impossible for these people to give up when they make such a big sacrifice." Yorkes stared at the five red dots getting closer and closer on the screen, thinking of the information about Bangkok.

"I guess this time it was the medium's sacrifice to summon the devil."

Yorks then looked at the thirty-two red dots stopped behind.

"There are really many of them. Are they all dispatched?"

Yorks looked back at the red dot that suddenly stopped. There was still no change in his posture. He just focused a little bit on looking at his personal panel.

"The magic power has not been consumed much, and the spirit/holy power is still 141. It should be enough to use it in conjunction with each other, but we still have to find ways to save a little."

Thinking of this, Yorks looked up and looked through the virtual window, as if he could see a ferocious suicide sacrifice, and even heard the roar of the devil, but he didn't know what shape it was.

Then, the speed of the first five red dots on the screen became faster and faster.

"Stretch your arms and legs."

Following his idea, Yorks stood up for the first time, walked slowly to the dining table in the living room, picked up a cartridge belt stuffed with ten sacred grenades, and walked slowly to the door.

In the short time he spent, except for the increasingly clear noises and roars in his ears, his crimson pupils had already seen five demons two hundred meters away.

The five demons all have different shapes, and their appearance is obviously different from that of the demon army.

The only thing they have in common is the characteristics of hell.

His face is neither human nor animal, twisted and terrifying, and his skin is as red as fire. He is huge and strong.

The layers of muscles exuded dark power, exuding a burning and destructive aura.

The eyes were extremely dark, without any light, like an abyss, and the long and sharp fangs exuded a ferocious aura that could tear everything apart. Towering horns protrude from the forehead, shining with evil light.

"A low-level demon summoned by the lowest-level psychic."

Yorkist had a clear understanding and pulled out a sacred grenade to welcome the arrival of the five demons. However, he suddenly remembered the female demon in Jesse Building.

"Much prettier than these five."

Yorks murmured, looking at the five demons who had quickly entered the 100-meter limit, and the dark haze lingering around them seemed to bring despair. Feeling the vibration of the ground, their postures showed a throwing motion.

"Eat a holy cannonball from me!"

Following his idea, Yorks directly pulled the grenade ring with one hand, and then threw it forward fiercely.

With a physique with a value of over 100, the power attached to it exploded with all its strength at this moment.

The moment the grenade was thrown, the air was blown open, making a roaring explosion.

Under the sound of explosion, the grenade instantly flew more than ten meters away and rushed towards the five attacking demons.


The five demons who had just bullied a hundred meters away felt something in their hearts, and they all roared and continued to charge regardless.

In an instant, the two collided with each other ninety meters away.

The nearest demon stared at the small object in front of him and patted it away.

Yorks grinned slightly as he could see it.


At this moment, before the devil could take a picture, the holy grenade exploded directly in the air.

The sacred light burst out from the crack at the first moment.

This made the five demons instantly feel a strong sense of crisis.

Unfortunately, it was too late for them to hide.

The holy light shines, followed by an explosion equivalent to eleven kilograms of tnt.

Theoretically, the power is average, but this is a grenade, and its lethality cannot be estimated. In addition, due to the increase in enchantment, the enchantment has doubled to a value of 121 points, and its lethality against demons is even higher than that of Jesse Towers. Be stronger.

Just like that there was a loud bang.

Ninety meters away from Yorks and four hundred meters away from Malum and the others, a small sun was shining directly in the air. The light enveloped the five demons with wide-eyed pupils at the moment when the firepower exploded...

"There are still such clergymen stationed in Thailand?" Malum stared at the little sun that was about to blind his eyes. His face suddenly sank, so heavy that it made people feel chilled and dripping with water.

He couldn't see what the devil's situation was, but just from the scene that appeared in front of him, from the holy light that blinded his eyes like a flash in the pan, he knew what was going to happen tonight.

"Still alive?"

Yorks stared at the three black figures slowly getting up over there, took out the second sacred grenade from the belt, and threw it out in the same throwing posture.


In the exploding air, the grenade instantly reached the demon who had just recovered from the holy light.


The demons' angry roars spread for ten miles, then stopped abruptly in the next second, and the roaring explosions drowned out their roars.

The new little sun once again appeared out of thin air and illuminated the whole place like a flash in the pan. The devil's huge body, which was more than two meters high, was swept away by the shock wave like dust blown away by the wind.

Yorks stood quietly, his eyes seeming to be fixed on Malum, who was five hundred meters away.

"Are you going to retreat, or are you?"

In the dark, Malum seemed to be able to feel something. He responded, word by word like cold ice shards falling to the ground: "We can no longer retreat. The enemy in front is very strong, but after such a huge consumption, he How much can you hold on to?"

Having said this, Malum closed his eyes and opened them again: "And there are still 32 of us! Even if only the last person dies, he can still inherit our last wishes and live for us."

As soon as he finished speaking, the people behind him responded. Thirty-one people walked out and silently walked past Malum towards the front.

There was not a word of nonsense throughout the whole process, but the atmosphere was inexplicably tragic.

There was no one else behind Malum. He looked at the person walking out silently in front of him, and took out a small knife from the pocket of his black robe with an expressionless expression.

His family originated from Satanism, and in the end they must die from Satanism.

Bang bang bang!

The noise caused by trampling on dead branches began to rise and fall.

Yorks narrowed his eyes, feeling something in his mind and waved his right hand. All the notebook equipment and everything in the room behind him instantly floated into the air, and went straight to Yorks, maintaining their floating position.

And Yorkist, who only spent two points of energy, stared at the floating notebook and the dense red dots coming out, grinning.

"As expected, are you still reluctant to give up?"

Having gone through countless simulated battles in his mind, Yorks can completely imagine the psychology of those cultists.

The holy power possessed by the clergy can actually be replaced by a pool filled with water drops that continue to drip.

The size of the pool is a symbol of its own strength. Even if the water in the pool overflows, the clergy can only use the water in the pool.

Therefore, once the holy power is consumed, it is like the water in a pool being evaporated. Once it is completely evaporated, it can only be used after the water drops continue to accumulate.

The important thing is that the holy power of these clergy is to some extent a gift from God, a symbol of their piety and holiness, and they can use it but do not have the authority to attach saints...

"I know everything you are thinking, but it's a pity that your prediction is completely wrong."

Yorks narrowed his eyes, with a confused and indifferent look in his eyes.

"My holy power is my own, so the water overflowing from the pool can also be used to enchant the saint..."

He stared at the thirty-one red dots on the screen that were getting closer and closer, and then stared at the farthest red dot that had not moved. He reached out and grabbed the remote control floating in front of him.

Yorkist didn't know whether his operation was considered a conspiracy. After all, in addition to being highly concealed, conspiracy is often backed by an absolute advantage in strength.

He has absolute superior strength and the leisurely ease of sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

When he saw the thirty-one red dots, the speed suddenly accelerated, and it didn't take long to reach one hundred and fifty meters. Yorks raised his eyes and looked at the gray darkness in front of him, with a smile full of force on his face.

"I'll treat you to another holy bomb."

The words were followed by a snap!

In an instant, the air flew outward.


With a huge explosion, a bigger sun appeared out of thin air.

The Holy Light directly replaces the power of night and appears in the world.

Sparks scattered all over the sky like meteor showers, lighting up the night sky with holy brightness, reflecting the swaying shadow of the sun.

The whole space seemed to become silent.

What followed was a shock wave raging all around.

The dust and soil in the air were flying around like thousands of butterflies, filling the air.

At the moment of the explosion and the emergence of the sun, all life became extremely small, as if the entire world had been dissolved.

"So beautiful."

Yorks didn't blink, as if he was afraid of missing everything. He stared at the extremely brilliant sun, powered by ten thousand points of holy power. He pressed down with his right hand, and surging power surged out of him.

[Fifty magic points have been used]

[Ninety spirit points have been used]

At this moment, Yorks abandoned the shield converter and directly transformed the ninety-point spirit that had been multiplied fifty times into telekinesis, which quickly spread outward with him as the center to form an invisible telepathy protective shield.

At the moment when the protective shield was formed, a huge air wave carried the debris and pressed towards the expressionless Yorkist...

"Who is it! Who has this kind of power!"

Malum stared at the raging waves and the sun formed by the holy light several hundred meters away, his eyes became crazy.

He knew that under this kind of power, the demons summoned by the believers would definitely be dead.

He knew that he would never be able to do this with his current strength.

He can't match this power!

"In that case!"

Malum's pupils became even redder and covered with blood streaks. He took off the scabbard and stabbed it hard towards the chin before being suppressed by the huge shock wave in front of him.

"God, please listen to my prayer! I am willing to use everything I have in exchange for the destruction of this world. God, please look straight ahead..."

At the same time, there were reactions from everywhere.

The Thai soldiers stationed thirty miles away, waiting for the next order, stared at the sun that emitted a huge light and illuminated the entire sky. They could not imagine what was going on here, and they had no idea what the sun was.

The only thing they felt was that their whole bodies were wrapped in scorching warmth, and their eyes were filled with light but they didn't feel blind.

Only Father Marty's monks, including some clergymen, knew what it was made of. They all showed the same expression, staring, and they were stunned and did not dare to breathe.

A word came from their hearts unconsciously.


Far away in Bangkok, Ascension Cathedral.

An old man was sitting on the top tower, and a middle-aged man was standing there.

"Bishop, it's time for you to rest." Father Daniel, who had been standing next to him, pulled the thin quilt covering the old man's knees.

"You don't have to worry. The Satanism has consumed most of its power here. Even if there is still some remaining strength, it is probably only a small trouble for Father York, who has solved level VII incidents alone. "

"Who said I was worried about him?"

After hearing the bishop's hoarse response, Daniel stood up again and looked in the direction where the old man was looking directly, seeing through without telling the truth.

Bishop Richard, whose eyesight had become extremely poor, felt something in his heart and wanted to say something, but he sensed something in the next second. When the breeze blew in his face, his eye circles widened and his gray pupils shrank.

But he couldn't see anything.

"Daniel, tell me! What did you see?"

Father Daniel in his mouth was already staring at a huge sphere in the distance ahead that suddenly lit up and seemed to be shining on the human world, with a look of hesitation and disbelief on his face.

"Bishop, I saw a glowing sphere..." he said in a daze.

"It seems to be in the direction of Father York."

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