[A little magic has been used]

[A little magic has been used]

[A little magic has been used]


With the prompts in his ears and the real-time changes in the data in the window in front of him, Yorks basically knew the consumption of magic power.

He put the consecrated and enchanted bullets in front of him one by one into the small bag next to him, which made a crisp tinkling sound when they collided.

The enchantment of a bullet basically costs one point of magic power. According to his estimation, the effect should be permanent. This is similar to the two points of magic power he sent out.

At the same time, according to his guess, if his magic power is not transformed through the system and forced to be used by others, probably only he can use it.

Just like the enchanted bullets now, they are effective when he uses them, but once they are in someone else's hands, the enchanting effects of the bullets themselves disappear without a trace.

This is a bit special, as if it is like a weapon that recognizes its owner.

Therefore, there is a difference between consuming it yourself and giving it to others. If you consume it yourself, you can recover it through time. To be precise, you can recover a little magic value every minute.

York's eyes narrowed slightly, this pattern gave him a very familiar feeling.

The blue bar in the game will consume a certain amount of blue bar value when casting certain skills in the game.

Thinking of this, Yorks looked at the extremely monotonous personal panel and felt a little regretful.

So far, the system has not given him any skills. Even if a random mission appears, the rewards are basically points, so the use of magic power is all his own.

For example, late at night, when you can't see your fingers, spreading magic to your eyes is equivalent to wearing a night vision goggle.

For example, spreading to bullets will increase the bullet's penetration, damage and other effects. When used with consecrated bullets, it is particularly effective against evil spirits and demons.

The most perverted part is that this magic power can also be combined with holy water, even the Bible, and other effects.

The rest is just like that, retrieving things from the air is convenient, but has no lethality.

This made Yorkes feel that the magic power in his body was like a universal treasure box.

Of course, this is the only limit. Yorks feels that he has not yet figured out the magic power in his body. You must know that in his previous life, magic power was usually the word for magicians.

It's a pity that he is a priest and doesn't know how to learn this magic. For magic, he even checked the information in the secret vault at the church headquarters. Unfortunately, there is not a single magic book in the huge secret vault about magic. There are only a few fragmentary records of the teacher's affairs.

"It's a pity, otherwise it would be cool to think about bombing those demons with a big fireball." York's eyes showed yearning. For him, justice equals justice! The greater the impact, the more righteous it is! !


Yorks put away his deep desire, grabbed a bullet from the small bag in front of him, and lightly made a cross with the knife in his hand, and the magic power spread automatically.

[A little magic has been used]

[A little magic has been used]


At 21 o'clock in the evening.

After enchanting one hundred and thirty-four bullets, York quickly broke away from the priest mode, closed the church door and officially got off work.

Today, only a few familiar believers came to pray. He also performed his duties as a priest and listened to the confessions of the believers.

Under such circumstances, the day passed uneventfully, and time passed quickly without realizing it. Yorks subconsciously touched the envelope in his arms. Although he respected Old Brown's choice, he was still a little uneasy after all.

This is a kind old man who helps him a lot.

"With Old Brown's ability, it shouldn't be difficult to kill those scum alone."

Yorks thought about what Old Brown would probably do. Nowadays, firearms have been produced that have low recoil and are suitable for use by the elderly and women.

"Of course, it would be difficult for Old Brown to deal with those people. He would probably use a pistol that is not easily exposed.

Although pistols are strictly controlled compared to rifles, it shouldn't be difficult for a retired officer like Old Brown to get a concealed carry permit.

He has a pistol, and with Old Brown’s experience in war, he should be able to catch orders and take things by surprise as an old man..."

Yorks thought as he sat in the driver's seat of the Ford Raptor, sighed inwardly, then shifted gears and stepped on the accelerator to slowly leave the church and drive towards where Old Brown was.

He wanted to confirm Old Brown's safety.

Old Brown is a retired military officer, and his pension is still very generous, but most of it is actually spent on Ms. Judith.

People who have never been in a hospital for a long time probably don’t understand how much it costs every day in the hospital.

Therefore, Old Brown can only choose to live in the Temu community because it costs less and saves money.

And less spending also means that the patrol police patrol here less often, and the fewer patrol police patrols here means that the public security is not very good.

This is an endless cycle. Over time, some gangs begin to settle in, and the gangs’ presence will also affect the atmosphere of the community...

The Ford Raptor was driving on the streets of the Tem community at a speed of 20 to 30 years.

At a slow pace, Yorks could see the factors and sources of poor public security from time to time.

There is a group of young men gathered together on every street. Their eyes are cold and they stare at the people passing by. At first glance, these people are not normal people shopping.

In addition to these people, Yorks also saw some young men trading something. His sharp eyes saw that there was white powder in the small bag, which was obviously some kind of drug.

Blatantly, this was a scene he would never have seen in his previous life.

"The public security in the Tem community is getting worse and worse..." Yorkes pursed his lips, stepped on the accelerator and accelerated towards Old Brown's house.

At a speed of more than seventy miles, in a short while, Yorkshire arrived at the place where he met Old Brown yesterday morning, and where he was laughed at by those young men.

Of course, this is not where Old Brown lives, but the scene here makes him frown slightly.

It was late at night, and the place where Old Brown came out that day had been surrounded by a conspicuous isolation zone. It was crowded with several police cars and ambulances. The red light kept flashing in the lane inside. In addition to these, there was also a group of people eating melons. Spectators crowded across the street to watch the fun.

"What's going on?"

Yorks suddenly thought of Old Brown, his brows furrowed and tightened, and he simply drove directly in front of the isolation belt.

In front of the isolation belt is a group of police officers standing behind police cars.

"Officer Baker, what happened?"

Looking at these potbellied American police officers with alert expressions, Yorks picked a police officer he knew and asked. He remembered the police officer's name because his wife had brought him to church.

Hearing the sound, one of the police officers, Officer Dean Baker, looked at the pickup truck that suddenly stopped slowly in front of him. He wanted to drive away, but when he saw the people inside, he looked at his colleagues and finally decided He opened the isolation belt and came over, placing one hand on the car window.

"Father York, why are you here?"

Yorks said calmly, "Find an old friend, he lives in this community."

Hearing this, Officer Baker glanced at his colleagues who were talking behind him again and whispered.

"Father, be careful when passing by here in the future. No, it's best not to come."

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