Listening to the terrified cries of the younger brothers behind him, Mikael's only moving eyes showed a trace of fear.

"Two people in the room."

After hearing the priest's reminder, John Wick, who had already put on a new magazine, said nothing and just followed his instinct, stepped out and shot into the room.

Bang bang, accompanied by the muffled sound of flesh hitting the ground.

Two gunshots rang out, and the two shirtless men squatting in the room were both shot in the forehead.

This made Yorks, who continued to move forward, feel a little regretful that he could not see the shooting tactic Mozambique shooting method in the movie.

Perhaps because of the extra person, John Wick changed his usual shooting methods and habits, striving to kill with one shot, and trying to make it impossible for the opponent to fire a shot on his forehead or heart.

Starting to walk down the stairs towards the third floor, York's mind surged. While controlling Mikael's escape, he also used a little bit of power to control everything on the third floor.

Not asking for immobilization, just asking for the movements of these gangsters to slow down, allowing John Wick to achieve the result he wanted. The enemy did not fire a shot, but he killed him with one shot.

Of course, there were some people hiding in the dark, but they were all blown up completely by the elemental magic of the fireball he controlled and fell down.

Within a hundred meters of the three-dimensional view, he seemed like a true master.

That's why he felt that the world of ordinary people was so far away, and there was nothing he could do about it. After all, the gap was huge.

On the third floor, gunfire exploded.

Bang bang bang!

When Yorks counted to thirty-four people, he looked like a calm John Wick, stepped on the corpses in front of him, and walked to Mikael who was controlled by telekinesis.


John Wick stared at the immobile people in the room, including the girls who were all exposed and wearing only underwear. He put away the Viper pistol, put on the magazine and asked.

"You did this?"


Looking at Mikael who was speechless and with pleading eyes, Yorks replied, his eyes stopping at the sculptured hand in his hand.

"Hello, can you answer me a question? Where did you get this sculpture hand?"

Yorks relaxed his telekinesis a little, allowing Mikael to speak.

Ho ho!

I don't know if it was because of fear or what, Mikael gasped for breath.


Hearing the modal particles, he quickly replied.

"I bought this at an auction. Is it your target? I can..."

As he spoke, he wanted to say something else, perhaps to show that the sculptor wanted to beg for mercy later, but the next second Mikael found himself in that state of being unable to move or speak again.

"Auction? Huh."

Yorks reached out and took out the sculpture hand from Mikael, looking at the dark aura on him.

"Not only are you dishonest, you're also bad. Forget it, you're too lazy to track down you bunch of rats who can only hide underground."

Yorks grabbed the sculptural hand that was engraved with lines and unknown fonts, his eyes stayed on the white powder on the table, and he turned around immediately.

"John, do it, there is no reason to survive these hazards."

John Wick nodded, raised his Viper pistol and pointed it at the few people in the room who could not move, their eyes full of prayer or fear, and asked.

"Father, do you want the woman to stay?"

"Leave them alone, they should be innocent."

When York's voice fell, John Wick's expression remained expressionless as he pulled the trigger repeatedly.

Six gunshots were fired, and all Mikael and his younger brothers in the room were shot in the forehead.

Even so, the power of thought that could fill everything still controlled them to stay still in place, with only their eyes falling into a stateless, unconscious change.

John Wick stared at the last girls bursting into tears, then immediately turned around and followed behind the priest.

"Father, what did you do?"

Yorkist walked leisurely in the garden, as if he was here for fun, and said with a smile.

"Just control it with your mind. This is extraordinary, John."

After the words fell, behind the thoughtful John Wick, there was the muffled sound of a corpse falling to the ground, and at the same time, the screams of the girls began to echo through the entire building.

It's a pity that only Yorkshire and John Wick heard it. Accompanied by the screams, they just walked downstairs step by step.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, John, come with me to buy something for the church."

York's voice sounded.

"Father, is this Sister Irene's order?" John Wick's voice was as steady as ever.

"You know all this?" Yorks grabbed the sculpture's hand and looked back at him.

The God of Death is holstering the Viper pistol.

"Because it seems that Sister Irene is responsible for the church's supplies, including some needed things..."

Speaking of which, John Wick continued.

"Father, what should we do here?"

Yorkist took the God of Death all the way to the first floor. He knew what John Wick meant.

"It's okay, they're just a bunch of scum. No one should care. Of course, in order to save some trouble, we have to do something."

Yorks smiled indifferently, looking at the empty and dirty intersection, seemingly doing nothing.

But the cameras in the entire building behind, including their hosts, and some cameras connected to the intersection were empty in front of him, and two red fire elements began to combine under his control...

Bang bang bang bang!

John Wick seemed to feel something and looked at the camera at the intersection.

It looked like something was blowing up there. The camera hanging on it had caught fire and shattered into a ball of waste, with parts falling from it.

"This is extraordinary power..."

John Wick knew what was going on. He looked at the priest in front of him again, and there was an unknown throbbing in his heart.

In his feeling, the priest's back grew taller and taller, until it covered the entire field of vision.


It wasn't until the priest's voice rang in his ears that John Wick suddenly woke up. He found that he was being led to the car by the priest without knowing it.

"What are you thinking about?"

Yorks opened the car door and threw the sculpting hand into the back seat, ready to study it after tonight.

"Nothing." John Wick took a deep breath and replied.

"Father, can you let me drive?"

Yorks raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, and looked at the bridge car next to him.

"This car is a car I bought specially for this operation."

Knowing the priest's character, John Wick added another sentence.

"It's worthless and should have been thrown on the road."

Hearing John Wick talk like this, what else could York say, except that the retired top killer has money in his family.

Throwing the key to John Wick, Yorks smiled and said.

"Okay, then you drive."


One by one in place.

"Let's go to the mall and see if there's anything Irene wants." Yorkshire sat in the passenger seat for the rare occasion.

"Okay, Father."

John Wick nodded, started a set of operations of shifting gears and stepping on the accelerator, drove the car, and slowly left the place.

Behind the car, several girls were screaming and running out of the building...

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