American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 297 Put it on the agenda

The sight of thousands of lights after so many years is definitely an unforgettable memory for the small town of Yamala.

But for York, there is no idea.

He was just like a bystander, watching everything outside, lying on the bed in the bedroom on the side floor.

"The total time is four days..."

Putting his hands behind his head, Yorks looked at the ceiling, mentally counting the time in the other world.

Then he closed his eyes.

Even though there were fireworks outside, honestly speaking, what did this have to do with him.

Although he was doing the things, Yorks only felt that he was just doing what he should do.


Milda's grateful voice sounded. She turned around and did not see the priest. She only saw that the side building fell into darkness for an instant. Finally, her voice gradually became smaller and smaller until it disappeared.


Milda could only stare at the side building, her expression changing from grateful to relaxed and free.

"I seem to be starting to understand the priest's style."

Mirta smiled and turned around.

The believers camping in front of them were already cheering.

She walked up slowly and joined in the fun as Mirta, a former resident of the town.

The light from the fire illuminated everyone's faces.

Everyone has a very clear understanding of the group of light in the distance.

The world is changing.

When people can ignore one of the seven principles of life, it means that the devil is no longer something that can scare them.

I don’t know how long this excitement lasted, but a shaking at the waist woke Mirta up.

She looked at the believers who were still chatting and laughing, took a long breath, then picked up the shaking mobile phone and chose to go to a quieter corner.


Mirta picked up the phone.

But the next second, the visitor's words made her excited again.

"Hello Mirta, I'm Marcos."

The protagonist of the voice, Marcos, was looking at the police station in front of him, and his eyes became determined as he looked at the small town of Yamara that had fallen into a carnival atmosphere.

Next to him, Director Lark, Ryan and others were warmly welcoming the cleaners.

"Come, come, drink water!"

Director Lark directed Ryan and others to deliver water to this group of cleaners who came from afar, and smiled.

To be honest, he knew why these city cleaners came here overnight.

It is nothing more than joining the church led by Father York like Mirta.

He was happy about the situation.

Director Lark believes that this group of hard-working cleaners, led by Father York, will definitely be able to counterattack those damn demons.

"Mr. Marcos."

Mirta didn't need to think twice to understand the meaning of this call.

"What's your decision?"

However, what she didn't expect was that this group of cleaners had already arrived, and they arrived so quickly.

Even right in front of you.

"We are already here." Marcos said, staring at the brightly lit town of Yamara.

"In the small town of Yamala."

Mirta squeezed the phone tightly, waved it hard with her free left hand, and said sincerely.

"You can come, that's great, Mr. Marcos."

After hearing this, Marcos realized the emotions around him and smiled.

"The saint has come to the world, and our mission has changed at this moment..."

In this way, it is unknown what the two talked about.

The next day.

Early in the morning.

York opened his eyes on time, and he was completely insulated from ordinary people's situations.

There is no eye mucus, and the skin is not oily.

It's how it used to be, that's how it was, and it's never changed.

But Yorkshire still followed his previous habit and went into the bathroom to take a bath and came out on time to have breakfast.

No need to look, breakfast is already on the table.

Yorks sat down, picked up a sandwich, gnawed on it, and began to observe the situation outside through the three-dimensional view.

In the three-dimensional view, the number of believers outside is increasing, and there are heads everywhere as far as the eye can see.

Before, only more than half of the people came, but now it should be the whole town or some more people from outside.

Last night's events began to unfold.

York's eyes continued to move like a god's perspective.

He could see the situation in the church. Mirta, wearing a dark monastic uniform, was talking to someone about something.

He had a resolute look on his face, wore simple clothes, and exuded an aura that was even more powerful and powerful than Mirta's.

"This person... seems to have never been seen before."

Yorks narrowed his eyes out of habit and continued to look behind this person.

He spotted some strangers.

These people seem to have a natural aura that is different from ordinary people, making it easy for people to distinguish that they are a team.

Yorks thought of something and chuckled.

"It seems that a new church can be put on the agenda."

The creation of new churches meant that the flow of believers could be dispersed.

And the new priest can take on his work.

In this way, he can be more lazy.

If he could, he wouldn't even leave this town.

While York was eating, he observed the group of suspected cleaners.

Make up the next plan in your mind.

It wasn't until he finished eating that he stood up, put away the dishes, put on the robe symbolizing the bishop and went to the back door.

"Mirta, what kind of person is Father York?"

Marcos stood next to Mirta, breathing heavier as the minutes passed.

When things came to a close, he, a cleaner who had battled wits and courage with rot spawn and demons for many years, became inexplicably nervous.

Marcos stretched out his left hand and squeezed his trembling right hand.

Since last night, after witnessing Mirta's power, he couldn't imagine what kind of person could give Mirta this power.

That is the legendary holy power, which is exactly the same as the power in the crystal stone in the device.

Having been to the Holy Land before, he has a deeper understanding.

In his plan, the holy places left behind by the ancient church were the last stronghold of mankind.

As for why, it's because the Holy Land has the same power as Mirta showed last night.

It's a pity that there are only two holy places left in the whole world.

"If you can have this power, you can definitely create a new home..."

Thinking of this, Marcos bit his gums and squeezed his right palm, and the tension in his heart began to ease a lot.

Mirta seemed to be able to feel the tension of Marcos and his colleagues, she turned back and laughed softly.

"Mr. Marcos, Father York is very easy to talk to. He has been waiting for you."

"That's good."

Marcos breathed a sigh of relief and was about to say something else. At this moment, there was a sudden commotion in the crowd.

"Here comes Father York!"

"The priest is here!"


Marcos looked suddenly to the side passage to the right.

Somewhere, a figure appeared at some point.

The tall and burly figure exudes an irresistible charm.

Marcos opened his eyes wide...

In the eyes, the priest walked into the auditorium gracefully and confidently. Every step seemed calm and powerful, and every move exuded a sacred atmosphere, which made people involuntarily respect him.

At this moment, Marcos felt that his always impetuous heart suddenly calmed down.

Marcos just watched the legendary priest walking on the high platform, stopped and said softly.

"Thank you all for coming to participate in today's ceremony. May the Lord be with you."

The crowded church became quiet at this moment.

Only Marcos felt a huge wave in his heart. He looked at the priest on the high platform and the priest's robe, and murmured in a daze.

"Exactly the same, exactly the same..."

Marcos remembered a picture in which there was a robe that looked exactly like the priest's robe.

He stared at the priest and remembered the relevant introduction.

"The highest clerical rank in the church, the robe worn by the bishop."

In this weather, I finally fell down and was given an injection in the hospital.

I'm missing a chapter, I'll make up for it later.

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