After breakfast, we dispersed.

Healy had left New York and returned home to visit his old father.

After all, even if you are a clergyman, as long as you reach the age, you will still die. Even if you go to heaven, it is still related to death after all.

As for Irene, who was wearing a skirt and top, she was busy with the things he arranged, and went to communicate with the clergy of the New York Cathedral in his name.

If possible, York really wanted to have a few days of leisure. Of course, he could also leave Pluto Church alone and let it be there. However, he didn't want the familiar believers to return disappointed, so he could only let everyone The church sent another priest down.

All that's left is the matter of John Wick, the god of death.

after a while.

"John, if you want to perform this baptism ceremony in the church, to be honest, I can still agree to it." In a clean room, a clean private church full of candlelight, York put on a suit that only a bishop can Wearing a bishop's robe.

In front of him was John Wick kneeling.

Next to her was Irene, who had changed into a monk's uniform that looked older and darker. She held a round plate in her hand, with a bowl of holy water on it, a cross, a heavy Bible, and even a monk's Exclusive divine robe.

Yes, what Yorkist needs to do now is to allow John Wick to have a ceremony that can use the holy power. To explain it in one word, it is the conferment of baptism or the conferment of priesthood.

If he were a priest, York would not have this right. Although he has the ability to become a saint and escape from everything, the change in status requires the leadership of a bishop-level clergy so that he can become a real priest. personnel.

Fortunately, as he is now a bishop, he is naturally able to perform this baptismal conferment ceremony and transform an ordinary person into a real clergyman.

Generally speaking, this kind of ceremony needs to be held in a cathedral, and it needs to be witnessed by God before ordinary people can have the qualifications and ability to use holy power. However, Yorkists have the authority to consecrate saints, so all this can be done simply. start.

This plays right into John Wick’s hands.

As a killer with blood-stained hands, John Wick has always felt that he is a sinful person after quitting the killer industry, and he is not worthy of becoming a glorious clergy under the witness of many believers.

Because he felt that he was not worthy.

"Bishop, I think this place is just right." John Wick lowered his head and looked at the smooth floor and said seriously.

"I am a sinful person and I am not qualified to be forgiven under the blessing. My heart does not allow me to do so."

"Okay." Yorks smiled. He could feel John Wick's mood. The current God of Death should be said to be heavy or relieved.

But this has nothing to do with him. In the church, everyone has the opportunity to change over again.

"John, I respect your choice. Now I, Bishop John of York, will baptize you and confer it on you."

John Wick bowed his head deeply and closed his eyes.


At this time, the voice of the seemingly numb and cold God of Death actually trembled.

Yorks reached out and picked up the heavy Bible from the round plate in Erin's hand.

".You will become a servant of God, serving the church and believers. You will bear important responsibilities such as preaching the gospel of God, motivating believers to support the church, and caring about church affairs.

This is a mission full of challenges and dedication, but it is also a job of honor and joy.

Are you ready? John. "

John Wick started breathing heavily.

“Yes, I am willing to follow His path wholeheartedly and defend my mission with my life!

I am grounded in the Word of God and commit to follow His teachings and demonstrate faithfulness and integrity in the priesthood. "

York's eyebrows raised slightly, as if he was surprised by these words. He supported the heavy Bible with his left hand, and stretched out his right hand to press on the top of John Wick's head. The holy power in his body had already surged, preparing to consecrate this murderous god. Allowing him to use holy power, he can also use his enchanted and holy weapons.

"John Wick, may God bless you! May He give you wisdom, grace and firm faith, so that you can faithfully fulfill the responsibilities of the priesthood, and be blessed and guided in your ministry. May your life be A testimony of your own faith.”

Under these words, John Wick's body obviously changed slightly, as if he was emitting a layer of holy light.

This caused some changes to appear on Eileen's face, who was standing aside.

She quietly stared at her bishop standing next to her and thought to herself, "As expected."

The wrong situation had already caused her to have some doubts about her bishop, and now this scene confirmed her suspicions.

Her bishop was indeed different from everyone else, which further strengthened her spiritual reliance.

Yes, after following and witnessing her all the way, she had already changed her spiritual support.

Now, it's just more determined.

[Ten points of holy power have been consumed]

Like the Rot World, after spending ten points to enchant someone, Yorkist heard this familiar prompt, looked at John Wick, who had truly become a clergyman, and knelt in front of him, and then smiled.

"John, I, Bishop John of York, now declare you to be a deacon of the church, and confer upon you the corresponding authority and responsibilities, please stand up now."

John Wick exhaled, and could only stand up before he could appreciate the changes in his body and the warm light inside his body.

Seeing this, Yorkist patted his new deacon on the shoulder, then picked up the cross from the round plate in Irene's hand, and hung it around John Wick's neck after he lowered his head again.

This is the cross he has consecrated, and it has been consecrated for a full hundred points. Once a group of evil spirits breaks out, even the demons will be injured if they are caught off guard.

Moreover, once John Wick uses this cross and cooperates with the Bible to exorcise demons or evil spirits, the effect will be doubled and skyrocketed.

So one hundred points is really a lot. If it were any more, this cross would probably appear. This is really too obvious.

If you change it around, it would be like a person walking on the street holding a shiny golden nugget, or a fisherman wandering the street carrying a large fish weighing dozens of kilograms.

John Wick could also feel the terrifying energy of this cross when he was able to use the Holy Power. He couldn't help but glance at the bishop in front of him, but he only saw the bishop nodding lightly and holding the heavy hand in his hand. The Bible was handed over.

"This is your thing, John."

Yorks smiled and said: "Every clergyman will have such a book, and so will Healy and Irene. Now you can finally unleash the power of the Bible, so you should cherish it and keep it well."

Hearing these words, John Wick subconsciously glanced at Sister Irene next to him. After seeing her nodding slightly, she then looked at the thick Bible in front of her. A string in her heart was directly touched, and she received it in silence. I may have to read the Bible for a lifetime.

He thought of his wife, who had been dead for many years.

Yorkist saw the subtle changes in John Wick's expression with sharp eyes, sighed inwardly, and continued to pick up the monk's robe from the round plate held by Irene.

"This is the divine robe of the deacon monk. Although it seems to be nothing and ordinary, the material is of the highest quality. It has warmth in spring and coolness in summer, and has a protective effect."

Speaking of this, Yorks smiled: "Although the shape is not very beautiful and the dark color is not good-looking, it is more comfortable to wear than ordinary clothes."

John Wick took the monk's robe that he would wear frequently in the future, looked at it carefully, and said calmly: "Bishop, I like it very much."

After saying that, he asked seriously: "Bishop, is there anything else I need to do now?"

Yorks raised his eyebrows and heard the meaning of this sentence: "No, keep everything simple, the most important step is over. You should be able to feel the changes in your body, right?"

John Wick nodded matter-of-factly.

"So it's actually over here. There was originally some Holy Communion ceremony later so that the new clergy could communicate with the believers and get familiar with it, but well, it can also be omitted here. In the future, you only need to ask me Responsible."

John Wick took a deep breath, nodded in agreement, and then said: "Bishop, I want to go back and tell Helen."

Yorks nodded: "Of course."

For a while, John Wick's actions still followed the style of the killer period. He said he wanted to go back and never stayed for a moment.

Even his modified car was driven away by him.

"This guy is really not polite at all." Yorks stood in front of a floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the rear of the car that was disappearing, and said with a smile.

The little nun, who is an orphan and has no place to go in America, is still standing next to him: "Bishop, who is Helen?"

"John Wick's wife." Yorks sighed: "An old believer I know well, a devout believer. When she comes to church, she often brings John Wick with her, so that's how we got to know each other."

"Then her..." Erin was a little confused.

Yorks answered the doubt, then turned and left: "Helen has cancer, terminal stage."

Hearing this, Irene didn't know what to think, but she could naturally feel a heavy feeling in her heart. She stood there for a while before turning around and following her bishop's footsteps.

But the next scene was transferred to the neighboring villa, which was only separated by a lane.

Eileen was a little confused, and she didn't know why her bishop suddenly came to visit, but she could feel the embarrassment on her bishop's face and a slight hesitation.


Yorks withdrew his perspective from the three-dimensional view and from Hannah, barely suppressed the sudden restlessness in his heart, noticed the change in Irene's expression and said in a calm tone.

"A friend of mine lives here. Well, we are very familiar with each other. If possible, I hope you can get to know Hannah. Although Hannah is just an intelligence dealer and hacker, because of my relationship, she will deliberately collect some information about Things and news about supernatural events,

Well, this is a personal channel. In this way, the church does not know what you have done. Even if it does, you have done everything. "

Irene blinked, because at this moment, she suddenly remembered some rumors about her bishop.

Jealous of demons as much as hatred, exorcising countless demons.

This is what she knew from the mouth of Sister Teresa, the nun who raised her, plus everything she heard in the church.

Eileen knew that her bishop had really done a lot of good things, and the scope was so wide that it involved many colleagues.

Therefore, many colleagues in the church respect their bishop.

"I understand, Bishop, if possible, I would like to get to know Ms. Hannah." Irene blinked and said.

In fact, she wanted to know more information about her bishop from this Ms. Hannah. Since they had worked together for a long time, this Ms. Hannah must know more things.

Yorks nodded, estimated how long it would take for Hannah to finish taking a shower and change clothes, and then stretched out his hand to ring the doorbell.

While the doorbell rang, Yorks continued to regain his senses and directly locked onto Hannah's position.

Bathroom in this villa.

He saw Hannah, who had just put on clothes, and was obviously a little confused. Then he directly pulled out a black pistol from the grid below. The confused look had long been replaced by a vigilant look.

"Haha, you are quite vigilant."

Watching Hannah walk out of the bathroom, put on a coat, stuff the pistol into her waistband, pick up an assault rifle by the bed, and then go to a notebook first, Yorks smiled.

It's quite interesting to say that his acquaintance with Hannah started in a gun training club.

It finally evolved into this.

At this moment, a scream came from inside the villa.

It was Hannah's voice, and she had obviously seen who it was standing at her door.

Yorks raised his head and waved at the very inconspicuous and pitifully small camera in a corner.

"Long time no see, Hannah," he said.

Yorks knew Hannah would hear this.

Then the sound of undisguised footsteps resounded in the house, betraying the mood of its owner.

However, what made Yorks feel something was wrong was that Hannah was still holding her favorite assault rifle in her hand.

Gewehr G36, also known as: G36 assault rifle), is a modern third-generation assault rifle of Germany's Heckler \u0026 Koch Group (HECKLER \u0026 KOCH Group, referred to as: HK Company).

The gun adopts gas-guided automatic mode, a rotary locking mechanism of the bolt, and a folding butt.

In addition to the barrel, the receiver, handguard, stock, sling ring and grip are all made of black plastic, which greatly reduces the weight of the entire gun.

The whole gun has a simple structure and is easy to operate, and can be used by both left- and right-handed shooters. The gun fires 5.56mm NATO standard bullets with a muzzle velocity of about 920 meters per second and a burst rate of fire of about 750 rounds per minute.

Therefore, among the many assault rifles, this easy-to-operate assault rifle was called Hannah’s favorite gun.

Through the three-dimensional view, Yorks saw Hannah wearing a long coat and rushing towards him holding the G36. The corners of her mouth twitched, and she was not sure whether Hannah was going to break him.

When the front door in front of him exploded, Yorks looked at Hannah, who was pointing the gun at him, showing off her good figure and jokingly laughed.

"Hannah, you're not going to break me, are you?"

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