This kind of magic circle is not necessary, but at this time, it is somewhat necessary.

This magic circle can enhance the psychic's perception, allowing them to directly skip the critical step of meditation and enter the world of the dead.

You must know that even a psychic cannot enter the world of the dead casually, and must make some preparations.

In addition to this, it also allows him to know the situation of these two people. At the same time, the magic circle can also become a two-way locator, which can also make Josh's sense of the bloodline stronger and not be very blurry.

Of course, with his current strength, he can basically see everything about the two of them.

The psychic circle was rotating there, and under the witness of everyone, the light burst out and directly enveloped the two people.

Yorks said calmly: "I will watch from the sidelines."

This sentence rang in their ears, but they also began to feel that the voice of this sentence became ethereal and drifted farther and farther away.

Finally still.

Until a new voice sounded in my ears again.

"You can open your eyes now, Mr. Josh."

Josh was stunned for a moment and subconsciously opened his eyes.

What you can see is a light temperature that is different from the real world.

In the eyes, the entire environment turned into a dim color, with wisps of black mist rising on the surface, which somewhat affected the line of sight. At the same time, a thick fog formed in the distance. The further away the line of sight was, the vision began to become blurred. .

Just from this environment alone, he could probably know the reason why his son Dalton was lost, because in this world of spreading black fog, it was easy to lose his way.

Thinking of this, Josh couldn't help but let out a breath and looked at this strange world called the World of the Dead with his own eyes.

To sum up, it is dark and hazy, with dim light floating in the air, giving people a mysterious and strange feeling.

Although everything in front of him was still Dalton's room, he could still clearly see the difference in the world in front of him.

Because the current feeling on the body surface is a little cold.

At the same time, the young bishop who was standing in front of him and everyone standing beside him all disappeared.


Josh was a little uncomfortable.

But the sound of the next sentence made him accept the changes before him.

"This is the world of the dead, eternal silence, without the sound or vitality of life, only the low whistling sound of the wind,

The bishop once brought me in. There is no concept of time or distance here. Maybe we are just one step away, which is more than ten miles in the real world. "

Josh subconsciously looked to the side where the sound came from.

The nun didn't know when she had stood up and was observing the surrounding environment.

The temperament and effortless performance revealed by him finally made him feel at ease.

Josh also stood up.

As a result, when he got up, he saw that his body was still sitting in the same place, and he began to know the feeling of being out of the body.

It was as if a strange eye was peering into my body. This was the first feeling I had.

"Have you felt Dalton's position?" As if she could feel being watched, Irene glanced at the so-called world of the dead, then turned to look at Josh, who looked a little confused.


Josh shook his head: "I don't feel anything now."

"Meditation," Erin said.

“Think of Dalton in your mind.”

Hearing this, Josh nodded and began to imagine his son. Finally, at a certain moment, he sensed guidance in a certain direction.

It was like something was sucking him.

Josh expressed this feeling truthfully.

He didn't know if this was the bloodline that the young bishop was talking about.

The nun gave him the correct answer: "This is the guidance of the bloodline."

Erin said gently: "Let's go, Mr. Josh, I will protect you from the side."

After Josh took a deep breath and nodded, before setting off, he subconsciously looked back at the place behind him.

His body sitting on the stool has disappeared.

Josh gave himself a pep talk, and then began to follow the instructions.

He walked directly to the main entrance.

Seeing this, Erin consciously followed Josh, but her eyes were already wary.

Her bishop once told her that in a place like this, the line of sight is not the only one. There might be such an evil spirit spying on you somewhere you don't see.

The world of the dead is the habitat of evil spirits and ghosts, who may appear next to you in an instant or loom in the darkness.

Each of the evil spirits behaves differently, including anger after death, pain and other emotional expressions.

But no matter what, it’s always right to be careful.

Just like now, when they just walked out of Dalton's room and entered an unknown, nothing but cold and dim environment, they heard a vague sound of hehe.

Fear and depression followed, and Josh subconsciously looked back behind him.

Seeing that the nun was still following him, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Then he looked at the empty, dark and cold environment, and Josh couldn't help but curse in his heart.

"There's nothing, nothing to see, what the hell is this place!"

Despite the scolding, he still walked firmly towards the source of the suction that had been sucking him.

At this moment, the sound of hee hee and some sounds like chewing became closer and closer, but when he couldn't see anything,

There was a loud bang that almost frightened him out of his soul.

But it was this sudden explosion that made this empty environment with nothing to see become quiet.

"I have dealt with the malicious evil spirits. Please continue walking, Mr. Josh. I will protect your safety according to the bishop's will."

There was a deathly silence. These words were very clear and very familiar. Josh was stiff, his mind was like a stuck robot, and he glanced to the side.

He saw a revolver that was a little out of place in this world, and he could clearly see the fireworks rising from it.

Josh couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva that didn't exist.

Based on his current thinking, he had no idea when this gun appeared.

"This is a gun that I imagined."

The figure of the nun suddenly came to his side from behind and explained warmly.

"Don't be surprised. It's very simple. You can do it, Mr. Josh, but the premise must be created one by one from beginning to end. This depends on your understanding of this thing."

Erin looked at the seemingly non-existent black figures around her with a calm expression, not forgetting to continue explaining why she could do it.

"The bishop once took me to dismember many firearms and reassemble them. They were originally used here."

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Josh seemed to see the nun's hidden smile. He didn't dare to think too much and could only continue walking towards the source of guidance.

But there was no peace along the way. He saw a strange person suddenly appear in front of him and rush toward him.

The voice was harsh and the speed was extremely fast. The sharp nails in his hands, coupled with the ferocious and malicious look on the man's face, showed that the person who came was evil, but he was still shot by the nun and the figure exploded.

One after another, each one is different, and the evil spirits with malicious intentions cannot survive a single round under the hands of the nun.

He even saw the nun conjuring various firearms that he didn't recognize.

The most dangerous scene was that a dozen black shadows floated over.

But an object was thrown in front of his eyes, and there was a loud and ear-piercing explosion. Under the dazzling white light, these dozen black figures disappeared instantly without a trace.

If he read correctly, the object the nun just threw was a grenade.

After walking for who knows how long, Josh couldn't help but twitching at the corner of his mouth when he remembered the machine gun in the nun's hand just now, and the scene where the nun set up a gun to sweep away the evil spirits.

Now he no longer has any fear, nor does he have any fear. It was all caused by the seemingly thin nun next to him.

"Not like the nun I imagined," Josh muttered to himself as he followed the directions.

"What kind of person did this young bishop teach? Which nun can make all kinds of different firearms and be so powerful when shooting."

Thinking of what the nun always said to me, what the bishop taught me, Josh couldn't help but complain in his heart.

This completely subverted his three views. In his imagination, clergy were not like this. Besides, he had never seen any clergy who could use various firearms to their advantage.

As a citizen of the United States, he has never touched a gun, and he has also shot a gun, but he can't imagine it. According to the nun's words, he added his own experience.

In order to show it, you must have a complete understanding of the various structures, data, and parts of the firearm.

So, Sister Irene next to me

Because of Irene's strong performance, Josh was thinking randomly, and the nun's words suddenly rang in his ears.

"Mr. Josh, do you think Dalton will appear here?"

After listening to the nun's words, Josh was startled and subconsciously looked up.

In an environment that was originally empty, cold, and dark, with a black mist that was constantly rising that could make people feel lost, a residential building actually appeared.

Seeing this familiar residential building, Josh opened his eyes wide.

"This is the house I lived in when I was a child."

As he spoke, he continued following the recovered memory.

"It's also the house where I lived when I was a kid and something happened."

Erin glanced at the residential building that suddenly appeared and was surrounded by thick black fog, and frowned subconsciously.

She recalled all the information.

The evil spirit of the old woman who has been seducing and spying on Josh is the same evil spirit that the bishop caught with his own hands and stuffed into the mysterious toy house, and was bullied by the evil toy.

But according to Elise's words, besides this evil spirit, there is another more powerful evil spirit that she cannot deal with.

It was precisely because of this evil spirit that Elise sealed Josh's ability. And because of this evil spirit, she invited the Warrens to deal with it together.

Thinking of this, Erin raised her hand, and a piece of drawing paper appeared out of thin air.

In Josh's eyes, it was the evil spirit painted by Elise.

Completely black body, red face, nails as long and thin as spider legs, etc.

"It seems that it is this evil spirit that has imprisoned Dalton."

Erin said calmly: "That's why it reflects the house where you lived when you were a child, Mr. Josh."

Josh's breathing began to get heavier. You must know that this evil spirit was extremely troublesome for even Elise and had to avoid the edge.

"What should I do? Sister Eileen, I can feel Dalton is in this house." Josh was a little anxious.

"Don't be afraid." Erin said calmly.

"Continue to go."

As she spoke, the drawing paper in Erin's hand quietly turned into a cross, and she handed the cross to Josh.

"This cross should ensure your safety and prevent any accidents from happening before I can do it."

With a confident and steady tone, Josh felt relieved and took the cross and hung it around his neck.


After completing this step, Josh continued to walk towards the residential building in front of him, facing the fog in the sky.

Erin pursed her lips and followed beside her. This kind of powerful evil spirit that could display such a large residential building was a little different from the evil spirits she had encountered before. She had to be on full alert.

The two of them just walked over step by step.

As we get closer, the atmosphere becomes more solemn and the temperature drops suddenly.

Josh looked at the familiar front door, which had been opened a crack. He was silent for a few seconds before reaching out and pushing it.

As the door opened, a familiar look appeared in front of him.

The huge living room, even the kitchen, etc. are all from the previous layout.

Memories flashed in Josh's eyes. He had lived here for a long time.

Before he could ask the nun loudly, a white figure suddenly appeared in front of him and walked quickly towards the stairs.

Josh subconsciously looked at the nun next to him.

"Is the guide on the second floor?" Irene asked, not immediately killing the ghost that disappeared on the second floor.

Josh frowned and sensed it, shook his head and nodded: "I can only feel that Dalton is in the house, but I don't know the specific location."

"Then go up." Erin glanced at the living room and kitchen, but found nothing unusual.

Josh nodded, it was up to the nun to decide everything.

The two began to walk towards the stairs, following the ghost's figure to the second floor.

Suddenly, a faint cry sounded.

Josh looked at the nun and Erin nodded.

The two began to follow the sound and slowly came to an empty room.

Josh walked in and found nothing yet, but Erin stood in front of the door. A pistol appeared in her right hand unconsciously, and her left hand had already pulled the door handle, and then opened the door.

As the door was opened, Josh's heart tightened.

From his perspective, a woman was huddled in a corner sobbing. Her face could not be seen, only her huddled figure could be seen.

"Ghost." Irene pointed her pistol at the woman and whispered.

"Where is Dalton?"

Unfortunately, this ghost just kept crying without any response.

Erin was silent for a moment, and instead of taking action to eliminate it, she restored the door to normal and said to Josh.

"Keep looking."

Josh nodded, and at this moment he noticed the figure of a child flashing outside the door.

"Dalton?" Josh subconsciously called and walked out of the room quickly.

Erin followed behind Josh, closely guarding everything around him to prevent accidents or the invasion of the evil spirit.

However, Josh turned around and almost searched the second floor, but still found no trace of his son Dalton.

The two finally returned to the same place, the corridor connecting the stairs.

Josh was a little anxious.

Erin followed the whole process, and suddenly looked towards the first floor, and she sensed something.

A strange whistle came from the first floor.

Before Josh could think anything or ask anything, a grenade made entirely of holy power appeared in Erin's hand, and she threw it down.

In her perception, three figures with black holes on their foreheads appeared on the sofa on the first floor, like parents and daughter.

But next to him stood a girl in the same clothes, holding a shotgun in her hand, exuding a heavy layer of resentment.

This is all about this girl shooting her own family.

The girl who was full of resentment, with black eyes and even lips, holding a shotgun and smiling strangely, tilted her head and looked towards the second floor, seeming to be looking at Irene.

But the grenade had already fallen to the ground, whirled around, and finally exploded suddenly.


The holy light from the explosion directly swallowed the girl and her three family members who died on the sofa, until everything returned to calm...

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