American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 387 The truth about Silent Hill

The changes in the expressions of the two people were all reflected in the three-dimensional image, from anger to grief and anger, sadness, all of which were colorful. Yorks looked outside and did not look back.

He could actually understand the mood of the two of them.

After all, the founding of the United States was built on the corpses of their ancestors.

I don’t know how many years ago, British and other European immigrants came here and drove away the local indigenous Indians, becoming the largest British colony in North America.

Later these immigrants became independent and eventually established a free America.

It can be said that the history of free America was based on the blood of the indigenous Indians.

It includes deception and other extremely low-level means. For example, when the free United States was first founded, it recognized the independent sovereign government of Indian tribes, but later pursued a policy of genocide, terminated the Indian governance system, and took away their soil of.

I know that today, on this land under my feet, there used to be tens of millions of Indians, but now there are only about 200,000 left.

At Sister Gillian's age, she is a history book that witnesses history.

According to her words, the people in Lost Town are actually descendants of aboriginal Indians.

They united together and through various legitimate means, finally established the small town of Lost.

As for why it was established, it was because of Lady Alessa in their mouths.

Alessa...he had seen it a long time ago, the girl who endured the impact of his holy power, hugged him and smiled brightly at him when she was reduced to ashes.

Yorks couldn't help but think of the drawings little Sharon had written for him while she was sleepwalking.

The Lady Alessa that Sister Gillian refers to is the god that their aborigines believe in.

It is also the soul of the Silent Hill Holy Land and the source of mysterious power.

Yes, the Silent Hill of this world is completely different from the movie.

The general plot of the movie, as he said before, Alessa finally gave birth to Dark Alessa because of her hatred.

Because the remaining people were hiding in the church, she could not enter. In order to take revenge, Alessa continued to separate her good side, which was little Sharon, and let her out.

Taking advantage of little Sharon's illness and Rose's motherly love, she was attracted to Silent Hill, and then with Rose's help, she entered the church and completed her final revenge.

This is the general plot of the movie.

But Silent Hill in this world has a different plot. The characters may be the same, but the main plot is a completely new movie.

The previous part is from the drawing paper drawn by little Sharon.

Silent Hill was originally a religious sacred place for the indigenous Indians. They called Silent Hill the place where the Silent Elves live. The elves mentioned here not only refer to the souls of their ancestors, but also include those who live in flowers, trees, rocks, and rivers. The elf actually refers to Alessa.

Until immigrants from outside came, they settled here, hypocritically helping each other with the indigenous people, but in the end they discovered the mysterious power of Silent Hill. In order to occupy this mysterious power, they carried out a brutal massacre of the indigenous people of Silent Hill, and finally occupied The Aboriginal Silent Hill Holy Land.

This group of people who secretly controlled Silent Hill did not know how many years of research it took until Silent Hill was divided into two parts.

Under the arrangement, New Silent Hill has become a vacation and health resort. Due to the nearby coal industry and prosperous business, New Silent Hill has been self-sufficient, with primary schools, shopping malls, churches, sanatoriums, and even two independent hospitals, as well as other shops and tourist attractions.

Old Silent Hill is a residential area with a large number of apartments and homes, and a series of commercial areas.

It is becoming increasingly prosperous, but it is a pity that the descendants of the indigenous people who were originally the owners have always been at the bottom.

When Silent Hill reached such a scale, the descendants of the group of people who secretly controlled the economic lifeline finally developed some methods.

Through certain methods, they infused the mysterious power of Silent Hill into a pregnant Aboriginal descendant.

I don't know what happened, but this force split into two parts.

What was injected into this poor mother was the purest power among them, and a large amount of the dark and contaminated power remaining from the massacre was separated under the control of this will.

Yes, this will is the origin of Aretha, the god believed by the aboriginal Indians. It has been hiding, waiting for opportunities.

Finally, the opportunity came. When it was about to be completely contaminated at the last moment, it entered the mother's body and merged with the baby inside, and was finally born by the mother.

The name is Alessa Ariel.

In the end, she fulfilled the original wish of the aborigines who worshiped her, which was revenge!

Fires all over the sky burned down the prosperous Silent Hill, and also burned to death those enemies who deserved their crimes.

The fire spread to the coal deep underground, causing a chain reaction. The structure of the air changed and toxic gases began to spread. In the end, the innocent residents living in Silent Hill had to be forced to move and leave the town of Silent Hill.

This is the truth about the fire. It is not the trial in the movie. It is completely different from the movie. It can basically be regarded as a new movie.

Yorks looked up at the sun covered by clouds and mist, and tapped his index finger on his hands behind his back.

In fact, there is one thing that he appreciates more, that is, Alessa does not attack innocent people. Judging from this story, it can be seen that Alessa is not a cruel person.

If things stopped here, it might be perfect.

But obviously, there was a core group of people who fought back against Alessa while she was still alive.

By sacrificing themselves and consecrating their bodies and souls, they also summoned another Dark Alessa.

This other Dark Alessa is different from the entity Alessa born from a human body.

It was transformed into the most contaminated dark power that was separated before.

So the real Alessa was imprisoned in Silent Hill, surrounded and wasted by dark forces day and night.

Because for Dark Alessa, only by swallowing the origin can she become the only one.

However, Alessa was not powerless to counterattack. She transformed all her power into an outer world, surrounded the inner world, and was also trapped in the darkness of the created inner world. Alessa.

At the same time, Alessa was afraid that she would die, be swallowed by Dark Alessa, and involve the baby she inhabited, so she resolutely chose to completely separate her origins from her physical body, and then sent this real human baby away.

And this baby was little Sharon, the real daughter born to that poor mother.

This is the truth about Silent Hill in this world, and it can be said that it has nothing to do with the movies in the previous life.

The Silent Hill of this world, the outermost surface world, is transformed by Alessa's power, with the purpose of imprisoning Dark Alessa.

The other world is transformed into the dark power of Dark Alessa. The purpose is to imprison the original Alessa, then consume it, become one, and become a complete body.

The real purpose of Lost Town is just to protect Aretha in Silent Hill. The descendants of the aborigines here have been protecting her for hundreds of years, and finally evolved into a real town.

"A movie is a movie, and reality is still reality after all. The two cannot be reduced to the same thing." Yorks realized something in his heart.

"Fortunately, it's not too late now. At least we know who the enemy is and who the good guys are."

Thinking of this, Yorks turned and looked at the two people who were still immersed in grief.

These two people really have true beliefs, otherwise they would not be like this. No matter who they believe in, as long as they are good people, it is enough.

Like the dozens of orphans adopted by the Monastery itself, a few are sent away every year and are not forced to stay with them.

Supporting dozens of orphans is not stressful. This may be why Sister Gillian can live for such a long time even when she believes in another god.

"So Thomas's ancestors were the ones responsible for delivering babies back then?" Yorks said calmly.

Having consumed so much energy, Sister Gillian felt a little uncomfortable. Father Clifton endured the grief and nodded.

"Yes, Lord Bishop York, his great-grandfather was Father Braden, and it was Father Braden who carried Lady Alessa out of the fire."

After hearing this, Sergeant York learned that Thomas's stigmata came from his great-grandfather, who had been passed down from generation to generation until now.

After taking a look at the unmoved young bishop, Father Clifton gritted his teeth and knelt down suddenly. But before he could kneel down, he felt a force supporting his body. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't kneel down. He could only pray.

"Mr. Bishop York, what happened back then was too sudden. For the sake of Ms. Alessa, Father Braden had no choice but to hide the truth of the fire from the church and fabricated another lie to cover it up.

Please forgive us, Your Majesty, we really did not intentionally deceive the Church. "

Yorks was silent for a while. He probably knew everything, but he was a little surprised that little Sharon could sleep for so many years and only woke up nine years ago.

Of course, he could also understand Father Braden's approach. He didn't know what the church was like hundreds of years ago, but he thought it should be much colder and less humane than it is now.

For Alessa and little Sharon, hiding this matter is indeed the best choice.

Save the church from going out to destroy all heresy and evil, everything here.

"I see."

Seeing the pleading expressions on the faces of the two older men who were even bigger than him, Yorkshire sighed inwardly and thought of Alessa in black dress who hugged him and showed him a bright smile, and said calmly.

"I will go into Silent Hill. If your god Alessa has not been contaminated by darkness, I will save her."

Sister Gillian and Father Clifton looked at each other with surprise on their faces, but suddenly they heard the young bishop in front of them change the subject, and their hearts tightened.


Yorks said calmly.

"If it is contaminated, then I can only destroy evil in the name of God."

Sister Gillian and Father Clifton relaxed their whole bodies. After spending so much energy, they felt weak and almost unable to stand.

However, the two of them still faced the young bishop in front of them in a polite manner, bowed and said respectfully:

"Yes, Lord Bishop York, on behalf of the Indian community, we thank you for your help. From now on, if there is an order, we will go through fire and water..."

When these words fell, they were no longer in York's ears. Even though he was about to get a big help from the Indians in the future, York just raised his eyebrows and looked a little strange.

Because when he said this to the two of them, the mechanical sound of a random mission actually sounded in his ears.


[Conditions met: trigger random mission, Indian gods]

[Task requirement: eliminate the source of pollution]

[Task reward: +20 attribute points]



Looking at the virtual window that popped up with the mechanical sound, Yorks narrowed his eyes habitually.

"What a surprise. I thought I was just going to learn how to create the world and cure little Sharon's disease. I didn't expect that it would trigger a random mission."

Yorks glanced at the mission rewards above. The twenty-point reward also surprised him.

You know, he hasn't triggered a random mission with such a big reward in an unknown amount of time.

The reward can reach this level only when he seals and destroys the cracks in the world.

"Twenty o'clock, that's a lot." Yorkist moved his mind and silently accepted this mission.

"This time it can be added to the physical constitution to increase the tolerance of particle pressure."

After all, the requirements of this task were exactly the same thing as what he wanted to do. There was no conflict, and he had no reason to refuse.

[Task accepted successfully]


After confirming that he heard the mechanical sound of mission acceptance, Yorks looked at Sister Gillian and Father Clifton in front of him and said calmly.

"Let's talk about this for another time. Now I have something to tell you to do."

"Please speak, Lord Bishop York." Sister Gillian responded.

"You have all received the order from the Cathedral of West Virginia. It is estimated that the officials outside are cooperating to disperse the crowd, and you must also disperse the residents of Lost Town."

Having said this, seeing the changes in the expressions of the two of them, Yorks turned around and looked in the direction of Silent Hill, seemingly able to see the entirety of Silent Hill.

"No matter what, the other party is a powerful being that can change the environment of heaven and earth. I really am not sure that I can take care of all of you.

To be honest, all of you are a burden. In order to successfully enter Silent Hill this time, I only took little Sharon with me. "

Such straightforward words made Sister Gillian and Father Clifton stunned, and then they responded together with a wry smile.

"Yes, Lord Bishop York, I will disperse the residents of Lost Town later. Fortunately, they are our people."

Judging from the young bishop's amazing record in the past, they are indeed too weak.

"Yeah." York said calmly.

But even so, the slight changes in the expressions of the two people could not be hidden from him.

"Don't worry." Yorks smiled and said confidently.

"I will protect little Sharon's safety. No matter how powerful the Dark Alessa is, I still have no problem protecting myself. I guarantee it with the life of my Yorkist John."

As soon as these words came out, Sister Gillian and Father Clifton finally felt relieved.

"That's it." Yorkshire turned around and walked past them.

"Take me to the entrance of Silent Hill."

Sister Gillian and Father Clifton nodded in agreement.


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