American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 464: Ascending to God

Thinking of this, the only thing York could think of was that the old man was an angel descending to the earth, or it was his most outrageous guess at the moment.

That is, the old man was actually the object of his storytelling day and night, that is, the real God.

Otherwise, such an exaggerated world would not be so peaceful.

After all, there are gods in various myths.

York shook his head: "The more I think about it, the more outrageous it is! Let's solve the current situation first."

He sighed and began to experience his own changes. It was a surge in strength.

York had a very strong feeling that his upgrade was not over yet, and the changes after the spirit broke through the 600 value were not over yet.

Even this was just the beginning.

And at the beginning, he could see the true face of Irene, which gave him the illusion of controlling everything. This was even stronger than the particle form after the life attribute was upgraded.

The particle form did give him a feeling that the whole world and the whole universe were in his hands and controlled by him, but in fact, York was just an illusion, because he could not fully control the particle world he saw in his eyes.

Every manipulation will bring very strong pressure to the body. Even York feels that once the pressure of controlling particles exceeds his tolerance limit, he will explode instantly, like a grenade, and explode into pieces of meat flying everywhere.

So York has always had a very strong feeling that when he can control the microscopic universe of particles without feeling any pressure, then he really is like in the movie, and really becomes a real god in a sense.

Once he reaches that point, he basically directly leaves the world, the concept of a planet, and directly rises to the level of the universe. Wherever he looks, it is no longer the planetary world in front of him and under his feet, but the entire universe.

So the illusion after the spirit broke through 600 really made him puzzled, because he really felt that he had become stronger than the particle form. At this time, everything in front of him was like a toy, whether it was a person or an airplane.

With a bang, the plane suddenly shook, and under the gaze of the clergy outside, it suddenly looked up and rose into the air.

This heavy feeling of leaning back could not disturb the feeling brought by the evolution of telekinesis in meditation.

Even when Irene came over to ask for instructions, he did not notice it. He just stared blankly at the front.

A space that changes instantly.

The changes brought about by the continuous improvement of mental power are that the scenery and everything in York's eyes are no longer what ordinary eyes see.

The space that was originally an airplane suddenly evolved into another all-white space. York relied on his senses, stretched out his hand, and moved his mind at will.

At this moment, everything seemed to have stopped.

Even Irene, who still appeared in his mind, and the airplane space seen by his eyes seemed to be all paused at this moment.

Time seemed to be controlled by him.

"Illusion?" York muttered to himself, looking at his hands, he could feel that these hands were full of a very special kind of cells flowing, like particles.

Everything was flowing in his eyes, whether it was the space he evolved or any other space, air, or dust, everything was flowing in his eyes, and York felt that he could really control these things.

Therefore, he seemed to be able to directly change the flow rules through his current mental consciousness, so that his hands or body would undergo various changes.

At the same time, he really saw what the cells flowing in the body looked like and how they were flowing.

The speed of flow every second exceeds the world's definition of speed. Even the cells are multiplying by tens of billions every second. These densely packed cells really make him feel that his body is really like a universe in a sense.

And this constant proliferation and rapid flow, destruction and proliferation cycle, is like a planet in the universe.

The most outrageous thing is that as the changes brought by the upgrade continue, he even feels that these cells seem to be a fresh life.

He even feels that the cells in his body seem to have thoughts.

"No! This is not my illusion!"

Yorks looked at the hand that appeared in front of him. Even if he didn't appear in particle form, he could really control the cells, molecules, etc. in his hand only through his current mental thoughts.

Yorks looked at his hand, looked at the various shocking information constantly emanating from it, and smiled bitterly.

"I seem to have thought of something?"

Before, in order to know life, in addition to studying and cramming physics knowledge, he even started to involve life science, including cell science.

It can be said that in addition to being a top physicist, he is also a top biologist.

In the process of learning, he knew that cells in the human body need energy to maintain operation in a certain sense.

Why do people die of old age? It is because cells lack energy to maintain and begin to die actively.

Cell death is the irreversible cessation of life phenomena and the end of life.

"Cells have independent consciousness?" Thinking of this, York muttered this sentence to himself.

"With the current upgrade changes, the cells in my body have begun to evolve to the immortal stage? But because of my own life constitution and the continuous supply of this energy, I have controlled it in my body. I am now How can we maintain our own individuality in this ultra-fast flow rate and growth?

York was a little confused, because this discovery meant that he seemed to have truly transcended.

Even the conscious body has exceeded the boundaries of the current body, and the body is still there now because he wants it. Therefore, the cells in the body that have already had independent thoughts are kept in place by his now detached thoughts, maintaining him in this place. The individual of the world.

Thinking of it now, Yorks seemed to have some understanding in his eyes.

The current body only exists because he wants it. If he gives up, his body will instantly disintegrate into cells with independent consciousness, which is similar to particles with self-awareness.

At the same time, just as the particle form controls the combination of particles, Yorks can also feel that he can change his current body into various shapes. He can instantly grow into the huge body of the King of Trolls, and he can also instantly shrink to the size of dust. situation.

“Cells with autonomous consciousness come together to form a huge communication network, just like the particles that make up matter, and then form various shapes, become larger and smaller, and exist in various forms, that is, they become what I want. "

As the changes have not stopped, Yorks also seems to be slowly following the changes, beginning to know what he is like now and what he can achieve.

Like now!

York's eyes narrowed slightly, and the cells in his right hand underwent various changes. The flow speed remained the same, but the combination of different cells changed.

As a result, in York's eyes, his right hand instantly grew larger, directly to the extent of one meter long and one meter wide.

This unbelievable scene would make people's eyes widen when they see it.

But this is all within York's expectation, because this is what he wants to do.

"Restore it to its original state, and you can arrange it as before." Yorks thought to himself.

In an instant, his right hand grew about one meter in size and instantly returned to its original appearance.

This means that he can transform into various shapes at will, control organs, eyes, and other changes. This also means that he has the ability to control molecules and reorganize objects anywhere.

It even has the ability to change the molecular structure of surrounding objects.

In other words, just a thought can make the human beings in front of him become like that, or a thought can make the human beings in front of him die or live.

"This figure of over 600 is indeed too exaggerated, but it seems understandable." Yorks scanned the space in front of him.

He didn't understand it at first, but as time went by, he knew that this was his mind space, just like the devil pulling people into his own spiritual world.

It's like Alessa's spiritual world, the inner and outer world.

He now has his own real spiritual world. Because he has not done anything, he is still completely white.

York's eyes seemed to be looking at the folded pages of a textbook, looking at the world where Irene was, and the plane where she was. At this time, the world was already suspended.

It's as if his mind is rehearsing at a very fast speed, so the time in his mind speeds up, and the real world can meet the suspension requirements.

Just like a car driving past in front of human eyes, when it drives past at the speed of light, it disappears in front of human eyes. The thing that can ultimately prove the existence of the car is time.

"Does this mean that I seem to control the speed of time?" York's face slowly became calmer. As he quickly rehearsed in his mind, he became more and more aware of what his state was.

The current situation should be that his consciousness, that is, his spirit, has the ability to recalculate the four-dimensional world.

He is still here now because he thinks that once he doesn't think about it, his body will disintegrate instantly, and his current spiritual consciousness will disappear in this world in an instant, ascend to a certain dimension or somewhere else, and use writing to The human being in the script looks at the world written by him.

At this time, he can control time, space, etc., and can control all the laws of the world he writes.

"So now I seem to be able to freely shuttle in the three-dimensional world at my feet in the current calculation space?" Yorks glanced at his current calculation space and thought subconsciously.

"And being able to go back in time to some extent."

Following his own thoughts, Yorks blinked, and something suddenly appeared in the calculation space in his eyes.

He integrated the entire world of Irene on a one-to-one basis.

For a moment, there was no longer the white space in York's eyes. The world in his eyes was what he saw with his eyes, that is, the real world.

Yorks blinked, snapped his fingers, and the world in front of him returned to flow.

Erin's voice followed: "Bishop, this is the notice just sent by Healy."

She didn't seem to know what happened just now.

Yorks nodded, took the document report from Irene's hand, sighed inwardly, and looked at the document report in front of him.

The report Healy just sent was nothing, it was just explaining what he had developed.

He put the holy land of the Diocese of Norway, the holy stones with sacred energy in the holy land, including all the things that were considered holy objects, on the collider he set up, and then stuffed all the sacred energy inside into the heavy weapons of the Kingdom of Norway. .

Various new weapons have even been developed.

Following the appearance of a heavy machine gun, the structure developed the same but different weapon.

Because this is a type of bolt gun, each bullet contains a large amount of sacred energy.

Very powerful.

Thousands of explosive bombs can be sprayed out in one second, and the demon body on the opposite side can achieve firepower.

Yorks, who was sitting on the still-flying plane, looked at the document on the new weapon developed by Healy for his counterattack on Hell, and smiled.

I'm afraid this guy has really prepared it a long time ago. It has not been developed before, but it is still in the idea. Coupled with laziness, it is only now started to develop.


Yorks praised, after reading the document report in his hand, he handed it to Irene and smiled.

"Let him keep it up and tell Healy that no matter what the weapon is, no matter how many resources are needed, I can provide it, as long as there is what he needs in this world."

Irene took the document report and nodded in agreement. She blinked at the bishop who seemed to be different from before. She couldn't tell what was wrong in her heart and asked instinctively.

"Bishop, are you okay?"

Eileen suddenly said this, York was stunned, laughed and shook his head: "I'm fine, go ahead and do your business."

Hearing this, Irene could only put aside her doubts, bowed and left the place.

Yorks watched her back disappear into the aisle, stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

The world in front of me paused momentarily.

He stood up from his seat and faced the porthole.

The bulkhead instantly broke into various fragments, revealing a large space.

"This is the decomposition of matter."

Yorks smiled, walked forward, and walked through the space exposed in front of him, stepping flatly into the sky outside the plane.

Behind him was the bulwark that instantly recovered.

But the flying planes, including the clouds high in the sky, and the mountains and rivers beneath our feet all stopped.

"This is the control of time. In my eyes, all activities and laws in this world are so slow that they stop in an instant."

Yorks felt the changes in himself, looked into the distance and narrowed his eyes slightly.

He has seen everything in this world, but there are still people who can act in his eyes.

"Damn old man!" Yorkshire laughed and disappeared instantly.

A split second later, he appeared in the Vatican and faced the old man who seemed to have been waiting for him for a long time and was even smiling. (End of chapter)

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