American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 6 Winchester M1897

Supernatural events in the West are different from those in the East, which are so weird and even unexplainable. The main themes of Western supernatural events have certain regularities. If the nodes are thoroughly studied, the evil spirit events are actually easy to solve.

Because in Western supernatural events, some evil spirits have always had some cause and effect.

At the same time, their appearance and possession are not unfounded. Compared with the demons that go straight to hell and have their own bodies, the evil spirits that have been lingering in the human world are inherently weaker. They need to go through three stages before they can fully Possess human beings and control their bodies and consciousness.

The summary of these three stages is...

One: When humans step into its territory and touch a certain fuse or medium, this is the appearance of evil spirits.

2: After the evil spirits appear, they will initially make slight noises, such as voices, footsteps, and even pull the victim's body, causing mental distress and pressure.

In the second stage of this evil spirit, it is difficult for ordinary people to calm down. When you know that something invisible appears in your room, will you be afraid?

Personally speaking, if it were him in his previous life, the standard answer would be fear! Because he really couldn't stand the sudden movements every day, but he couldn't see anything, so he became nervous and even weak.

So this is the harassment of evil spirits, which will gradually intensify and further destroy the target's will.

When this happens, the evil spirit will develop to the next stage, which is the third stage, possession.

From the information revealed in the three proofs given by Ed, it is clear that this evil spirit is on the verge of entering the third stage of possession.

This last step is very dangerous.

To sum up, the successful possession of an evil spirit means that it has taken control of the target's consciousness. To put it simply, the victim's life is in danger.

"Although you are recognized by the church, you must also go through the church headquarters to apply for an exorcism license. It is too late to go back and forth." Yorks said calmly as if he could feel the surprise coming from the phone.

"I am an orthodox priest of the church and do not need permission, so for the safety of the victims, it is best for me to take action myself..."

[Trigger random tasks]

[Random mission: Exorcise evil spirits and save the Perron family]

[Success reward: +5 points]

[Whether to accept]

Yorks, who had just finished speaking, listened to the sudden mechanical sound in his ears and looked at the mission window that suddenly appeared, with a smile on his face.

It really means that Cao Cao is about to arrive. He himself is thinking about whether going to exorcise the evil spirits himself will trigger the mission.

"Accept the mission."

Yorks thought silently, and the mission panel disappeared in front of his eyes.

At the same time, Ed's surprised voice also came from the phone. "Father Yorks, it would be great if you could come in person. The address is Harrisville, Rhode Island..."

After silently writing down the address, Yorks grabbed the carton and stood up, returning to the lounge and saying calmly.

"Is Rowling here?"

"Lowling? She happens to be next to me." Just as Ed's response came out on the phone, a very gentle female voice sounded the second time.

"Father, I'm here."

"Well, Rowling, you still have the cross I gave you." At this time, Yorks had already walked to the door of the lounge.

"Yes! Father."

Listening to Rowling's voice, Yorks subconsciously thought of the vague aura lingering on Rowling's body.

It was a very strong curse, but he could not find the source or dangerous place, so he could only give her the cross that had been with him for more than ten years to suppress this evil aura.

"If there is any danger, I allow you to hold my cross and recite the Lord's Bible..." Yorks said as he threw the cardboard box behind the door and opened the closet in the lounge to pick up today's exorcism tools.

"The merciful Lord will forgive you, so you don't have to worry."

Maybe his words were a little too serious, and even the master moved over. There was silence for a while, and then he made a sound.

"Father, over there at the church..."

Yorks, who had just walked out of the lounge with his backpack, twitched his lips when he heard this.

The church in this parallel world is actually a bit overbearing. It controls and monopolizes the priority of supernatural events through dogma, just like exorcism permission. This is similar to how ordinary people who want to solve and solve murder cases must obtain the consent of the police station... …

Of course, there are reasons for this.

The church can create such a situation naturally because it itself is opposed to things like demons and has the power to solve these supernatural events.

Therefore, exorcism permission is also to prevent some kind of accidents, because the background behind some supernatural events is not simple. If an unknowing half-hearted person exorcises demons casually, it will not only trigger a larger chain reaction, but also cause the death of the victim. risks of.

Things that require professionals to solve should be solved by professionals, like him.

Thinking of this, Mr. York said calmly, "You are paranormal experts registered by the church, so I believe you have the ability to recognize the seriousness of the matter. With me here, you don't have to worry about anything from the church..."

A deep breath came from the phone: "I understand, Father."

"Yeah." Yorkshire, who said some treacherous words in person, smiled calmly.

"We'll talk about other things when I arrive."

After saying that, he hung up the phone, made the sign of the cross to the statue of Jesus, and strode away from the altar in the hall with his backpack.

Hanging the sign "I'll be out for a few days, please forgive me" on the door, York rushed towards home and went to other places to exorcise demons. He would always prepare enough tools before setting off, otherwise he would feel a little uneasy. .

Yorkes also regrets this, because his plug-in does not have the standard storage space of other traversers.

After arriving home, Yorks didn't stop for a moment and went straight to the underground warehouse to start sorting out the exorcism tools he would bring with him on this trip.

To deal with such invisible evil spirits or souls, he likes to use shotguns and special salt bullets, because the characteristics of shotguns are very convenient. The self-pressure of bullets allows him to flexibly deal with any situation, even if he encounters physical monsters. , he can also reload in a targeted manner.

Because of this, Yorks walked to the shelf full of firearms, looked at the row of shotguns at first glance, and then picked up a shotgun.

Looking at this classic shotgun in his hand, Yorks' information automatically appeared in his mind.

The Winchester M1897 weighs 3.6 kilograms and has a gun body length of 29 inches. It can fire No. 12 or No. 16 lead bullets. While the magazine can accommodate 5 rounds of shotshells, a separate shot can be placed in the chamber. Therefore, this gun The gun can hold a total of 6 rounds of ammunition.

In addition to this, the Winchester M1897 is an external hammer-type shotgun without a trigger cutoff device, allowing it to fire rapidly.

This means that as long as he repeatedly pulls the front handguard while keeping the trigger pressed, the gun will fire the moment the front handguard and bolt return to the front end and lock.

Yorks rubbed the Winchester M1897 and said to himself with a smile on his face.

"It's you, man."

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