American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 87 Something more powerful than a sacred grenade


"Oh! It feels good, I really have to thank that Father Yorkist!" Morse, who had already figured it out, stopped at the door of his house, feeling relaxed all over.

Just as he was about to open the door and enter the house, there was a noise next to him.

"Hey! Danny! Let me see what you found!"

Morse subconsciously looked over and saw three children emerging from the end of the corridor.

The boy named Danny, who was about fifteen or sixteen years old, was holding something in his hand, and he deliberately wrapped it with cloth. Next to him, there was a little girl who was only five or six years old, holding his hand. .

"Quick! Show me!"

"NO! Casey! Don't even think about it!"

Behind these two people, there was a girl with short hair, about fourteen or fifteen years old, following slowly.


These were the children of Lisa, his neighbor's single mother, and one of the reasons why he didn't like children.

Thinking of the single mother Lisa, who was gradually becoming haggard and exhausted, Morse couldn't help but shudder. He didn't want to become like that.

"Hey! Morse, I heard that your operation failed?" Danny's annoying voice sounded in his ears.

Moore ignored him and quickly opened the door and walked in.

But after closing the door, he heard the last very mocking words,

"My God, how pitiful you are. Are you going to become a man without balls?"


Looking at the closed door, Morse cursed secretly, and his originally relaxed mood began to fall back into the previous situation.


"Thank you! Father York!" an old woman said gratefully.

"The Lord is with you, Ms. Yula." Yorks once again perfectly completed one-on-one spiritual counseling and said gently.

The gorgeously dressed old woman smiled like a blooming sunflower, then took out the banknotes she had prepared and stuffed them into the offering box.

York's expression remained unchanged.

"Thank you for your dedication! Ms. Youla, the Lord must know your thoughts..."


The old woman left happily with her handbag in hand.

Yorks watched, turned around and continued to work on the priest.

On this day, he received a total of eight believers, but unfortunately only Morse, a stranger, triggered the random mission.

Of course, this was not the only gain. In his spare time, he possessed fifty sacred grenades and two hundred and ten sacred bullets of various calibers.

He also spent more than 600,000 US dollars to order a batch of arms from Ward Martin, focusing on more lethal grenades and rotating grenade guns, and even a series of latest high-tech rocket launchers, drones, etc. product.

After spending more than 600,000 yuan, his net worth shrank in an instant, leaving only about 3 million yuan. This is why he always feels very poor. The arms he accumulated are all money, just like the rocket launcher above. Almost a thousand dollars.

Another day passed.

Before the arms ordered by Walter Martin arrived, Yorks had already assembled all the arms reserves in the church, as well as some specially purchased speakers.

At the same time, I also added some attribute points gained from the tasks in the past two days to the mental side.

Under his high frequency of enchantment, the plan could not keep up with the changes, and the only 84 points of mental power were not enough.

[Spirit 84 increased to 85]


It lasted until the next day, and the results of Old Mike's investigation had not yet come. Yorks first waited for Ed's call.

Just like his previous guess, the Warrens will soon experience the next supernatural event.

The other party received a commission for testing, and this commission was from the TV station and an expert, asking them to confirm the authenticity of a supernatural incident.

"Father York, do we want to accept this commission?" Ed hesitated.

"I always feel that this has something to do with the nun."

Hearing Ed's concern, Yorks smiled calmly, "Why don't you accept it."


As soon as Ed's voice fell, he was interrupted by Yorks.

"Ed, you are an experienced expert on gods and ghosts. You should also know the consequences of escaping. Either you will be devoured by him, or we will destroy him."

The words were rude, and Ed looked at his wife sleeping on the sofa in front of him. He actually flinched a little because he was worried about his wife.

"I understand, Father Yorks."

"Don't worry, Ed, the darkness can never be a match for the light of the Lord."

Yorks looked up at the statue of Jesus above. It was approaching evening, and the sunset penetrated the floor-to-ceiling windows behind and fell on it, making it look gorgeous and sacred.

"Come pick me up tomorrow and we'll go take a look together."


After hearing Ed's response, Yorks hung up the phone, stood up and walked outside, facing the sunset that shone into the hall and walked out of the main building.

The hall was empty.

Only Robert is still guarding the door outside, very dedicated.

Because of him, the church that used to be relatively messy became clean under his cleaning. Even the benches in the hall, including some decorations, window sills, etc. basically looked brand new every day, which made believers coming and going Everyone was full of praise for Robert.

He was very satisfied with this first clerk of Pluto Church, at least he no longer had to worry about lunch in the future.

"Father!" Robert greeted him quickly when he saw him coming out.

Yorks smiled and nodded, "Robert, you can go back later."

Robert was stunned, "Father, it's not time yet."

"It's okay, go back, you don't have to stay too long today." Yorks waved his hand, said nothing more, and left the church under Robert's confused eyes.

That night.

Yorkshire appears in the family's underground warehouse.

Although Ward Martin's things haven't arrived yet, he has also prepared a large number of holy grenades, holy water, and Bibles for this nun who seems to be a ruthless character. These are the equipment he usually uses to exorcise demons.

This is also the equipment he has been using all the way. Now he has a few more Bluetooth speakers, which saves him more time and effort.

But when he thought about the ruthless character who could be related to the nun, Yorks still felt a little unsafe in his heart.

Going straight to a corner that he hadn't been to for a long time, Yorks stopped in front of a box, with a nostalgic look in his eyes. He didn't know what he wanted to do when he ordered these things.

But thinking about it, because of his thoughts in the past life that he just traveled through, he really didn't feel safe in a world full of gods and ghosts.

Opening the box, one after another tightly packed brick shapes appeared in front of him. These were C4 plastic explosives. He planned to use these C4 to make iron-clad explosives that were more powerful than grenades.

Looking at C4, which was quietly staying in the box and became the sea-suppressing needle at that time, Yorks subconsciously rubbed it, and various fluctuations were already in his mind.

This kind of explosive is quite stable and will not explode even if it is fired or fired. It requires a detonator to detonate it.

And with this characteristic, combined with the methods he can currently use, detonating it depending on the situation may be more suitable for him than grenades.

There are enchantments that add sacred attributes and enchantments that can amplify the essential effects. The effect of this double-layer buff is superimposed on the kinetic explosive power of the C4 explosive itself. He actually doesn't know how powerful this power is.

The important thing is that he decides the yield, which means that he wants the explosive to be as powerful as he wants it to be.

5 kilograms is equal to the charge of a shell of about 125, and 10 kilograms is equal to the charge of a heavy artillery shell of 155. Equivalence is justice!

"It won't get bigger and bigger, right?"

Yorks rubbed the C4 bricks in the box and licked his lips subconsciously.

He wasn't afraid of the demon, but he was afraid that he would make things bigger and bigger.

After thinking about it, Yorkes finally decided to control the power of the explosion to a level that could easily blow up a three-story apartment, which was about 24 kilograms of TNT.

"Start making."

"To be honest, I haven't tried this method yet. I don't know if it will work..."

Some time passed.

The electronic detonating explosive composed of detonators, C4, and other components was freshly released. Yorks remembered the previous test in Jesse Building and the power of the 120-point enchanted grenade at that time, and a crazy smile appeared on his face.

[160 magic points have been used]

[65 points of mental power have been used]


Between Annabelle in the corner and the carrier next to her, the aura of the evil spirits became weaker and weaker, as if there was no sound. They seemed to be trying their best to reduce their sense of existence.

The next day.

Yorks, who had been preparing for a long time and had not slept all night, waited for Ed's car, an 8-seater SUV.

"Father Yorks!"

Seeing the familiar big and small bags at the priest's feet, Ed and Drew quickly got out of the car to help.


Yorks deliberately picked up the backpack that contained the double-layer buff that could easily blow up a three-story apartment. He let the two of them carry the remaining large and small bags into the car, and then sat in the back seat.

Rowling was already sitting nearby waiting.

"Father Yorks."

Yorks put his backpack at his feet and looked at her tired face.

"It's okay, Rowling."

A hint of gloom flashed in Rowling's eyes. The nun appeared more and more frequently in her dreams, and the scene of Ed's death also appeared many times.

"Father, He is appearing more and more."

"Well, as time goes by, the power He can use will become stronger." Yorks soothed and handed over the prepared cross.

This is a cross that has 64 holy points attached to it, and the sacred energy lingering in it is stronger than ever.

"This should give you a good night's sleep."

Rowling pursed her lips and took it, hanging the cross around her neck. Somehow, as the priest said, she actually felt the long-lost tranquility at this moment.

"Thank you, Father!"

Rowling's eyes showed gratitude.

Yorks smiled lightly and looked ahead. Ed and Drew had already sat in the car and were looking over here.

"Ed, show me all the information you got first."

"Okay, Father."

Ed glanced at Rowling, took out the information he had prepared and a tablet and handed it over.

"This is the video material sent by the TV station and the expert."

"Well, let's go."

Yorks took it and looked through it silently.

Ed and Drew looked at each other, started the car, and drove towards their destination.

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