America’s Big Hero

Chapter 131 Chapter 128-130: A Collection of 9000 Words

However, Sean still felt that Sol's method was a bit rough, and he made some changes in Sol's inherent thinking.


Why should I pay so much money?

Sean first found a sum of money through Mr. Huang in New York's Chinatown. The source of the money was said to be from the East, and the other party had a large sum of money that he wanted to launder.

Sean promised to only charge 20% of the fee.

Later, Sean arranged for the other party to set up two offshore companies, and used the name of one of the companies to carry out entrusted acquisitions. The operations were still all completed by Jonas.

The owners of the construction company sued 'Jonas' in court immediately after the transaction, and the owners of the construction company were dumbfounded after going to court.

As the entrusted company, it is an empty shell. The owner of the company is a black man in his 50s, and the lawyer he hired is also very perfunctory.

In a private contact, the lawyer directly stated that the fight will not continue here because it is a waste of money to go to court.

The old black man simply said: It is impossible to go to court, and it is impossible to go to court in this life!

I don't know how to make money, and working part-time is too tiring, so I can only go to prison to make ends meet.

Going to prison feels like going home. Everyone in the prison is talented, they speak nicely, and there is food and drink. I really like being there.

From this point of view, he is an old bastard. He has been in prison countless times, not to mention that Jonas has given him the bottom line. Going to prison is really like going home.

You should eat, you should drink, you have status and status in it, you smoke, you drink, so what is there to be afraid of?

This is a fucking pure hooligan, people are not afraid of the legal weapon you wield at all.

In the past, these bosses have dealt with this kind of people. The method is very simple, beat, beat to death, and beat the other party honestly once.

But the problem now is that they dare not use anything other than the law.

Some time ago, the 8 mass shootings in one day were still vivid, and the roar of RPG was still ringing in my ears.

They should be thankful that Sean is a serious and legitimate businessman!

Faced with this situation, everyone can only knock out their teeth and swallow it in their stomachs.

Words have also been passed from Jonas: You do business in New Jersey and make a lot of money, but you don't want to leave anything for the New Jerseyans. This is unreasonable!

Is this reasonable?

It makes sense!

We have to make this business, and Jesus can't stop it!

Give as much as you give, and give as much as you don’t!

After that, Sean ordered Jonas to raise some high prices.

Even if this price is fair, it is slightly lower than the market price, but these companies can't lose too much.

Jonas didn't understand this, "If this kind of offer had been made earlier, the other party might have agreed to it long ago, so they wouldn't lose much?"

"That's impossible!" Sean sneered and shook his head. "At that time, even if you bought it at a premium, they wouldn't agree. They would still feel that they had lost money and that they had made less money."

"You don't know it's hot until you've been burned, and you don't know it hurts until you've been beaten!"

"No, obviously, they can't keep it. Why do they still do this? Isn't this a disease?" Jonas couldn't imagine that those guys were all rich people in his eyes, so they wouldn't be so blind to reality Bar?

"Hehe, just look at them, they're just cheap, so punish them severely, and then if you increase the price a little bit, they will find that the loss is much less than what they originally calculated. At this time, they will be very happy instead!"

"Thank you very much!"

Jonas didn't believe it at first, but...

Those companies really breathed a sigh of relief and happily signed.

"Bah, disgusting!" Jonas's face was black after he got the contract, and he cursed for a long time.

At this time, Sean still operated very carefully.

He first asked Lamb to help operate the first company to complete the acquisition, and after the acquisition, he gave the company to the second offshore company in the form of deducting debts.

The second offshore company is the money launderer's.

Then, I got a loan from the bank and took over the company from a second offshore company.

The second and third transactions were completely reasonable and legal business practices, and there were no problems during the period.

Although Puhua is responsible for the operation, the other party is only responsible for the accounts, and it has nothing to do with where the first offshore company's money comes from.

Of course, the above two and three operations will take a lot of time, Sean is not in a hurry, let Lamb take his time.

Anyway, after the companies handed over all the large freight vehicles in their hands, Sean has directly taken over and started operations.

After that, the transport company has a commercial partnership with various construction companies.

Sean is a serious legal businessman, and he will not tamper with serious business activities.

It is clean and the price is reasonable, although the cost is a bit high for the construction company.

However, after the acquisition, Xiao En arranged for people to establish a command and deployment center to make reasonable allocation of transportation capacity, which greatly improved the utilization rate of large trucks.

Those construction companies are very satisfied with this. When they urgently need transportation capacity, Sean Transportation Company can always deploy a large amount of transportation capacity in time to speed up the progress of the project.

Part of the extra money they spent was recovered in the progress of the project.

It is inevitable to say, "Thank you!"


Director Bertram has seen Sean's methods.

During this period, Director Bertram did not specifically order the police to do anything, but it was enough to maintain a consistent work attitude when encountering problems.

(PS: The county and city police departments of the U.S. police have no superior-subordinate relationship with the state police department. They only have law enforcement powers in their own counties and cities, while the law enforcement powers of state highways and those combined areas belong to the state police department.)

Now, Director Bertram understood what Sean said that I am a serious and legal businessman, and also admitted that it would be more reassuring to cooperate with Sean.

Bertram knew the methods used by Dimio to win these markets back then, mailing bullets, threatening door-to-door, shooting, crashing cars...

Very rough.

During this period, many people died and many troubles were caused, none of which was legal.

But even so, Dimio didn't win all the markets, and they didn't dare to challenge all the big construction companies in the state at once.

In other words, it is not necessary, and the profit is not enough for them to do this kind of thing.

Looking at Sean again, it's just such a challenge, just using the trick of throwing nails to make these companies succumb.

To be honest, so what if you catch someone who sprinkled nails?


They don't dare, their main business is a serious business, so they don't do this business, how could they have played it, wouldn't they hit themselves in the muzzle!

What about going to court?

Whether you want money or not, you can judge casually.

Can you still be sentenced for decades if you sprinkle a nail?

(PS: Triangle irons cannot be used. Triangle irons will blow out tires, overturn cars, and cause accidents.)


Politicians may be involved with gangs, but they don't want to do business with gangs.

In case something happens, it will hurt you more than you lose.

No one doesn't like money, and politicians also need money. However, since they choose to be in politics, before entering the revolving door, Dao Le's status in their hearts is not as good as their political future.

Politics, power, and knife music, when these three things are in front of you, different people have different choices.

Of course, if they can make money reasonably and legally, then these politicians never mind using their power to intercept part of the profits.

After Sean has already shown that he will not use that kind of rough method, everything is walking on the borderline of the law, and he will handle it well afterwards to satisfy all parties, and there are several layers of white gloves After that, Bertram made up his mind to cooperate with Sean.

A 5% profit is already very objective for mastering the sand, gravel and cement basic building materials market in a state. As for asking too much, Bertram has never thought about it.

He knows how decisive and ruthless Sean is.

After the collapse of the Dimio Group, when they went to review the whole process, they vaguely found Xiao En's shadow.

There is no evidence, but according to the 'profit principle', Sean is the most suspected, not to mention, Sean reacted too quickly afterwards.

It would be bullshit to say that there was no preparation.

Politicians in the United States hold power, but in the final analysis it is not an "official system", and the role of power is obviously far lower than that of an "ancient civilized country".

The power of capitalists is the greatest!

After reaching a PY deal with the state police chief, Bertram was naturally responsible for promoting the auction of the construction company under Dimio's name. After all, the money was not for nothing.

And those who were interested in it wisely gave up after hearing the news from Sean.

Whether it was the 8 mass shootings in one day, or the previous acquisition of the transportation company, it all showed Sean's methods, and no one raised Sean's eyebrows at this time.

What's more, the transportation business in the entire New Jersey state is now under the control of Xiao En. Sand, gravel, earthwork, and cement all need transportation vehicles, and other people can't even get involved in this business.


The demise of Dimio was really important to Sean's career, and it took him to a new level.

First the black business.

First, the cottage wine business.

Originally, Shanzhai only covered six cities with a population of more than 800,000, but now, Shanzhai will take over the entire underground bar market in New Jersey.

The number of people covered has changed from more than 800,000 to more than 8 million, a tenfold increase!

Of course, because of the extremely dispersed population in the United States, the coverage rate is really not high, but it is foreseeable that the income will increase by 4-5 times.

The monthly income will jump from 1.6 million to about 7 million!

After all, there is no cost, and what is sold is profit.

Second, the private lottery business.

Sean gave up Powerball and other national lotteries, and focused on surrounding state lotteries. The monthly income he could bring jumped from 700,000 to about 2 million.

Serious business.

First: Sean's Fitness Club.

In the past few months, many excellent employees have been cultivated, and they can fully survive this expansion, and the two pre-sales and subsequent summaries have made the whole system more perfect. This expansion is carried out by merging and opening new stores at the same time. It is expected that a total of 4 flagship stores and 15 ordinary stores will be opened.

Puhua estimates that the size of the fitness company will increase by about three times, and as it becomes the largest fitness brand in New Jersey, the brand value will increase significantly, and the valuation will reach about 40 million.

Of course, it's just a valuation, and because of the relatively high debt ratio, Sean actually can't bring much cash.

Washing money is not counted...

Second: Sean Construction Company.

In this round of mergers, a highly qualified construction company and professional team were merged, and the company has also risen to a higher level. However, due to the operation of heavy assets and high debts, it also does not bring much cash flow.

Third: Sean Transport Company.

The largest transportation company in New Jersey, with more than 160 large-scale transportation vehicles, assets of 20 million US dollars, is also operating in debt, with almost no cash flow.

Fourth: Sean Building Materials.

It has contracted 90% of the entire New Jersey gravel, earthwork, and cement market. It is the only serious company with no debts. However, the profit margin of basic building materials is limited. The estimated annual net profit is about 8 million US dollars.

In addition, being able to undertake some money laundering business externally can be regarded as filling a part of the gap left by Dimio, and this part can also bring about 2 million profits per year.

This is why Sean must pull Director Bertram Jim.

Fifth: Sean Film and Television Company.

The film library is a bit empty, and the only film being filmed is not sure if it can recover the cost. Fortunately, Bruce Willis and a few others have signed with the company.

Sixth: X security company.

Losing money, now is, the future is...

The six major companies under Sean's name have brought Sean's assets to more than 70 million US dollars, which is a proper level of a rich man.

This is without counting bank liabilities.

And these companies are impossible to sell, and they are not worth much.

Without the backing of X Security and the Jonas family, these companies would be hard to keep alive.

Industrial companies are like this, they are very rich in terms of assets, but in terms of cash...

Industrial companies are not as explosive as black income, but the influence that industrial companies can bring is unparalleled.

There are more than 600 employees in the fitness club, more than 300 employees in the construction company (excluding Chinese labor), 400 employees in the transportation company, more than 130 employees in the building materials company, and more than 60 employees in the security company.

With a total of more than 1,500 employees, plus the associated upstream and downstream industries, Sean can affect 0.5% of the employment rate in New Jersey, which is very big.

This made Sean the most beautiful person in New Jersey recently. He received many invitations to various banquets, and Sean naturally wanted to attend.

After all, he is a serious businessman, and he still needs to integrate into this circle.

Thomson parked in front of a five-star hotel in Trenton in a pure black stretched version of Lincoln. A waiter in a tuxedo and white gloves came up and bent down to open the door. Sean stepped out of the car, with Dai beside him. Ann Lane was wearing a white evening dress, with white gauze hollow gloves on her arms. The handsome man and the beautiful woman attracted everyone's attention as soon as they entered.

The evening was hosted by Gilbert Devon, owner of OceanFirst Bank.

OceanFirst Bank is the number one regional bank in New Jersey, much larger than Kelxiu Bank.

Xiao En's sudden rise naturally also attracted the attention of OceanFirst Bank. With a large amount of assets and a large number of loans, it is simply impossible to have a better customer.

Gilbert naturally wanted to bring Sean's business over, so Sean was naturally invited to hold a banquet this time.

Seeing Sean coming, Gilbert nodded and apologized to several friends around him, and then greeted him, "Mr. Sean, welcome."

"Mr. Gilbert, you are too polite." Sean smiled and shook hands with the other party.

"This lady is simply too beautiful. I have seen it all my life, but you haven't introduced it to me yet."

"Hahaha, this is Diane Lane." Sean introduced with a smile.

Gilbert praised him again, which was not nasty but sincere, which made Sean very proud.

After exchanging pleasantries, the two entered the banquet hall. In order to express goodwill and solemnity, Gilbert came on stage and turned on the microphone and said, "I am very glad that everyone can come to this banquet. Here, I would like to introduce a new friend to you. He is so Young and promising, when he was his age, I still only knew to hang out in bars and nightclubs all day long."

"And he, at the age of 25, has achieved amazing things."

"He is the owner of the largest sports and fitness club in New Jersey, the owner of the largest transportation company, and the owner of the largest basic building materials company, Mr. Sean K. Rockefeller!"

"Let's welcome the most outstanding young man, Sean!" Gilbert stretched out his hand thinking of Sean and pointed. Everyone in the banquet hall looked over one after another, and there was warm applause in the hall.

As part of New Jersey's upper class, many people have heard the name Sean lately.

According to gossip, Sean was behind the destruction of the Dimio criminal group that had been entrenched in New Jersey for 60 years.

Of course, believers have it, and unbelievers have it.

After all, not everyone's business has contact with the mafia family.

Except for poison...

Sean also applauded lightly, nodding to the people around him, there is nothing to be ashamed of, he is the best!

It is now, and it will be in the future as well.

Of course, there are also some people who just don't behave too well and are forced to give applause.

Especially a few people who were also young were very dissatisfied with Gilbert's 'Most Outstanding' given to Sean.

In terms of "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory", everyone present has left the survival needs of the first three levels and began to pursue a higher spiritual level of respect and self-realization.

Everyone's pursuit is different, but among them, it is obvious that many people present think it is necessary to be recognized by the upper class and get a "best" evaluation.

It is not difficult to understand why these people of the same generation who are about the same age as Sean are hostile to Sean.


Regardless of status, status, or family, these people are no worse than Xiao En, and they look down on a guy who relies on gangsters for his position.

After all, Sean never said he was from the Rockefeller family.

(PS: Although there are few, there are still some Rockefeller surnames in the United States. For example, the brothers of the old Rockefeller did not join the Rockefeller family.)

After some grand introductions, the banquet continued. Sean brought Diane into the crowd, met and exchanged pleasantries with some people.

Diane enjoyed it, and Sean made her more intoxicated, physically and socially, than a rock star ex-boyfriend.

The social circle of a rock star is mostly entertainers, a large number of black people, loud music, the smell of leaves in the air, often meeting guys who are in a trance, and you may see people promiscuously at any time...

Looking at this again, anyone is a big shot who can influence the economy of one side. This is the real upper class, the real power class in the United States, and a big shot with influence.

Just as Diane was thinking this, a young white man came over, stretched out his hand and shook hands with Sean with a smile, "Hello, Mr. Sean, my name is Lambert Greg."

After introducing himself, Lambert Greg suddenly turned his head and said with a smile to the people around him, "I heard that Sean has a good product."

As soon as these words came out, Sean frowned slightly, why didn't it sound right.

"It's just that today's occasion is not suitable. In the future, I must ask Sean to get some and try it." Lambert Gregg reached out to pat Sean on the shoulder.

Sean dodged sideways and stared at the other person with a cold face. He heard that this guy mocked him as a fan, dirty and unworthy of appearing here.

Suddenly no one in the small circle spoke, and everyone looked at Xiao En, wanting to see how he would respond.

It can be regarded as a small test. The way of communication in the upper class is different from that of the gangsters. Here, you can't use a gun in the face of provocation.

Of course, even if it is not accepted, it will not delay everyone's business. After all, Dao Le is innocent. However, everyone has already wiped their shoes and went ashore, so it is easy to not want to dirty their shoe uppers.

Diane also felt the strange atmosphere, and held Sean's arm tightly.

Sean's eyes were cold, and under everyone's gaze, he suddenly punched Lambert Greg in the chest.

Lambert Greg's complexion changed suddenly, it was too late to hide, and he let out an uncontrollable 'ah'.

But when Sean's fist reached Lambert Greg's chest, he suddenly stopped, stretched out his palm and gently wiped Lambert Greg's heart, "Hey, Greg, you're a little dirty here, I'll wipe it for you wipe."

Sean looked at Lambert Gregg's still in shock, and said with a playful smile: "I don't have any business in this area yet, but..."

"I know a good veterinarian who I can introduce to you. He is very good at training dogs."

"Pfft!" The person next to him couldn't help laughing, everyone really didn't expect Xiao En's mouth to be so bad, and he didn't use dirty words when swearing.

Sean was calling Lambert Gregg like a mad dog, who just opened his mouth to bite people casually.

"You!" Lambert Greg's face was flushed, the veins on his neck were exposed, and he wanted to get angry but didn't dare to do it.

He didn't even have a chance to react to Xiao En's punch just now. He didn't think he could beat it by himself.

"Young man, don't get too excited. It's not good for cardiovascular. Do you need me to introduce you to another heart doctor?"

"Hmph! A vulgar savage!" Lambert Gregg snorted coldly, turned around and left.

Sean cast a cold glance at Lambert Greg's back, turned his head to look at the people around him, shrugged with a smile and said, "What does this guy do?"

"Hahaha, Greg's family is in the chemical industry. His father is old and not in good health. Now Lambert has taken over the family business. In the past few years, he has focused on the cleaning products market and has developed very well." Someone next to him explained with a smile road.

Sean nodded knowingly, young and energetic, does this mean he doesn't like being in the limelight?

Damn Falk, Sean cursed inwardly, these gringos are just like this, they never pay attention to being low-key, they always jump out inexplicably to compete for superiority.

They provoke each other at every turn, like aggressive male dogs!

Even the fucking president looks like this!

Little Bizi, I want to step on Lao Tzu for no reason, I fucking remember you!

Lambert Gregg!

Chemical plant, right?



While Sean was busy with company affairs and going to various banquets, the governor, Mr. Benny Carville, sent a message to meet him.

"Do you know what you can do with me?" Sean and Bertram asked as they clinked glasses.

"What else can it be? It's not your fault." Bertram rolled his eyes and said angrily, "You don't care where you messed up, and now the whole of New Jersey is pissed off by Falk. do you know!"

"You mean garbage disposal." An imperceptible gleam flashed in Sean's eyes, "Dimio's matter has nothing to do with me, let me declare first."

"Fuck you." Bertram cursed in a low voice, "Dimeo is finished. The garbage disposal plant and garbage incineration plant are now under the trusteeship of the state government, and they are not running smoothly."

"Garbage is always not transported away in time. Wherever it is piled up, the whole world smells bad." Speaking of this, Bertram is angry, and he is also one of the victims.

"Now is the time to solve it!"


This was Sean's first meeting with New Jersey Governor Benny Carville.

Benny Carville has only been in power for half a year, and so many messy things happened in the state one after another, which made the governor a little embarrassed.

Sean is a newly rising rich man, and he has never supported the Donkey Party before, let alone Benny Cavill's benefactor, so the two had no communication before.

However, now that raw rice is cooked and Sean has become a rich man in the state, no matter whether Benny Cavill is happy or not, he must give Sean enough respect.

I personally greeted Xiao En at the gate of the state capital, and after shaking hands, I was very surprised and said: "I have always heard that Mr. Xiao En became famous at a young age, but I never expected to be so young."

"Governor Benny is being polite, he's not young, he's already 25 years old." Sean smiled lightly and shook his head, "I'm a little ashamed that I haven't achieved a small goal yet."

Benny Cavill was taken aback, and asked subconsciously: "Small target? What small target?"

"Oh, it's nothing, the small goal is to earn him 100 million first."

Benny Cavill froze in place stupidly, and Sean clearly felt that the hand he was holding was hard.

Benny Cavill was really stupefied at the moment, and the wind blew the few hairs on his bald forehead flying around.

No, he pretended to!

I'm just being polite, bastard!

Caught off guard!

"Hahaha, Mr. Governor, it's just a joke." Sean smiled and let go of the other party's hand.

"No, no, with Mr. Sean's ability, the small goal of 100 million is not far away, and it will be reached soon." Benny Cavill forced a stiff smile on his face.

Of course, excluding the pretentious part, Sean is using these words to tell the other party, I am rich now, and I am only 25 years old, and I will be even richer in the future. You have to think about what you want to do first.

Benny Cavill apparently picked up the message, too.

The fact is exactly the same. It hasn't been long since Benny Cavill heard the name Sean, and in this short period of time, Sean's assets have doubled several times.

Although the method is not so clean, when has the capital itself been clean?

No one cares.

What's more, Sean is still so young, and it is only natural to act in a more flamboyant style. Benny Cavill immediately abandoned the two plans of AB and AB that he had set before.

After exchanging pleasantries at the door, Benny Cavill led Sean into the state capital.

Quietly waved his hand to make Dirk Dudley back. He wanted to guide Sean himself and visit the state capital.

As a mature politician, being able to bend and stretch is an inevitable instinct, and Benny Cavill doesn't care about face in private.

At this moment, facing Xiao En, a young man who could be his son, he was willing to smile.

As for the previous dissatisfaction?


After visiting the state capital, Sean also praised Benny Cavill's previous achievements and expressed his goodwill.

After some complimenting each other, the atmosphere suddenly became anxious.

Sean is a newcomer and needs to open up the situation politically.

Benny Cavill also didn't mind making a new benefactor. He was not only interested in Sean's money, but also Sean's influence in the underground world.

The votes of black and ethnic minorities will play a big role in critical times, and Sean can influence a large part of the people.

Of course, Sean can't control the hands of the black gang, but it is true that a large part of the votes can indeed be influenced by the gang.

This is also the reason why Sean dared to say that he supported Wells running for mayor.

60% of the residents are old blacks. As long as Sean can influence one third of them, he has the ability to influence the election.

So, Sean really didn't take the Mayor of Newark seriously.

Also includes the District Attorney.

After strolling around the state capital, Sean came to Benny Cavill's governor's office, and the two sat side by side on the sofa.

"Mr. Sean, what would you like to drink?" the governor's secretary asked softly.

This is a woman with a hot figure. When she bent over, the button of the skirt jacket was squeezed that it shouldn't have, and one of them was opened with a 'snap'.

As expected of the governor's secretary, the blond beauty had seen a big scene, and the buttons collapsed in front of her without messing up.

The expression is still so natural.

Xiao En glanced at the deep ravine, said with a smile, "Black tea."

"Mr. Governor is very charming."

"No, no, Jenny is very capable, and she does her best and always makes people very satisfied." Benny Cavill smiled and waved his hands.

"Well, I can tell, indeed, capable." Looking at the white hair on the governor's sideburns, Sean nodded in agreement.

After tea was served, Jane Very Competent Ni withdrew, leaving only Sean and Governor Benny Carville in the office, and the two chatted about business.

"Since the bankruptcy of the Dimio Group, the treatment plant and incineration plant have been under the trusteeship of the state government. However, the government is not professional in doing these things, and the operation effect is not good. There is a lack of employees, and the internal middle management is chaotic. As a result, the waste disposal in many cities was not timely, and the public's reaction was very bad." Benny Carville said directly.

"I also feel this." Sean nodded, "I can understand Mr. Governor's difficulties now. After all, the garbage disposal business is not glamorous, and few people are willing to do this business."

"When I introduce others, they are all engaged in retail, tobacco and alcohol, chemical industry, petroleum, all of them are glamorous. Here, this one is 'garbage collection'." Xiao En shook his head with a smile. A frightened face.

The corner of Benny Cavill's mouth twitched, and he almost couldn't hold back his laughter when he thought of that scene.

He also knew what Xiao En meant. This business neither made money nor brought much influence. If Dimio hadn't needed to use garbage transportation channels all over the state to transport drugs, the other party would have never been able to do this business. Business.

Now the problem is also stuck here, none of the rich people in the state is willing to take over this 'garbage collection' business that doesn't see much money.

"Waste disposal operations all over the state..." Benny Carville hinted.

"I'm a serious businessman, I never touch that kind of thing." Sean said very frankly.

Benny Cavill frowned, and he knew something about this in private, but, aren't you a 'smuggling alcohol'! ?

That's why Benny Cavill came to Sean.

"Are you really going to stop thinking about it?" Benny Cavill said in a low tone.

Politicians are very realistic.

Xiao En chuckled, picked up the tea and took a sip, "But I'm still here."

Benny Cavill's eyes lit up, and he said softly, "Mr. Xiao En has any difficulties, just let me know."

This matter must be resolved, urgently.

"I personally don't have any difficulties." Shawn shook his head, and said with a straight face: "I have always asked myself to be a noble person, a pure person, a moral person, a person who is out of vulgar interests, a person A person who benefits the people."

Benny Cavill: Ugh...



Thanks: Soba, Di Di, Ni Kai Kai, Soul Hunter, Book Friends 20210330175633322, I do n’t know the so -called unknown. , a few handsome readers gave a reward!

I wish all readers, good waist, good waist, good waist!

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