America’s Big Hero

Chapter 181 Changes in Chinatown (4000 for a monthly ticket)

(Chapter 4000 first, I am working on 8000...)

Jonas and the others were silent at this time. It is no exaggeration for them to say that they are famous. In the United States, the patriarch of a mafia family is not ashamed.

In the Western worldview, this is a traditional industry!

They are prosperous now, but the old brother is still buried. Now what they say is inappropriate, and there is no way to comfort them.

It is obviously impossible to let the position come out, it is not easy to let go.

"Don't mess with Falk for being so intimate." Yuri shook off Sean's arm, and cursed with a smile, "It's okay that we are brothers, but I don't want the relationship to develop further."

"I am normal!"

"Fuck, faggot, you're so fucking disgusting!" Sean cursed, just let it go.

"So, is Cartagena very important?" Yuri asked with a smile after most of the stagnation in his heart dissipated.

"It's okay..." Sean tilted his head and thought for a while and said, "How should I put it, if it really develops according to my expectation, Cartagena may become one of the most important cities in South America in the future, but I have to say more It's important, but it's out of the question."

"It's not the United States over there. If there is a need, we will not be relentless. We will kill as soon as we need to."

"Then I won't go there, let Jeff stay there." Yuri thought for a while and said.

"Hmm...that's fine." Sean thought for a while and nodded. New York is said to be a big city, but it is actually very exclusive. If the Jonas family dares to extend its tentacles, the five major families will unite immediately.

Therefore, Sean can't let Jonas do anything. If New York wins, only Yuri, a local, can take the lead.

Now that it was decided that Jeff was there, the matter was over, and everyone drank and chatted about other things.

"By the way, my side is not peaceful recently, and the old man Huang in Chinatown may look for you." While drinking, Yu Rui said suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Sean sat up straight. He had been focusing on Columbia during this time, and he didn't even have time to care about Xiaobaicai. Naturally, he would not pay attention to the situation of the underground forces in New York.

"In the Jewish quarter in Manhattan, people began to leave in the early years, and more people have left in the past few years, and they are almost gone." Yuri continued after drinking a glass of wine: "The left and right sides of the Jewish quarter are Chinatown, and the It’s an Italian district.”

"Now that the land in the middle is vacant, the two sides naturally began to fight for it. Recently, there have been frequent exchanges of fire. However, you know, the Chinese are foreigners after all, and the five major families are naturally on the side of the Italian gang."

"Is that so!" Sean frowned, and began to think about Chinatown in his mind.

No wonder he felt that Chinatown in later generations was much bigger than it is now. Thinking about it, the Jewish Quarter in later generations was eventually occupied by Chinese.

In fact, this is also the case.

A few decades later, New York's Chinatown has expanded to 45 streets, covering an area of ​​more than 4 square kilometers. It has successively annexed the surrounding Jewish Quarter, Puerto Rico District, and Italian Quarter. 160,000 people live on 4 square kilometers of land. The population density Four times the New York average.

But why does this happen?

It stands to reason that the Chinese are an excluded group. Although the five major families have declined a bit, they are still powerful. How could the Chinese expand.

Frowning and thinking for a long time, Sean couldn't figure it out.

Forget it, it's true to think about how to get some benefits out of it.

"Chinatown is not far from your place, right?" Sean asked Yuri.

"Yeah, now I have some conflicts with the Chinese gangs. Many Chinese have lived in the Jewish quarter, and the Chinese gangs have also expanded, which has affected our business." Yuri shrugged and said.

"Yes, yes." Sean patted his forehead. At this time, the moon outside the rabbit was rounder. Everything is better abroad. A large number of people tried their best to smuggle into the United States, resulting in a population Explosive growth.

And these people can only live in Chinatown after they come to the United States!

The territory was not laid down by Chinese gangs, but slowly expanded with the expansion of the Chinese population.

In later generations, the total number of Chinese living in New York reached 800,000, accounting for 10% of New York's population.

(New York has 4 Chinatowns and 10 Chinese communities.)

And the Chinese are the most xenophobic race. Many Chinese living in Chinatown can't speak English at all, and people of other races can't live together with the Chinese.

There are more and more people, relying on the population to slowly crowd out the Jewish Quarter and the Italian Quarter.

However, this time will last for a long time, but it has no effect on the present.

(PS: The proportion of the white population in the United States is declining rapidly, while blacks and Asians are increasing rapidly)

"Is the situation with the old man Huang not very good?" Xiao En confirmed again.

"Yes, the police are also watching them." Yuri thought for a while and said: "They are too xenophobic. In Chinatown, there are hardly many people of other races. If something happens, they don't call the police. The police can't make money there." What money?"

"You are like this." Sean rolled his eyes, pulled Yuri and said, "Go back and encourage some gangs in Italy to have more conflicts with them."

"Huh!?" Yuri looked up and down Sean in disbelief. He knew that Sean was very proficient in Chinese, and he took good care of Chinese people. He also had a good relationship with Old Man Huang, so he took the initiative to mention this matter.

He never expected that Sean would let him jump up and attack the Chinese.

The light in the room was not good, and Sean didn't notice Yuri's strange expression, but said to himself, "I'll use some of my connections later, so that the officials can also suppress them."

"Why, why!?" Yuri finally asked.

"Political correctness or not." Sean chuckled, shook his hands and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, it's good for us anyway."

"Old man Huang will find me when I turn around. At that time..." Under the dim light, Xiao En smiled even more sinisterly.

Chinatown is in Manhattan, New York.

It's downtown, but that's Manhattan too!

Manhattan with every inch of land!

As for Mr. Huang...

Well, I am helping them, yes, that's it!


On the border between Colombia and Venezuela, in the dense forest in the mountains of Santander Province.

"General, what should we do with the goods this time?" A man in a green military uniform asked the man in the main seat.

The man known as the general has a bald head and a tattoo on his head, which extends to the left side of his face. The man is lying on the recliner with his eyes slightly squinted, with one hand on the chest of a beautiful girl with a hot brown complexion who is squatting next to him , fiddled with the hands at will.

As if she didn't realize it, the beautiful girl held a gold hookah with a string of five-color gemstones in her hand and placed it near the man's mouth. The man took a few puffs, then half-opened his eyes, and glanced at the man who was standing there asking questions. , said slowly: "What did the other party say?"

"The other party is only willing to receive goods in Cartagena, but the quantity is not large, but our people in Cartagena are all dead." The man in military uniform whispered.

The tattooed general took another sip of marijuana, "Have you contacted those who got the goods before?"

"According to your order, General, we have contacted them all, but they can't come to pick up the goods together. Some of them have just picked up the goods, and some need a fixed time to take the goods."

"Damn it!" The general's face was ugly, and he put more force on his hand. The girl next to him was pinched in pain, her face was full of pain, but she still gritted her teeth and endured it.

Sean's sweep in Cartagena completely messed up the shipping channels in the hands of various drug lords.

They used to get the goods together to store near Cartagena, and then sell them batch by batch. Now, the middle link is completely broken.

It is impossible for buyers from the United States and Europe to enter Colombia to pick up the goods themselves. They are not local snakes, and there is a high probability that the goods will be swept away by the Colombian police or military on the way.

Is it true that the Colombian police and military don't know anything?

To say that the closest relationship with the anti-government armed forces in Colombia must be the military...

"You send the goods to Cartagena yourself, and re-establish the channel there." The general said after a little consideration.

"Yes, General!" The people below saluted, and then said again after putting down their hands: "The US security company that took action in Cartagena before released news outside, saying that they have set up an underground bank to facilitate transactions. "

"What bank?" The general asked curiously.

The people below told the news about Xiao En, and the general snorted coldly after hearing it, "Only provide cash trading venues, how can the safety of the goods be guaranteed? Just take 10% of the commission, and the appetite is not small! "

"Then we?"

"Yankees have always been arrogant and arrogant, they are all sons of bitches!" After cursing, the general thought for a while and then said: "Ignore him, well, we don't stand out, wait and see what the revolutionary forces say, I I don't believe he can really cover the sky with one hand!"

"I understand!" The people below nodded, saluted, turned and walked out.

This scene was staged in large and small guerrillas back and forth.

Of course, there are also grumpy ones, clamoring to make Sean look good.

After all, they are all drug lords who dominate one side. At least they have a team of hundreds of people and hundreds of guns in their hands.

However, Sean is not clear about these, and there is no need to be clear.

The Sean people are busy in Newark, and Jeff has taken over the affairs of Cartagena. Everything is divided into districts and streets for Cartagena according to the New Jersey model.

Of course, in response to Mayor Butler Mitchell's call, there will be no gangs in Cartagena in the future, so the district chief here has been renamed.

A brand-new civil organization with a future reputation throughout the Americas is born, the 'Street Council'!


Newark, Peace Hotel.

The main building of the Peace Hotel was completed a month ago and is now undergoing interior decoration.

The interior decoration is a very complicated project, but the long-awaited ring competition venue has been completely completed, and the competition can officially start at any time.

"The boxing ring has been set up, and I have already invited everyone. How are the people below preparing?" Sean called Jonas to take care of the situation.

"Okay." Jonas said hesitantly.

"It's okay, isn't it?" Sean frowned. "It was notified a few months ago. After such a long time, no one can't train a boxer, right? Then what do I need him for!?"

"Why don't you die!"

"It's okay." Jonas spread his hands and said, "Some people do a good job and look very professional. I even asked the people from the security company to try their skills."

"How did it turn out?" Sean asked concerned.

"Bare-handed combat, the people here are not opponents at all." Jonas said with some admiration: "Those guys don't know where they found them. It's not too much to say that they have no power to fight back. I even went on stage specially." I tried it, but the punching speed of the opponent was so fast that I could hardly react."

Sean nodded in satisfaction. The nerve reflexes of professional fighters must be far faster than ordinary people. They don't use weapons, and they fight a few times easily and happily.

"What about the others?" Sean continued to ask.

"I can't find such a professional boxer, and the training is not professional. They are not much better than the people in our security company." Jonas spread his hands helplessly.

The firearms that the security company relies on have better hand-to-hand combat capabilities than ordinary people, but they are limited.

"Trash!" Sean's face was a little dark, and the boxing match started, and you guys can't fucking get anyone out, so what should we do?

"There's no way around it." Jonas sighed, "It's really not easy to find that kind of professional talent, and it's useless for ordinary people to train."

It's useless for Xiao En to be angry when things happen. He doesn't want to delay the scheduled opening time, so he can only find a way by himself.

After thinking about it with a dark face, Sean said: "How many prisons are there in New Jersey, are there any heavy prisons?"

"Prison?!" Jonas was taken aback. Although he didn't understand why Sean asked this, he still said, "There are 85 prisons in New Jersey, and there are 12 heavy-duty prisons, all of which are serious criminals."

(In 2010, the US prison population accounted for 7/1000 of the population, with 2.3 million people serving sentences. There are more than 6,000 prisons in the country, and 51 states have an average of 117 prisons in each state.)

"Can I get in touch?"


"Okay, get in touch, as soon as possible, I'll go over and talk to them."

"Okay." Jonas called.

Half an hour later, the Black Hawk helicopter took off. Helicopters are just convenient, and within an hour, Sean landed on the tarmac of a heavy prison.

Sean said hello in advance, but no one came to greet him. Under the guidance of a person, Sean and Jonas entered the warden's office in a low-key manner.

"This is Mr. Sean."

"This is Warden Henry Pope."

Jonas introduced the two of them.

After a few words of pleasantries, Sean poured out his intentions directly, "I need to borrow some people, the most capable people in the prison."

"What?" Henry Pope thought he heard it wrong.

"Yes, borrow a few people, the most capable fighters in the prison." Sean continued: "I need them to fight a boxing match. There are no other rules except to ensure that they will not die."

"It's impossible. They're criminals, felons, and they can't get out of this prison." Henry Pope was startled, shaking his head like a rattle.

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