America’s Big Hero

Chapter 188: The Elephant Party's Revenge!

Sean Films \u0026 Economics: Headquarters Los Angeles

Movies Filmed: "The Great Heist" grossed $240 million worldwide

Filming: "Basic Instinct", "Die Hard"

Company valuation: $15 million

Development prospects: medium

(PS: The film industry has unpredictability, it is difficult to do real value evaluation)

Sean \u0026 Edward Construction: Headquarters Newark

Construction Qualification: Level 1

Has employees: 240 people

Company valuation: $22 million

Group debt ratio: 40%

Group net worth: US$11 million

Development prospects: medium

(PS: Relying on the New Jersey consortium, the future development speed will be very fast.)

Sean Building Materials: Headquarters Newark

Has employees: 160 people

Company value assessment: 8.4 million

Group debt ratio: none

Development prospects: high

(PS: Relying on Sean's network, it is in a monopoly position in the low-end building materials market)

Greg Chemical: HQ Bridgeton

Business scope: daily chemical products, complete line of high, medium and low grade products

Factory: Bridgetown, Cartagena

Number of brands owned: 4

Group valuation: USD 220 million

Group debt ratio: 54%

Group net worth: US$101.2 million

Sean's proportion: 40.48 million

Development prospect: unknown

(PS: According to internal information, the Bush family intends to participate in the Cartagena Industrial Zone, relying on the oil resources in Colombia, Panama, and Venezuela to develop the chemical industry.)

X Security Company: Headquarters Newark

Bases owned: 2 (Newark Military Base, Cartagena Military Base)

Number of mercenaries: 268

Possess heavy weapons: 6 M113A3 armored personnel carriers, 1 M113 command vehicle, 1 M11381 self-propelled mortar vehicle

Owned aircraft: 2 Black Hawk gunships (one of which has full external weapons and equipment)

Valuation: $18 million

Profitability Analysis: Negative

Risk Assessment: Very High

Development prospect: unknown

(PS: It is completely beyond the means, has no economic value, and the annual net investment is not less than 7 million, but it is the core of Sean’s industry, and it is the key to ensuring its position as the leader of the underground forces in New Jersey. protection force, the strategic value is immeasurable)

Cartagena Industrial Zone: Cartagena, Colombia

Area: 8 square kilometers

Valuation: 2200-Unknown

Profitability Analysis: High

Risk Assessment: High

Development prospects: very high

(PS: Good geographical location, excellent port, a large number of low-cost labor force, convenient transportation capacity, very close to the origin of raw materials, but at the same time, Colombia's political situation is not stable, local security is chaotic (crossed out), local security is good, If the local political situation can be stabilized, there will be extremely high development prospects.)

Jonas Family: Headquarters Newark

Territory of Influence: All of New Jersey (except Atlantic City)

Has core members: 28 people

Branch gangs: 234

Controllable gang members: between 18,000 and 22,000

Control ability: very high

Business scope: smuggling of middle and high-end wine, private lottery, slot machines, membership dues of branch gangs

Profitability: Annual revenue not less than $30 million?

(PS1: The income issue is doubtful. According to our information, no smuggling channel for high-end wine has been found. It is suspected of being fake. The income assessment is based on smuggled products. If it is a counterfeit product, its annual income will skyrocket to more than 90 million.)

(PS2: The Jonas family itself does not touch any drugs, but does not prohibit molecular gangs from doing drug business. Branch gangs have higher membership fees. It is suspected that they are intercepting drug benefits through membership fees, but there is no evidence.)

(PS3: The gangs under it are all over the state and have extremely strong control. They donate a lot to the local police stations of each city through legal means every year, and have relatively close contacts with the city police and local prosecutors. At the same time, they also make public donations to the FBI. Activity.)

(PS4: Due to its strong control, it can use molecular gangs to launch demonstrations throughout the state at any time.)

Looking at the series of reports that followed, the veins on Brewster Jesse's forehead tensed up, and he only felt a splitting headache.

He couldn't understand at all, how did this guy develop so many things in just over 2 years?

Moreover, these industries are in a mess and completely irrelevant, and they cannot form a system at all.

This way of development completely violates the law of capital development.

In this era of no Internet and relatively limited information, when many people come into contact with Xiao En, they only see a piece related to themselves, and they can't find Xiao En's huge industrial group hidden in sight.

That's why they ignored Sean.

Time is short on the one hand, it does not conform to their cognitive rules on the other hand, and the chaos of the industry alone is not eye-catching on the other hand. The combination of many factors makes many, many people subconsciously underestimate Sean.

After reading all the information, Brewster Jesse suddenly discovered that Sean had become a colossus.

Truly a behemoth standing on top of New Jersey.

Brewster Jessie smiled wryly, damn it, he was tricked by Santos!

Now he wants to send this guy Santos to jail.

In order to establish his prestige, in order to truly make his voice heard in New Jersey, in order to make everyone remember him, and make people dare not provoke him casually, he must send this guy Santos to prison.

This is not a rabbit, this is the wild and tough western world.

Forgiving and forgiving is not popular here. If Xiao En dares to do this, it will only make people think that he is weak, and next time someone will try him with the fluke mentality that as long as he apologizes, he will be fine.

As the largest party and the ruling party, the Elephant Party absolutely cannot just sit and watch people in the party being sent to prison just because of an interview.

The Elephant Party can't afford to lose this person and must fight back.

No right or wrong.

Both sides have reasons to have to make a move.

Just because of a stupid Santos.

Brewster Jesse stomped resentfully.

There was still the last page of the report that I hadn't read, and it took me a long time to regain my composure before looking down.

We predict that Sean, through his employees and gang members throughout the state, can directly control 40,000 votes and indirectly control 120,000 to 180,000 votes in state-level elections. The total population of New Jersey is more than 580 Ten thousand, 4.35 million people over the age of 18 have the right to vote, and the number of votes that Sean can indirectly control accounts for 3-4.5% of the total valid votes.

It is reported that Sean secretly controlled most of the radio stations in New Jersey through Jonas, and he is seeking to acquire TV stations and build his own media group.

Considering the identity of the Sean Rockefeller family and its own ability, in the future, it will only affect more votes, and our prediction is about 8%.

After reading the last page, Brewster Jesse shook his hands and threw the entire information out.

At this moment, his face turned pale.

That bloodless white.

Although 3-4.5% of the votes cannot control the final result of the election, it can have a significant impact on the election result.

If it really develops according to the forecast, 8%, this, it will be 16%. Just let him decide who will be the governor!

Of course, in theory, at that point, it is impossible for Sean to clearly express his support for whom, and there is no need for him to end the game himself.

However, this is a young man after all, and it is not uncommon for young people to do anything.

Thinking about it, Brewster Jesse's face gradually turned grim, Santos, you should fucking go to hell!



Brewster Jesse gave a party the next night, and most of the Elephants came.

After the banquet, Brewster Jess called a meeting of the Elephants hardcore in New Jersey, and Peter was there.

After briefly talking about Santos, Brewster Jessie spoke bluntly about returning for revenge.

As for how to retaliate, this needs to be discussed and decided by everyone.

What's shameful is that the Xiang party as a whole, he wouldn't be so stupid as to take things on himself.

He was afraid that Sean would kill him if he was impulsive.

Everyone has a copy of Sean's information, and Peter is no exception.

I didn't think about hiding it from Sean about going back for revenge. It couldn't be hidden, and it wasn't necessary.

Revenge is not revenge, it is to show the party's consistent tough attitude, which is shown to everyone.

aboveboard action!

I just want to deal with you, and let you watch helplessly, but there is nothing you can do!

This is the elephant party!

A tiger never dies, not to mention that the Elephant Party will never die, and Xiao En doesn't have that much influence.

Not to mention the entire Elephant Party, even the New Jersey Elephant Party, Sean has no room to compete.

This is a fact!

This is the ruling party of the world's largest country, are you kidding me? !

"Everyone knows what happened before, so I won't say much here. The Elephant Party can't be bullied by others, so let's all take a look, where is the best place to start." Brewster Jessie simply said sat down.

The following are all the sounds of flipping through the materials, no one looks up, and no one speaks.

After a while, there were bursts of air-conditioning sounds in the quiet conference room.

"This, is this information true?" After flipping through the information, someone asked in disbelief.

With this question, others also looked up at Brewster Jesse, their eyes full of disbelief.

"It's true!" Brewster Jess nodded expressionlessly. You are surprised, and I was even more surprised yesterday!

This frankly simplifies some of the information, and he didn't show the original version.

There is no last page and no detailed data.

As for why not take it out...


But even this simplified version of the information has already made everyone here feel incredible.

Still the same sentence, because Sean is not professional enough, he thinks about the business layout as soon as he thinks it out... Ahem, because of his long-term vision, the business layout is unconstrained and unconstrained, and there is no trace to be found. When everyone comes into contact with Sean, they are all A single industry, without access to the entire system.

Those who are engaged in the banking and financial industry have come into contact with Sean Bank and Security Company.

Those who engage in construction are in contact with building materials and transportation. Under Xiao En's plan, their respective sites are fixed, and local gangs will not harass them.

Those who are engaged in sports, are in contact with Sean Fitness. The gymnasium does not show its mountains and dews. It is not running around, and it has no idea that the gym has expanded to three continents.

It was Greg who was in the chemical industry, and he only knew that Sean had shares.

How mountain interlaced, that's it.

Only when everything is gathered together like today, will people suddenly wake up with such a big tiger lying beside them.

It was Peter who belonged to Sean, and it was the first time he saw Sean's whole picture clearly and comprehensively.

"Okay, let's see where is the best way to start." Brewster Jesse tapped his fingers on the table and brought the topic back.

In fact, there are not many targets that can be used.

"Why don't you talk?" After waiting for a long time, no one spoke, and everyone seemed to be carefully reading the information, reading it over and over again, and no one wanted to stand out.

Brewster Jesse rolled his eyes and said nothing. If he didn't speak, wouldn't I call you here for nothing!

"Well, let me point one by one, and everyone expresses their own opinions."

"Let's start with Sean Fitness Group. What do you think of this goal?"

Xiao En's fitness is very famous. If it is said that it violates the rules, it is money laundering. Everyone knows this, but...

This loophole is difficult to check. It’s just about applying for a card. The gym has no right or obligation to review the other party’s source of funds. The investigation is also a matter of the source of funds of the card holder. Of course, the premise is that the card holder has left true information.

"The investigation is too difficult, and, from a legal point of view, the fitness group itself cannot basically be shaken." Negative opinions, everyone said this without any pressure.

What's more, the IRS is too lazy to investigate this kind of thing, the gang that pays taxes is a good gang!

Of course, they didn't dare to lift the cover, unless they wanted to stay with Sean forever.

You said that Xiao En's knife is not good!

"Sean Transport?"

"I understand this." A congressman said aloud: "Many companies have gone through legal channels at the beginning, and there is nothing to gain. Later, it will develop naturally. Moreover, the Truck Drivers Union is not easy to mess with."

When the Truck Drivers Union was mentioned, everyone laughed.


"Sean Environmental Protection..." Brewster Jessie looked around and laughed himself, "Forget it."

There was a burst of laughter in the hall.

"Shawn Bank?"

"I'm familiar with this. Most of the bank's business is either private deposits and withdrawals or related to Sean's own business. There are no loopholes." A congressman said aloud.


"Shawn movie?"

"This requires the cooperation of California, which is difficult and has little impact." Another person stood up and vetoed it.

"Sean Architecture?"

"There is only one problem with the labor certification of Chinese workers, which involves smuggling and other issues, and needs the cooperation of the customs. The problem is that even if it is found out, it will only be sent back, which will not affect the construction company itself, and may be labeled as racial discrimination. "

"Chemical company?"

"Just went through a spinoff and it's clean now."

"Cartagena... we don't care about this, forget it." Brewster Jesse himself vetoed it.

"Security X?" Brewster Jesse looked around, everyone lowered their heads, but no one spoke.

There are many security issues in X, such as the source of arms, killings, the use of weapons, etc., but almost everyone just looked at it and turned it over.

This thing is not necessary, if you don't touch it, don't touch it.

No one spoke, and Brewster Jesse did not continue. It seemed that there was only one building materials company left.

"The building materials are not suitable." Someone said: "They are all basic building materials, which are in great demand and indispensable. If there is a problem here, the entire construction industry in New Jersey will be forced to shut down and will suffer huge losses."

Well, now only the underground force 'Jonas Mafia Family' is left.

Smuggled liquor business, private lottery business, slot machine.

The target of the strike is set on these three black businesses, and everyone thinks it is very good.

Sweeping black and evil is politically correct in any country.

Brewster Jesse watched everyone discussing, thinking about the document he read last night.

Smuggled wine may involve 'fake wine', with an annual profit gap of more than 50-60 million US dollars.

In the materials in the hands of these people, this paragraph has been deleted.

That's 60 million. If you really set your target on this and find out something...

The corners of Brewster Jesse's mouth raised slightly and then retracted instantly.

He also couldn't explain why he had to hide this paragraph.



Who knows.

As long as it is a collective decision, it has nothing to do with him.

After the matter was settled and the meeting was over, Peter walked out with everyone with a solemn face.

He wants to see Sean immediately. As far as he knows, Sean is very interested in the business of 'smuggling alcohol', although he doesn't understand why.


Inside Sean's villa.


The cigar that was being slowly trimmed was cut directly from the middle by Sean.

Throwing the cigar that had been cut in two on the table, Sean looked up at Peter expressionlessly, "Decided? Do you want to investigate the liquor industry?"

"Yes, it's decided." Peter swallowed and lowered his head silently. He felt a sudden surge of evil energy from Xiao En's body, and he was a little out of breath.

damn it!

Sean leaned heavily on the sofa and slowly closed his eyes.

He knew that sooner or later people would find out that he had engaged in a 'cottage', but when that day really came, he still felt very distressed.

This is a huge profit, more profitable than any fucking drug!

The cost is almost negligible.

Some people were investigating the "smuggling of alcohol" in New Jersey before, but Sean's control over the state was high enough to secretly feed people to fish, so he barely covered it up.

Now if the Xiang Party wants to start an investigation, then it will definitely not be able to hide this matter.

There is no smuggling at all, how to investigate!

And if the investigation has no results, then many things are clear at a glance.

Tens of millions of business a year!

Spicy next door, Santos, you son of a bitch!

Once it is confirmed that the wine is fake, the wine giants in Europe, including the United States, will definitely not let Sean continue to engage in it.

As long as you catch such a thing of falsification, you will be killed as an example.

How can the country that the wine industry tycoons have established for hundreds of years allow others to pay for their efforts to intercept profits.

If you do this, then everyone will stop being a brand, and just fake it!

That is digging their roots!

This is not a retaliation by one or two families, it is a blow by the Federation of Liquor Industry Giants around the world!

Sean never thought of confronting the Wine Industry Federation. If the communication and the government can't solve the problem, it's going to be fake...

The Federation of Liquor Industry Giants is not a good man or woman.

Take Seagram Liquor, a liquor conglomerate controlled by the Jewish family Bronfman that grew during Prohibition.

How can a liquor sales group that made its fortune during Prohibition be clean?

After Peter left, Sean called Bill, Jonas and others over and told them the news.

Come up with a charter as soon as possible.

"Stop for a while, at worst, smuggle a batch of wine on top during this time." Jonas said indifferently: "It's impossible for the Elephant Party to keep watching. It will be fine after a while."

"How can it be possible to just give up the tens of millions of profits a year."

Xiao En lowered his head and thought for a while, then shook his head, "The Elephant Party will definitely not hold on to it. What I am worried about is whether the wine industry group has taken goods from them. No one knows better than the wine industry group. They will not Give up."

"It doesn't matter if you don't give up, this is New Jersey, we have the final say." Jonas snorted coldly.

"Do you think New Jersey is safe?" Bill rolled his eyes, "Can't solve the counterfeiters, and can't solve the counterfeiters?"

"This..." Jonas blushed, scratched his scalp and didn't know what to say.

Sean sighed, the United States is too unsafe, it's just a fake, and life is in danger!

Look at the rabbit, it's a fake, let's come together, love it!

Those big international companies don't know what kind of hatred they have become, but they still have nothing to do.

You don't really think that the underdevelopment of the "shanzhai" business in other parts of the world is all because of the "law"?

Infringement of technical patents, high-tech, and large-scale factories can be solved through legal means, but what about those with little technical content and huge profits?

Clothing, shoes and hats, alcohol and tobacco, cosmetics... and other luxury goods.

Cultural categories such as pirated audio-visual products.

These are low-tech and highly profitable, and can be done in countries such as Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Africa.


Heh... don't make trouble.

(It’s not without reason that these companies are anti-China... The losses caused by counterfeit products that flow out of China every year are really, cutting off people’s wealth is like killing their parents)

(Foreigners have a strong sense of authenticity and don’t like pirated copies? Stop making trouble, thieves like it fucking.)

Of course, it is definitely best to take legal means, unless you have to, the bigger the company, the more it cherishes its feathers.

The premise is not to push people into a hurry, tens of millions a year is enough for some people or organizations to use illegal means.

What's more, people occupy reason.

"It's okay until there is no real evidence. We are not easy to bully. They can exercise restraint. Once there is evidence, we absolutely can't do it." Sean shook his head, "Those wine groups are not easy to talk about, and the family It will also be stressful."

"Although the family may have known about it a long time ago, it hasn't been caught yet." After speaking, Sean laughed.

"You're still in the mood to laugh, it's all money!" Jonas scratched his heart in distress.

Sean shook his head, "Sooner or later, this kind of good thing like picking up money can't last forever. Others won't, and the old man in Chinatown will too. Do you think they did it?"

"They? Don't dare!" Jonas said with his head held high, quite proud.

The master was invited by Sean forcibly a year ago, and he mixed the fake wine for a year, and then put it back.

Old Man Huang's expensive white wine is fake, but he really doesn't dare to touch red wine. After all, they are 'outsiders'. If they dare to do this in the United States, those white people will definitely not die.

Bill suddenly raised his head and said, "Sean, how about we set up a liquor company?"

"How to say?" Sean became interested.

"We still make our current fake wine, replace it with our own brand, and then sell it to those gangs at a low price. As for whether they use it to bottle fake wine, it has nothing to do with us, normal production and normal sales. "Bill slowly said his plan.

"Huh?" Sean blinked his eyes, hiss, why does this routine feel a little familiar?

This is a real 'cottage', the routine of bad money chasing good money.

Sean scratched his head. This method is simple and rude. You can see what's going on inside at a glance, but generally speaking, it's definitely not illegal.

I never heard that the taste of wine can be patented...

Just, is blended wine legal in the United States?

If you ask a lawyer about this, you will know that it should not be a big problem.

Thinking about it, Sean looked up at Bill with surprise, "Okay, Bill, when did you learn to use your brain!"

"This idea is very punishing!"

Bill held back his laughter, and turned his mouth to Lao Gao, "Hmph, I just haven't had the chance to show off my ingenuity. I'm different from you guys. When I was in school, I got good grades!"

"No! It's not true!" Jonas grabbed Bill's shoulder and shook it vigorously back and forth, shouting with an exaggerated expression on his face: "Say, what did you do to the real Bill? Bill is definitely not so smart. Give me back that idiot!"

"Fuck, get out!" Bill pushed Jonas away angrily, "Shit, damn it, you're a fucking idiot!"

Sean and the others burst out laughing at Jonas' funny look, black people are really funny.

I called the lawyer and asked the lawyer. In fact, American law does not matter how your wine is produced, as long as it meets food standards.

The only problem is, if Sean builds a brand and starts selling it normally, he has to pay taxes normally.

We all know that taxes on sugar and wine are very, very high.

(I didn’t find out how much the tax ratio of wine produced in the United States is. I only found out the tax ratio of rabbits to imported red wine. Because of the trade dispute with Eagle Sauce in recent years, the tax ratio of red wine imported from Eagle Sauce has reached a terrifying 79% %, that is to say, for a bottle of red wine that costs 100 yuan, 79 yuan is tax.)

(Popular Science: Many people don’t know that the tax on sugar is very high all over the world, and there are generally sugar and wine companies all over the country)

The higher the price, the more taxes will be paid. Even if the final sales volume remains unchanged, the profit Sean can get will be greatly reduced.

This is much higher than the tax paid when laundering money.

Sean can't say exactly how much profit will be left at that time, but no matter what, this is a way out.

As long as it is reasonable and legal, Sean is not afraid of anyone!

After asking clearly, Sean made a direct decision to establish his own wine company.

It will be very fast for Sean to register the company, and the Sean Wine Group was established the next day.

Headquartered in Newark, Sean bought the land of two adjacent abandoned factories, and Sean Construction Company demolished all the original factories within one day.

Then came the construction of the new factory.

During the construction of the plant, Sean Wine Group has already started selling...

The product is the original fake wine, ready-made, with dozens of tons in reserve.

Put different labels on it, and pack it in the simplest wine bottle.

How come the cost is low.

Directly pull it openly to the underground bars of the major gangs and let them fill it by themselves.

Only then did the gangs below who received the notification know that what they drank and sold was fake wine all along!


On this day, I don't know how many people cursed Jonas crazily in private.

Jonas: ? ? ?

Sean: Yes, Jonas did it!

But the trouble is that these bars have to be filled by hand and sealed by hand.

Each of Sean's houses delivered a sealer.

Moreover, when the matter was uncovered, Sean had to make a profit concession, instead of maintaining the same price as the smuggled wine for sale, a one-time profit concession of 20%.

After receiving the price drop notice...

All gangs cheered: Long live Sean!

Jonas: ? ? ?

Sean: I came to New Jersey to do only three things, fair, fair, or fucking fair!

Let's make money together!

At this time, it can be seen how strong Sean's control over the underground forces in New Jersey is.

It took only three days from the beginning to the end from copycat wine to changing brand wine.

The factory has just been bulldozed...

Still, who cares?

I'm a fucking legitimate businessman!

Understand! ?


After hearing the reports from the people below, Brewster Jesse sat where he was and did not speak.

After a long time, he asked again: "Have you calculated how much profit he made through fake wine before?"

"Calculated, but the figures are not accurate. His sales range was only in the east before, and it was expanded to the whole of New Jersey after the demise of Dimio. We calculated that in the past two years, he has made profits through counterfeit wine. Around 90 million, mainly in the last year."

"Huh" Brewster Jesse let out a long breath, damn it, shameless guy.

The fire of jealousy, burning uncontrollably.

It's not that Brewster Jesse hasn't seen others make money in the past few decades, but it's the first time he's made so much money so easily in such a short period of time.

It's not so fucking fast to grab money!

How much is your family's total assets?

The two generations of the family, half a century, earned a wealth of less than 10 million and less than 20 million.

And that shameless guy made a lot of money in such a short time with such vile means.

One month or two months!

Jealousy separates hostage walls!

"Can you pursue legal responsibility?" Brewster Jesse squeezed out a smile. He couldn't make people feel that he would feel jealous.

"It's hard, it's hard, unless someone comes forward and points at Sean for selling fake wine to them, and traces the whereabouts of the funds."

Brewster Jesse gritted his teeth secretly. He knew that it would be difficult. To deal with Sean, there must be a complete chain of evidence. It is useless for one or two people to identify under coercion.

Besides, there is a high probability that those people would not dare to identify Sean.

"How much will he lose?"

"Because of taxes and concessions, the annual loss is about 35-40 million US dollars."

Brewster Jesse rolled his eyes. Although he knew it would be a lot, he was shocked when he heard it.

Immediately, an uncontrollable pleasure surged from the bottom of my heart, and forced restraint prevented myself from laughing out loud.

Although there was nothing he could do about Xiao En, he was still extremely excited to let the other party lose so much money.

I can't tell why, as soon as the subordinates left,

The smile on his face gradually twisted...



Thanks to the book is a passer-by, Wutongshu, Pacini, _ and so on a sunny day, book friend 20170102001719604, mouse smashed the keyboard, dream time, salted fish Achen, demonearth, book friend 160205004448283, Qilin Xiaobu, book friend 20191012180536015, Kble , Book Friends 20170903201851894, Book Friends 160127193744951, CCMarine, Cold Noodles, Book Friends 160507234225652, Double-faced Lone Wolf, Book Friends 20180930003734687, Vulcan Zhou Gongjin, 6 Can’t See Me 6, Wind and Rain, Autumn Burning, Guardian of Flowers, Vanity Turns to Allure , NJ Tiger Lord, Quan Qing... the above book friends' rewards!

This is a greeting from Shuai!

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