America’s Big Hero

Chapter 191 Anti-drug and interview

Chapter 199: Anti-drug and interview

"What's the matter, in a hurry, what can't you say on the phone?"

"Recently X Security has received a lot of consultation calls, and I'm a little unsure, so I'm here to ask you, can we take this kind of order?" Bill sat down and talked about the things during this period.

Speaking of which, the reason why X security suddenly received such an order consultation call was because of Sean's attack.

After the video of the day of the attack was released, a program analyzed in detail the layout and reactions of both sides during the entire attack.

The professionals among them greatly praised X Security's impeccable response to the attack.

Although Sean was shot in the end, it was because the other party used illegal armor-piercing bullets, which were difficult to obtain. This is no longer a problem with X security itself, but a force majeure.

But even so, Sean was only injured in the end, not dead.

With ordinary security guards, Xiao En couldn't resist the second wave of attacks and would be killed on the spot.

Therefore, this made X Security very famous. Recently, some private security businesses came to their door.

As we all know, the beautiful country is free, free America, shooting every day, many celebrities are very worried about their own safety, after watching this program, they contacted X security to inquire about the security price.

This is what Sean didn't expect...

"What the hell..." Sean's expression was very strange after hearing this, his facial features were all tangled together, and he really didn't know whether to be happy or angry.


Knowing what happened, Sean pondered for a while, and decided to take on a similar business.

It is one aspect to slightly subsidize the expenses of X Security Company, mainly to expand its influence.

For this reason, Sean had to formulate a security level standard and charging standard with Bill and others.

According to Xiao En's intention, three security levels were established, and the fees were charged according to the level.

After pondering for a while, Bill said, "Most of the people who come to consult are one or two bodyguards. They can't afford 100,000 a month."

"No money? If you don't have money, you hire your paralyzed security guards, go to hell!" Sean scolded directly: "No money? If you don't have money, who the hell will hit you?"


"We don't accept business with one or two bodyguards, it's not enough to lose our reputation."

"As I said, there are three levels, and our main business scope should be placed on the third level."

Level 1 security standard: five-member security team, 24-hour protection.

Charge standard: 100,000/month

Secondary security standard: 10 combat teams, 24-hour protection, anti-eavesdropping, anti-blasting, with residential security system design.

Charge standard: 300,000/month

Level 3 security standard: 30-person combat team, accepting orders for public place security.

Charge standard: 300,000/time

There is also a reason why the price is so expensive. Among them, it takes a lot of money to apply for a gun certificate in each state.

In addition, this is a 24-hour service, and overtime pay is also expensive.

In the end, in case of danger, it's a life-and-death job.

Life is priceless!

So, have to add money!

In order to deal with this kind of security business, Sean also specially designed a portable bulletproof equipment.

Of course, it was also what Sean thought up to protect his own safety after he was shot last time.

On weekdays, it is folded into a cube of 30 centimeters in length and width and carried on the back on the body.

Kevlar material is used to add bulletproof inserts, and when opened, it looks like a bed sheet with a width of one meter and a length of two meters is draped over the body.

Even if the attacker is carrying an anti-materiel sniper rifle, it can be safely folded into two layers.

(The so-called anti-seismic force that breaks the ribs depends on whether there is a bulletproof plate. The size of the plate is simply the force-bearing area, and the angle of deflection must also be considered. Body armor is not as useless as imagined. )

Ordinary security level, level one is enough, even for Sean, when he is out of the house on weekdays, it is the level two protection standard.

As for the third level, it is usually not used at all, which is equivalent to the last time Sean was interviewed in public, so it is a matter of opinion.

Sean asked X Security to promote the three-level security business, which is also the case for most of the employers who really need it.

Long-term security is inconvenient for many wealthy people, and there are too many secrets that cannot be concealed.

Here Bill sent away, within two days,

Jeff called, Cartagena was not very peaceful, Sean hurried over.


"What's going on, let's talk." Sean flew over from Miami by helicopter.

Just in time, he plans to keep a Black Hawk in Cartagena in the future.

After this assassination incident, Sean paid more attention to his own safety.

"Recently, we found that some people were dumping drugs nearby." Jeff explained the matter in detail.

After the gangs here were completely slaughtered by Sean, they were considered abolished. After Jeff accepted it, he divided the districts and streets for decentralized management according to the way in New Jersey, but all the names were changed to 'street committees'.

In this way, there are street committees underground, law enforcement and security, and government protection and cooperation above, and Cartagena is completely in control.

With such a high level of control, Cartagena can't hide from Jeff the big and small things.

Whether it is local guerrilla drug criminals, or from the United States, or other countries, the more villains, the more careful they are.

Even with the help of Gustavo, there are still few people who are willing to trade here. After all, it costs 10% more, which is not a small expense.

Of course, money is one aspect, and more is that everyone feels that the details of the transaction are exposed to X Security Company, which is very unsafe!

No one cares more about safety than criminals!

Therefore, the vast majority of transactions are still conducted in private.

They didn't dare to trade in the city of Cartagena, so they ran to the outskirts and did it secretly.

On the other hand, there are many people who come here to transport goods. The super long coastline allows them to trade anywhere, and use small boats to directly transport goods to large ships outside.

The business in the trading area has been delayed, and Jeff, as the person in charge of Cartagena, has been very irritable.

X security expenses, gang operation expenses, government expenses, these days, even if you are a gang, every move is money!

Jeff is of course anxious if he can't achieve results.

"What do you think?" Sean looked at Jeff and asked, he couldn't be the one to worry about everything, the people under him had to have their own ideas.

"I want to come again!" Jeff grinned, his teeth full of murderous intent, "However, those drug lords all sent guerrillas to make deals. Once they make a move, it's like fighting them head-on."

"In addition, these people in my hands are not good. If X security company is dispatched here, I have no right to mobilize them here. Hehe, it's up to you, the boss."

"One more vote!?" Sean frowned. Damn, this kid is quite ruthless.

I really didn't take these guerrillas seriously!

Americans are really arrogant in South America, and they don't think highly of people here.

After thinking about it for a while, Xiao En nodded and said, "Then do it, don't they think it's unsafe to trade in the trading area, then let them know that it's even more unsafe to trade outside!"

"Don't trust me, Sean, what the hell!" Sean scolded coldly, "A group of damned drug dealers, shameless!"

Reputation is not something that can be established in a short time.

Especially for these bastards, the defensive psychology is too strong.

"Then I'll prepare tomorrow and give them a good vote!" Jeff touched his bald head excitedly.

"Damn it!" Sean snorted.

"Ah, it's not the boss, what are you talking about?" Jeff looked confused.

"We're cooperating with the police in an anti-drug operation!" Xiao En snorted and said, "Understood, we are in a cooperative position, and the police are in the lead!"

"Uh... how about the seized money?" Jeff asked sullenly after thinking for a while.

"The police's drugs will be returned at the original amount, and the drug criminals' cash will be divided."

"Then, we are not losing money, those goods are all good things!" Jeff said rather reluctantly.

Sean tapped lightly on the table, "You have to understand that you have to be measured in doing things. We are foreigners, and this kind of thing must be done officially. The benefits can be taken, but the reputation must be given away!"

Jeff just nodded.

In the evening, Police Chief Rusk Xavier heard that Sean was coming, and immediately ran over.

Sean hosted a banquet for Rusk Xavier, and during the meal he mentioned the matter of 'anti-drug'.

The police station never dared to provoke those guerrillas in the past, but now that Sean is backing him up, Rusk Xavier will naturally gain confidence.

He knew in his heart that when the police went there, they would just wave their flags and shout out. The danger was not great, so he readily agreed.

After discussing the matter, the matter is settled like this, and Jeff's 'street committee' will keep an eye on the rest, the port, the airport, and those who look suspicious.

The specific things are done by the people below. Sean stayed in the base, looked at the sea in the distance, and suddenly thought that he should build a vacation villa here, and he would come to Columbia more often in the future.

However, considering safety issues, it is best to buy a small island directly in the sea.

It can't be said that it was a frightened bird, anyway, recently, Xiao En doesn't seem like a good person to anyone.

In other words, it didn't happen that fast. Sean called Lamb and asked him to find him for him. It's just in Darien Bay. It's not afraid to be a little farther from the coastline, anyway, take a helicopter.

two days later...

Jeff didn't come, he was in charge of the Cartagena underground, and Thomson was leading the team, and he was in charge of the X-Security Cartagena branch.

The division of labor is clear and does not interfere with each other. This is Sean's rule.

Thomson led the personnel of X Security, and with the cooperation of the police, prepared to attack... Ah bah, it was the kind that was preparing to carry out an arrest operation and seize stolen goods.

East of Cartagena, on a sandy beach.

There are not many other things in Cartagena, but there are many beaches. In comparison, the quality of this beach is not good, and almost no one can be seen at night.

Not far from here, about 1 kilometer, the Black Hawk was parked in an open place, and next to it, Rusk Xavier led 30 policemen and 2 combat teams from X Security to sit and chat quietly.

At about 1 o'clock in the morning, two pickup trucks without driving lights drove towards the beach in the dark.

After the car was parked, 8 men in green military uniforms jumped out of the car, and each of them walked towards the beach with a flashlight.

The beach was not far away, and the intelligence team was lying on the sand, with most of their bodies buried in the sand, holding an infrared telescope in their hands and watching quietly, "Report, the target has appeared."

"Continue to monitor." When Thomson received the news, he immediately came over and knocked on the door of the helicopter. "Boss, the drug criminals are here."

"Okay, get ready, you feel it, and I'll give you a message when the transaction starts." Sean rubbed his sleepy eyes, opened the hatch and gave orders.

A while ago, he was blackmailed. Although Santos was thrown into prison, he was also forced to turn the 'copycat' wine business into a regular one early.

It's not out of anger at all.

Suppressing fire in his heart, he just came out to eliminate violence and Anliang to vent his anger for Tian Xingdao.

Thomson went to greet the combat team of X Security and touched it first. Behind him, more than 30 policemen followed from a distance of more than 100 meters.

Over there, the drug lords pointed their flashlights at the surface of the sea and pressed the switch to make a signal. The signal was played three times, and a red light on the sea flickered a few times to return the signal.

"Move the goods down."

The four went to the back of the pickup truck and unloaded two large wooden boxes, each weighing 100 kilograms, full of extremely high-purity cocaine.

At sea, the hum of the engine came, and a speedboat drove towards the shore,

This group of guerrillas was very vigilant, and four people were separated in front to prepare for the transaction, and the other four scattered around to guard outside.

More than 100 meters away, a combat team sneaked into the sea, and a combat team moved towards the back of the pickup truck, and did not dare to move when it was more than 80 meters away.

The person who came up from the sea was carrying a suitcase. The two sides met and said a few words, and then began to check each other. Seeing this, Thomson lightly pressed the walkie-talkie in his hand, "Head, the transaction has begun."

Hearing the voice from the walkie-talkie, Sean gestured to the driver next to him, and the driver immediately started the helicopter.

The sound of "chug chug chug" sounded a kilometer away, and the night sky was silent, and it came over all at once.

"What sound!" The two parties who were trading screamed, and opened the safety of the guns in their hands. While confronting each other, they looked in the direction of the sound.

"It seems to be the sound of a helicopter!?" One person frowned and said in surprise after listening for a while.

"not good!"

"Fire!" Thomson roared, and the two combat teams opened fire immediately.

"Da da da" "da da da" "da da da"

As soon as the gunshot rang out, the two parties in the transaction immediately went into chaos. The buyer rushed towards the beach with the money, but the drug lord had no way to move the goods quickly, so he could only slander and fight back at the place where the gunshot fired.

"Da da da" Before the buyer got close to the sea, a combat team concentrated fire on the speedboat floating on the sea.

Debris flew around, and the speedboat was not bulletproof. A round of concentrated fire directly destroyed the speedboat.

At this moment, the helicopter had already driven over, and bright searchlights were projected from overhead.

Looking at the helicopter in the sky, the drug criminal and the buyer instantly felt chills all over, it's over!

Sean didn't bother to shout at all, he adjusted the hoisted cannon under the cabin and pressed the launch button directly.

"Boom boom boom boom" sounded from the machine gun...

The strong wind blows and the clouds fly, and the strong warriors walk in all directions.

Drug criminals must be suppressed at any time, if not suppressed!

Five minutes later, there were only stumps and broken arms left on the ground, without any survivors.

After circling in the sky, the helicopter went straight to the sea, to see who was there to meet it.

It looks like a large cargo ship with a displacement of no less than 4,000 tons. If it wasn't for the hellfire, Sean would have wanted to blow it up.

Think about it or forget it, this is in Colombia, if there is no contraband on board, it will not be easy to explain if it sank.

Besides, they are all leeks with a good growth rate, so they know how to keep their roots so that they can grow out and continue to be harvested next time.

After swaggering twice over the cargo ship, Xiao En ordered to go back.

After another ten minutes, the helicopter flew back and landed on the beach, the hatch opened, and Sean jumped out of the helicopter.

Standing on the beach, smelling the smell of blood and gunpowder smoke, Sean immediately felt a lot better, "Thomson, how are you?"

"It's not bad. There are 4 million in cash and 100 kilograms of goods." Thomson walked up and rubbed his hands with joy and said.

"So little?" Sean was taken aback.


"100 kilograms, 100,000 grams of high-purity cocaine, why is it only 4 million? Is this a lot?" Sean spread his hands.

"Boss, that's not how the accounts are calculated." Thomson explained with a smile: "The price you know is the price of selling it to those drug addicts, not the price of the place of production."

"This group of people will be shipped to the United States and then sold to the gangsters. The gangsters will then distribute it. At least two links will go through. If there are more, it will take 3-4 links. Everyone wants to make money."

"Oh, yes, there are middlemen who make the difference... tsk tsk, factory direct sales are not allowed." Xiao En thought about it, and suddenly he laughed, which made Thomson look puzzled.

Before Thomson could ask, Rusk Xavier came over with two policemen.

It wasn't until Sean got closer that Rusk Xavier's face was pale, and he covered his mouth with one hand, apparently just vomited.

"Stop, don't come close, I'm afraid you'll spit on me." Sean quickly reached out to hug me, took a step back and then asked with a smile: "Why, first time seeing you?"

Rusk Xavier was speechless and just shook his head.

I'm a police chief, I can't stand seeing the corpses all over the place.

"It's okay, it's the first time, just get used to it slowly." Sean patted him on the shoulder, "I'll take the money away first, and clean up the poison and dead bodies."

Rusk Xavier's body trembled, thinking of the rotten corpses bombarded by the machine, he almost vomited out.

The police in Cartagena don't use it to wash the floor, and there is no other use. Thirty percent of the money can't be taken for nothing.

Just cleaning for a living.

Rusk Xavier covered his mouth and nodded.

I dare not speak, for fear that I will spit it out when I open my mouth.

After carrying the big suitcase and throwing it into the helicopter, Sean sat on it and left directly. Thomson also took the X security personnel back to rest.


It's up to Jeff to divide the spoils, and Sean doesn't have to worry about it.

Early the next morning, Rusk Xavier held a press conference, announcing the results of yesterday's anti-drug campaign, "killed 12 people from both drug lords and criminals, seized 100,000 grams of high-purity cocaine, and 120 yuan in cash." Ten thousand U.S. dollars!"

The embarrassment of vomiting when I saw the dead body last night was gone.

"Cartagena will step up its crackdown on drug crime, say, do it!"

"We're going to try to build a new Cartagena!"

With the government's endorsement, this matter has nothing to do with X security. The guerrillas will also find trouble with the government, although everyone knows that the main force must be X security.

After all, with the police guns and those potbellied guys, they are not capable of killing all the drug criminals in one fell swoop.

After not staying in Cartagena, Sean took a plane back to Trenton the next day after enjoying the Colombian style.

The prison has invested 180 million yuan, which is his largest investment project so far, and he must keep an eye on it.

Originally, I wanted to start a TV station first. However, the return rate of TV stations, or the entire media industry, is very low in this era. Compared with prisons, the speed is much faster.

After all, there is no need to worry about the source of tourists. I am a big American and lack everything, but there is no shortage of prisoners!


The design drawings of Cape May Island have been released. They are all prototypes. The design is not difficult. Edward and his engineering team have already begun to demolish the existing buildings.

In order to promote the largest investment project, Sean decided to take the initiative to accept an interview.

"Punishment companies will introduce more industries and increase labor intensity. Is this the case?" asked the reporter below.

"Work is the most honorable thing!" Sean first emphasized, and then continued: "According to statistics, the reason why most prisoners commit crimes is because they are unwilling to use labor in exchange for money, and they always think about Taking shortcuts, and eventually leading to illegal and criminal things, this is not good and should not be!"

"The prison has indeed added some jobs. We will let the prisoners feel the joy from labor and the process of exchanging labor for money." Xiao En's face was full of compassion.

"Moreover, we also want to let the prisoners master a certain skill, so that after they get out of prison, they will not go back to crime because they can't find a job or make money."

"We sincerely hope that every prisoner can live a happy, safe and happy life after he is released from prison."

"Mr. Xiao En, is this so-called labor compulsory?"

"Of course not. We adopt the principle of voluntariness. The United States is a country where everyone enjoys freedom and justice. We do not have any coercion."

"According to the information we have received, the standard of food in the prison has been greatly reduced. Does anyone suspect that you mistreated prisoners?"

"Whoever said that, let him stand up!" Xiao En's face darkened, and he said loudly: "Any statement without evidence is slander, slander, and we will take legal action to protect our reputation!"

"For the health of the prisoners in the prison, the correctional company specially hired biological experts from Princeton University, and the nutritional meals prepared according to the actual situation of the prison are at the level of athletes!"

"We advocate a healthy and green life with less oil, less salt, and less sugar to better ensure the health of the body. Long-term consumption of heavy oil, sugar, and salt foods will cause the body to gain weight, increase the burden on internal organs, and induce heart and brain problems. Vascular disease."

"This is healthy, rigorous, can stand the test, and has a scientific basis!"

"Those untrue remarks are purely malicious and serious injuries!"

At least, from a scientific point of view, it is indeed healthy.

"But, sir, that's not delicious!" There are still reporters who know what so-called nutritious meals are.

"You can't ignore your health just because of your appetite, I don't allow them to abuse your body like this!" Sean looked serious, as if I was doing my best for you.

"I, Sean, am a devout believer. The Lord told us that gluttony is one of the seven original sins. They are already criminals. We can't let them repeat the same mistakes!"

The reporters in the audience looked at each other... the Lord is too busy!

"Ahem, Mr. Xiao En, I heard that the correctional company has a plan to build a new prison." This is a question prepared in advance and cost money.

"It's not building a new prison, it's rebuilding a prison!" Xiao En coughed lightly and waved his hand behind him. Immediately, someone lifted the curtain behind it, which was a three-dimensional publicity map made in advance.

"We will renovate the prison on Cape May Island and build a brand new, advanced, safe, hotel-style prison!"

Townhouses, swimming pools, basketball courts, bars, tennis courts, artistic gardens, spacious, bright and modern rooms...

Why do you call this a prison?

This is a proper five-star hotel!

This is where prisoners should be! ?

As soon as this picture came out, there was an uproar!

"I think, this prison is much better than my home, I really want to live in it."

"Is this where criminals live? Criminals deserve to live in this kind of place?"

"Okay, arrest me, I'm going to live in this damn prison!"

The interview ends here. Sean just wants to let everyone know that there is such a prison. As for how much it will cost, that is another question.


"Master Huang is preparing for a big operation." You Rui came from New York. During this period of time, under his "guidance", Master Huang had several conflicts with two Italian gangs and a South American gang.

Due to the adequate preparation, Xiao Xiao took some advantage.

However, this does not reverse the fact that the F Qing Gang is at a disadvantage.

Therefore, Mr. Huang is going to concentrate his manpower to deal with the South American Gang first.

"It's too slow." Sean shook his head a little dissatisfied.

"This is the normal situation." Yuri smiled and took out a cigarette and lit it, "You are a special case when you wiped out Salamanga and Dimio, it was too fast, normal gang fights come bit by bit .”

"Would you like to help old man Huang?" Sean was still thinking about the land of Manhattan.

There was chattering over there, and he was anxious to follow.

"Help? What do you want to do?" Yuri asked aloud.

"In this way, you can find a suitable time and quietly pass the news to the Italians that the old man Huang is going to help South America." Sean thought for a while and said in a low voice.

"That old yellow-headed man won't be able to hold on!"

"It's good if we can't hold it. If we can't hold it, we will have a favor." Sean said with a smile: "We saved people and helped them kill the Italian gang. He has to thank us."

Yuri laughed immediately, "Wouldn't we reveal our secrets as soon as we make a move?"

"No, put on a hood, who can see clearly in the pitch black, and besides, my Chinese is more authentic than Old Man Huang and the others, who can understand how much I shout."

"Ha, yes."

After making a plan, Yuri played all night, and went back to prepare the next day.

Two days later, at night, F Qing's people were ready, dozens of people were divided into two teams, one team went to the bar where the South American gang was concentrated, and the other team rushed to the stronghold of the South American gang.

You Rui released the news quietly, and Sean also drove over with someone in advance to wait.


"Fuck them to death!"

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

After all, it is discriminated against, it is not easy to use any big firepower, they are all small pistols.

As the raiding party, the F Qing people killed many people from the South American Gang as soon as they came up.

The bar was in chaos, and the guests rushed to the door.

At the stronghold, the South American gang who reacted frantically started to fight back. They were all beaten to the door, and they directly raised their machine guns and started to fight back.

"Da da da"

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

The fight between the two sides was very lively. In the commercial vehicle parked on the street not far away, Xiao En and the others watched the exchange of fire with interest and commented.

"Use RPG, it will be solved once you send it over!"

"That's right, you really can't use grenades!"

"A few will solve the battle!"

"It's too soft, it's all soft, when will this little broken pistol be shot."


The New York Police Department a few streets away received the call during the exchange of fire.

"Don't care about them." The director ordered directly.

During this period of time, several gangs often exchanged fire at night, and they had already greeted each other.

Every time the police wait until the fight is almost over, the police will go over to clean up the mess.

After all, they are all partners, and they are all loved relatives and friends who have taken money.

It's not good to help anyone, it's embarrassing to go early.

Let's wait until the winner is decided.

As for what the newspaper media said the next day.

Who cares.

There haven't been a few shootings in one day, so it's not worth making a fuss about.


"Are you going now!?" On another street, there were members of the Italian gang sitting in three cars.

"No, after they fight, let's clean up the mess at the end. Whether it's those yellow-skinned monkeys or the gang of Mexicans, it's best to die."

"Hahahaha." Several people in the car laughed out loud.

The expansion of the Chinese side in the past few years has made them very uncomfortable. Originally, the Italians wanted to occupy the business here after the Jews left. As a result, the Chinese flocked up again.

These people hate the Chinese the most!

If others occupy the territory, they may still do business, but if the Chinese occupy it, it is completely hopeless.

Even if it is a piece of waste paper on the ground, the Chinese will not let them pick it up.

Eating alone is the most annoying thing.

After more than ten minutes, Sean was still interested in watching it at first, but the firefight was too childish, and he quickly lost interest.

"What the hell are the Italians doing?" Sean couldn't help cursing.

Did you come by bicycle?

When Sean was irritated thinking that the Italians had lost their way, these guys finally came.


Yesterday I suddenly heard that there was a reward from the Dameng, so I opened the backstage to watch it, my heart is very relieved!

This is the only reader who is the leader of the four alliances since the book was written, looking for a corner!

I heard that 'Yang finds a corner' is a handsome man with high moral character, I have seen him in the group, this man's handsome is not like me!

In addition, the three handsome men, the son Kai, some memories from the past, and the Imperial Marine Corps, can be collectively called the "Four Flame Brothers" with this person!

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