America’s Big Hero

Chapter 205 Car Accident

Sean stared fixedly at the vice president sitting across from him.

This is definitely someone tripping him up!

I am not a fucking outsider.

Since he knew he was coming here, it meant that old man David had already given orders.

So, who is stumbling yourself?

Old man David?

Some direct descendants of the family?

Company CEO?

That's all Sean could think of.

But what is the purpose of stumbling yourself?

It can't just be for the sake of giving yourself a good reputation, or for this little profit, right?

Can't figure it out, Sean feels like he doesn't want to.

Find out who is stumbling, and all problems will be solved naturally.

As for how to deal with it, Sean has his own way.

"The conditions are a bit high." Xiao En suddenly changed into a smiling face and said, "Well, I still need to go back and discuss with the people in the company. Let's talk about it next time."

"Of course, of course no problem." The other party smiled and stood up.

"By the way, do you have a business card? I'll contact you later if I have any questions." Sean stood still at the door and turned his head to ask.

"This is my business card." The other party was taken aback, then pulled out a business card and handed it over with both hands.

Sean raised his right hand, clamped his middle finger and index finger, turned around and glanced, and whispered: "Bell Harris."

Bell Harris frowned and looked at Sean. The way he accepted the business card made him feel humiliated.

Sean was very polite just now! ?

Sean didn't speak, but gave Bell Harris a meaningful look, and then strode out.

Go out, get on the plane, the plane takes off.

Sean picked up the satellite phone and dialed the headquarters, "Armstrong, investigate a person for me, Bell Harris, and get his basic information, family status, license plate number, and daily access routes as quickly as possible."

Putting down the phone, Sean laughed.

He wanted to see if it was a human or a ghost!


In the evening, at five o'clock, it's time to get off work.

Bell Harris went into the underground garage to get his car as usual, and drove away from the company.

There was no dinner, party or other entertainment today, and he drove towards home with ease.

Ten minutes later, a large truck turned from the adjacent lane.

Bell Harris clicks on the radio in the car. Drivers always like to listen to some music to relax.

After adjusting a few radio stations and listening to his favorite music, Bell Harris shook his head gently with the music, feeling very good.

Without noticing it, a large truck behind him sped up and chased him up.

A few minutes later, the large truck chased behind the target vehicle, the driver slammed on the accelerator, and the large truck accelerated again.

At this moment, Bell Harris finally heard the roar of the engine behind him, subconsciously glanced at the rearview mirror, and then shrank his pupils suddenly.

Without waiting for any reaction from him.

"Boom!" There was a crash.

Bell Harris felt as if he had been hit by a big truck, and his body hit the backrest uncontrollably, dizzy, dazzled, and completely lost the ability to control his body.

The fear of death struck him, making him feel that this moment seemed to be forever. Fear hit his mind, and his heart seemed to stop beating.

At this moment, his whole body was overwhelmed by fear.

The car rushed out more than ten meters, and hit the car in front again, 'boom'!

The body jumped forward uncontrollably again, but fortunately, the seat belt was firmly stuck, but the chest seemed to be hit by a big stone, and the air in the chest was squeezed out.

It took two hits in a row before the car stopped.

Bell Harris opened his mouth wide, panting like a fish that landed on the shore.

The glasses drooped on the bridge of the nose, and the eyes looked out of focus at the windshield that was shattered into snowflakes.

At this moment, his mind is blank.

At that moment, he really thought he was going to die.

It was as if they had seen heaven.

It took a long time for Bell Harris to recover a bit of strength. He stretched out his hand and pushed the car door open, and his body fell outwards. Since the seat belt was still buckled on his body, half of his body drooped outside.

Four vehicles collided in a row, and the scene was a mess!

At this moment, there were many cars parked around, and some drivers got out of the car and ran up quickly. A man held Bell Harris on the shoulder and shouted loudly in his ear: "Sir, sir, are you okay?" ? Can you hear me? Shall I call you an ambulance?"

"Sir! Sir!"

When a car accident happens, usually when this happens, someone will stop to help.

Moreover, what's interesting is that almost all the people who help are white people, and seventy-eight out of ten of these white people are racists.

They will go to the scene, help treat the injured, call an ambulance, or help the injured to the hospital.

And most of those black people who shout about human rights and being discriminated against all day long will also come down...

Come down and 'pick up' some valuables from the wounded.

"I, I, I can hear." At this moment, Bell Harris slowed down a little and said reluctantly.

"Do you need me to call an ambulance for you?"

"Huh, huh, huh." Bell Harris gasped for breath a few times. Apart from the pain in his chest, he didn't seem to have any discomfort.

Reaching out to press the seat belt, Bell Harris was about to get out of the car, but the moment his legs hit the ground, he felt a little weak, and he staggered to stabilize his body.

"No, it's okay, I'm fine, thank you." Bell Harris held the car door, smiled gratefully at the helpful people, and looked up and down the scene.

The big truck that hit him behind him stopped six or seven meters away, half of the front of the car hit the sidewalk next to him, a street light was knocked crooked, and there was a long brake mark behind it.

In front was a car that was knocked out by his own car, and the people in the car had already got off.

After a closer look, although the scene was a mess, it seemed that no one was seriously injured. The truck driver who hit him also got out of the car.

It didn't take long for the police and ambulance to arrive.

After taking photos and briefly asking about the situation at the scene, they were taken away by ambulance.

Nothing to investigate, clearly, an accidental crash caused by a tired truck driver.

Fortunately no one was injured.

The follow-up problems will naturally be handled by the insurance company. Bell Harris came out of the hospital after some inspections and found no injuries.

Standing at the gate of the hospital, Bell Harris let out a long breath, narrowly escaped death!

He didn't inform his wife, and he wasn't injured anyway, so I'll talk about it when I go back, and the provincial wife is worried.

He is a good husband.

As soon as he reached out to take a taxi, Bell Harris heard the phone ringing, picked up the mobile phone to connect, and immediately heard a burst of panic crying, "Honey, a robber broke into the house just now, I'm so scared. "

"What!!" Bell Harris exclaimed, "Wait for me, I'll pass right away!"

Beckon, take a taxi.

After finishing speaking, he picked up the phone and dialed again, "Catherine, it's me. I had a car accident on the road just now. It's okay, it's okay. Don't worry, I'm fine, it's just that the car crashed."

"Yes, yes, yes, I will have an examination at the hospital, and then I will go to the police station to make a record."

"Don't worry, it's okay, don't worry, I'm fine, you and the children can eat first, don't wait."

"Okay, that's it, I love you." Bell Harris let out a long breath after hanging up the phone.

He's a good husband and can't make his wife worry, yes.

Take out $20 and throw it to the black driver, "Hurry up, go to this address!"

The black boy turned his head and showed his big white teeth, "Okay, sir."

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