America’s Big Hero

Chapter 212 Supermarket Team Harvey

(It's numb, it's Chapter 220:...)

(Find a corner for leader 'Yang' plus update 14/15)

(Ask for a monthly ticket)

After leaving FIB, Sean was thinking about how to form his own supermarket management team.

He was really a bit blind about this matter.

Supermarkets are so simple to say the least, how complicated can a small store be.

But if it is complicated, it is really super complicated, especially when Sean is going to become the largest supermarket chain in New Jersey.

There will be tens of thousands of products involved, and more than a thousand suppliers!

Supplier system, logistics system, warehousing system, transportation system...that is a huge and complicated project.

Sean was a little dazed.

The basic method must still be digging the management team and mergers and acquisitions, but it is very troublesome!

"Boss, this is not just a matter of just poaching a few people." Lamb was a little dumbfounded.

He was called in a hurry just now and suddenly heard that Sean was going to build a supermarket, the largest supermarket in New Jersey, and Lamb was stunned.

He couldn't understand why Sean suddenly wanted to set up a supermarket.

"How do you say it?" Sean asked without understanding.

"It's too complicated. The things involved in the supermarket like you mentioned are too cumbersome and complicated. It's useless to dig out one or a few high-level executives alone." After organizing the language, Lamb explained: "Retail supermarkets and There are fundamental differences in other industries.”

"There are no such things as advanced technology, patents, and scientific research in this industry. The difficulty of the retail industry lies in cumbersome management."

"At least in the early days, the ability of the top management is reflected in the overall planning, and the main work is actually the people below, tedious and meticulous management."

"So, tell me the result." Sean knocked on the table.

"Directly acquire a mature supermarket, and then expand through mergers." Lamb skipped the process and said the result directly.

Sean didn't speak, just nodded.

"When I go back, I will collect information on these local supermarkets in New Jersey and choose suitable acquisition targets." Lamb said wittily.

"Huh?" Sean was taken aback for a moment, then reacted and said, "No!"

"Target in New York City."

"Ah? Not in New Jersey?" Lamb didn't realize it for a while.

"Of course, it is very difficult for me to expand to New York from the acquisition of New Jersey, but it is very simple to acquire New Jersey." Sean looked up at Lamb, "You don't understand such a simple logic?"

"Oh, you're right." Lamb flattered hurriedly.

"Okay, that's it, I'll wait for your news." Sean smiled and said goodbye.

"Well, if nothing else, I'll take my leave."


Sean was again in Pennsylvania a few days later by helicopter.

Pennsylvania is the state with the most developed steel industry in the United States, and Pittsburgh, the earliest steel industry, is in Pennsylvania.

At present, the steel products produced in Pennsylvania account for 68.5% of the steel products in the United States. The whole state revolves around the steel industry. This is the stronghold of the steel tycoons in the United States.

Sean came to see Bell Harris.

After Sean informed him that he was signed with Fidelity United Trust a few days ago, this guy completely let himself go.

He began to win over the backbone of the company. Of course, no one knew the specific reason, and the president of the company just thought that this guy wanted to steal his position.

Bell Harris didn't tell the whole story to those he hooked up.

Notifying and persuading one by one is not a good choice, the best way is to come collectively!

Just like pyramid schemes, it is difficult to persuade them to lose their minds one-on-one, but a group meeting will have a cluster effect. As long as the pie is well painted, it is easy to make people impulsive.

Of course, this method is definitely not what Sean told him!

Allentown is the third largest city in Pennsylvania.

What Bell Harris meant was to hold a party here, and invite all the targets he has attracted during this time to the party, and Sean will be the finale.

With suddenness, the effect will be better.

Sean agreed without hesitation, but after seeing the party scene, Sean looked at Bell very puzzled, "Isn't this too shabby?"

Bell Harris looked at the villa he had chosen with a dazed expression. It had three floors, 15 rooms, 17 bathrooms, a huge yard, a garden and a swimming pool...

Why is this so shabby! ?

"This won't work, this won't work." Sean waved his hand, "This is too bad."

"I can't bear this grievance!"

Bell Harris is crazy, I can't bear this grievance! !

"Well, let's change the party location." Sean said without thinking.

"Where are you going?" Bell squeezed out a smile, and endured his unhappiness.

"Go to Newark, go to the Peace Hotel." Sean said casually.

"That's too far away!" Biel was taken aback.

"It's only 120 kilometers in total. It's enough to drive for an hour. Is it far?" Sean stood up and walked out. "Anyway, there are only more than 50 people. We will gather here according to the original plan. When the time comes, I will Send a car to pick you up."

Seeing Sean who boarded the helicopter with his hands waved, Bell Harris looked bewildered.


During this period of time, Bell Harris' behavior of wooing people was actually aroused in the company. In fact, many people didn't want to come when they received the invitation.

Most people don't like to participate in the internal struggle of the company.

However, Bell Harris invited a lot of people this time, and everyone felt that it would be bad for them not to go if so many people went, so they were invited.

When they arrived at the villa, they were surprised to find that there was no party scene arranged.

But not long after, there was a sound of a car engine at the door.

After receiving the news, Bell Harris walked to the door of the villa and was dumbfounded, "Shit!"

I saw a row of 10 black extended Rolls-Royces parked on the side of the road.

Rolls-Royce is inherently solemn and imposing, but when 10 extended Rolls-Royces are parked together, then...



There was a burst of exclamation behind them, and everyone was very curious about where these luxury cars came from, they were so proud!

Bell Harris was the first to come back to his senses. Others didn't know if he could still know.

While lamenting that the boss is so fucking proud and rich, he feels that he has face.

Her waist is straight, her stomach is a little taller than before, and her face is full of uncontrollable pride, 'Come and praise me'!

"Come on, everyone get in the car!" Bell Harris waved his hand and strode towards the convoy.

The group of people behind was stunned for a while, and then they exclaimed in a low voice and followed up.

Everyone was really shocked. I didn't expect Bell Harris to make such a big deal, and how much it cost! ?

He doesn't know how much money it is, he only knows that Sean is very rich!

Next to each car is a waiter in a tuxedo and white gloves, bowing slightly.

Seeing this situation, the gang of rough men who worked in steel couldn't help but restrain themselves, swallowed all the swear words in their mouths, looked more polite, and even lowered their voices by half.

Although still huge...

Except for a few managers, Bell Harris invited all the company's technical experts and technical backbones.

Being skilled doesn't mean being weak. Those who work in technology in steel factories are all big and thick, and they are all big men with fingers sticking out like radishes.

The cars start up, and there are six people in each car, which is roomy even so.

One by one, they touched the accessories in the car with rough hands and clicked their tongues.

"There's wine in the fridge!"

"Let me be healthy!" One person reached out and snatched it over, "Fack, it's Martell from France. Let me see, it's 10 years old. This bottle costs several hundred dollars."

"Open often?" Someone shouted, and the car fell silent instantly.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, everyone wanted to try it, but Bell wouldn't go crazy if he knew it?

It's been a while...

"It doesn't matter, if this guy Bell dares to treat guests, then we dare to drink!"

"Oh oh oh...!" A group of people immediately yelled strangely.

This scene happened in all the cars. Accompanied by the blaring music, a group of big men drank and sang, and it didn't feel boring at all.

Bell can also be happy, anyway, he didn't spend the money himself, but he made it!

Rolls-Royce is indeed a luxury car. Sean's money was not wasted. He drove very fast on the road, but there was hardly any bumps in the car.

Of course, the road conditions are also really good.

An hour later, when the vehicle entered the Peace Hotel, a group of slightly drunk men instantly sobered up looking at the scene outside.

What the hell is this place?

Why is security so strict!

Could it be some military base?

It must be, you see, the guards are fully armed!

It wasn't until Bell came out to explain that this was the Peace Hotel in Newark, New Jersey that everyone suddenly understood.

After all, it is in the next state, not far away, and everyone has heard the rumors.

Legend: The security here is super tight, and the secrecy is comparable to the secret base of the military.

Legend: This is a secret trading place, where countless shady deals are concluded every day.

Legend: This is a paradise of desires, alcohol, women, gambling, violence... You can play everything you want here.

Legend: The consumption here is super high, the entrance ticket costs 500 US dollars, and it costs thousands of dollars to play casually for a day.

This is a paradise for the rich and a sanctuary for sinners!

When these rough guys chatted on weekdays, they often talked about coming to see and see, but they didn't expect that they really came here today.

Following Bell, a group of people nervously and curiously walked through the metal corridor, all the way to the lobby on the first floor of Xinghui Nightclub, looking at the huge dance floor, listening to the music that makes blood flow with restlessness, a few sips of wine After eating, the group of people completely relaxed.

Sean specially reserved a corner for them on the first floor, and dozens of beauties with superb figures walked up with their waists twisting.

But when Bell said that he was here to accompany everyone, a group of people immediately howled like wild wolves.

In this field of rejoicing where all the air is full of desire,

After a few glasses of wine, a star-like beauty who is unimaginable on weekdays clings to you and twists her body,

Which man can stand such a test! ?

What's more, Sean put a little hormone-stimulating medicine in the ventilation duct.

Not much, and there is no harm to the human body, only ten times higher than that perfume...

So restless!

After having fun on the first floor, I went to the second floor to enjoy the treatment of the noble royal family...

At the end of the game, everyone didn't know how much wine they drank,

Playing until dawn...

Bell himself forgot what he was here for, and was completely intoxicated by the broad chest of the beautiful woman next to him.

This is not bad, some people only found out after waking up that they were intoxicated between the legs of a beautiful woman...

Until the next afternoon, a group of people woke up from the bed one after another, their minds were muddled, and they didn't know what happened.

I only know that a big man arrived last night.

It's just that they saw too many big shots here yesterday, the kind of big shots that they can only see in newspapers and TV on weekdays.

I seem to remember that it is the boss here, a member of the Rockefeller family.

In the end, it seems that he signed a letter of intent with the other party...

However, I can't remember what it was at all.

In the United States, you can't just sign some messy things, otherwise, it's easy to sell yourself!

Just as I was thinking about turning it over, I suddenly felt that the handle was being held in my hand. At the same time, a smooth and tender thigh was entangled again...

Cough cough, the signatures are all signed, it is actually the same if you look at it early or late.

do it first

Get down to business!

Tired, very tired!

Soft legs, very soft legs!

The big man of steel can't stand such a fuck, work hard.

After everything was over, I remembered the agreement, and I hurriedly looked it up and was dumbfounded.

There are several pages, which roughly means that they are going to resign from the original factory, and then join a newly opened Sean Iron and Steel Company.

The rest of the page is about various welfare benefits. From this letter of intent, the benefits are very good, from life to family, from wife to children.

If it can be implemented, it is still very good.

The question is, why resign from the current company to join a new shit company! !

In a meeting room in the Peace Hotel, Bell called everyone who got up to come over. The meeting room was very noisy, and everyone who came in had to grab Bell and ask questions.

Bell could only explain one by one, "Don't worry, wait a while for everyone to come together and say, OK!"

Of course, some people are in good health and some are in poor health. After 2 hours before and after, the talents gathered again.

"Okay, everyone be quiet!" Bell knocked hard on the table, "Before talking about this company, let me talk about the boss of this company."

"Sean Rockefeller, our current company also belongs to Rockefeller. Everyone must know this. Sean is the fifth generation of the Rockefeller family, so let go of unnecessary worries."

As soon as these words came out, everyone at the scene breathed a sigh of relief, and most of their worries were put down.

In the hearts of ordinary people, the Rockefeller surname has this kind of magic.

"As for why the Rockefeller family poached each other, it's because our company's shares are entrusted to the trust company. There were some conflicts between the two parties before. Well, in their view, it was a small conflict."

"However, this has nothing to do with us. Those big people don't care about it."

"I'm speaking of the new boss, Mr. Sean Rockefeller."

"Yes, at the place where we are now, the owner of the Peace Hotel is Mr. Sean Rockefeller."

"All the expenses yesterday were also treated by Mr. Xiao En. This is Mr. Xiao En's sincerity to everyone."

As he said that, Bell grinned with a knowing smile, "Everyone, did you have a good time yesterday!?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone laughed immediately, and the meeting room was filled with a happy atmosphere.

u1s1, it was really good to play yesterday!

In this life, I have only imagined so many tricks in my dreams...

No, I have never played with such a beautiful woman in my dreams!

The atmosphere relaxed, and Bell continued: "It's the same as everyone here, no, it's a little worse than everyone here, Mr. Xiao En is an illegitimate child."

"Start from scratch, and in less than three years, have a net worth of one billion!"

Hearing this, there was another buzzing sound in the conference room.

I want to hear this!

Big family, abandoning wives and children, unrecognized illegitimate children, starting from nothing...

This is such a typical wealthy family's love and hatred script!

In an instant, curiosity about gossip overwhelmed everything, and they all asked for Bell, and if they could talk about you, talk more!

Bell was speechless for a while, but fortunately, Sean specifically explained that there was no need to hide it.

He's a living version of the American dream.

Sean felt that his background story could be closer to ordinary people, shorten the distance between everyone, and generate more sense of identity.


Gossip is the spiritual need of this era!

Gossip is the source of power to explore the truth!

By telling Sean's experience, he also talked about Sean's huge power in New Jersey.

Including why this steel plant was built, what advantages it has, and so on.

The lines are full of monopoly.

After being told this, the minds of this group of people who hadn't thought about job-hopping before became alive.

After all, the original company was managed by trusteeship. To be honest, the factory did not go well. The private transfer of benefits led to a decline in product competitiveness year by year. Everyone’s wages have not increased for a long time.

An old industrial city, the city is old, dilapidated, and conservative. Because Pennsylvania is the center of the steel industry, the environment is really harsh.

In comparison, New Jersey is a world-renowned Garden State, and there is no comparison between the two.

In addition, in terms of technology, the original company was still a traditional steel company with the technology of smelting scrap steel in electric furnaces, so they were not taken seriously.

It's just scrap steel after all.

To be honest, this is a low-end product in the iron and steel smelting industry, and the truly high-end special steel alloy still needs to be smelted normally.

But Sean doesn’t care. High-end steel has high added value, but the amount used is small. Low-end has low-end benefits. 85% of the world’s annual steel consumption is still ordinary steel.

If Xiao En focuses on electric furnace steelmaking, it may not be a good thing for them.

Another point, which no one mentioned, is that the old iron and steel enterprises have been in trouble in recent years. The factory has developed for tens of hundreds of years, and more and more people are retiring, and the burden on the factory is increasing.

As a result, the cost of retirees, which is worthwhile in the cost of per ton of steel, is getting higher and higher.

In terms of competitiveness, those emerging steel companies have lower costs because they have no burden.

Any industry, any company, the longer it develops, the greater the burden, and there is only one way to solve it...

Get rid of the older ones...


This is to send 1,000 talents over the age of 35 to the society every year!

If there are no older ones, naturally there will be no burden of retirement.

Sure enough, everyone is dedicated, and they all like those who are young and in good health...

Of course, capitalists want to, but dare not.

The way of capitalists is to stand up, transfer assets if they can be transferred, and eventually go bankrupt if they cannot.

In recent years, with the gradual rise of the steel industry in Japan and Europe, the United States has declined from 90% of the world's steel production to 75% after World War II, and it has gradually gone downhill.

Those insiders know it.

Therefore, due to various reasons, most people began to be tempted.

The idea of ​​rebuilding a new steel plant together has penetrated into everyone's mind unconsciously.

Those passions that have long since disappeared are bursting out of the body a little bit, the American...

When the passion comes, you can do anything.

Congress dares to attack.

Sean was very satisfied with Bell's work, and made another finale appearance to meet everyone.

It was clearly stated that those promises would be fulfilled, and finally, before leaving, Sean once again showed what a surprise is!

The surprise is that after everyone submits their resignations together, they can come here to play for a whole day!


"Resign, so many people?"

"Are they all crazy?" The president of Wagner Steel Works looked at the HR in front of him in surprise.

"Don't they know that there is no compensation for resignation?"

"They obviously know." The deputy director of the human resources department said with a smile.

"Are you still laughing!?" The president looked angrily at the deputy director of the human resources department, "Are you out of your mind? These people suddenly resigned collectively. It must be that other companies are poaching you!"

"What is your human resources department doing!" The president tilted the table and shouted loudly, "There are so many people, all of whom are technical positions, and they have all fucking resigned. How is the electric furnace workshop still running?"

"You fucking laugh, aren't you stupid!"

"Of course I fucking want to laugh." He scolded Lao Tzu again, the deputy director of human resources's face was dark, and this time he didn't have to bear it anymore, he just turned back, "Won't you open your toad eyes to see, The top one is from Lao Tzu!"

"Damn it, don't you only have DNA in your mind!"

The president was stunned for a moment, he really couldn't believe how this guy dared to scold him, he looked down slowly, and the top resignation letter really belonged to this guy in front of him.


The president blinked his eyes a few times, and the fire in his heart went straight to his forehead, but a smile suddenly appeared on his face, "Hahaha, Dennis, what, is there some misunderstanding about the company? I always thought that good Communication is the best way to resolve conflicts.”

"There is no problem that cannot be solved. Come and sit down. If you have anything to say, let's have a good chat."

With that said, the president stood up and squeezed out from behind the desk with his fat belly.

The head of the human resources department is a woman, beautiful, and although she is a little older, she still has a charm. Most importantly, the husband of the head of the human resources department is also in the company and is the person in charge of the next workshop assembly line.

Of course, this husband's ability is definitely not up to standard, but his wife is beautiful!

The president likes this tune! !

I like to discuss work with the head of the human resources department in the office after get off work, and let his husband wait in the car downstairs.

I especially like to talk about work at the office window. I have a better view and can see the whole factory.

The CEO is getting old, and there are few things in this old company that can make him passionate in advance, but people's life can't be so boring all the time.

As for the specific work on the human resources side, Dennis has always been in charge.

It's not that it won't work if Dennis is rejected, but the premise is to give him time to find a replacement!

The president has already made up his mind, as long as he finds a substitute, he will immediately let this guy know the consequences of angering him.

Resign? Job hopping! ?

Oh, what a beautiful idea!

"Okay, don't be hypocritical, there is nothing to say, here is the resignation letter." Dennis sneered, "It's your business to see it or not, and it's our business to resign. There is no room for negotiation on this matter."

"Goodbye, fat pig!"

"How dare you, Dennis!" The president's expression changed suddenly, and he pointed at Dennis's back and cursed loudly: "Damn it, shit, resign, fuck you, I'll see how you go today!"

"Now I suspect that you deliberately leaked the company's human resources information, accepted bribes, and stole the company's business secrets!"

"I will call the police immediately, you wait to receive a lawyer's subpoena!"

"I'm going to kill you completely, I'm going to send you to prison!!"

"Then try it, fat pig!" Dennis sneered and turned around to leave, which was expected by everyone.

Sean promised, he'll fix it.

Sean: No one knows how to deal with bad guys better than me!

The president pointed at Dennis's back and cursed loudly before closing the office door.

Damn it, these guys are all high-tech workers, they, they, yes, they must have stolen the company's secrets, and some of them must have non-compete agreements.

After all, they are all high-end technical talents, knowing too much confidential technical information, it is impossible for capitalists not to take some measures.

While the president was ruthless, he called the human resources department to look for materials. He wanted to deal with this group of guys.

How long has it been since he has been so busy? Mr. President doesn’t know. He went off in person, contacted the lawyer, and collected information. When he was so busy that he was about to leave work, he had already found most of the entry points with the lawyer.

It can definitely send most people to court and let these damned guys know how powerful they are!

It's been a busy day, but Mr. President still,

Very angry!

Let the head of the human resources department send the sorted materials together...

Take a class and study the materials together.

"Smelly bitch, I make you resign!"

"You bitch, I made you disobedient!"

"Put it up, do..."

"Bang!" Just as Mr. President was pushing his belly hard, the office door was kicked open.

A burly bald head suddenly led people in.

"Ah!!!" Amidst the woman's screams, the CEO shivered suddenly, and then his legs softened and he sat on the ground.

'Crack' 'click' the shutter sounded.

The president stared at a pair of small eyes, looking in horror at the group of people rushing in, struggling to get up from the ground while going to get clothes.

"Don't move, be honest!" Bald Lear went up and kicked the president and the woman to the ground, raised his hand, grabbed the clothes and threw them outside the door.

"Damn, since you don't like to wear clothes, then don't wear them, let your mother be naked!"

"Come closer and get a close-up shot of them."

"Ah, it hurts, let me go!"

"Who are you and how did you break in? I want to sue you, you bandits!" The president was still shouting.

"Shout, come on, don't you want to shout!" Lear walked to the window holding the CEO's arm, and reached out to open the window, "Come on, shout louder!"

"No, no, don't, don't be like this. If you have any requirements, please tell us. We can talk about everything. If you want money, I will give it!" The president shrank his body in fright. Here, how could he have the face to continue sitting in this position.

"Don't, don't you want to sue me!"

"Don't sue, don't sue!" The president wanted the same thing as a rattle.

"You don't want to sue, I'm going to sue you!" Lear threw the president to the sofa, turned his head and waved to the woman at the foot of the wall, "Come here, sit next to him, and sit down!"

"Hurry up! Take a couple photo for you! Don't dawdle!"

The two had to sit side by side on the sofa, and the woman tried her best to protect herself at the moment.

"Who is in the car below, we have already talked, and he decided to come out to sue you, and we have prepared a lawyer for him." As he spoke, Lear looked at the woman, "Now, it's your turn, did he force you to You, think about it before talking."

"Yes, yes, he forced me. If he said not to talk to him, he would fire me and my husband!" the woman said immediately, weeping.

As soon as these words came out, Mr. President immediately trembled and his face turned pale. He knew that it was over for him!

If there is no support, these two people are not afraid even if they want to sue him, the worst is to spend some money.

These two guys can't afford good lawyers, and they can be said to be seduced by a woman in order to seek a higher position.

I really let her take the position.

But now the situation is different. If someone is behind the push, it is another matter.

If you want to reverse black and white, it will be difficult.

"Very good!" Lear was very happy, clapped his hands and walked towards Lear's desk, "Come on, let me look for something good."

Lear said, but kept staring at the dead fat man, "I've seen a lot of people like you. I can't do it myself, so I like to play some perverted things, and I really like to take pictures of them. Why don't you keep them as a souvenir? !"

"This is all evidence!"

Hearing this, the president's face suddenly changed!

"Wow, there really are!" Lear smiled when he saw it, "Damn it, you should find it out yourself, or let me do it."

"Hurry up, don't dawdle, I can stand here without being disturbed for such a long time, there is nothing I don't understand."

The president's expression changed, and he could only stand up naked. He understood what he said. First, the factory has high-level cooperation, and second, the opponent is very powerful.

It's not big, and it won't poach so many people at once.

Not big, there will be no high-level cooperation from the company.

It's not big, I dare not use such a rough method...

The key is still proficient, it is terrible!

Mr. President opened the safe with a face of reluctance, and Lear pulled him aside, "Fake, so many shots!"

Not all of them were the woman in front of them, but several others.

various poses...

a lot of.

After taking the bag from his subordinates, Lear put everything in it, then stood up and kicked the CEO, "Do you know why I came here?"

The president shook his head, his mind is full of muddleheaded now.

"Those who have resigned, please give a quick reply, and cooperate with Bell to complete the remaining work. The equipment will be delivered as soon as possible. Don't play tricks on me. If something goes wrong, you will be completely finished!"

"Do you remember!"

The president scolded Bell in his heart and nodded hurriedly.

"Just remember, I think you are also a smart person, and it's not your money, don't completely ruin yourself for something that has nothing to do with you."

After finishing speaking, Lear took the bag full of pornographic photos, took them away and walked out directly.

As soon as the door of the office was closed, a loud slap was heard inside, 'Slap! '

"Bitch, what did you say just now!?"

Lear shook his head. But what does it matter to him?

His work is done.

The rest is Bell's business. Bell will not resign so soon, he will stand on the last post.

A lot of work still needs to mobilize the strength and cooperation here.

As for Xiao En's new steel plant, so many veterans have passed by, he can command by remote control.

Besides, it's actually not far, less than a hundred kilometers.


"Mr. Sean, Mr. Sean..." Harvey trotted up, swinging his big belly and fat butt.

As soon as he approached, before he had time to catch his breath, he immediately bent down and bowed.

"You fucking have bad breath, do you know that, go to the other side!" Sean turned sideways in disgust, frowning and cursing.

"Uh..." Harvey's expression was stiff, the fat on his face trembled, and he didn't dare to vent his anger. He took the last two steps silently, and tried not to open his mouth and said: "Yes, yes, you are right."

"Harvey, which one is Hollywood?" Xiao Bu sat beside Sean, and glanced sideways at the fat man.

"Yes, just that pervert with a red sofa." Sean nodded.

As Xiaobu, who is determined to inherit the family business and be a politician, he never likes to offend any influential people, and gave Harvey a kind smile, "Hello."

"This is George Walker Booth, whose father is Vice President George Herbert Walker Booth." Sean introduced.

"Hello, hello, nice to meet you, Mr. Bush." ​​Harvey's face was full of surprise, he liked to meet these big people the most.

He is today because he knows enough people and has enough relationships.

Sean waved his hand and stopped Harvey from approaching, "It's better to talk about things than to do things well."

This is the Newark Peace Hotel. Since the opening of this place, Sean treats guests to dinner, meets people and so on, and the place is always here.

My favorite is the all-glass box on the mezzanine on the first floor of Xinghui Nightclub.

The security and confidentiality here are affirmed by all the people who come here.

Ordinary people cannot bring in any electronic equipment.

Those with identities can bring it, but in fact, it's useless.

Sean installed a layer of metal isolation layer on the entire wall of Xinghui Nightclub, although it can't achieve 100% signal isolation, it's almost the same.

So, it's not just Sean who likes to invite people to meet, the glass rooms on the first floor of Xinghui Nightclub are basically occupied by people for a long time.

Sitting here, you can overlook the whole venue, but the people below can never see the top, and there is a sense of a god reclusive in the clouds and high above.

"Yes, yes, yes." Harvey was afraid of Sean's capricious character, the fat on his face trembled, and he said immediately: "The North American box office of the last movie "The Bank Heist" has been fully settled."

Part of the reason why the settlement is so slow is that the North American box office does not only refer to the United States, but also includes Canada.

Transnational, there are many things involved, and those multinational cinemas are very slow to settle.

"It's finally back!" Sean heaved a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face, "Damn it, if you don't make it back, I'm going to hang you on the helicopter to play with the pendulum!"

Harvey breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately he came early.

He had no doubt that Sean dared to do this.

"Big pendulum? What is a big pendulum?" Xiao Bu asked curiously.

Harvey wasn't curious, he didn't want to know at all.

"The pendant, it's at an altitude of a thousand meters, even higher. Kick the person with his feet bound off the helicopter and let him float quickly at an altitude of a thousand meters." Sean raised his hand to look like an airplane , "The helicopter flies at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour and performs various difficult exercises. People fall below, turning and swinging back and forth at high speed."

"It's so exciting!"

Hiss, Xiao Bu took a deep breath, his face was full of yearning, it didn't mean anything, he just liked to explore.

Hiss, Harvey gasped, his face was full of horror, he couldn't imagine what would happen to his 200-pound body after flying upside down in the air for a circle.

A car with a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour, the wind is already a little painful on the face, 300 kilometers per hour...

I'm afraid the skin will be blown away.

"How much did you pay?" Sean asked with a smile, his tone unprecedented.

He never minded giving good looks to guys who could make money for him.

"The North American box office totaled 129.62 million, with a total settlement of 45.73 million U.S. dollars." Harvey said with a smile on his face: "Look, is it directly settled to Sean Films or other accounts."

This involves a tax issue. Different industries have different tax rates.

Therefore, how to calculate this revenue needs to be divided in detail. This is the job of the accounting company.

"Call Sean Bank directly, and all money business settlements in the future will be based on the bank." At this time, the importance of the Sean Bank platform became apparent.

"Okay, okay." Harvey responded immediately.

"How much did you earn?" Sean looked at Harvey with a half-smile.

"No, not much." Harvey looked away and didn't want to answer, but seeing Xiao En and Xiao Bu staring at him, he had no choice but to say: "More than 10 million."

"How much more, 9.9 million?" Xiao En's mouth twitched, and Xiao Bu's eyes narrowed.

"No, there are so many, 119 million." Harvey lowered his head lower and lower.

"Fuck you!" Sean cursed, and Xiao Bu's pupils shrank.

"Didn't do anything, just ran away about the issue, and just transferred 20 million from me, shit!" The more Xiao En thought about it, the more angry he became, and his face turned ugly.

Hey, hey, Harvey bent over and didn't dare to look up, let alone speak.

He is also very excited.

Unless you fucking don't want to release it!

Who can not love the green knife music.

The reason why he was so afraid of Sean was that he took the initiative to post it when something happened.

Make money, not shabby.

Sean snorted coldly with Harvey's attitude, "What else can I do?"

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