America’s Big Hero

Chapter 314 Northern Ireland Visits

Chapter 321:

After the press conference, newspapers, radio, television, a lot of news content completely revolved around Sean.

There is too much content in this news to dig deeper.

"Why does Sean dare to admit that he is a devil?"

"Is Sean fake or real?"

"Is Sean's I'm the Bad Theory harmful to society?"

"Is Sean correct in his argument that easily influenced people cannot survive?"

"Is Sean's rowdy neighbor story correct?"

"Are you the 'brainless' that Sean said?"

"Sean redefines the term 'bad guy'!"

"Sean sticks to himself, don't be influenced by others!"

On the television stations of the United Kingdom, the United States, and continental Europe, a group of experts were arguing about each topic.

Those who support Sean, those who oppose Sean, and those who say Sean is grandstanding, have their own opinions.

Well, the one who said Sean grandstanding was the first to retreat, everyone is a devil, so ugly or not, that is called evil!

Ordinary people also have their own views and debates on these topics.

And the media circle staged a variety of show operations, such as holding different opinions, newspapers, TV, and radio stations.

Newspapers sold like crazy, and the ratings of various programs also skyrocketed. Advertisers were very pleasantly surprised.

Then it was refuted, changed camps, quarreled again, extended, deepened, and then involved governments, celebrities, history...

It is foreseeable that this series of topics can be hyped by this group of media for at least a month.

From printing industry to advertising, an industrial chain.

Some economic experts estimate that the various economic benefits brought by the UK alone exceed 100 million U.S. dollars. If the scope is extended to the world, then this number will rise to about 800 million U.S. dollars!

It can be seen how much impact this interview has had!

Of course, this is far worse than Jordan, who announced his retirement for the first time, causing Chicago's direct economic loss to reach 1 billion, indirect economic loss exceeding 10 billion, the US economy in shock, and the US stock market plummeting.


Overnight, the interview went viral in most parts of the world.

Along with Sean's name, "Order and Evil" is also known to the public.

Except for a few people, most of them have never heard of the term 'orderly evil', but everyone instantly understood what orderly evil is, especially when the devil was used as an example.

After this term was spread, everyone directly defined the government as the camp of order, but good or evil...

Rabbit: America is order and evil!

United States: The Soviet Union is the evil of order!

Rating someone else's side has become popular all over the world, following Sean's craze.

And only a few people know that it's just the setting of the tabletop game "Dungeon and Dragon".

Well, Sean thought he created it himself, but in fact, "Dungeons and Dragons" was invented in Wisconsin in 1974 by Gary Gygax, an insurance company salesman.

Afterwards, the information that Lorraine obtained from the consulting company mercilessly exposed Sean when he boasted about his creation!

"Ah, Gary Gygax? Wisconsin?" Sean was confused.

Looking at Lorraine who looked at him with contempt, Sean raised his hand and touched his nose, picked up the phone and called Jeffrey Katzenberg directly.

"Did you watch my live interview?"

"Of course, my boss, it's wonderful." Jeffrey Katzenberg delivered it with a flattery.

"That's for sure. I didn't ask you to talk about this. There is a man named Gary Gygax in Wisconsin. He made a table game of "Dungeon and Dragon". Find him and buy all related copyrights. come down."

"Ah!" The sudden order made Jeffrey Katzenberg confused.

"Okay, that's it, get them done!" Sean hung up the phone, tilted his head and looked at Lorraine, "Now, the faction setting is mine!"

"You're so evil!" Lorraine rolled her beautiful eyes, which made Sean laugh out loud.

"Gerry Adams called today." Lorraine talked about business.

"What? Who is it?" Sean blinked his eyes.

"You!" Lorraine looked at Sean speechlessly, "You don't know Gerry Adams?"

"How do I know him? What kind of thing is he? It's inexplicable!" Sean shook his hand.

"Then what do you call Northern Ireland independence!"

Sean scratched his head, "Is this guy a terrorist from the IRA?"

Lorraine sighed, she could see that Sean's so-called independence of Northern Ireland was just casual talk, and it was to disgust the British government.

"Gerry Adams, the leader of Sinn Fein in Northern Ireland. Sinn Fein was founded in 1905 and is the official political organization of the Northern Irish Republican Army. The Northern Irish Republican Army is the organization you role-played before."

"I don't, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!" Xiao En continued to ask after denying the three times: "What do you mean, is this Sinn Fein party calling for the independence of Northern Ireland? Or is it an armed struggle?"

"I always thought it was the Northern Irish National Unity Party!"

"Northern Ireland's National Unity Party is a pro-British party. Of course, it is now the largest party in Northern Ireland."

"Damn it, it's so cunning and deceptive!" Sean cursed, "Tell me about Gerry Adams."

"Born in a worker's family, his father is an independent person. Influenced by his family, he once advocated the unification of Ireland by force and supported the Northern Ireland Republican Army. He participated in planning many attacks. He got married in 1971 and had three children. Since 1979, In the Sinn Féin Party, he proposed to change the strategic direction from armed struggle to calling on the people of Northern Ireland to participate in a democratic referendum. He was elected as a member of the West Belfast District Council in the UK in 1983. In the same year, he became the chairman of the Sinn Fein Party and was elected as one of the ministers of the Parliament. , but he must take an oath of allegiance to the Queen of England, so he refuses to take the post."

"He still has brains, but when he was young, he was too impulsive and had no future." Sean directly concluded.

"He's coming to visit you, see you?" Lorraine asked.

"See, what's missing!" Sean nodded and agreed, "Always let the British authorities see my actions, and squeeze the cards into my hand first."

Seeing Sean's toughness, the female prime minister kept Sean deeply in her heart.

At the same time, she also saw the signal from Sean. Although she was very vicious when facing her in Downing Street, she had a completely different image in front of the media.

From the female prime minister's point of view, Xiao En is very cunning and self-aware at the same time, and has a weird style of acting, but like Shen Bi said, he has a certain sense of proportion.

Weird and self-consistent logic.

Fortunately, Sean didn't do things absolutely, leaving a lot of leeway, but at the same time, he left himself a mess with Northern Ireland and Scotland.

Therefore, when the female prime minister heard that Sean hadn't left and met Gerry Adams, she suddenly had a headache.


"Hi, Mr. Sean, nice to meet you!" Gerry Adams was quite flattered to see Sean greet him at the hotel door in person.

Sean generously went up and gave Gerry Adams a hug, "I am also very happy, dear Mr. Gerry Adams."

Not far away, a group of paparazzi blushed with excitement, and the cameras in their hands were crackling non-stop.

Who is the most popular in Britain now!

That must be Sean Devil, as long as a picture of Sean can be taken in the near future, it will be money!

After a few simple greetings, Sean and Gerry Adams turned and entered the hotel, and a group of reporters began to discuss.

"Who knows the person who just hugged Sean, let Sean come down to greet him in person, his identity is definitely not simple, please share the information, guys." A reporter said first.

"This person seems to be called Adams. I remember that he is from the Sinn Féin Party in Northern Ireland. I don't know more specifically."

"Northern Ireland!"

"Sin Fein!"

These two words alone excited the group of paparazzi. They just said at the press conference that they support the independence of Northern Ireland, and now they are meeting people from Northern Ireland in a fair manner!

Big news, big breaking news!

What the hell are you paparazzi, you tell me about political awareness?

In order to convince themselves, these paparazzi talk about "news without borders" and "people's right to know" all day long, as long as the news is explosive enough, who the hell cares so much!

Raising a family is hard enough, let the big shots think about political awareness or something!


"I asked the reporter to take a photo on purpose. I believe that at noon, the news of my meeting with you will spread. I admit that I used you." Back in the hotel suite, Sean said it directly without any concealment.

In his status, this is called straightforwardness.

Of course, ordinary people are called idiots.

"Haha, Mr. Sean is as real as the rumors say. Of course I don't mind. Being able to be used by others shows that I am valuable. This is a happy thing." Gerry Adams said with a smile.

"That's right, I'm glad you think so." Sean smiled and pointed to the tea on the table, "I like straightforward communication, if the person I'm talking to can't even bear the truth, then I will definitely not talk to you." He has a deeper communication that doesn't make sense."

"Mr. Xiao En, I am very glad that you can support the independent cause of Northern Ireland. At the press conference, you said something, which inspired me a lot. Therefore, I came to visit you and hope to get your help." Gerry Adams understood what Sean meant and said directly.

"If the information I got is correct, you joined the IRA in the past, planned some terrorist attacks, and then slowly changed your position?" Sean asked.

"Yes, sir, as you said before, I found that armed struggle cannot complete the independence of Northern Ireland. This method is outdated, so I changed my mind."

"Very good, but it's a pity." Sean nodded and shook his head again, "Northern Ireland is too close to the island of Great Britain, there is no hope for armed struggle, but it's a pity that you have already participated in armed struggle, this is a stain, the British authorities must It will attack you at this point, and it is impossible for you to fulfill your long-cherished wish."

When Sean said this, Gerry Adams turned pale.

After a long while, Adams sighed. He has also discovered it in recent years.

The British authorities passed a bill against him making it illegal to broadcast the voices of members of the illegally outlawed Irish parliamentary group and the leader of Sinn Féin, so when Adams is interviewed on radio or television, his answers must be judged by others. An anonymous recap.

"I know why you're here." Sean said bluntly: "But, to be honest, I don't care whether Northern Ireland is independent, including Scotland and Wales. This is what I use to threaten the British authorities. The purpose is just to make Northern Ireland independent." They're on fire in their backyard, so stop fucking messing with my operations in Southeast Asia."

Hearing what Sean said, Adams had no expression on his face, obviously he knew it too.

"Including this meeting, it's just a reminder to the female prime minister. I don't think you expect me to be an American, so everyone is using each other on this point."

"Of course, I will donate a sum of money to Sinn Féin, not a lot, $500,000, to show my support."

"Finally, I have a suggestion for you, do you want to hear it?" Sean looked at Adams and said.

"Of course I want to hear it. This is also one of the purposes of coming here. I can see that you have a deep understanding of struggle. Order is evil." Adams joked.

Xiao En laughed for a while before saying: "Borrowing a saying from the ancient Chinese emperors, 'Accumulate food widely, and become king slowly'. It is precisely by this policy that this beggar defeated the Mongolian Empire and unified the East."

The reputation of the Mongol Empire in Europe is too loud, the whip of God, when the Western world explains the yellow race, it is the Mongolian race.

Hearing that it was so big, Adams' expression became serious.

"Take root in the local area, take root in the people of Northern Ireland, improve your own structure, take the interests of Northern Ireland as the foundation, first obtain the large-scale recognition of the local people, and turn Sinn Féin into the largest party in Northern Ireland, and then..." Sean He clenched his fist.

Adams shook his head, "The Unionists don't want independence, they still want to stay in the UK."

"This is the problem. You can't even unite all the Irish, so how can you talk about independence." Sean spread his hands, "Continuous armed conflicts between the two factions will only destabilize the society, which will not win the majority People’s support, as I said, even the devil wants world peace.”

"Not engaging in armed struggle does not mean not fighting."

"I also ask Mr. Sean to give advice." Adams got up and bowed.

"Remember, the highest position of morality must be occupied first. Putting forward the negotiation first can win the approval of most people."

Sean stretched out his second finger and said: "The second is the public opinion position. Ordinary people actually don't have much thought. They are busy with work, family, and life every day. This has involved too much energy for them, so they have no time at all. To think about too many problems."

"At this time, the direction of public opinion propaganda can 'guide' the people's thinking."

"So, you must have your own radio, radio station, and newspaper. Of course, these things cannot be used to directly promote independent ideas."

"Then what are we promoting?" Adams was puzzled.

"Propaganda, history, culture, language, education." Sean stared into Adams' eyes and said, "This is called a unified ideological front. First of all, we must distinguish the Irish from the English."

"How to distinguish, everyone has one nose and two eyes, which requires history, culture, and language."

"If you want to stir up national sentiment, the first thing is to really differentiate them, but Northern Irish people understand that they are Irish, let them identify with Sinn Féin, and the rest is easy."

"Thank you, Mr. Sean, you have given me a lot of inspiration. Although I advocate a peaceful referendum for independence, I don't have a clear and specific way." Adams sincerely thanked him.

"No, you don't understand." Sean suddenly smiled, and Adams was taken aback.

"Are you going to call for the disbandment of the Northern Love Army?" Sean asked with a smile.

Adams frowned and nodded, "As you said, prolonged terrorist attacks will disgust the public."

"Wrong, wrong, wrong!" Sean stretched out a finger and shook it, "Walking on one leg is not fast, and armed struggle will only bring disaster, but, is this necessarily bad?"

"What would the police do without thieves? Without armed struggle, you still call for a peaceful solution to conflicts!"

Adams stared at Sean dumbfounded. After a long while, he swallowed, devil!

"While publicly setting aside the relationship with them, guide the conflict and let them make trouble. Children who cry will have milk. This is at home, but children who can beat and make trouble can attract enough attention."

"Where there is evil, there is justice, and there are bad people, there are good people. No concept can exist independently. A pure peace movement cannot fight for self-government rights. Without autonomy, how can it advocate a referendum? If the government refuses to recognize it, the result will be Worthless."

"The government exists in the same camp as me, so what morals are expected of them." Sean stretched out his hands and pushed forward, "Two-pronged approach!"

Adams stood and bowed deeply, this time he was really convinced.

It is natural to be bad. If you say that the person in front of you is a super rich man, and he is in a place like the United States, he has never engaged in an independence movement at all, but look at how he operates.

It makes me feel ashamed of myself who has been engaged in the independence movement for decades.

Of course, while feeling ashamed, his heart was full of hope, and his intuition told him that if he did this, he would definitely see the day when Northern Ireland became independent in his lifetime!

Adams left with excitement.

Lorraine walked over with a displeased face, "You just want Northern Ireland to be independent so much. Didn't you say before that you don't want to offend the British government!"

"Yeah, I didn't think about it!" Sean blinked with a puzzled look on his face.

"I didn't expect you to give him so many things!"

"That's all there is, it's just some superficial tricks, what's wrong?"

"Is this still superficial?" Lorraine looked at Sean in astonishment.

"Of course, if I do it this way, I won't even think about achieving independence within 30 years."

"Do you have a more evil method?" Lorraine couldn't believe it. As far as what Sean said just now, she can guarantee that if the female prime minister listens, that woman must have menopause on the spot!

"Of course!" Sean said proudly, "What I just said is nothing more than pediatrics. If I make a move, Northern Ireland will be guaranteed independence for 10 years!"

"What way?" Lorraine knew he shouldn't ask, but he was curious.

"The reaction should start from the dolls. First, revise the textbooks in Northern Ireland. All the villains in the textbooks have specific English symbols, and they are drawn in a stereotyped and ugly way!"

"Strengthen the proportion of history courses in education, increase the historical events during the English invasion period, and take the exam at the end of each semester."

"Shooting related movies, TV series, operas, music about the invasion of England, mass brainwashing propaganda from the point of view of entertainment."

"Newspapers, radio, more interactive question-and-answer programs with the audience, invest a part of the bonus to attract the audience, and the questions and answers are all related to contradictions."

"Create a festival unique to Northern Ireland, about invasion, about resistance, and use the names of heroes in Northern Ireland. I believe experts who understand the history of Northern Ireland can handle this."

"This festival must be off for one day, so that it can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people." Sean said, waving his hand, "There are too many tricks, I just think about it, it's very simple, it hasn't deliberately provoked ethnic conflicts .”

Lorraine stared at Xiao En dumbfoundedly, and it took him a while to recover, "If the CIA finds out about your thoughts, it will definitely kill you immediately."

"Your existence itself is the biggest factor of instability. The devil can no longer describe you. Satan should be your name!"

"God, let a lightning strike kill you!"

"Hey, hey, what are you talking about!" Sean was not happy on the spot, "You insisted on asking me, okay, now you turn around and say that I have a problem, it's unreasonable!"

Lorraine raised her head and rolled her big eyes, "I shouldn't have asked, my God, I'm going to sleep and forget about these damn things."

With that said, Lorraine turned around and left!

"Crazy!" Sean cursed behind him, and he didn't invent the methods of illustration.

Sitting there, Xiao En tilted his head and thought to himself for a long time,'s so evil!


"Meeting Evil and Evil"

That afternoon, photos of Sean's meeting with Adams emerged.

The British tabloids quickly dug up the information about Gerry Adams, a former terrorist who fought for independence all day long, a current member of parliament, and a devil who publicly declared to support the independence of Northern Ireland.

This meeting is not going to be a sensation!

The news quickly reached the ears of the female prime minister. The angry female prime minister gritted her teeth and called Shen Bi without saying a word, "Sir, help me tell Sean to stay away from Northern Ireland!"

Shen Bi agreed, dumbfounded, and finally comforted the female prime minister, "There is a high probability that he is just putting on a show. From my understanding, he will never participate in things that are not beneficial. He has never been an idealist."

"It's better!" The female prime minister finally calmed down after hanging up the phone.

After thinking about it, she was still uneasy, and the female prime minister immediately ordered the team to come over, "Tell me, how to deal with this matter?"

"There must be a public statement denouncing this behaviour."

"Then, the media will follow up immediately, and everyone will continue to discuss because of the official statement." Someone immediately retorted.

"Then you can let it go? After that, no one will dare to come out and talk nonsense!"

"Are you provoking the British government? Do you think everyone is a lunatic like Sean? Everyone has such a strong background and strength!"

"You are weak!"

"This is called scrutiny and moderation. The key now is to suppress this trend, not let them intensify."

The team was divided into two factions, and everyone quarreled with each other.

One side is unwilling to compromise with the majesty of the old empire, and the other side wants to settle things down as soon as possible.

The female prime minister rubbed the center of her brows with a headache, silently praising her in her heart, damn Sean! !


"I advise you to come back quickly." The old man David called Sean, "You really don't think it's a big deal, right? Are you afraid that those extremist organizations in England will take your black money and plant a bomb on your car?"

"Don't be afraid!" Sean said presciently: "RPGs can handle it, and bombs are even more impossible. I have a professional team!"

Old man David was speechless immediately, "You are quite self-aware."

"Thank you Fifth Grandfather for your compliment!"

David was defeated by Sean's shamelessness, "Then you stay in London."

"Haha, I'll go back tomorrow, this place is gloomy all day, people are about to grow hair, and I have a gift for you!"


The Golden Palace flew away, and while the authorities were greatly relieved, the paparazzi were very reluctant.

What a topic maker!

It wasn't far from London to New York, Sean didn't go home directly, and rushed to Rockefeller's office as soon as he got off the plane.

Seeing old man David again, Sean put a mahogany box on the table and stretched out his hand to signal, "It's a gift for you, open it and have a look."

Old man David raised his eyebrows. Sean often brought him presents, but this was the first time he was so impatient to show them off. He also became interested.

In the center of the mahogany box is the Rockefeller family crest, inlaid with solid gold.

David reached out and opened an ancient lock that was also made of pure gold and lifted the lid of the box. What came into view was an object wrapped in bright yellow dragon-carved silk.

The rough outline should be a circle.

With curiosity, he lifted the silk cover, old man David frowned, and a crown made of pure gold appeared in front of his eyes.

The entire golden crown is studded with precious stones, sapphires, rubies, emeralds, and diamonds, and in the center is also a Rockefeller family crest.

Old man David picked up the crown and played with it in his hands, and it took him a long time to put it down, "You asked someone to do it, ha, Rockefeller is not a royal family, what are you doing with this!"

He said it on his mouth, but the corner of his mouth that hung up involuntarily betrayed the old man.

Obviously, the old man was very happy!

"The royal family is not worth much now. All the royal families in Europe are not as rich as I am, let alone compared with the Rockefeller family led by the great Mr. David Rockefeller." Sean exaggerated, "So, of course you worthy of the crown!"

Old man David couldn't control it after all, and burst out laughing.

It took a while for the old man to stop laughing, "Don't you think this sycophant is too naked!"

"Maybe, but as long as it works, who cares!" Sean shrugged and laughed.

If other members of the family gave the crown to the old man, the old man David would only smile and dismiss him, and give a vanity, arrogance, and unusable evaluation.

But Sean can't, even though this kid is the most outstanding among the four and five generations of the family, and even the peers of several other big families!

Xiao En gave the crown, which is called showing respect for the achievements of the elders, this is called recognition of the family, and this is called inheritance!

Anyway, whatever Sean does now, old David thinks it's fine.

After all, he is a hero who has just been attacked by the British government in London!

Even if other people want to imitate Sean, they will only be judged by the media as overreaching, and the British side is too lazy to respond.

Old man David took out the crown again to look left and right, and after admiring it for a while, he put it back.

"Tell me, you little devil, I don't believe that you would give me such a precious gift for no reason, what bad idea are you kidding?" quality.

"No, Grandpa Fifth, what do you mean, am I this kind of person!"

"Aren't you, you know it in your heart!" Old man David curled his lips.

"You really wronged me this time!" Sean looked aggrieved, and old David was unmoved.

With a light cough, Sean said, "I've settled with King Jiji. It's not a problem to win Lin Meng. At that time, Luni's oil resource family can definitely step in and squeeze Shell slowly." Go out, I'm doing business for the family."

The old man David looked Sean up and down for a while, and laughed, "In the next five years, the total growth of global crude oil consumption will not exceed 5%, while the growth rate of oil production will far exceed the growth rate of consumption."

"That is to say, the more oil wells have been opened in recent years, the greater the burden on enterprises and the more they will lose money!"

"Forget it!" Sean stood up without saying a word, turned around and left.

Old man David was taken aback, and quickly shouted: "Stop!"

"Hey, what's the matter?!" Sean looked puzzled.

The old man David twitched, "Come back, sit down!"

Sean's old man, Gao, looked at old David and didn't speak, his eyes were full of jokes.

"You brat, don't you know how to take care of the elderly!" David was so angry.

"In my heart, you are still young."

David rolled his eyes angrily, "You can tell that monkey king that the Rockefeller Foundation will support him, so he can rest assured."

Of course, David could see what Sean meant. He was afraid that he would be sanctioned economically by the British authorities if he offended the British authorities. As long as he blocked his oil exports a little bit, he would be able to keep him going.

Crude oil can increase production at any time as long as it is pumped hard. OPEC was formed only to protect its own interests and to balance production capacity.

This balance is to stipulate how much oil each oil-producing country can produce.

The original purpose was to maintain market prices, but this can also be used as a weapon.

A slight increase in production by other countries can squeeze out the quota of mud.

Due to the lack of petrochemical capabilities, oil-producing countries like Nani are actually being strangled by the neck.

Oil that cannot be sold is just waste!

At this time, Rockefeller is needed to help out. The economic lifeline of Luni is controlled by Shell and BP, so there is no courage to challenge it.

"I want 10% of the profit!" Sean said.

Old man David let out a sigh, with an expression that I knew you were nothing, and pointed to the golden crown, "Take it away, take it away, your gift is too expensive, my old man can't afford it!"

"I want 10% of the income for just a crown. You are asked to do this business. The capitalists will cry when they see it!"

Sean couldn't hold back his laughter, "A crown is a crown, and a business is a business."

"I paid a lot this time. The actual control of Lin Meng is in the hands of Malay. I have to expand my army again to complete the occupation of Lin Meng. I will definitely have to fight a war in the end. It's all money!"

"How much benefit did they give you!?"

"It's not much money. It's said to be 1 billion, but it's actually paid in installments. It's only 150 million a year. It's hard for me to maintain such a large expense!"

"Besides, if you don't speak Malay at that time, the British guys will have to trouble me again. Is it easy for me!"

"Fart!" Old man David pointed at Sean and said, "One billion is not enough, how much more do you want!"

"You have to understand one thing first." Old man David said with a serious face: "When you don't have much money, it's easy to earn the 10 million, but it's difficult to earn 100 million with 10 million." !"

"And from 100 million to 1 billion, that is a leap that many families have been unable to complete for decades. Now that the amount of funds is large to a certain extent, it is impossible to maintain the early growth rate."

"Is it difficult? I don't think so. To make money, you just need to have your hands!" Sean shrugged with a flat face.

Old man David: "..."

He didn't come up in one breath, and the old man almost choked to death.

Seeing the old man's angry look, Xiao En hurried over to stroke the old man's back, "Don't be angry, don't be angry, I couldn't control it for a while."

"Don't run to me after you, you will drive me to death sooner or later!" The old man said viciously, but he was thinking in his heart, this is good, write it down, write it down.

Say that next time you see those old men.

piss them off!

"Fifth Grandpa, I think you're a bit blunt in changing the subject. I've put in so much effort, you can't deny me any benefits!" Xiao En sat back and said with a smile.

The old man's body froze, and he stretched out his hand and tapped Sean fiercely, "It's impossible to share, and the consortium doesn't only have the shares of the Rockefellers."

"Change the conditions."

"Then technology." Xiao En tilted his head and thought for a while, "Oil sand mining technology, coal mining technology, oil storage, offshore oil production platform construction..."

"Stop, stop!" the old man hurriedly called to stop, "Isn't it endless, isn't it true that technology is worthless!"

"Technology isn't something that you can lose if you give it away. Why are you so stingy?"

The young and the old bargained fiercely for a while, and finally Sean wanted to choose the right to choose 4 major technologies, and we will talk about what he wants specifically at that time.

Satisfied, Sean left Rockefeller's office blowing a ditty.


"Boss, I've had several talks with the Bronx area, and the current price has reached $6 million." Norris reported to Xiao Enhui.

"How expensive is the asking price for a fucking mass grave!" Sean said dissatisfied.

"Boss, most of the islands around New York have been sold. The normal price is about 12 million US dollars for 0.1 square kilometers."

"So expensive!?" Sean was taken aback.

"Boss, it's not expensive. This is New York." Norris continued, "Actually, the Bronx district government has no plans to sell it. After all, 6 million is really worthless."

Sean squinted at Norris, and heard him continue: "I promised some campaign funds, and said that you wanted to buy it, and the other party agreed."

Sean clicked twice, "Okay, sign the contract tomorrow, and start working as soon as possible!"


Recommend a good-looking book "Hong Kong Movie Heroes"!

I heard that readers who fully subscribe to this book are in luck!

Really, the Chinese do not lie to the Chinese!

Suppressing Evil, Acting on behalf of Heaven——Wang Yaozu

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