America’s Big Hero

Chapter 383 Tour de France

(PS: As we all know, Fireworks has never opened a map gun in the book, don’t hurt me, even if the Songjiang Mansion did not perform well this time, it is only a small group of people’s problems, the absolute majority of Songjiang People in the government are all victims, and the victims are miserable, please aim, don't accidentally injure friendly troops.)


Twelve people came, one shot was taken, and two were seduced. At this moment, the alliance completely collapsed.

"Okay, let me see which ones are useless and which ones are useful." Sean slid his fingers back and forth on the information, and Henry and Abel sat on the sofa with relaxed faces, chatting with the other 9 people. opened a distance.

Now, everyone's status is different!

People are no longer at the same level!

This appearance made the noses of the other 9 people crooked, and they secretly scolded these two damn Frenchmen for surrendering too quickly, while praying that they would be chosen by Sean.

It's complicated anyway.

"Transportation..." Sean frowned and looked up at Henry, "Tell me, is it more cost-effective to build a chemical plant directly near the mine, or is it more cost-effective to transport the minerals to Casablanca."

"It can't be near the mine. Whether it is producing phosphoric acid or phosphate fertilizer, there is a need for the environment. The dust near the mine is too heavy, which is a kind of damage to the equipment." Henry said quickly: "Besides, workers are also a problem. , There is no suitable large-scale residential area near the mine, so what is needed is not only accommodation, but also living facilities.”

Sean nodded, "Then it is more cost-effective to maintain the status quo and transport the ore by truck, or it is more cost-effective to build a conveyor belt to transport the ore to the vicinity of the factory."

"In the short term, it is cost-effective to maintain the existing transportation system. In the long run, it is definitely more cost-effective to use the transportation belt. The factory is in Julfreisfer, and the straight-line transportation belt needs more than 60 kilometers." Henry replied directly without thinking. : "It's just that there are several key issues here. First, public security."

"A 60-kilometre conveyor belt, even along the road, would make that section completely impassable and vulnerable to damage, with a bomb stopping production on the conveyor belt."

"The other is the premise investment, and the construction cost is not small. We have actually done calculations for these, but for various reasons, we have not implemented them."

Sean nodded, looked up at the company specializing in ore transportation and said, "Now you can send your people to Morocco. Congratulations. Work hard. I'm optimistic about you."

The Frenchman who specializes in transportation has no joy on his face, but bows deeply. He also wants to surrender, but it is obvious that the big man in front of him is going to build a transportation belt, which means that even if the company has taken back these vehicles operating in Morocco , In less than two years, they will completely lose their business in Morocco, and the decline of the company is inevitable.

And standing in front of the boss, but he didn't have a chance to hug his thigh, this...

Absolutely not!

The moment he bowed and stood up, this guy made up his mind, "Mr. Xiao En, I have rich experience in the management, maintenance, and efficiency improvement of the transportation industry. Believe me, I can start the construction of the transportation belt from now on." And run a pre-drill, you won't be disappointed."

"But I haven't started designing, let alone building." Sean spread his hands.

"It's not a problem at all. I can work for you for free during this time." Maupassant said with a firm face.

The remaining eight people: Bah, Frenchman!

Sean didn't speak, but turned his head to look at Henry. The meaning was obvious. In the future, he would hand over the management of the company to Henry, so...

"Maupassant has worked in the transportation industry for more than 15 years, and he is indeed rich in experience. His joining will definitely make the transportation system transition from the existing system to the new system smoothly." Henry reminded, and Sean understood it immediately.

Yes, excessive system is a big problem. If you are destined to lose this business, the last stage of excessive is the big problem.

"Okay, now you're on your own." Sean nodded.

Maupassant clenched his fists, happily walked to Henry and sat down next to them, raised his head, and looked at the other eight people proudly.

The United States has established a naval base here, and with the support of Sean, Moulay Sidi ascended to the throne. Coupled with the powerful force of the umbrella company, it can be said that Sean of Morocco will be half the master in the future.

Is there a better boss in this industry than this one?

there is none left!

Seeing that Maupassant successfully surrendered, the other eight people couldn't sit still.

"Mr. Sean, I am doing ore selection. This is the necessary link between the ore and the factory. Believe me, I can persuade the company's board of directors at a very low price and let the board of directors agree to transfer the company to You, in the future, we can integrate the other two ore selection companies to improve efficiency and reduce costs. I will be the most loyal manager, and no one is more suitable than me." Le Goff said, patted his chest.

The eyeballs of the other two ore selection companies who spoke a step slower almost popped out, Mr. Draft!

What is the integration of the other two companies! ?

It's not enough for you to sell your own company, why did you sell our two companies?

Are you fucking human?

If it weren't for the fear that the indifferent face next to them would shoot them down if they were not afraid of suddenly injuring someone, the two of them would have jumped up and tore this damned Frenchman to pieces!

No, absolutely not!

Isn't it surrender, who is afraid of whom!

"Mr. Sean, I don't think Legoff's cooking is thorough enough!" The other person suddenly stood up, "I have a more thorough and better way!"

"The three of us are all engaged in ore selection. In fact, our business is not only in the phosphate mine industry, but also in ferrous metals and non-ferrous metals. Our business scope covers central and western Africa."

"We compete in various countries and industries. Of course, there is also cooperation in competition."

"The loss in Morocco was heavy this time, and the blow to the company was not small. I thought, why can't we take this opportunity to directly start in France and promote the merger and integration of the three companies."

"To solve the problem at the root, Mr. Xiao En happened to have acquired three shares before, and promoted it on the way of the company's merger. He can completely occupy a large proportion of shares in the new company, and maybe he can become a major shareholder!"

Sean raised his hand and clapped his hands, 'pop', 'pop' and 'pop', with a look of approval on his face, beautiful, simply too beautiful!

Behind him, Lorraine has been trained in MI6, he can keep calm no matter what the situation is, and he will never show his emotions on his face unless he can't help it! !

O Frenchman!

If your enemies are Arabs, you've won, if your teammates are Italians, you've lost, and if your backstage is French, they've surrendered.

Whenever the French surrender, they must scramble to be the first, otherwise they won't be able to eat hot shit!

No matter how much Lorraine despised this group of Frenchmen, the final result was that Sean incorporated them all.

Henry is responsible for overall operations, from mines to transportation to fertilizer production.

The other 11 people, including the guy who was shot in the leg and lying on the hospital bed, also joined in and were responsible for the original business.

For several companies whose main business is in France, Sean will let them exercise shareholder rights on his behalf.

Anyway, each has its own arrangements!

To be honest, now Sean can't find anyone to manage these factories left by the French, and, regardless of Morocco's 40% shareholding, the actual management of the Moroccan Phosphate Company is in the hands of the French.

There are two reasons, first: technology, and second: management.

In the past, there was only mining in Morocco, and the ore was transported to France through the port for selection and manufacturing.

It was also in 1975 that King Hassan II established the first phosphoric acid and phosphate fertilizer production line in Julflesfer after negotiating with the French.

These expenditures are mainly for the supply of Moroccan native consumption.

The technology belongs to the French, the equipment belongs to the French, and the French don't need Moroccan funds. It was Hassan II who begged the French to turn imported fertilizers into local production, reducing costs.

Therefore, when Sean got all the factories, the management can be said to be a mess, and these Moroccans really can't do it.

No way, no way!

When Thompson Alves interceded, Sean was already ready to recruit them, it was nothing more than a matter of means.

That shot had to be fired, even if no one provoked him, Sean would say "I don't like people who step left first" because of who steps left or right first!

One shot completely knocked out their spirits!

Let them understand that the person standing in front of them is a guy who likes to 'convince people with reason'.

Now that the compilation is over, of course, there is no contract, just a verbal agreement, but Sean doesn't think anyone dares to play him.

It doesn't matter if he is American or British or French.

Sean will send them to God.

After reaching an agreement, the group of people did not leave immediately, but went straight to work, including the guy with a hole in his thigh, who was lying on the bed and working on the phone.

Unprecedented enthusiasm!

Apart from the higher salary Sean gave, what really attracted them was Sean's words, within the sphere of influence of the umbrella, all negotiations do not require skills!

Power, in this world, what can really make a man intoxicated and unable to extricate himself is definitely not money, but power!

So, what is official position?.JPG

Although the idealist is greater, more charming, and more able to make people abandon everything to follow, the ultimate state of the world must be the official standard.

Only then did everyone know that Sean really didn't stay with them for such a long time, he was really busy.

Of course, Sean was free again, and asked Henry to ask, and confirmed that the people who attacked the mines and factories before were those engaged in smuggling!

Sean was really dumbfounded.

A group of people who have been dazzled by the wealth that fell from the sky, but it can't be said that it is useless.

The French government has nothing to do with them, but that doesn't mean Sean has nothing to do with them.

No matter how hidden the smuggling channel is, in the final analysis, the source of the goods is going to go from Morocco, and as long as you follow the source of the goods, you will not be able to escape.

A call was made, and the behind-the-scenes bosses of the largest agricultural product supplier in Morocco were several big families. When they arrived at the port, thousands of tons of fruits and vegetables were transported away by more than a dozen large and small ships every day.

Throw a locator in the vegetable bag on each ship and forget about it.

As soon as the boat left the Moroccan waters, the umbrella speedboat chased after it. When they saw the speedboat with machine guns installed, the people on board became paralyzed on the spot.

This is, a pirate?

Surrender, must surrender!

However, before they rushed out to express their intention to surrender, an armed helicopter arrived near the overhead and began to circle.


The captain stretched out his hand and stopped the crew who were about to surrender on the deck.

He touched his chin with his hand and said that the pirates had a speedboat and machine guns, but could the pirates have armed helicopters?

This is obviously impossible.

Therefore, these must be official, navy or air force or army, but no matter what the army is, as long as it is official, there is no need to be afraid at all!

They are officially imported from Morocco, and the procedures are complete, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

In this world, no matter what era, no matter what political system, no matter what culture, it is better to commit crimes in the hands of the state than in the hands of private individuals.

In the hands of the state, the crime can still be negotiated, and there are laws and regulations that can restrict it, but it will be miserable if the crime is in the hands of private individuals.

Thinking about it, the captain, who was so frightened just now, rushed to the helicopter pointing at the sky and shouted loudly: "Who are you, please show your ID."

Sean:? ? ?

Turning to look at Torrey, "Do I look like a good person?"

Torre held back a smile and said nothing.

Hovering at a height of 5 meters, he jumped down along the downhill rope. Sean was in the middle, and he didn't need to tell him after landing. There is a deep gully in the middle of the smoke.

"Ahhhhh..." The captain screamed and held his head until he confirmed that the head was still intact, then he let out a long sigh of relief.

"Now I'll give you a chance to reorganize the language, Frenchman!" Sean put his hands in his pockets and said slowly.

"Dear guest, what are your orders?" The French captain saluted respectfully.

"Someone attacked several factories and mines in Morocco yesterday. I got information that it was done by smugglers."

As soon as the words came out, the French captain immediately knew who the speedboat and helicopter belonged to. This matter spread all over the circle, and he was shocked, "I'm not, I don't, it has nothing to do with me, my procedures are all It's legit!"

As he said that, he knelt down with a plop, shouted, and waved for people to come up with various customs clearance procedures.

As we all know, Umbrella is not a reasonable person.

Sean looked at it, and the procedures were indeed complete, but the problem was that these vegetables were exported to Italy.

Sean understood this little trick at a glance. After the goods were delivered to the French border, they would be robbed. The people were fine, but the goods were robbed, and then there was nothing else.

Everything is reasonable, and it has nothing to do with them as to where the goods end up.

"Someone attacked my Sean's property, then someone must pay for it. I never look at the process, I only look at the result, and let everyone know the consequences of doing such a thing." Sean said with a sullen face. He said word by word: "So, this person can be you, he, or the real murderer."

"I'm only giving it one day, and I'm going to find 20 people to come out and pay for it."

"If you don't want to be a part of this, well, I think you know what to do."

After explaining, Sean didn't say much, he took people on the helicopter and left directly.

There is a battle formation on the speedboat on this cargo ship, the French captain's guts are knotted, damn, tell those people to restrain themselves, restrain themselves, just fucking don't listen, damn it, it killed me up!

He just delivered the goods. It is true that the shipping fee is higher than normal, but it is only a small link. It is really wronged to be approached by someone now.

But he didn't dare to say anything, so he could only honestly lead this group of American soldiers across the French naval blockade.

The American soldiers who protected the umbrella were not afraid of being discovered. If they were stopped by the French navy, then they had accepted the task of escorting the merchant ship. After all, they had been robbed every day for the past two months.

We are a legitimate security company.

After crossing the blockade and arriving along the French route, the robbery ship came.

The French captain looked bitter, and said falteringly: "This is the ship that was robbed yesterday. Well, after the robbing, it was discarded at sea by pirates. We found it the next day and drove away again."

Relay race!

Tour of the French Mediterranean Shipping Competition.

The Tour de France for short!

The two merchant ships approached, and before the 'robbers' jumped over, a group of American soldiers rushed over. Under the horrified eyes of a group of robbers, several gunshots were fired.

Act under the umbrella, shoot first, talk later!

This way of communication, so far, has been unfavorable!

"Who did the Morocco attack?"

"It's not me!" The robber boss screamed while hugging his thigh.

"Then find out who did it, and give your people 15 hours. We need 20 murderers to come out and bear the consequences. If we can't figure it out, then we can use you to make up the number." The leading American soldier said coldly, and then lost Several pistols to deck, "Let yours go."

The robber boss was completely stupid. They were indeed local gangsters, but they were only responsible for picking up the goods at sea, and then transporting them to a private dock. They didn't know anything else.

It's really not what they did, but the problem is that these American soldiers are obviously not planning to find any real culprits.

"Hurry up and find someone, wait and watch me die!" The robber boss hugged his thigh and yelled at his subordinates.

The people who protect the umbrella are divided into a few to follow again, one level at a time, no one can even try to run away!

Especially this one who offers a private dock.

Private dock?

Dead Man's Wharf!

Sean sent out three brigades one centimeter to deal with the matter. That night, the 23 people involved in the attack and the private dock provider were brought back across the coastline by the three brigades.

None escaped!

As I said before, these people who participated in making a fortune because of the sudden tension in the fruit and vegetable market are not even as good as gangsters. They are unorganized, undisciplined, and have no confidentiality measures at all.

Once someone catches a line and pulls it lightly, everyone will be exposed.

Sean is not going to clean up the moths for the French government, and he doesn't care about any shit smuggling, if there is no attack on his factory.

Now that it's happened, there's not much to say.

The French navy did not stop them. During the day today, the people above asked about smuggling through the blockade during this period.

There are rules in the official affairs, and the meaning of asking the people below is not to arrest people, but to warn them.

The warning is not for them to strengthen the blockade and prevent people from passing through. The warning means to clean up and finish, so as not to cause trouble!

Whoever is trouble, Umbrella's revenge is trouble.

People in the navy also hate it, fuck it, they are crazy about money, they dare to mess with anyone, they knew something bad was going to happen when they received the news yesterday.

Early the next morning, a small freighter set off from the pier with nothing on board, except 28 guys who were tied up firmly.

In addition to that are the 12 French who surrendered yesterday.

The ship sailed all the way to the open sea, and 28 people were dragged out of the cabin.

Everyone's mouth was blocked with rags, their hands and feet were bound, and they could only wriggle like maggots.

A group of American soldiers came out, holding palm-sized fishhooks in their hands, which were large fishhooks used to catch sharks, and the fishhooks were tied with wire ropes.

Under the watchful eyes of 12 Frenchmen, the big fishhook was aimed at the man's calf and put on it.

The 12 Frenchmen who watched this action quickly closed their eyes, listening to the suppressed screams, their faces and bodies were sweating non-stop.

Especially the one who got shot in the leg was shaking so badly that he dropped his crutches and fell to the deck with a 'thump'.

After hanging the person with a big fishhook without delay, he lifted it and threw it directly into the sea. The sound of "plop" and "plop" fell into the water, and the 12 people had to shake every time.

"I advise you to take a good look at it. It is good for you. It can strengthen your outlook on life, values, and world outlook, and keep you in awe." Torre didn't know where to go to 12 people Beside him, he leaned over to help the fallen person up, "The boss said that only those who are in awe can live a long and happy life. I think what the boss said is right."

"What do you think?"

"Yes, yes, the boss is right."

"Yes, yes, the boss is wise." The 12 people talked nonsense.

They knew that this scene was specially performed for them to see. They didn't know if all of Xiao En's subordinates had seen it, and what their mood was after seeing it.

Anyway, they were terrified.

When I opened my eyes, I could see that the boat didn't stop, and was dragging people forward. The 28 people were wearing life jackets, and they would not die for a while.

The legs are pierced by fishhooks, and the blood keeps flowing out, which will soon attract the most ferocious carnivorous fish in this sea.

The end will definitely not be beautiful.

For example, sea wolves are often encountered when fishing in the sea. When the fish that is finally caught are out of the water, half of them are left. That is the masterpiece of sea wolves.

It took more than 10 hours to go around the sea, and it was already afternoon when I came back.

Everyone was in a trance and in a bad state.

But when their feet landed on the pier, everyone cheered up and shouted to work hard and work.

Torre shook his head, "Give you a three-day vacation and have fun in Casablanca. You can play casually, and the company will reimburse you. It's just a small game. Don't take it seriously, sir is a very good person."

"Be nice to yourself, very nice!"

Henry and the others nodded again and again, believe it or not, but words of thanks must come as soon as they open their mouths.


The final hurdle to the economic blockade between the three kingdoms of Falsemo has also been removed.

The progress of the negotiations sped up.

Morocco has no competition with Fassi, even in a few decades, Morocco will not pose a threat to them, unlike Da Mao.

Of course, it was Morocco that broke the deadlock. It first canceled the confiscation of some French assets and showed its attitude.

France still has to save face!

After Morocco returned most of its industries and "bowed its head and surrendered", the French proudly announced that they had lifted the economic blockade against Morocco.

As for the phosphate industry...

Because it happened in Morocco, the French government, in addition to strongly condemning and protesting, will also impose an embargo on Moroccan phosphate mines and phosphate fertilizer products!

At the same time, 12 companies are encouraged to file a lawsuit in Morocco!

Believe that the law will give them a fair trial!

On the day the blockade was opened, Reagan announced again that the United States would establish an air force base in central Morocco...

At this point, Morocco officially entered the American era.


"There are a few bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" Lorraine walked to Sean and said with a smile.

"Bad news? How many?" Sean tilted his head and looked at Lorraine, "Are you still laughing at the bad news?"

Lorraine shrugged, "Sorry, I really can't help it."

Sean:! ! !

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